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1、12nor /n:(r)/ conj. & adv. 也不 13neither . nor 既不也不 14palace /pls/ n. 王宫;宫殿 15power /pau(r)/ n. 权利;力量 16wealth /wel/ n. 财富;富裕 17grey /grei/ a. 阴沉的;昏暗的;灰色的18lemon /lemn/ n. 柠檬 19cancel /knsl/ v. 取消;终止 20weight /weit/ n. 重量;分量 21shoulder /uld(r)/ n. 肩;肩膀 22goal /gul/ n. 球门;射门;目标 23coach /kut / n. 教练;私人

2、教师 24kick /kik/ v. 踢;踹 25teammate /ti:meit/ n. 同队队员;队友 26courage /krid / n. 勇敢;勇气 27rather /ra: / / adv. 宁愿;相当 28rather than 而不是 29pull /pul/ v. 拉;拖 30pull together 齐心协力;通力合作 31relief /rili:f/ n. 轻松;解脱 32nod /nd/ v. 点头 33agreement / gri:mnt/ n. 一致;同意 34fault /f:lt/ n. 过失;缺点 35disappoint /dispint/ v.

3、 使失望 36Bert /b:(r)t/ 伯特(男名) 37Holly /hli / 霍莉(女名) Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.38backpack /bkpk/ n. 背包;旅行包 39oversleep v.(overslept , overslept) 睡过头 40give . a lift 捎(某人)一程 41miss /mis/ v. 错过;未得到 42unexpected /nikspektid/ a.43出乎意料的;始料不及的44block /blk / n. 街区 45worker /w:(r)k(r)/ n. 工作者;工人46

4、stare /ste/ v. 盯着看;凝视 47disbelief /disbili:f/ n. 不信;怀疑 48above / bv/ adv. 在上面;向上面49prep. 在上面50burn /b:(r)n/ v. (burnt /b:(r)nt/, burned /;burnt, burned) 着火;燃烧 51alive / laIv/adj. 活着;有生气的52take off (飞机等)起飞;匆忙离开 53till /til/ conj. & prep. 到;直到 54west /west/ adv. 向西;朝西adj. 向西的;西部的 n. 西;西方 55cream /kri:

5、m/ n. 奶油;乳脂56boss/bs/ n. 老板;领导 57pie /pai/ n. 果馅饼;果馅派 58course /k:(r)s/ n. 课程 59bean /bi:n/ n. 豆;豆荚 60market /ma:(r)kit/ n. 市场;集市 61costume /kstju:m/ n .服装;装束 62embarrassed /imbrst/ adj .窘迫的;害羞的 63announce / nauns/ v. 宣布;宣告 64hoax /huks/ n. 骗局;恶作剧 65discovery /diskvri/ n. 发现;发觉 66lady /leidi/ n. 女士;

6、女子 67officer / fis/ n. 军官;官员 68believable /bili:vbl/ adj.可相信的;可信任的 69embarrassing /imbrsi/ a. 使人害羞的 习题训练模块一.单项选择1. My uncle is against wasting anything.No wonder he would rather the old bike than a new;to repair;;2. Is Mr.Green at home?Sorry,I dont know.But you can ca

7、ll him B.with D.at3. Kate is so shy that she doesnt have to sing in public.A.power B.courage D time4. The concert is so wonderful that all the tickets are within two hours.A.cut out B.put outC.taken out D.sold out5 Did you go to the library with Helen yesterday?No.I waite

8、d and waited,but she at last.A.stood in a long line B.stood with meC.didnt turn me down D.didnt show up6.My sister English since she was nine years old.She can talk to foreigners freely.A.learns B.learntC.has learnt D.have learnt7.By the time I got back to school,the bell .A.rang B.has rungC.had run

9、g ringing8. The beach was heavily polluted, he his wife enjoyed the holiday.A.neither;nor B.both;andC.either;or D.not only;but also9.A smart phone makes a big to our life.A.difference B.decisionC.progress D.prediction10.Their house is brown and is gray.A.we B.our D.ours二.完形填空Patty got home

10、 after school as usual.She walked in,went to the sofa and sat down,looking at the 11.“Whats wrong with you?” asked Kathy,her elder sister.“12.”Kathy was a thoughtful high school girl.She wouldnt leave things like that.“You13 be in trouble.Youre usually happy when you get home from school.”Patty kept

11、 sitting with her head down.“I hate school!I hate my class!I hate that new14,Jerry!”“I know what you mean,Patty.You dont hate anyone.”“Well!Jerry told my best friend Betty,that she would make friends with her if Betty15 being my friend.And now Betty doesnt play with me after class.”“Thats not very16

