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1、牛津英语8A词组大全免费整理版牛津英语8A词组Unit1词组something to drink / eat have some more food in your bowl a bowl of rice share sth with sb nothing else an honest boy keep secrets / keep a secret have problems (with sth / in doing sth) qualities of a good friend not as/so difficult as be willing to do sth be ready to

2、do sth give seats to people in need travel around the world tell funny jokes walk past ( the desks )work on the computer too muchknock over sth think of think about think overread your advertisement worry me worry about sb./ sth. say a bad word about sb vote for sb / sththe tallest student of the si

3、x students the most expensive printer not as /so as sing for people listen to peoples problemstry to sovle the problemsbe happy to do sth my future plans become a famous singer be famous for be famous as in the future in the past at present the boy on the left agree with sb agree to sth. have no fri

4、ends = dont have any friends give me some advice a piece of advice feel (really) uncomfortable her bright , smiling eyes wear a smile on her face look like / be like much healthier food eat healthilyfeel nervous get to know each other 一些喝/吃的东西再来点食物在你的碗里一碗米饭与某人分享某物没什么别的东西一位诚实的男孩保守秘密某方面有问题/做某事有问题一位好朋友

5、的品质不如难愿意做某事准备做某事 /愿意做某事给需要的人们让座周游世界讲笑话走过(课桌)过多地使用电脑撞翻某物想起思考仔细考虑看你的广告使我烦恼担心某人/某事说某人的坏话投票赞成某人/某物六位学生中最高的学生最贵的打印机与不一样为人们唱歌听取人们的问题尽力解决问题很高兴做某事我的未来计划成为出名的歌唱家因而著名以(身份)出名未来,将来过去现在坐边的男孩同意某人的意见同意某事没有朋友给我一些建议一条意见感觉(真的)不舒适她的明亮的笑眼她面带微笑长得像健康得多的食物吃得更健康感到不安逐渐互相认识Unit2词组an ideal schoolschools around the worldmean t

6、he same thingbe good at maths/ do well in mathnear Londona mixed schoolhave lessons togethermy favourite subjectHome Economicslearn how to cook and sewdo things for oneselfcook healthy and tasty mealsduring this years Reading WeekI read the most books in my class.any books of the school librarybring

7、 in magazines from hometell the teacher what we are readingnear the end of each classas wellin Ninth Grade/ Year 9have driving lessonsdrive me to schooltake less time than taking the bustwice a weekhelp me with my homeworksome heroeshave a great time talking to each othera close friendwith a pleasan

8、t tastea kind of ball gameon the way homean article by a girl from the USAduring lunchtimesomeone you admire very muchat the age ofthe differences between A and Bwant to learn more aboutwrite a letter back to sban important languagedifficult or easyfewer/ less thanmorethanfree timejoin a clubthe fun

9、niest girl in the classdo the work better with less moneywear a tieon one side, on the other sidehalf an hour of homeworkbe the same size as belong to一所理想的学校世界各地的学校指的是同一事物数学学得好在伦敦附近一所男女混合的学校一起上课我最喜欢的学科家政学会如何做饭和缝纫为自己做事做健康美味的饭菜在今年阅读周期间我在我班看的书最多。学校图书馆里的任何书籍从家里带来杂志告诉老师所读的内容在每堂课快结束时也在九年级上驾驶课开车送我去学校比乘公交费时

10、少每周两次帮我学功课一些英雄互相谈得很开心一位亲密的朋友带有怡人的味道一种球类运动在回家的路上一篇美国女孩写的文章在午餐期间你非常崇拜的人在岁时A和B之间的区别想更多的了解写回信一门重要的语言难还是易比少比多空余时间参加俱乐部班上最滑稽的女孩花较少的钱把工作做得更好打领带在一边,在另一边半小时的家作和同样大小属于Unit3词组climb the hillneed to exercisekeep fithave a good time=enjoy oneselforganize a day outwrite an invitation letter to sbthe back of the po

11、stcardtake a boat tripthe Harbour Bridgego pastthe Opera Houseby the River Seinethe top of the Eiffel Towerthe Whit Housethe president of the USAforeign countrydiscuss sth with sbtravel around the world in a dayinteresting places=places of interestinvite sb to do sthjoin the school tripthe World Par

12、kat the beginningat the school gateget on the coachThere is a lot of traffic on the road.on the highwayEverything is so beautiful.become made of metalget off quicklyfeel sicknot any moreThe whole world is in front of us.the pyramids of Egyptlook like the real onethe Golden Gate Bridgeback

13、 homebelieve ones eyesthe song and dance paradesome photos of the tripteach oneselfhow to make a home pagefor oneselfsave timechat onlinefrom one place to anotherWe feel bored of the boring story.tea housemake a list ofthe Palace Museumthe Summer Palacethe Tiananmen Square爬山需要锻炼保持体型玩得痛快组织一日游给某人写邀请信明

14、信片的背面乘船旅行港湾大桥走过悉尼歌剧院在塞纳河边埃菲尔铁塔的顶部白宫美国总统外国和某人讨论某事一天环游世界名胜邀请某人做某事参加学校旅行世界公园一开始,起初在校门口上车路上有许多车辆。在高速公路上一切都那么美好。变得兴奋由金属制成迅速下车感到恶心不再整个世界尽收眼底。埃及的金字塔看上去就像真的金门桥在老家相信某人的眼睛歌舞游行旅行的一些照片自学如何制作网页亲自节省时间网聊从一处到另一处我们对这个无聊故事感到很无聊。茶馆开列单子故宫颐和园天安门广场Unit4词组look deliciousgo outside her home for the first timegrow intofor up

