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1、Oseola McCarty s_8_money all her life and had about $250,000. At the a_9_of 86, she left money to the church , the university and her r_10_. She just wanted to help others. She was a shy woman, but she became famous. 1poor.她把钱捐给大学主要来帮助那些贫困的大学生。2surprised.朋友和邻居对此事应感到惊讶(因为她只是个洗衣工,不应该有那么多的钱。3 rich.从表面来

2、看她只是个洗衣工,应该没多少钱,至少不富裕。4much.很多的钱,money不可数,故只能用much.5 leave因为贫穷,她只好离开学校(辍学),这儿不能用过去式,因为是在不定式后。6hung.读后应知道她在洗完衣服后,把衣服挂起来晾干(晒干)这儿要用hang的过去式hung,不能用hanged(上吊,绞死)7married因为她没有小孩,应推测她终生未婚,这儿要用marry的过去式。8saved她靠平时的省吃俭用积攒了那么多的钱。这儿要用save的过去式。9在多少岁时用at the age of10. relatives她把钱捐给了教堂,大学,还把一部分给了她的亲戚。(她虽没有小孩,但是

3、她应有一些亲戚。)这儿要用复数。3.Reading books is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons.First, reading books is f_1_. You can always keep yourself amused if you like reading. This is especially useful when the weather is bad. It is a relaxing hobby too. You can really become l_2_ in a book.Next, you can read a boo

4、k a_3_: in a car, in a waiting-room, on a plane, in bed even in the bath. All you need is a book! Reading is a convenient(方便的) hobby as it is easy to stop and then s_4_ again.A_5_ good reason for reading books is that it is useful. If you read as a hobby you will get better and better at it. This m_

5、6_ that you will read faster and will become better at understanding what you read. As your reading improves, you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much e_7_. Many school subjects depend on good reading and, as you read, you learn more and more.Some people say that reading is out of date. T

6、his is not true. You have to be able to read to use a computer and, the better you read, the better your computer skills will be. Reading is h_8_ out of date!Good r_9_ are most likely to be good writers, too. They are usually good at spelling as well, and have more things to write about. Reading boo

7、ks is a wonderful hobby, one of the best.W_10_ other hobby could be more useful, or more enjoyable!答案 2. lost. 3. anywhere. 4. start. 5. Another. 6. means. 7. easier. 8. hardly. 9. readers. 10. What. 4.Many people who live in cities say that they dislike city life. They say the city that they

8、 l_1_in is noisy, dirty and crowded. They are tired of the traffic, the pollution in the a_2_and the rubbish in the streets.But not m_3_people living in cities are happy when they have to s_4_in the country for two or three weeks. They e_5_the quiet, clean air and the beautiful healthy surroundings(

9、周围的事物),but they m_6_the stores and restaurants,the theaters, the crowds and the excitements of the city.People who live in the country on the hand enjoy v_7_the city for a day or an evening,to do some s_8_or go to the theater or a concert. But they often f_9_the city a rather frightening place and a

10、re usually happy to get back to their quiet, unexciting l_10_in the country.答案 2. air. 3. many. 4. stay. 5. enjoy. 6. miss. 7. visiting. 8. shopping. 9.find. 10. life.5.If you get s_1_today, you will not have much trouble sending f_2_a doctor or being sent to a hospital. In the early 1900s,t

11、his was not the case. Sometimes doctors had to travel many miles to h_3_their patients. There were f_4_telephones or automobiles.(汽车) This often caused a delay of hours before the doctors even k_5_they needed.Doctor Morris of Nebraska solved this problem. He used homing pigeons.(鸽子)A homing pigeon i

12、s a bird t_6_always flies home when released(释放), Doctor Morris would leave one of his pigeons w_7_he was visiting a patient. If the patient needed f_8_help, instructions were to t_9_a note to the pigeons leg and let it go. The pigeon would quickly fly to the d_10_home. Help would soon be on its way

13、.1. sick. 2. for. 3. help. 4. few. 5. knew. 6. that. 7. whenever. 8. further. 9. tie.10. doctors7. Bedtime stories are one ofthe delights(喜悦) of earlychildhood. But a_(1) to Dr. JulieSpreadbury from Queensland, parents s_(2) not speed upreading to their children after they entered primary school. Sh

