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1、A A teaher B A dtr A student() 7 H ill Bett d her r ?A B Internet B B telephne B ehat听第二段对话,回答810 三个小题。() 8 hat des the an ant t bu?A A shirt B A sarf A dress() 9 hats her daughters favurite lur?A Blue B Green Red() 10 H uh is the shirt?A 10 uan B 100 uan 7 uan第三节:听独白,从A、B、三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。(10分)

2、Nae Her nae is 11 SithAge She is 12 Drea The nitr f the 13 lubAblit (能力) She is gd at plaing 14 hat d u thin f her? 1 () 11 A ar B enn Bett() 12 A 13 B 14 1() 13 A Sprts B usi Dane() 14 A basetball B table tennis the pian() 1 A ind B health lu第二部分 笔试部分 ( 80分)二、单项填空(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)() 16 -h is _ g

3、irl in frnt f the librar? -h, she is ur nitr A aB an theD /() 17 -Is the blue ruler Linglings? -N, it isnt _ is hite A HisB Hers ineD urs() 18 -u, I ant t tae se fantasti phts an u bu a _ fr e? -ertainl Lets g shpping trr A agazine B ran aera D seater ()19 -a I this red dress? -Sure The dressing r i

4、s ver there A put up B pa fr tr n D put aa () 20 -I getting _ The at is t sall fr e -I afraid u have t d sprts ever daA strng B heav tallD shrt() 21 -H is the _ in Ruian? -T bad There are t an ars n the rads AtraffiB eather fd D shl() 22 - ill there be an shls in 200? -_ Students ill stud n the Inte

5、rnet at heAes, there illB N, there nt es, the illD N, the nt() 23 hat are ur plans fr the eeend?-_ I ill nl sta at he alne A SethingB Everthing Anthing D Nthing()24 -hen are u ging t have a pian lessn? -_ Sunda afternn A At B n In D T ()2 -uld u lie t ath a vie ith e this Sunda? -_ I a free then A e

6、s, Id lve t B Srr, I ant N, thans Des, please三完形填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) A ung Apple Tree ne da, a pr f arer alled i taes a ung apple tree t his huse It is a 26 fr his friend The farer is ver happ ith the gift and sings sngs n the a he, 27 he desnt n here t plant itNext rning, he still thins abut the

7、questin He is afraid that if he plants (种)the tree near the rad, peple ill 28 the fruit If he plants the tree near his far, peple ill e at night and tae se f the apples If he plants the tree near his 29 , his hildren ill tae the fruit Finall, he has a gd idea He plants the tree in the frest But ther

8、e isnt enugh sunlight r 30 sil (土壤), his tree is sn dead (死的) A fe das later, the friend es t his huse and ass the far er, “ 31 d u plant the tree in this bad plae?” The farer 32 hi in surprise (惊讶) beause he desnt n h his friend ass this questin” Is it 33 ? I thin its the sae fr e, beause I an get

9、nthing fr it” sas the farer “es,” sas the friend, “ “if u plant it in a plae ith sunlight, u ill en the fruit and an peple an 34 en it But n nbd an en the fruit, u 3 a gd apple tree bad I dnt thin it is right” The farers fae turns red( )26 A present B prdut gae Da( )27 A and B s r D but( )28 A eat B

10、 bu sell D ash( )29 A rad B huse far D shl( )30 A heap B free gd D heav( )31 A h B hen here D hat( )32 Als fr B hears fr ls at D tals abut( )33 A fresh B different nie D speial( )34 A als B t neverD alst( )3 A tae B pa give D ae四、阅读理解(本题有1小题,每小题2分,共30分)A LstLst: athIt is hite I lst it in the afternn

11、 in the plagrund nae is a telephne nuber is 14678234 FundFund: A shlbagIt is red There is a b, three pens and a allet in it nae is T If it is urs, u an e t the teahersffie r eail e at t123126 antedAre u gd at usi? D u ant t be a singer? an u dane? an u sing? e need an singers fr the Shl Art Festival

12、 all Tn at 67897Ntier Zhang ill give us a lessn abut travelling t enzhu Eduatin Praie Base (温州教育实践基地) next ee G t lassr 107 at 13:30 this Frida and en the t-hur lessn() 36 hat lr is the ath? Ared Bgreen blue D hite() 37_ is in the lst and fund bx A A penilB A shlbag A basetballDA at () 38 If u ant t

13、 be a singer fr the Shl Art Festival, u an _ A all a at 14678234 B e ail T at t123126 all Tn at 67897 D g t lassr 107() 39 _ ill give us a lessn at 13:30 this Frida in lassr 107 A a B T Tn D r Zhang() 40 e an see all the infratin _ A in a shl in a hspitalB in a bus statinD in a ath b B hen st 8-ear-

14、ld hildren are in shl r plaing, little Anna ang fr hina is ling after her grandther and great-grandther The fail lives in a pr huse in the rete untains(偏远区) f Huling, Ruian Her ther and father leave her hen she is nl 3 nths ld She has a grandther and a 92-ear-ld great-grandther Her grandther is ill(

