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1、银行按揭bank mortgage售楼书brochure停车位car park space竣工日期completion date建筑材料construction material发展商developer电梯elevator法律问题legal question层楼level大厦模型model of the building付款方法payment method复式单位penthouse价目表price list楼花property under construction认购者purchaser河景r一ver view售楼处sales office示范单位show flat高层higher level

2、客户资料表格client information form看楼property inspection3商铺(retail shop)买卖deal商场mall物业agreement premise手续procedure回报率rate of return余数remaining balance免租期rent-free period购物商场shopping arcade独家代理sole agent测量师surveyor租客tenant评估价值valuation4条件磋商(term negotiation)最低价bottom line市场价值market rate超出预算over budget文件工作p

3、aper work临时租约provisional tenancy agreement条件合理reasonable5法定协议悔约的一方defaulting party没收forfeit律师费legal cost临时买卖合约preliminary sale and purchase agreement见证人witness6按揭(mortgate loan)批核approve附带条件批核通知书conditional letter of offer符合eligible最优惠按揭利率minimum mortgage rate付清paid up按揭还款表repayment table7约见律师(appoi

4、ntment with the solicitor)合约contract手续费handling fee田土厅物业查察费land search fee顾问费professional fee登记费registration fee签署signsolicitor feewelfare-oriented public housing distribution system 福利分房 vacancy 空房 urban planning 城市规划 tract 大片土地 to buy a house on mortgage; to mortgage a house 按揭购房 title document 契约

5、文书 the vacancy problem in commercial housing 商品房空置 the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局 tenement 分租合住的经济公寓 strata-title 分层所有权 state-owned land 国有土地 slab-type apartment building 板楼,板式楼 site coverage 建筑密度 Seller 出卖人 second-hand house 二手房 residential construction 居民住房建设 rental allowance; hou

6、sing allowance 住房补贴 removal expense 拆迁费用 real estate speculator 炒房者real estate market 房产市场 real estate management 房管 real estate evaluator 房产估价师 public utilities 公共设施 property trust 物业信托 property right certificate 房权证 property ownership certificate 房产证 property 物业,资产 projecting parameter 规划参数 projec

7、t approval 项目许可 prerequisitioned land 预征土地 policy-related house, policy-based house 政策性住房 plot ratio 容积率 plaza 购物中心 planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证 per-capital housing 人均住房 Ownership 房屋所有权 open market value 公开市场价值 on a residual basis 剩余法 mortgage loan 按揭贷款 mortgage lender 抵押放贷者

8、 low-cost housing 低价住房letting 出租 Legal representative 法定代理人 leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产) land use term 土地使用期 land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用) land use certificate 土地使用证 land efficiency 土地效益, interest 产权 infrastructure 基础设施 individual housing loan 个人购房贷款 housing vacancy rate 房屋空置率 housing syst

9、em reform 房改 housing residences 住宅 houses built with funds collected by the buyers 集资房 House Ownership Certificate 所有权证 Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同 government assignment 政府划拨 forward delivery housing 期房 floor area 建筑面积 expectation 期望值 equity reversion 权益回收 equity 权益entrepreneur 倡导者,企业

10、家 downzone 降低区划规模 discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型 cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等) condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权 complete department (or flat) 现房 compensation for demolition 拆迁补偿费 community 社区 commercialization of public housing 公房商品化 commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼 commercial resid

11、ential building 商品房 Comfortable Housing Project 安居工程 coliseum 大体育场,大剧院 co-owner 房屋共有权人 chambers (商业资本家联合组织的)会所 capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation 住房分配货币化进程 Buyer 买受人 buy or exchange houses 房屋置换 Beijing Municiple Bureau of State Land and Resources 北京市国土资源局 Beijing Municipal Con

12、struction Committee 北京市建设委员会 Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce 北京市工商行政管理局 arena 室内运动场amenities 便利设施 Allocated 划拨 a relocated unit or household 搬迁户 mortgagee 抵押权人 the certificate of the other rights of land 土地他项权证 lessee 承租人 rental 租赁 preemption 优先购买权 Housing Provident Funds 公积金 loan o

13、n mortgage 抵押贷款deposit 定金 furnished house/ apartment有家具的房子/公寓 unfurnished house/ apartment 无家具的房子/公寓 a vacant room/ a spare room 空房 single room 单人间 double room 双人间 utilities 水、电、煤气和垃圾处理等费用 flatmate 合住一套公寓的人;合租者 letting agency 房屋中介 agency fee 中介费 private accommodation 私人住房 Room 房间 cozy 温馨的 living roo

