1、二、与2011-2014年高考相比,2015年高考真题变化从这7套题的情况来看,2015年的高考试题与2011-2014年高考相比,有以下几点变化:1. A部分题材变化。过去的高考真题中,A部分的题材每年都有一定的变化,其中2011年和2012年的自然地理类偏多,2013年的人物与建筑类偏多,2014年的科技类偏多,今年的动物类偏多,但也出现了记叙文。从整体上来讲,多题材仍然是趋势,但也不乏每年基本必考的话题类型动物类,这说明A部分仍然侧重考查学生的朗读能力,这种能力需要平时的积累,需坚持做模仿跟读练习,要多接触各种类型的朗读材料,如国家地理、BBC纪录片或者散文类的朗读材料。坚持做到跟读、模
2、仿将会对口语发音的方面的训练有很大帮助。2. B部分题型基本变化不大,仍然延续2014年的特点,但稍有改变。(1)三问部分的翻译个别题稍难。翻译与上文有着紧密的联系。如果听录音时可以及时准确辨别出上文的意思,可以在翻译中更加顺利。例:A卷三答2中有一句话是“What surprises me is that stress can give us positive energy if we deal with it wisely.”,紧接着三问3的翻译为“为什么压力可以是正能量呢?”,乍一看,“正能量”并不容易翻译,但是如果注意到了上文中的“positive energy”,翻译就会变得简单很多
3、。(2)五答部分答案仍然偏长,且唯一性较强,个别题目为总结题。学生在平时的练习中要认真听取信息并快速记录信息点,准确提取信息点并用正确的语句表达出来。E卷五答第3题Question 3: How did Tom go back to his hometown?Answer 3: By train and by bus.(这两个都是回到家乡的交通方式,缺一不可。)五答的答案位置仍然保持一般的特点。前两问的答案出自视频对话,后三问的答案依次出自三答1-3题。这与2014年稍有不同,2014年的B卷有只有一个题目出自视频对话的情况,D卷五答的4、5题,答案均出自三问3。由此看来,五答的答案出处比较有
4、规律。五答部分的设问方式中同义转换的依然有增加的趋势,这加大了学生在理解中的难度,在平时的训练过程中,要适当加强练习的难度,并练习口语表达同一设问在不同的表达方式下的答案。五答中个别答案依然很长,但比2014年的真题稍显简单,学生仍然需要加强理解能力及快速准确记忆关键信息点的能力。D卷中 What will people learn from the volunteer activities? Organizing activities, and cooperating with your group members.3. C部分的语速比前几年真题的语速明显减慢,平均语速为130 words/
5、minute,这在一定程度上降低了学生听、记及理解的难度,比以往简单一些。三、百朗与高考1. 听说风暴系列中的高三套题的语速、材料与高考基本保持一致。除了高考常见话题外,A部分还选取了多种其他题材(如历史类、艺术类、人物类、建筑类等等)的英、美音视频供学生进行模仿朗读,使学生了解到人文、历史、地理、自然、科学等方面的知识,通过各类题材的训练,有助于提高对语音语调的掌控能力。B部分选取一些常见的话题,包括学校学习生活类、日常生活类、节假日活动类等依照高考的设题方式供学生练习。C部分以高考为导向,选取一些有关日常生活的故事,并辅以一些寓言故事来锻炼学生的复述能力。2. 在已经出版或者即将出版的书中
6、,百朗英语听说系列的A部分都一直以高考为风向标,紧贴高考,题材类型丰富,可满足学生对不同题材类型材料的朗读训练。其中2015年真题E卷的Part A前半部分内容与2014年下高一MT1、高二MT4的部分内容相同,F卷的Part A话题内容与2015上高二Test 13一致,都是讲述伦敦。3. 听说风暴高三套题难度与高考题接近,体现了听说风暴系列产品的整体特点:源于高考。四、参考建议1. Part A部分由于今年高考真题话题类型中有两套为动物类,而且这一话题也是近几年考试中基本都会出现的,学生以后可以适当多练习一些这一类型的话题。但是,每年话题类型还是呈现多样化的趋势,在练习方面也要多选取其他类
7、型的话题进行训练,如历史类、建筑类、城市类、艺术类等等。现在比较好的练习材料有国家地理、BBC的纪录片,而且大部分A的视频也是从这一类的纪录片截取的。学生进行模仿朗读时要紧跟原声视频进行朗读,训练自己的反应能力及口语表达能力,因为这两年的A视频中每一幕字数多,画面切换快,反应稍慢就会错过每一幕的文字,导致不必要的丢分。基于这几点学生可以参考百朗听说的口语客户端进行练习,视频材料一般都是选自原声纪录片,而且在已出版的书中多次与高考真题重合。除此之外,学生还可以根据Unit部分的语音语调知识及配音乐的模仿朗读,锻炼自己的朗读及发音。2. Part B部分近两年高考中,B部分的难度呈现上升趋势,虽然
8、难度变化不太大,但还是有一些需要注意的地方。对于三问部分的翻译,今年真题A卷中的第三个翻译出现了“正能量”一词,乍一看可能不容易翻译,但是如果注意到了三答2中的“positive energy”,翻译起来便会得心应手。学生在今后可以适当注意一些流行语的翻译,如“(点)赞”“土豪”“雾霾”等,增加知识储备。同时,在听录音时,对学生的理解能力也加强了,除了要关注一些关键的信息点外,学生还需要理解对话中的意思,而这有可能对应下文中的翻译。对于五答部分,今年真题的一些答案还是偏长,而且设问也呈现同义转换的方式,这要求学生加强对设问的理解能力和记录对话中关键信息的能力。除了平时的练习之外,学生可以适当做
9、一些听力训练,并且口头表达出正确答案,或者是听完某段对话后自己基于记录的信息点口头表达出考试时可能会出的问题,这样可以锻炼学生的理解及口语表达能力。3. Part C部分今年C部分的故事话题依旧与日常生活和学校生活相关,难度基本没有变化。在以后的训练中学生可以多听或者多看一些小故事,然后自己再口头表达出所看或所听的故事。或者在生活中看到什么新鲜事、某些人的英勇事迹等,都可以尝试将这些事情编成一段英文小故事表达出来。因为真题里的故事有些是基于现实生活中的事迹加以改编的。最重要的一点是一定要学会充分利用梗概和关键词里面的内容,看梗概和关键词的时候可以适当想象一下故事的大体情节,便于在听录音时理解故
