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1、3. _。还有吸烟的危害:1. _;3. _;4. _;5. _;6. _;7._。第二部分提供了六种戒烟的方法:6. _。【课前预习】Task I 、smoking healthy or unhealthy? Discuss in groups and try to answer these questions in your own words. 1. Have you ever smoked? If you have, have you stopped?_2. Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?3. In what ways

2、is smoking harmful?4. What are the two big diseases that you think are related to smoking? 5. Do you think smoking should be banned?6. Where could you get good advice on stopping smoking?Task 2. Skimming: True or False?1. James is addicted to smoking and couldnt give it up. 2. James grandad is also

3、addicted to cigarettes. 3. Smoking doesnt affect the health of non-smokers. 4. Grandad quitted smoking at last. 5. If you can break the habit, you can stop smoking. 6. Youd better decide to quit on the day of an exam. 7. You should feel ashamed and give up once you fail. 【课内探究】 自主学习、文章理解分层目标: C层完成探究

4、一、 A、B层完成探究一、二【探究一】:Task 1. Read the text carefully and choose the best answers.1. If youre a smoker, according to the text, you may feel _ when you dont smoke.A. relaxed B. angry C. sorry D. happy2.The first sentence of the letter shows James granddad _.A. has nothing to do at home B. lives a healt

5、hy lifeC. is tired when returning from a long bike trip D. likes sitting in the garden3. What did the old man use to persuade his grandson to give up smoking?A. Scientific theory. B. His failure in love.C. His sports activity. D. His own experience.4. Which of the following is NOT true according to

6、the text?A. Every time you want to smoke, you can smoke a cigarette.B. Dont choose a day of exams to stop smoking.C. If you feel stressed, you can do some relaxation exercises.D. Its helpful to stop smoking with a friend.5. According to the letter, James granddad _.A. didnt give up smoking B. used t

7、o be a member of the school football teamC. is lonely D. wrote down the advice from his experience6. _ forced James granddad to give up smoking.A. That he ran too slow B. His girlfriend C. That he was taken off the school football team D. His parents 7. What can we know from the passage?A. Quitting

8、smoking is very easy.B. James managed to give up smoking finally.C. It is difficult to give up smoking, and it needs great determination.D. Smoking cant affect the health of non-smokers.Task 2.(探究深化)Fill in the blanks according to the text. Grandads experienceAdvice on the InternetDid different ways

9、 to become ( )( )to cigarettes1.Physically addicted to nicotine 2. Addicted through habit3.( ) addictedPrepare yourself.Ha harmful( ) of smokingDo terrible damage to( ). Have ( ) in becoming pregnant. Affect the health of ( ).Breath and clothes (_ ).Fingers turn yellow. Cant run fast and dont enjoy

10、sport.Be ( _ )RelaxBreak the habit.Get help if you need it.Keep ( )【探究二】. Summary & Reflection(总结反思)Fill in the chart on with information from the reading passage.Information from the reading passage.Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes 1. _2. _3. _Harmful physical effects for smo

11、kers 4. _5. _6. _7. _Effects that a persons smoking can have on other people8. _9. _Effects that smoking can have on sporting performance10. _课后练习:1.对话填空:根据所给字母的提示,在横线上写出一个完整、正确的英语单词Travel AgentT; PaulPT: Good afternoon, how can I help you?P: Hi, I want to (1) b_ a room and some tickets for the summ

12、er holiday. Where are you going? P: Sydney. And how many people will be going? Four. Two (2) a_and two children. (3) W_ would you like to go? Anytime after 12th July, but (4) b_ 20th July. Can you tell me the (5) p_ of the cheapest flight? Sure, can I ask if your children are over two years old? Yes

13、, they are. In that (6) c_, for the flight they will be charged at childrens rates and for the hotel there wont be any charge. It (7) l_ on 15th July and returns on 29th July on Virgin Atlantic. This is the cheapest flight (8) a_. Fine. Do you have a (9) c_ of the journey plan that I can take away w

14、ith me? Sure. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks. Ill think about it tonight and ring you in the (10) m_ tomorrow. T: Thanks. Im looking forward to your reply.【方法导引】:快速阅读原文,根据原文选择正确答案,培养快速寻找有效信息的能力。标注文章的疑难点,重点短语,重点句型。细读课文,构建文章的整体框架,培养捕捉细节能力。深入理解课文,根据探究一、二再次精确理解文章。请同学们在课下将本节课中的长难句背熟,组长组织好检查督促。上课老师抽

