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1、 incremental improvements or disruptive innovations. Incremental improvements allow one manufacturer to take market share from another and give fanboys fuel for internet forums. Disruptive innovations may create a million new customers. Or make a million potential customers leave for some new hobby

2、or way of doing things.People love incremental improvements but often dislike disruptive innovations at first. Disruption causes major changes and can be threatening. It may be several generations before the new technology is clearly superior to what already exists. But eventually the disruptive inn

3、ovation has a huge effect on the market. It causes some existing manufacturers to fail, others to flourish, and creates brand new manufacturers nearly overnight.Most people, though, dont realize what a disruptive innovation first looks like. They expect a burning bush of technological triumph that i

4、s instantly recognized as the next great thing.Agile/Lean thinkingCombining the lean and agile approach: Enabling flexibility through balanceLike peanut butter and jelly, when it comes to agile and lean operating models, the two approaches just go together. Whereas lean focuses on reducing waste and

5、 enhancing flow, agility plays a complementary role, ensuring that lean practices do not become so rigid that they do not allow for market fluctuations. An agile company is able to take into account changing customer preferences and changing stakeholder demands, enabling businesses to respond quickl

6、y to shifting market conditions. Whereas the lean part of the equation cuts back on waste, the agile part lends the flexibility necessary to beat competitors to the punch.Companies that take excessive time executing an idea so they get it “just right” before taking it to market can be bested by thei

7、r competitors that get on the scene with similar products before they do. For example, Netflix wasted no time transforming itself from a mail-rental DVD company to a streaming, on-demand company that now even produces original content. They learned quickly that their customers wanted movies, the fas

8、ter the better, and they didnt much care how those movies got to them. By streaming video, Netflix made its delivery on-demand, and that demand skyrocketed. Being agileconstantly soliciting customer feedback, refining business models, and repeated market-testinggave Netflix the agility it needed to

9、succeed in the entertainment sector. And lean practices squeezed out any waste in production.Leading practicesCombining lean and agile operating models requires a delicate balance of two approaches to innovation that can sometimes be at odds. Reduce those odds by following these general rules:1.Know

10、 your mission. Know who your customer is and what problem you want to solve for that customer. Knowing the problem you are solving will lead you to the methodology you need. Also ensure you have an enduring vision of the experience and brand premise that differentiates your specific business model.

11、Shifting your business model should be a deliberate strategynot a daily exercise.One prime example of a lean, agile company that that has experienced considerable success is Uber. Uber saw a need in the marketplace for a more streamlined, practical way for people without cars to travel short distanc

12、es, and they created a successful, ride-sharing service accessible on an easy-to-use smartphone app. Its ability to continually adapt to customer preferences makes it an agile company responsive to market demands. The result? Uber has moved to 471 cities worldwide1and has inspired multiple copycat f

13、irms.2.Prototypebut also platform. Lean and agile innovation start with buildingblocks. No matter how pie-in-the-sky the idea, each idea should start with theminimal functional concept. From that basic idea, a prototype can begin to takeshape without being “over-built.” In rapid prototyping, anythin

14、g can be a prototype:a block of wood, a paper drawinganything that gets your idea across and helps youto decide whether to progress with it.Once a prototype is realized, articulate a platform before going to market. Theplatform should guide major ideas such as whether you modularize your product orr

15、efactor it over time. A solid platform will lend itself to malleable business modelsand enable appropriate scale and efficiency.3.Be flexible. Agile innovation generally requires teams of people dedicated to aspecific task that operate at a different pace and scale than the rest of a company.Make su

16、re your teams are not too big. Breaking them down into smaller units allowsthem to work with other teams on the total problem. Be sure to give each its ownindependence to work on its specific task. This method will keep timelines shorter and investment in check.4.Share ownership and reduce your dist

17、ance to customers. The crux of anagile operating model is the relationship among the people who make it happen. Ifeach and every person feels responsible for the delivery of the value of the businessmodel every day, its likely your enterprise will be successful. For example, teammembers should feel

18、free to give real-time feedback, comments, and suggestions tostimulate the team as a whole by responding to potential problems.Common mistakesSome common errors to avoid:1.Pursue the maximum imaginary product. Before the dot-com bust, the focusof new companies was to get big fast at any cost. Compan

19、ies would often expandinto new areas before they had proven themselves in the areas they currentlyoccupied. Now that those heady days are past, lean, agile companies are counseledto test hypotheses, find the best market fit, and conserve resources until they arriveat a real, sellable, scalable, repe

20、atable business model.2.Staff your c-suite with visionary leadership with no hands-onexperience. Just because a person succeeded in an automobile company does notmean he or she will exceed expectations in the banking community. Your best betare agile leaders who have already “gotten their hands dirt

21、y” by successfullyadapting to changing situations in the companys area of expertise.3.Spend away. Even if you find yourself flush with capital, be careful how you spendyour first dollarsyou may need them if your initial performance does not meetexpectations. You will likely have to pivot your busine

22、ss (and product) plans severaltimes before you launch, and those restarts take time and money.Co-creationCreating a community of co-creatorsIn todays fast-paced, “always-on” world of digital engagement, in which customers are ever-vocal about their desired experiences and ever-demanding of next-gene

23、ration products, nearly all companies operate on a public stage. The traditional walls that once separated consumers from producers are crumbling, and customers increasingly expect the companies they patronize to be always aware of their concerns and preferences. In this world, it is wiseeven crucia

24、lfor companies to engage ones customers, partners, and suppliers in the product development process. Simply delivering products to the marketplaceno matter how in demand they areis no longer adequate for long-term success. If companies want to invest their products with long-term value, they must en

25、gage with the consumers, partners, and suppliers who enjoy them and build an operating model based on dynamic stakeholder engagementor “co-creation.”Co-creation replaces the idea of the isolated researcher toiling in a siloedlab in favor of an approach that invites consumers and suppliers to be part

26、ners in product development. It is a community-centric approach that believes the best judge of what a consumer wants is the consumer himself, and, as such, it invites consumers, partners, and suppliers to contribute to a creative process that will ideally result in products the consumer will want t

27、o purchase. Co-creation works best when customers, partners, and suppliers are motivated to work with a community of in-house talentdevelopers, designers, and researchersto meet mutually agreed-upon goals. Done right, the process incorporates a feeling of community in all involved, creating a networ

28、k of invested stakeholders. But such efforts should take care to adhere to some leading practices:Invest in motivating your community. If you continually tell your co-creators to solve your problems, they will quickly lose interest. But if you focus on ensuring that your consumers, partners, and sup

29、pliers are enjoying the creative process, you will inspire them to work with you. Dont neglect to give your co-creators something for their effortsthey need praise, credit for their ideas, and evidence that they are making a difference to stay engaged.Make co-creation an ongoing process. Co-creation

30、 goes beyond occasionally soliciting customer, partner, or supplier feedback. The most successful co-creation efforts are long-running campaigns that work to build a community of invested stakeholders who are motivated to work with companies to produce the products they want to see on the market. On

31、e oft-quoted example of this is“Nike Plus,” the virtual community of Nike shoe-owners maintained by the athletic shoe manufacturer. Nike Plus invites consumers to share with one another via phone apps their favorite running tracks, workout routines, and exercise tips. By creating a positive communit

32、y experience, Nike has assembled a large group of invested stakeholders available to be tapped for new product and marketing ideas.There are several common pitfalls awaiting companies that attempt a co-creation model without thinking it through:Dont disengage. Simply building and observing your group wont get thefeedback you want. The real challenge lies in nurturing your relationships andkeeping your co-creators engaged. Put thought into curating your group; rememberthat you are essentially

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