12、.” Kathy said.“How about your other friends?You have other friends,dont you?“Yes,” Patty answered,trying not to cry.“17 Jerry made me lose my best friend.”“Patty,you didnt lose your friend.”“I just told you.I did!”“Listen,my little sister.You dont lose friends.You just18 your real friends.Your real

13、friends will 19 leave you when they meet new friends.”The next day,Patty walked in,went to the sofa and sat down as yesterday.But the difference was that the20 look came back to her face.It was clear that she had got out of the trouble.11.A.door B.window C.floor D.room12.A.Something B.Nothing C.Ever

14、ything D.Everything13.A.should B.must C.would D could14.A.girl B.boy C.teacher D.monitor15.A.considered B.preferred C.stopped D.studied16.A.nice B.helpful C.easy D.quiet17.A.So B.And C.But D.If18.A.find out for C.hear from D.put up19.A.sometimes B.never C.seldom D.always20.A.angry B.happy C.p

15、eaceful D.useful三.阅读理解(一)THIS year the US Mint will honor one of the countrys mostfamouswriters.“Mark Twain”, the pen name of Samuel Clemens(1835-1911) is loved by American readers for his novels Tom Sawyer(1876) and The Adventures of Huckberry Finn(1844). Now he is going to have his life and work c

16、ommemorated(纪念) with special gold and silver coins. But does Twain need to be commemorated? It doesnt seem like people in the US will forget him. Twain once joked that a lack(缺少)of money is the root of all evil(邪恶)” but a lack of money with Twains famous face on it wouldnt have made people forget ab

17、out him. The Adventures of Huckberry Finn is thought to be his greatest works. Motherless Huck Finn is a young boy who shows the spirit of freedom. But it could be said that Hucks freedom really comes from Huck wanting to fly. When Huck gets away from his violent(暴力的) father, he isnt really looking

18、for freedom, but survival. Its even more of a problem for a slave. Jim, the escaped(逃跑的) slave who Huck helps, makes Hucks life seem even better. Its easier not to be able to deal with someone who wants to force you to go to school than to have to fight a law that says you are a piece of property(财产

19、). Huck and Jims friendship, as shown by Mark Twain, is one of the great stories in American literature because it shows a white character, Huck, who gets an idea of the African American experience.Mark Twain is famous and would still be famous without any special coins. Anyway, the coins could be a

20、 reason to look again at the work of a writer who got under the skin of the US in the 19th century.With the race issue(种族问题) far from dead in the US today, perhaps Twain still has something to teach todays readers.( )1. How many novels is mentioned written by Mark Twain in this passage? A. One B. Tw

21、o C. Three D. Four )2. Why is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn considered Twains greatest works? A. It talks about how a black slave runs away from his violent owner.B. It describes an everlasting friendship between people of different races.C. It describes the social problem that a lack of money

22、is the root of all evil.D. It talks about a white American understanding the African American experience. )3. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?A. Huck gets away from his father for survival. B. Jimescapesfrom his slave owner for freedom.C. Twain dug deeply into American society

23、of his times.D. Without the special coins, hell probably be forgotten. )4. The underlined phrase “far from dead” probably means _.A. still being there. B. Becoming more serious.C. Being in danger. D. Gone for a long time. )5. Whats the main purpose of the article?A. To tell the story of The Adventur

24、es of Huckleberry Finn.B. To tell readers about the special coins created to honor Mark Twain.C. To explore why the US still remembers and honors Mark Twain.D. To draw readers attention to the many race issues in the US today.There is a popular belief that goldfish only have a three-second memory. B

25、ut a 15-year-old schoolboy from Adelaide has just finished an experiment(实验) to tell us that it is not true. He shows everybody that the goldfish is smarter than we think. “I dont believe that they had a three-second memory because animals need their memory, so they build up over time a knowledge of

26、 where the food is,” said Roy Stokes, a student at the Australian Science and Mathematics School.He did the experiment in small tank(鱼缸) of goldfish. “I decided to get a bit of red Logo and just feed them next to that. Every day Id put it in and spread food around it.” He said.“At first they were a

27、bit scared of it, but by the end of the three weeks, they were actually almost coming before I put the food in.”After leaving the fish alone for a week, Rory placed the red Logo block in the tank again.“They remembered perfectly well,” he said.“They actually had a time faster than the average of the

28、 three feeds before I left.”The goldfish showed that not only could they store information, they also had the ability to get it back as a later date.Culum Brown, a research fellow at Sydneys Macquarie University, has studied fish behavior for more than ten years.He says his studies of Australian nat

29、ive fish show fish were intelligent creatures that know how to avoid enemies and catch food like any other animal. “The thing that I really liked about Rorys experiment is he not only got that classical conditioning going but the fact that he could get them next just to that specific coloured market. I thought it was really good.” He said.1. Rory began his research by _.A. discussing with hi

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