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1、最新牛津七年级上册7A全册知识点总结最全Unit1 This is me 一、词组1、一只电子狗an e-dog 2、这只狗的主人the master of the dog / the dogs master3、看书read books4、早上好/ 下午好/晚上好/ 晚安Good morning / afternoon / evening / night!5、见到你很高兴Nice / Glad / Pleased to meet / see you!6、欢迎来到七年级一班Welcome to Class One, Grade Seven7、在七年级in Grade 78、十二岁twelve y

2、ears old9、一个8/11岁的女孩an eight /eleven year old girl10、长着乌黑的短发have long black hair11、又高又苗条tall and slim11、喜欢阅读/游泳/跳舞/运动like / enjoy reading / swimming / dancing / sports 12、踢足球 /打篮球/ 排球play football / basketball / volleyball13、玩电脑游戏play computer games14、玩球play with a ball15、课后 / 放学后after class / schoo

3、l16、来自be from / come from17、擅长be good at / do well in (sth / doing sth)18、让我们来见见我的新同学Lets meet my new classmates.19、和家人住在南京live with my family in Nanjing20、戴眼镜wear glasses21、所有的功课all the lessons22、如何照顾你的宠物狗how to look after your e-dog二、句型和知识点:1、介绍自己:I am Amy. / My name is Simon.2、介绍别人:This is.3、询问别人

4、的名字 Whats your name? 回答:Im. / My name is. May I know your name? Yes, Im Are you Mr Green? Yes I am. / Sorry. Im Mr Brown.4、 be nice to do sth 很高兴做某事 Im nice / glad _you. 很高兴见到你。5、let sb do sth.让某人做某事 Let me see / Lets go now. Let _. 让他进来吧。6、她长着长发。She _ _ _. = _ _ _ long.7、提问外貌: What is he like? / Wh

5、at _ he _ _?8、谈论国籍: Where _ you from? / Where _ you come from? I am from / come from China. = I am _. He is from _ . = He _ from _. = He is _. (他是英国人) She _. = She _. (她来自美国。)9、谈论出生地 be born-Where _ you born? I _ in Nanjing.10、谈论爱好:(1) like / love / enjoy doing sth(2) My hobby is playing football.(3

6、) be good at / do well in ( doing) She is good at swimming. = She does well in dancing. = She _ _.= She is a _ _.注意 do well in 的否定句 例如:他不擅长跳舞。He _.11、everyone 每个人,大家 =everybody (三单) 我们班每个人都喜欢听音乐。Everyone in our class _. 我们中的每一个人_12、区别all (三者或三者以上都)/ both(两者都) (1) _ of my parents work in a hospital.

7、(2) My friends and I _ want to go traveling.三、语法:一般现在时(be 动词)一般现在时常与never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always, every day, every week, every month, in the morning, in the evening, once a week, on Sundays,等时间状语连用。(一)一般现在时可以用于以下几种情况:1.表示人或事物现在的状态,如:He is twelve. / She is at home.2.表示经常的或习惯性的动作,如

8、:I go to school at 7:30 every day.每天七点半我上学。3.表示主语具备的性格和能力等,如:David can speak English and Spanish. 会说英语和西班牙语。 / She likes apples.4.表示普遍存在或某种客观事实。如:March comes after February.二月之后三月来到了。The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大。(二)注意be动词am / is / are的用法Unit2 Lets play sports! 1、非常喜欢散步like walking very muc

9、h2、步行上学walk to school = go to school on foot3、两碗饭two bowls of rice4、一天一次/ 两次 /许多次once / twice a day / many times a day5、踢足球 /打篮球/ 排球/ 网球play football / basketball / volleyball/ tennis羽毛球 / 乒乓球/ 棒球badminton / table tennis / baseball6、我最喜欢的运动 / 足球明星my favourite sport / football star7、喜欢听音乐enjoy listen

10、ing to music 8、你呢?What about you?9、去钓鱼怎么样?What about / How about going fishing?10、参加读书俱乐部be in / be a member of the Reading Club11、篮球打得好 / 舞跳得好play basketball well / dance well12、看起来强壮look strong13、在他的空暇时间in his free time14、使他(感到)开心make him (feel) happy 15、想要做某事want / would like to do sth16、踢下一届世界杯p

11、lay in the next World Cup17、变成现实come true18、通过电视看球赛watch the ball games on TV19、在周末at / on the weekend / at / on weekends20、我的许多学生many of my students21、别的什么 / 还有谁what else / who else22、许多英雄a lot of / lots of heroes23、一本有趣的书an interesting book24、对.感兴趣be interested in (sth / doing sth)25、谈论talk about

12、/ of一、词组二、句型和知识点:1、time: 1) 时间(不可数)have _ time _(有许多时间打篮球) 2) 次数(可数)_ a month (许多次)2、enjoy: 喜欢;享受1) enjoy doing sth 2) enjoy oneself玩的开心= have a good time3、你最喜欢的运动是什么?Which sport _ you _ _? = Whats your _ sport?4、make: 1)制作 make a kite 2)使某人. make sb happy / sad / strong / tired / make sb do sth 锻炼使

13、我们强壮。_. 戴眼镜使他看起来聪明。_.5、want = would like 想要 want / would like sth / to do sth 你想去看足球赛吗?_ watch the football match? Yes, _.6、hope: v.希望 1) hope to do sth I hope _(去北京). 2) hope + 从句 I hope _(我的梦想成真). 注意: 不能说 hope sb to do sth7、else: adv. 另外,其他 1) what / who / where else 2) something / someone else _ do you _?(你还想买些什么?)8、interesting有趣的 / interested感兴趣的: adj. something interesting有趣的事情 b

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