15、生病的), s she ant l after herself Anna s fr the, and helps the ith huser ever da Ever rning, she gets up earl and s breafast fr her fail She ften leans the huse, and helps the t the tilet(厕所) She has n ther fail t help her A neighbr(邻居), Lin Feng, ith a far usuall gives Anna vegetables, and he helps h

16、er arr the t her he Seties he even bus lthes fr her and her fail Als Lin Feng teahes her t read and rite Little Anna sas she des the huser happil beause she ants t She alas sas “I shuld be read t help fail and ther peple beause e shuld lve everne all ver the rld” () 41 abe Anna is abut _ A 8 ears ld

17、 B 3 nths ld 92 ears ld D 1 ears ld() 42 Anna ls after her grandther beause_A Anna gets up earlB her grandther lives in a pr huse Annas grandther is illD Anna ants t g t shl() 43 Fr the passage, e n Annas neighbr is _A friendl B fit funn D bus() 44 hih is TRUE arding t the passage?A Anna ften plas i

18、th ther hildrenB Anna gets up earl and ges t shl Anna helps her fail in an asD Annas neighbr has a fatr() 4 hat an u learn fr Anna?_ In se siene fitin(科幻)vies, peple in the future have t heir n rbtsThese rbts are lie huans (人类) The help ith the huser and d diffiult and heav bs S e sientists thin tha

19、t there ill be suh rbts in the future But the sa it a tae hundreds f ears Sientists are n tring t ae rbts l lie peple and d the sae things as us apanese panies have alread ade rbts al and dane aes hite thins that it ill be diffiult fr a rbt t d the sae things as a persn But ther sientists dnt thin s

20、 The thin rbts an d the sae thing as us in 0 ears Rbt sientists are tring t ae rbts l lie nt nl peple but als anials Fr exaple, there are alread rbts ring in fatries The d eas bs ver and ver again Peple uld nt lie t d suh bs and uld get bred(感到无聊的) But rbts ill never get bred and tired In the future

21、, there ill be re rbts everhere, and huans ill have less r t d Ne rbts ill have an different shapes(形状) Se ill l lie huans,se ill l lie dgs, se ill l lie hands, and thers a l lie snaes After an earthquae(地震), a snae rbt uld help l fr peple under buildings e never n hat ill happen in the future!() 46

22、 The rbt in_an al and daneA hinese B England apan D Aeria() 47 aes hite is a(n) _ A atr B sientist riter D rbt() 48 Fr the passage, e n_ in the future A huans ill have uh heav and diffiult r t d B abe the snae rbts an find peple after an earthquae all the sientists believe peple ill have their rbts

23、D sientists tr t ae rbts l different fr peple () 49 hat des the underlined rd “tae” ean in hinese? A 拿走 B 花费 买下 D 乘坐() 0 hats the best title f the passage? A A siene fitin vieB Life f aes hite Rbts in the futureD Life in the future五、词汇运用(本题有1小题,每小题1分,共1分)A用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。 t, lse, free, strabe

24、rr, beah 1 ane is a ver areful girl, and she never 1 her shl things 2 Id lie t pla basetball in 2 tie 3 an peple travel t Sana t tae a al n the 3 4 rs Liu has gt t daughters, and arria is the 4 daughter There is n fruit at he n Lets bu se in the aretB根据短内容和所给中提示,写出短空白处各单词的正确形式。 Fling ites is favurit

25、e gae It begins in hina It has a histr f t 6 (千) ears, and its ver ppular n hildren and their parents lie t fl ites in April r 7 (五月) hen its sunn and there is uh 8 (风) At this tie f the ear, lts f peple g ut and arr an inds f 9 (美丽的) ites t the par The are in different lurs, shapes, and 60 (尺寸) Se

26、l lie planes, se l lie flers, and se l lie fish At eeends, I lie 61 (骑) bies t the par near huse, and then fl a ite there hen the ite is high in the 62 (空中), Ill be ver glad The sight in the par is nie ith inds f ites S an ites, trees and flers ae the par 63 (就,正) lie fairland (仙境) I an fl ites ver

27、ell, and I a even 64 (能够的) t ae an strange inds f ites I feel relaxed hen I see the ites fling, s I en 6 (我自己) a lt hen I sta in the par and fl ites六 任务型阅读阅读下面小题的任务信息,然后从A-F中选出他们最有可能感兴趣的信息相匹配,其中有一项多余。66 Next Sunda is brther Vinents b irthda He lies plaing puter gaes ver uh But I have nl 200 uan67 Al

28、ie is gd friend She ass e t g t her birthda part this Sunda I ant t bu a ne dress fr her68 Bella is a shl girl She is 13 ears ld next nda Her parents ant t bu a pian fr her beause she lies plaing the pian ver uh69 Vis best friend Lauras birthda is ing She ants t bu her a present, but she desnt have

29、uh ne,she nl has uan70 arl ill have a birthda part this evening His parents bu a lt f fd and drins But the d nt have a nie birthda aeA The puter is ver nie and it is n sale n It is nl 3,000 uan n! D u lie it?B D u lie eating aes ith ie rea and fruits? This birthda ae is nl 120 uan D u lie this nie birthda ard? It is ver heap, nl 3 uan u an bu it fr ur friendsD This puter gae is the latest(最新的) ne an bs lie it ver uh It is nl 10 uan

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