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1、13. The publisher also said that the readers wouldnt believe the writers u_ way of thinking and rich i_ (想象力).14. This terms main reading category for senior high students is adventures, so Travel to the Misty Country would be a good c_.15. That is why we are considering r_ (重新包装)our chocolate bar a

2、s well.16. Our new packaging will be colorful and _ (引人注目).17. Have you ever _ (后悔) not having snapped those _ (难忘的) moments?18. Its _ (fashion), _ (方便的) and _ (function).19. It is _(极其) important to know your audience so you can create the right message for the right people.20. You must decide what

3、 a_ you want to use.II. Structures:21. We _ (如此习惯于) them that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day.Wood can _ (被用来造纸).We _ (过去常购物) on Sundays, but now we have no time.22. PSAs are often placed for free, and are intended to educate be intended/meant to do sth./ be intended/m

4、eant for sb/sthThis software _ _ _ _ the computers _ (是为了保护不受到攻击而设计) by a kind of virus called worm.The toy _ _ _ _ (是给儿童玩的) aged three and up.23. However, we still must _ _ _ (知道) the methods used in ads to try and sell us things._ _ _ (老师说的话) made me _ _ _ _ _(意识到英语的重要性).Are you aware _ _ _ _ (你已伤

5、害了)her feelings?24. We must not _ _ (上的当) this kind of trick.He is too smart to fall for that trick (很聪明不会中那个诡计的).25. These ads deal with large issues.He is _ _ _ _ (容易相处)._ _ _ _ _ (尽管她病了), she continued _ (处理) problems of all kinds.26. There are even PSAs to teach us how to _ _ _ _(过健康的生活).27. I w

6、ill encourage _ _ _ _ _ (鼓励朋友们注意) them as well.28. I recommend that _ _ (我们买) 10 copies for the library.= I recommend _ 10 copies for the library.He recommended me _ _ (呆) for another week.III. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms:put together, be popular with, be of high quality, remind sb.(no

7、t) to do sth, be bored with, have sth. in mind, appeal to, get sth across, up to 29. Therere lots of ways to your message _ when youre _ an ad campaign.30. It is important to always try to _ the way the audience will react.31. My daughter _ me forget to take my medicine.32. The company must ensure t

8、hat their product _.33. If you _ math, you should turn to doing some English exercises.34. When you start a successful ad campaign, you must _ a clear goal and target audience _ .IV. Translate the sentences:35. 为了上大学,他决心努力学英语。He _ to study English hard in order to go to college.He _ to study English

9、 hard in order to go to college.In order to go to college, he _ _ to study English hard.36. 你得确切地知道你想让他们做什么,这很重要。Its important _ exactly what you are trying to _ _ .Its important that you know what you are trying to .37. 是你决定想让受众知道或想到什么的时候了。Its time what you want the audience to know or think about.

10、Its time what you want the audience to know or think about.38. 周杰伦特别受年轻人欢迎。Jay especially young people.Jay young people.39. 不知道他们对我的提议会有什么反应。I how theyre going to _ my proposal.40. 我们有多种方式解决这个问题。We have several this problem.There are several _ we can settle this problem.41. 我不喜欢她的衣着打扮。I do not like

11、she is (dress).42. 这种疾病有90%的患者能被治愈。Ninety percent of the patients can _ _ this disease.43. 这个房间并不打算当起居室用的。This room is serve a living room.44. 我会让我叔叔帮我检查拼写。Ill get my uncle _ _ _ the spelling for me.45. 他的成功鼓励我坚持我的理想。His _ _ me to _ _ my ideal.V. Put the following sentences into reported speech:46.

12、She said, “Advertisements are an important part of our lives.”_.47. Matt asked Ann, “Are you the happiest person in the world?”48. “Where did you find the ads for jobs abroad?” Bill asked.49. The salesman said to me, “Read what some of our satisfied customers say.”50. “Dont worry,Mary.” The doctor s

13、aid.VI. Multiple choices:51. Tom said _ he was not sure _ the news was true and _ he would find out about truth himself.A. that; that; that B. if; if; if C. that; that D. if; if52. _ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.A. It B. As C. That D. What53. _ i

14、n a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed54. It took me about an hour to _ my intention _ her.A. get; across B. put; across C. get; across to D. put; across to55. In order to make our city green, _.A. it is necessary to have plant

15、ed more trees B. many more trees need to plantC. our city needs more trees D. we must plant more trees56. We wont give up _ we should fail 10 times.A. even if B. since C. whether D. until57. I dont think people are really aware _ just how much it costs.A. / B. on C. of D. about58. Many students sign

16、ed up for the _ race in the sports meeting to be held next week.A. 800- meter-long B. 800-meters-long C.800-meter-length D.800-meter-lengths59. You can _ mine if you have _ yours at home.A. share; left B. borrow; forgotten C. share; forgotten D. buy; left60. All the electrical equipment _ will be eq

17、uipped in the office _ great importance to us. are of B. that; is C. what; is of D. what; are of61. How do people react _ his speech against pollution?A. on B. to C. at D. in62. The teachers_ to learn from Lei Feng.A. appeal to us B. call on us C. demand us D. A and B答案:1. Advertisements 2. share 3.

18、 persuasive 4. promote 5. intended , issue 6. untrue 7. cures 8. creative 9. campaign 10. committing suicide 11. completed satisfied 12. trick 13. unique , imagination 14.choice 15. repacking 16.eye-catching 17.regretted, unforgettable 18.fashionable, convenient, functional 19.extremely 20.approach2

19、1.are used to , be used to make paper, used to go shopping intended/meant to protect, from being attacked, is meant/intended for children aware of , What the teacher said, aware of the importance of English, that you have hurt 24.fall for, is too smart to fall for that trick25. easy to d

20、eal with , In spite of her illness, dealing with 26. live/lead healthy lives friends to pay attention to28.we purchase, purchasing , to stay 29.get, across, putting together 30.appeal to31.reminded, not to of high quality 33.are bored with 34.have , in mind 35.decided, was determined, ma

21、de up his mind knoiw, get them to do , you know, have them do 37.for you to decide , to decide, popular with, apppeals especially to 39.wonder , react to 40.ways to settle, ways in which 41.the way, dressed cured of not intended to serve as help check 44.success encouraged ,

22、stick to5155 CBACD 5662 ACAABBDModule 4 Unit 2 Sporting eventsI .words Spelling:1. I am ( 愉快的)_to have been invited to your school to talk to you .2. I will talk to you about the history and (重要性)_ of the Olympic Games .3. I will (简要地)_share some interesting facts and stories with you.4. Some of the

23、 sports from the ancient Olympic are still seen today ,such as discus, long jump, (摔跤)_and running .5. At the ancient games , the (运动员)_ were all men .6. the players had to (比赛)_ wearing no clothes.7. (未婚的)_ women were then allowed to take part in games .8. They were only allowed to take part in their own competition at a (单独的)_ festival .9 .His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people live(和平地)_ side by side .10.He won the (金牌)_ _

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