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1、7. Sandy _ see the film with us because she _ it. A. doesnt; will see B. wont; see C. wont; has seen D. wont; saw 8. Ten years _ since I left my hometown. How I miss my parents! A. has past B. has passed C. have past D. have passed9. - My aunt goes to climb mountains every Sunday. - Oh? But she _ ha

2、te climbing mountains. A. used to B. was used to C. is used to D. get used to 10. The box was _ than I had expected. I was out of breath when I got home. (2014 内蒙) A. more heavier B. much heavier C. little heavier D. very heavier11. - _ you _ what club you want to join? - Not yet.A. Do, decide B. Ha

3、ve, decided C. Did, decide D. Can, decide12. Now people can _ with their friends far away by email, cell phone or Wechat. A. keep on B. stay in touch C. keep up D. catch up13. - What do you think of the book Alice In Wonderland ? -. _. I _ it twice already. A. Pretty good, read B. Its very interesti

4、ng, have read C. Its very good, am reading D. Its very wonderful, will read14. Monica, you _ the exam! Congratulations!A. pass B. have passed C. will pass D. are passing二、词汇。1. I think its i_ for me to do so much work in such a short time.2. The college students will face a difficult_ (形势) when they

5、 graduate(毕业).3. The radio says it will be rainy in most of the_ (北部) part of my hometown tomorrow.4. -Whats the time? - Its e_ 9:35 a.m. 10. The river runs_(穿过) the city.5The government hopes to improve the_ (状况)of the farmers.6That girl is so tallIs she in_ (初级的)school or in middle school?7The gov

6、ernment realized the importance of protecting the_ (环境).8.The doctor said they would never forget the terrible _(形势) after the snowstorm.三、完成句子。1 不管怎样,生活不像以前那么困难了。 _, life is not _. 2 李明去年出国,我们主要通过电子邮件互相交流。 Li Ming _ last year. We mainly _. 3. 他已经意识到学习英语的重要性了。Hes _ learning English already.4. 从我上次收到

7、他的来信,已经三周过去了。 It _ him last time. 5我祖父一辈子都住在这个小镇上。My grandfather _.6在过去的几年中,无锡发生了巨大的变化Great changes _ in Wuxi over the years.牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit 2易错题练习三、选择。( )1. - I usually drink a glass of water when I get up. -This is a good _as it can help your body work more smoothly. A. activity B. exercise C. ho

8、bby D. habit( )2. - Are you going to Jims party? - Its impolite to_ his invitation, right? He is so kind and friendly. A. refuse B. accept C. return D. receive( ) 3. - Tom, please tell Jack the good news. - I _. his father has told him about it already. A.dont have to B.have to C.must D.mustnt ( ) 4

9、. “And what do you _ the rest of your day?”asked Martin.A. do with B.spend on C.take to do( )5. - Your bag looks heavy. Do you need a hand? -_. Thanks all the same. A. I can manage it B. Yes, please C. Its really kind of you D. My pleasure ( )6. The family_ stay at the hotel because it was rain

10、ing hard. A. have to B. had to C. need to D. want to( )7. We are going for a picnic tomorrow. Ill call Wendy to make sure_. A. why to start B. which to start C. what to start D. when to start( )8.I didnt find out the answer_ the end of the story. A. in B. until C. when D. to( )9. -Lets go to the con

11、cert tonight, Michael!-Sorry, I_.I have to help my mother with the housework. A. mustnt B. may not C.neednt D. cant( )10.I would like to read the books history .A. by B. with C. about D. for( )11.She be at home , because the light in her room is on .A. must B. cant C. can D. might( )12.You may go to

12、 play football as soon as you homework .A. will be finish B. has finished C. finishes D. is finished四、词汇。1. The cooking books belong to the two _(德国人).2. Dont eat too many snacks, boys. They will make your _(胃) uncomfortable.3. Do you know those _(library) names? They are very patient with readers.