15、查。分层布置分层达标Period2 Language points全员探究Warming Up & Pre-reading1.stess n. 重压, 逼迫, 压力, 重点, 着重, 强调, 重音vt.着重, 强调, 重读In fact, stress isnt a bad thing it is often supposed to be.事实上,压力并不像人们所认为的那样是一件坏事。_我必须强调我们没有多少时间了。The director stressed that point in particular.厂长特别强调了那一点。If you start to feel nervous or

16、stressed , dont reach for a cigarette.思维拓展 1) under stress/ pressureUnemployment and his wifes health put him under stress.失业及妻子的健康问题使他处于巨大的压力中。Things can easily go wrong _.人在压力之下,办事就容易出错。2) lay place, put stress on stress (on) sth这学期,英语老师把重点放在作文和阅读上.This term ,English teacher lays stress on composi

17、tion and reading. stressed (adj) _ stressful (adj) _ 3)emphasis n. 强调 lay/put/place emphasis on sth=give special importance to sthWe should lay a strong emphasis on the study of foreign languages.我们应把主要重点放在学习外语上。adolescent / teenager 13到19岁的人baby / infant _child (English) / kids(American) _toddler _

18、youth:a young person, especially a young male in late adolescence.青年,小伙子:年轻人,尤指处于青少年后期的男性Reading1.I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life. due to 因为,由于,一般不用于句首.要点导航due to / because of / thanks to / owing to 我的成功是由于你的帮助。 她的病是坏了的食物造成的。Her illness was due to bad food. 学以致用The ac

19、cident was his careless driving .A. due to B. because C. because of D. both A and C 思维拓展 due 1)应给的,应支付的(常与to连用) A great deal of money is due to you .应该付给你很多钱。 Respect is due to teachers. 教师应受尊敬。 2) 应付的;到期的. The electricity bill is due today. 今天该交电费了。 3)(车、船等)预定应到的 When is the train due at Shanghai?

20、火车该什么时候到上海? 4)约定的; 预期的 ( due to do / due for ) 他预计下周去澳大利亚. He is due to leave for Australia next week. 周杰伦的新专集预定在本月下旬发行. Jay Chou new album is due for release later this month.2. Your mother tells me that you have started smoking and that you are finding it difficult to give up.要点导航find/ think / con

21、sider / make / feel it adj to do 我们发现很难按时到那里. 我认为到英国去旅行没必要带汉英字典. I dont think it necessary to bring a Chinese-English dictionary when traveling to Britain. 手势使得听众更容易理解他的演讲. Gesture makes it easy for audience to understand his speech.3. I know how easy it is to begin smoking and how hard it is to sto

22、p.要点导航 How adj it is to do sth 直到你失去健康的时候,你才知道保持健康有多么重要. You wont know how important it is to keep healthy until you lose health.4. You can become physically addicted to nicotine.要点导航 be / become addicted to +n(迷恋,上瘾) 许多学生对电脑游戏上瘾. 他是一个酗酒的人. He is a man addicted to alcohol. addict oneself to sth 沉溺于,

23、 醉心于 He addicted himself to playing the violin and didnt find a thief walk into his house.【思维拓展】 addict n. 上了瘾的人vt.使沉溺, 使上瘾 film addict电影迷5. This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it.要点导航be accustomed to (doing) sth be used to (doing) sth 我习惯了这么早起床进行晨练。 Im a

24、ccustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercise. 习惯了登险峻的山,他毫不费力地登上了山顶. _climbing the steep mountain, he had no difficulty reaching the top. accustom vt. 使习惯于 accustom oneself/sb to sth I have accustomed myself to working long hours. 我已习惯于长时间工作。 They had to accustom themselves to the hot weat

25、her. 他们不得不使自己习惯于炎热的天气。【思维拓展】其中to为介词,类似的常用短语动词还有:look forward to 盼望 pay attention to 注意be used to 习惯于 be accustomed to 习惯于lead to 导致 stick to 坚持object to 反对学以致用The parents felt helpless when they found their son had love stories for long.(2004,江苏)A. addicted B. addicted to C. addicted himself D. been addicted to解析:选D,本句意思是:当孩子的父母发现他们的儿子很长时间就痴迷于爱情故事时,他们感到无助.本题考察短语be addicted to的完成形式.故选D.

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