15、 to 14 hours a dayhave nowhere to live (be) in dangertake . awaylearn a lot aboutlive in the wildleave sb. alone /by oneself/on ones ownkeep doing sthkeep sb. doing sth.keep on doing sth.keep/stop/prevent sb. from doing sth.a dolphin showhunt for = look forat noon (the) loss of living areasmake medi

16、cine from their bones make a box out of paper be friendly to/towards that.cut downget smaller and smallertake actions to do sth.eight months agogive a test four monthsbe interested inbecome interested inhave another babykeep sb. safe from dangerenough for.= enoughto dostay

17、alive = surviverun the other waywalk through a rainforestthe feeding of animalsa visit to Beijing Zoocatch fish from the watera report on wild animalslive alone/by oneself /on ones owngood eyesight, hearing and smellfor funclothes made of animal furlose ones life = diesomeone elsetake the landmake n

18、ew farmland(s)make a lot of moneyelephants tuskscontinue to do sth.=go on doing sth.go on to do and whiteat a timewalk uprightreturn home =come back homereturn = givebackmove around看起来味道很美第一次走出她的家门长成一天长达14个小时没有住的地方处于危险之中把.拿走了解很多有关生活在野外将某人单独留下一直做某事让/保持某人一直做某事坚持做某事阻止某人做某事一次海豚表演寻找,搜寻在中午生活区的丧失

19、用它们的骨头制成药用纸做成一个箱子对某人友好如此.以致于.以便;为了砍下.变得越来越少采取行动做某事8个月前(常用于过去时)做一个关于.的测试在四个月的时候对.感兴趣(延续性)对产生兴趣(短暂性)又生了一个婴儿保持某人安全并远离危险(有)足够的.来做.生存下去转身而跑步行穿过雨林喂养动物(的过程)一次去北京动物园的参观从水中捉鱼一份关于野生生物的报告独自生活好的视力、听力和嗅觉取乐由动物皮毛制成的衣服失去某人的生命(死)其它人占用土地开发新的农田挣很多钱象牙 继续做(相同的)事继续做(不同的)事黑白相间的一次;每次直立行走回到家归还四处运动Unit5词组go birdwatchingat th

20、e marketBeijing Duckroast chickenencourage sb to do sthjoin the Birdwatching Clubget more information aboutfill in an application formpictures of different kinds of birdsa long-winged and web-footed seagulllong-pointed wingsa forked tailfly to northern countriesgolden eaglebrownish feathersbroad win

21、gsa hooked beaktake turns to do sthZhalong Nature Reservein north-east Chinaprovide food and shelter for wildlifean ideal home forlive comfortablyall year roundstay in sp for a short timeeasily catch sth for foodan important living areathe rare red-crowned cranesmake more space for farms and buildin

22、gshave enough living spacethe Chinese governmentprotect the endangered birdsa lot of touristsmembers ofthe changes in the numbersdo a bird countinvite sb to do sthdo something to help the birdsunderstand the importance ofmake sb do sthactively take action to do sthin a dangerous statea great number

23、ofthe number of the red-crowned cranesinterests and hobbiesE-mail addressdate of birthwould like to become a member ofknow more about call sb onnext Wednesday eveningsimply cant wait for the showthe opposite oftalk excitedly去观鸟在市场北京烤鸭烤鸡鼓励某人做某事加入观鸟俱乐部获取更多有关的信息填写申请表不同鸟类的图片一只长着长翅膀、蹼足的海鸥尖头翅膀叉状的尾巴飞往北方的国家

24、金雕褐色的羽毛宽阔的翅膀钩状的喙依次做某事扎龙自然保护区在中国东北给野生生物提供食物和栖息地的理想家园生活得很舒适全年在某地作短暂逗留很容易捕食一个重要的生活区域珍稀的丹顶鹤腾出更多的空间来作为农田、建筑房屋有足够的生存空间中国政府保护濒临灭绝的鸟类许多游客的成员在数量上的变化数鸟邀请某人做某事做些事情来帮助鸟类了解的重要性使某人做某事积极采取措施做某事处于一种危险的状态大量的丹顶鹤的数量兴趣和爱好电子邮件地址出生日期想要成为的一员更多地了解拨打某人的电话下周三晚上简直等不及要看展出的反义词谈得很兴奋Unit6词组Mop up lose the game washaway thousands

25、of people at first in fear run out of run in all directions try onee best to do pieces of glass calm down come down in a (great) hurry to do make excuses in two hours in the wind turn off one by one a car accident arrive in/ at send to a heavy storm catch fire cause natural disasters a strong wind f

26、all over at last weather report snowstorm warning run out to the street pieces of glass all down come down calm down be trapped say to oneself a moment of fear shout /scream for help stay alive have a packet of chocolate hear excited shoutsin a great hurry (to do sth )move sth away / move away sth t

27、he noise of thunder sound like (be) around drop a little become / get worse drop to -5 tell / ask sb (not) to do sth remove the snow 把拖洗干净 输掉比赛把冲走数千人,好几千人起先害怕,恐惧从里跑出来四处逃散尽力做玻璃片平静下来倒下匆忙做制造借口两小时后在风里关掉一个接一个一次交通事故到达送去一场大风暴着火引起自然灾害一场大风摔到最后天气报告暴风雪警告跑到街上玻璃碎片摔下来倒下安静下来陷入困境自言自语片刻的恐惧大声喊救命活着吃一袋巧克力听到兴奋的叫喊声极为匆忙地(做某事)把搬走雷声听起来像7摄氏度左右下降一点变得更糟降到零下5摄氏度叫某人(别)做某事把雪移走

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