14、m/lounge 起居室;客厅 bedroom 卧室 main bedroom 主卧 carpet 地毯 coffee table (置于沙发前的)茶几 armchair 单人沙发 sofa 沙发 remote control 遥控器 radiator 暖气片 central heating 中央供暖 stool 厨房高脚椅 bathroom 卫生间 main bathroom 主卫 Buy a (an)flat/ apartment 买房 mortgage 按揭(指向银行借长期抵押贷款,用来买房子) down payment 首付 completed apartment/flat 现房(指已

15、建好供销售的房子) forward housing delivery 期房 resold apartment 二手房 affordable housing 经济适用房 housing price 房价 key zones for development 重点开发区 tract 大片土地 biding document 标书 prerequisitioned land 预征土地 competent authorities 主管部门 construction project 建设项目 comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区 reconstruction of old area 旧

16、区改造 property trust 物业信托 equity 权益 cash flows 现金流量 appreciation 增值 disposition 处置 hedge 保值措施 income tax shelter 收入税的庇护 wealth maximisation 最大限度的增加财产(同其他投资相比) forecast 预测 rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法 mortgage lender 抵押放贷者 discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型 expectation 期望值 equity reversion 权益回收 bad

17、 debts 坏账 depreciation allowances 折旧费 utilities 公共事业设备 allowances for repairs and maintenance 维修费 unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额 recession 衰退 overproduction 生产过剩 glut 供过于求 high-technology 高科技 investment strategy投资策略 circulation 发行量 entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家 coliseum 大体育场,大剧院 chambers (商业资本家联合组织的)会所 arena

18、 室内运动场 slab-type apartment building 板楼,板式楼 a relocated unit or household 搬迁户 拆迁补偿费:compensation for demolition 拆迁费用:removal expense 城镇住房公积金:urban housing provident fund 低价住房:low-cost housing 二手房:second-hand house 房产估价师:real estate assessor 房产证:property ownership certificate 房屋置换:buy or exchange hous

19、es 炒房者:real estate speculator 房改:housing system reform 房管:real estate management 房权证:property right certificate 房产市场:real estate market 房屋空置率:housing vacancy rate 福利分房:welfare-oriented public housing allocation system 个人购房贷款:inspanidual housing loan 公房商品化:commercialization of public housing 集资房:hous

20、es built with funds collected by the buyers 居民住房建设:residential construction 人均住房:per-capital housing 现房:complete department (or flat) 期房:forward delivery housing 商品房:commercial residential building 商品房空置:the vacancy in commercial housing 政策性住房:policy-related house, policy-based house 住房补贴:rental all

21、owance; housing allowance 住房分配货币化进程:capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation 按揭贷款:mortgage loan 安居工程:Housing project for the low-income urban residents 危房改造:the dilapidated house transforming 动迁户:households to be relocated 住宅小区:dwelling district住房公积金:public accumulation funds for ho

22、using住房零首期:zero first payment房产抵押:house mortgage; build property mortgage 暂住证:the card of stay temporarily城市住房改革:urban housing reform城市规划:urban planning 室内装修:interior decoration 按揭:mortgage mortgage loanforward delivery housingcommodity housing; commercial housingpolicy-related house; policy-based h

23、ousehouses built on the funds collected by the buyersproperty 物业,资产 interest 产权subsidiary 附属机构,子公司 valuation 评估 9K169WQ open market value 公开市场价值 K h9$ leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产) #lQbMuR capital value 资本价值 b cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等) xx nW1 professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等) G#)D$Ck# finance c

24、osts 融资成本(指利息等) engql; sale proceeds 销售收益 YTZ Ron the basis of capitalisation 资本还原法 wdR4!x!?floor area 建筑面积 hp%|n :.G title document 契约文书 Ua,L plaza 购物中心 tt,f1v0t land use certificate 土地使用证 Nw+0b4 commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼 W7WHH L/O land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用) zg1.1 plot ra

25、tio 容积率 lx5+- site coverage 建筑密度 )TP 1i land use term 土地使用期 V k5dl project approval 项目许可 ODZb+Oplanning approval 规划许可 e%uPZ q commission 佣金 |=fa8m G permit 许可证 |re)%A?Fu business license 营业执照 4WU%KjnXb strata-title 分层所有权 vncLB&7 public utilities 公共设施 Mtxnmi;urban planning 城市规划 #fdQ)#qstate-owned lan

26、d 国有土地 X| &K fiscal allotment 财政拨款 wX?VAZkgi key zones for development 重点开发区 JZ-14y tract 大片土地 n T_pqV?X biding document 标书 ax0:v!,1e prerequisitioned land 预征土地 Bc4$scO competent authorities 主管部门 construction project 建设项目 nBE planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证 go through the formalities 办手续 comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区 0 nWV1)Q0= reconstruction of old area 旧区改造 fy_Ki3 k purchasing power 购买力 er#we =h property trust 物业信托 &pbaX.u equity 权益 c=S cash fl

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