10、事大意。五、附2015年广东听说口语考试套卷(A-G)2015年广东听说高考A卷Part A M: Today, Mars is a frozen world. The average temperature here is lower than at the Earths South Pole. But long ago, when water may have flowed here, it must have been warmer. We dont know why Mars turned so cold, but perhaps it could be made to change
11、once again. Could future generations somehow transform Mars, into an Earth-like world where people could live? What would life be like on Mars? Perhaps we could build farms and cities. Or perhaps we will leave Mars as we found it. Those decisions will be made by our descendants. 96 话题类型:探索科技类探索火星字数:
12、96 words时长:58秒语速:99w/m语音:美音生词:1 descendants(后代)句子类型:中长句子较多,短句子少,生词多。画面:为原声视频。视频每幕之间转换较快,每幕画面上的文字较多。画面比较清楚,背景音乐小,朗读清晰。Part B情景介绍(30”)角 色:你是Mary。任 务:(1)和同学Tom 讨论如何应对心理压力; (2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。生 词:survey 调查Tapescript:W: Hi, Tom. You look tired. Whats going on? Its the exam week, and I have been staying u
13、p all night studying. Im worn out, and Im very worried. Take it easy. Youll definitely pass. Its hard to say. You know, I havent been keeping up with my study for a while. And there is so much material to be reviewed. Looks like you are having a tough week. You bet. I have one more report that is du
14、e this Friday. Isnt it interesting? Its a ten-page paper on how to deal with stress. 93三问部分:1. 你做过这个话题的研究吗?Question 1: Have you done the research about the topic?/ Have you done the survey about the topic?/ Have you researched the topic?/ Have you studied the topic?Answer 1: Yes, I have been reading
15、 some books and articles, looking for the academic support for this topic. At the same time, Ive also done some surveys, asking people for their own ways of dealing with stress. 362. 人们一般做些什么来减少压力呢?Question 2: What do people usually do to reduce stress?/ What do people often do to reduce stress?/ Wh
16、at do people usually do to relax?/ What do people often do to relax?/ What do people usually do to relieve pressure?/ What do people often do to relieve stress?Answer 2: According to my research, people prefer to relax on weekends, do something fun, forget about their problems and worries for a mome
17、nt to refresh their minds. Actually, the simplest way is to think positively. What surprises me is that stress can give us positive energy if we deal with it wisely. 513. 为什么压力可以是正能量呢? Why can stress be positive energy?/ Why can stress be positive thing?/ Why can pressure be positive energy? Thats b
18、ecause stress makes you take action. Take myself for example. I am now under great pressure because of the exams. So I need to work extremely hard to pass. If the exam week was not approaching, I would not make efforts to learn what needs to be learnt. 49五答部分: Why does Tom look tired? 5 Because he h