13、4 Be careful to make important _(decide) because they will lead to quite different results.5. Readers Digest is one of the most famous _ (读物).6. People can get the _ (知识) they need on the Internet.7.He has given his brother a free hand to _(管理) the business.8.When I choose to watch a movie, I often

14、read some _ (评论) about it.1. 对于你来说在空余时间内培养一个好的习惯是有好处的。 Its good for you_.2 工作一个小时之后,我感到筋疲力尽了。After working_, I felt _.3我试着挣脱一只手,最终还是失败了。I tried to _ but finally failed.4他看见一大群的蜜蜂正朝他飞过来。He saw _ towards him.5. 他们设法找到走出森林的路。They _ get out of the forest. 6.他注意到一大群蜜蜂径直向他飞来。He noticed _ him. 牛津译林版八年级英语下册

15、Unit3易错题练习一、选择( )1. Its_ to work out the problem. Im sure I can do it. A. difficult B. simple C. hard D. not easy ( )2. Dont_ the channel _ This channel is interesting enough. A. turn; On B. change; again C. search; at all D. see; any more( )3. Im looking after Tom today. Hes been in my house _ 8:00

16、 this morning. A. at B. for C. since D. till( )4. Just search the Internet, you can get almost all the _ you need. A. informations B. information C. picture D. story( )5. David visited lots of _ in the world. A. places of interesting B. places of interest C. place of interests D. place of interestin

17、g( ) 6.- What _ Daniel _? - He is tall and strong. A. does: like B. did; like C. does; look like D. is; look like( ) 7. I havent been to the temple(寺庙) _ the top of the hill. But I know you can get to the top _ fifteen minutes by cable car(缆车).A. at; in B. in; in C. at; for D. on; after( ) 8. Millie

18、 _ her homework just now. But I _ mine. I shouldnt watch TV first. A. has finished; havent finished B. finished; dont finish C. finished; havent finished D. has finished; didnt finish( ) 9. I saw Daniel _ videos when I walked past his house. A. watch B. was watching C. has watched D. watching( ) 10.

19、 - Where is Mike ?- He _to New York on business. He _ the airport at five in the morning .A. has gone; has left for B. has been; has left for C. has gone; left for D. has been; left for( ) 11. The new computer game _ Travel in Space. A. called B. calls C. is called D. is calling( ) 12. My family wil

20、l have a _ holiday in Australia. I want to see the Sydney Opera House.A. two weeks B. two weeks C. two weeks D. two-weeks ( ) 13. Its too hot. Would you mind _ the door? _, please do it now.A. to open; OK B. opening; Certainly notC. opening; Of course D. to open; Good idea( )14. There _ great change

21、s in our hometown in the past few years. A. has been B. was C. were D. have been( )15.-When _ your grandma _ you that dress last week? -Oh, I have forgotten. A. does; buy B. has; bought C. had; bought D. did; buy( )16. _ the papers in his hand, our English teacher came into the classroom happily. A.

22、 Has B. Have C. With D. Hold( )17. Mr. Smith _ in Nanjing since he _ to China years ago.A. worked; Has moved B. has worked; has moved C. has worked; moved D. was working; moved( )18.-I left my keys in the room yesterday, so I had to get in _ the window. A. in B. through C. over D. to( )19. I _ to le

23、arn English 5 years ago. I _over 1, 000 English words since then.A. have begun, have learned B. began, learned C. began, have learned D. have begun, learned( )20. -How do you communicate with your foreign friends? -_ writing emails, of course. A. With B. By C. At D. From( )21. It took me one and a h

24、alf hours _ Zhenjiang this morning. A. arriving B. getting to C. to get to D. to arrive( )22. _ people visited the small village where Mo Yan was born after he got the prize. A. Thousands of B. Thousand of B. Thousands D. Two thousand of( )23. -When _ your cousin _ his hometown? -He _ for nearly two years.A. has; left; has left B. did, leave;C. did, leave; has been away D. has, left; has been away( )24. There _ great changes in our hometown in the past few years.( )25.-When

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