14、e says listeningto, reading andd_(3) the stories help childrens relaxation. My theory (理论) is that when children can readt_(4), most parents stop reading to them, Dr. Spreadbury says. That may be at the end ofthe Year 1, which is fartoo informal. Dr. Spreadbury saysbedtime reading n_(5) only givesch

15、ildren a good b_(6) at school, but also brings parents and theirchildren closer. This makes it funnier for them to open up and talk to parentsabout things that are worrying them, o_(7) things theyare reading in their everyday life.1.according. 依上下文和句式结构,应用介词,according to 意指“根据”。 2.should. 所缺单词后有谓语动词

16、,填入助动词或情态动词合适,should这里是情态动词,意思是“应该”。 3.discussing. 空白处应填与前面reading并列的单词。 4.themselves. 本题有一定的难度。Read后必须接以“t”打头的宾语,能够想到用反身代词的恐怕不多。 5.not. 后面有but also,前面与之相对的应该是“noy only”。 6.beginning. good后需填名词,依语意用beginning比较恰当。 7.or. 后面的句式结构与前面相同,填or,意思是“或者”。6. It is well-known that man is much cleverer than any a

17、nimal. But which is the cleverest a_(1) the animals? Some scientists t_(2) it should be Alex, an African grey parrot. He is unlike any other animal. He can really t_(3) with people! When he says “come here”, he really w_(4) someone to come up to him. “Alex is as clever as a c_(5) of 2 or 3 years old

18、,” says Dr. Pepperberg. “He does not just repeat the s_(6) he has been taught. He u_(7) the words!” Alex can tell about 50 d_(8) things, name 7 colours and count from 1 to 6. Is the parrot actually thinking in the w_(9) how man does? Nobody can say. But the q_ (10) is very interesting.文论述了非洲灰色鹦鹉被一些科

19、学家认为是最聪明的动物。 1. among.表示最高级的比较范围,意为“在中”,一般用of或among, 等介词,此处已有首字母a,所以是among. 2. think.根据前面的提问有首字母t可知是think,表示“有的科学家认为最聪明的动物应当是Alex”。 3. talk.根据下文对他会讲会的描述和空格后的with,可知是talk withsb(同谈话)。 4. wants.根据前面的come here及后文的句式搭配可知是want sb to do sth(想要某人做某事)。 5. child.根据后面的两叁岁可知是小孩。 6. sounds.由前文的talk和后文的words可知是重

20、复教他讲话的声音。 7. understands.从后文的描述可知,他不但会重复教他的声音而且还明白其意思。 8. different.根据things是复数及首字母的提示可知是指不同的(different) 事物。 9. way.根据句意“他的思维方式是否与的思维方式一样呢?”。搭配:in the way用这种方式。 10. question.上文“Is the parrot?”提出的是一个问题。9. Bill andSimon were good friends. One summer they were on h_(1). They wanted tosail around the Ca

21、ribbean Sea in their boatfor two weeks.During their trip, they saw many whales. Billand Simon were very e_(2) because they had wanted to see them very much.Unluckily, w_(3) they were watching them, the whales began to hit the sideof the boat.Suddenly, w_(4) started coming in, andthey realized that t

22、hey were in trouble. They q_(5) jump into the lifeboat before the boat sank(沉没),andwatched it disappear under the sea.Luckily, they had enough food and water forabout twenty d_(6). They also had a fishing line and amachine which could change sea water i_(7) drinking water. These two things helped th

23、emto survive(存活) during their terribleexperience.For the next fifty days they caught about tenfish a day and a_(8) them. They saw about twenty ships, butalthough they waved and shouted when the ships were passing, n_(9) saw them. They were becoming weaker and weaker.Then, just as they were beginning

24、 to l_(10) hope, a fishing boatsaved them.1. holiday解析:他们去海上旅行,应应该是在假期中。2. excited看到鲸鱼,他们很兴奋。3. while/when当他们看鲸鱼时,鲸鱼开始攻击船的一边。4. water 解析:水开始进入船里。5. quickly在船沉没前,他们很快跳进救生艇里。6. days 幸运的是,他们有足够20天的食物和水。7. into change into 把变成。8. ate再后来的50天里,他们每天捉10条鱼并吃了他们。9. nobody没有人看见他们。10. lose就在他们要失去希望时,一艘渔船救了他们。8、British Milkman Steve Leech saved some shops and flats(公寓) with milk and

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