19、as been staying up all night studying./ Because he stayed up studying. How many pages should Tom write for the report? 9 Ten. What are Toms surveys about? Asking people for their own ways of dealing with stress./ Asking people their ways to deal with stress.Question 4: What is the simplest way to re
20、duce stress? 8Answer 4: To think positively. Question 5: How does Tom prove that stress can give positive energy? 10Answer 5: Take himself for example./ By his experience. 学校生活类,讨论学习的压力视频对话:93 words 三问机答字数:136 words 总字数为:229 words.情景介绍时长为30秒,有3秒倒计时,对话时长为38秒,总时长为71秒。147w/m美音,发音比较清晰。1 survey(调查)句子:句子结
21、构较简单,有个别长句子,但不影响理解。画面比较清楚,但衔接不好,口型对不上。Part C梗 概:Tom的乐队以街头演奏为生,尽管观众较少,他们依然坚持,最终收获了惊喜。关键词:band(乐队),insist(坚持),cold(寒冷的),note(字条),change(改变)A Night that Change the LifeTom and his band made their living by playing music on the street, travelling from town to town. The band was not able to make much mon
22、ey, so some wanted to give up. However, Tom insisted that they should continue their performance for those people who enjoyed their music. The whole band was persuaded, and they decided to perform at their best. But the winter came with strong wind and heavy snow. People on the street seemed to be i
23、n a rush and few stayed for their show. One cold night, very few people came as they expected, but they were happy that some people did enjoy the show. When everybody left, a boy came and gave them a note with a business card, saying “A man left this for you.” The band was surprised to see the note,
24、 because nobody had ever left any note for their performance before. They immediately read it. “You have performed beautifully tonight. Thanks a lot. Would you please come to my office tomorrow morning?” The note was from a manager of a famous music company. Their life was changed from that night on
25、. 196日常生活类196 words87秒135w/m无长句、复合句偏多,但句子结构简单,语速适中,相对降低了难度。故事情节易于理解。2015年广东听说高考B卷Part A In the 1960s, a group of researchers came here to study dolphins. Inspired by new discoveries about the animal mind, the researchers believed they could, for the first time, communicate with another species, by t
26、eaching dolphins to speak. And so, Margarets extraordinary experiment began. Over the coming months, she would live with Peter in the Dolphin House almost full-time. Margaret would immerse him completely in her world to try to teach him English, like a mother teaching a child to speak. After months
27、of living with Peter, the experiment was over. It was time for Margaret to say goodbye. 99人物类或动物类Margaret研究海豚99 words57秒104w/m英音2 Margaret(玛格丽特),immerse(使陷入)中长句子偏多,但长句中小分句多,便于理解和朗读。你是校报记者Mary。(1)和Dr. Brown讨论如何改变坏情绪; (2)根据采访内容回答另一同学的提问。mood 情绪 Good morning, Dr. Brown. Im Mary from the school newspaper. Good morning, Mary. What can I do for you? Dr. Brown, this is almost the end of the term. You know, students are struggling for their final exams. Yes, I see. Students are having a pre
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