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1、 Hello,Alice 从B栏中找出A栏的答语.(1) Good afternoon. A:(2) Spell it,please. B: Good afternoon.(4) HelloEric. D: K-E-Y洹滨中学 高明茹Starter Unit 3 What color is it?一、补全下列单词,并译成汉语 1.gr_n()2.bl_ck3.wh_t_4.y_ll_) 5.c_l_6._r_nge7.bl_8._ngl_sh二、写出Ss-Zz.大小写字母 拓展提高:I.写出相邻字母的大(小)写 1._Tt_2._Ww_3._Uu_4._Yy_ II.写出下列词所代表的汉语意思

2、 CCTV_2.UFO_3.UN_.找朋友Goodmorning,boysandgirls!A.Imfine,thankyou.Hello,Lucy.B.MissLiu. WhatsthisinEnglish?C.Hi,LiuYangHowareyou,Eric?D.Itsamap.ThankyouE.Thatsallright.洹滨中学 李艳凤Unit 1 My name s Gina Section A 1a2c 一 、写出下列单词的完全形式, 并写出汉语意思. Im _ _ whats _ _ name s _ _二、写出下列单词. 我的 _ 你的_ 名字_ 遇见_ 三 根据情景补全对话

3、. A: Good afternoon ! B: _! A; I _Lucy . _your name ? My _ is Jim . Nice to _you ! _. Section A 3a 4用所给词的适当形式填空. 1. Nice to meet _(your). 2. _(she) name is Helen Black. 3. His family name _(be) Mr Green. 4. _(be) you Mr Green. 5. Hi, I _(be) Lily.Section B 1a 2c(一)按顺序写出数字的英文形式。. _ 1_ 2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9

4、_ (二)用数字或英语表示下列电话号码. 1、_ 2、 _ 3、 _ 4、four nine eight zero seven _ 5、one five six three one eight _(三)按由小到大的顺序排列下列每组数字.、two 、 three 、 one _、five 、 seven 、 six _、nine 、 zero 、 one _Section B 3a4 1.翻译下列词组 姓氏 身份证 电话号码_ 我的名字 2.选择填空(1) your last name?A.What B.Whats C.Whatre D.What has(2)Whats her _name?A.

5、first B. two C. one D.three(3)His name is Nick Hand.His_name is Hand. A. first B. last C. one D. givenUnit 2 This is my sister. Section A 1a2d (一 )英汉互译 his friends_ these boys_ her grandmother_ 你的父母亲_ 他的妹妹们_ (二) 据句意和汉语填空. 1. My father and my mother are my _. 2. This is my sister. _name is Mary. 3. W

6、hat are these? They are _.(苹果) 4. Those are my_(弟弟们). (三)按要求写出相应的词 this (反义词)_ these (反义词)_ it (复数形式)_ he (对应词)_ sister (对应词)_ is not (缩写)_ Section A 3a2c(四)选择 1. Is she your _? Yes,she is. A. brother B. sister C. brothers D. sisters 2. That _his brother. A. am B. is C. are D. it 3. Is Li Fang your

7、friend ? Yes,_is . A. his B. her C. she D. he 4Is that your mother ? _ A. Yes, its. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is D. No ,it not.(三)连词成句1. my , this, mother, is (.)_2. your, that ,sister , is (?)_3. is ,your ,ZhangMing ,brother (? ,she ,his ,aunt (?)_(四)根据汉语完成句子。1、李东是你的朋友吗?不是。 _2、这是她的父母吗?是的。_3、那是我的

8、姐姐。 _(五)句型转换 1. This is my friend .(转为一般疑问句) _ 2. That is his brother .(改为复数句) _ 3.That is her aunt .(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答) _ _ her _? _,_ _. 洹滨中学 王振华Section B 1a2c(一)选择 1. she your sister?A. Are B. Is C. Am D. Do2. are his two sisters.A . She B. He C. This D. These3. Is he your father? .A. No, he is B Ye

9、s, hes C. No, he not D. Yes, he is(二)找出错误并改正。1、These are his English book._2、I know he name is Paul._3、Those is eight pencils._Section B 3a3b句型转换 (1) This is my brother. (改为一般疑问句 ) _ (2)This is my sister.(改为复形式数) _ (3) Are they your parents?(做肯定、否定回答) _Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section A 1a 1c(一)英汉

10、互译your dictionary_ his backpack_my ruler _ _ 一块橡皮_ 我的铅笔盒_ 他的卷笔刀_她的书_ _(二)选择1.This is _eraser. A.a C.the D./2.Is that your book? _.A.That isnt B.It isnt. C.Yes,that isnt D.No,it isnt. 3.This _ my key. B.isnt C.not D.no4.Is this your backpack? _.A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,it isnt. C.No, it is. D.It

11、isnt.Section A 2a2c1、根据句意及首字母补全单词(1)Is that her e_(2)This is a pencil c_(3)Whats this ? Its a r_(4)E_me. Is this your pencil?2、选择(1)Is this your eraser? _A.Yes, its . B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, is. D. It is.(2)Is that _ pencil sharpener?A. he B. him C. his D. you(3)This is _ bag.A. me B. I C. my. D. you

12、(4) Is that his case?A.Yes, that is . B. Yes, it isnt. C. No, it is. D.No, it isn3、完成下列句子(1)_ _(这是) your pencil ?_ , _ _(是,它是)(2)_ _(那是)his book?_, it _(不,它不是).It is_(我的)book.4、翻译下列句子(1)这是你的字典吗?不,它不是。(2)这是他的钢笔吗?是,它是。(3)那是她的课本吗?不,那是 我的课本。一、根据句意及首字母补全单词。 1)Is that her e_? 2)How do you s_ pen? 3)Whats

13、this in E_? 4)Is that a pencil c_? 5)That is my c_ game.(二)根据句意及汉意写出下列单词 ()“Is this your ID card ?” “Yes, _.”()“Is that her ring”“No , It _.” ()How _you spell watch?()Whats your phone number ? _890-5827. (5 ) Is it in the lost and _case . ( 6 ) I lost a set of _ (钥匙) (7 )_(打电话) Alan at 285-6548. (三)

14、选择 1. This _a book . That _a ruler A. am, is B. is, is C. is, am D. are, are 2. Is this _pencil? Yes, _A. your, it is B. you, it is C. your, its D. you, its 3. _that your backpack? No, _. Its his backpack . A. is, it isnt B. Is, it isnt C. Are, it is D. are, it is 4.Whats this _English? Its _eraser

15、. A. in, a B. with, an C. in, an D. With, a 5.Whats this in English?s _ A. a key B. key C. watch D. clock 6. Call Alan _994-5863. A in B. with C. on D. at 7Is this _ruler? Yes, its her ruler. A. my B. her C. his D. your (四) 翻译下列句子。1、这是你的笔记本吗? 是, 它是。 _2、那是你的学生证吗? 不, 不是。 是她的。 _3、失物招领箱里的那个电脑游戏是你的吗? _(五

16、) 下列各句中各有一错误找出来划上横线并在后面改正。1. I eraser is white . 2. This is a English book . 3.It is his dictionary? Yes, it is. Unit 4 Where s my schoolbag?Section A 1a-1c 一、汉译英在桌子下面_在梳妆台上_在书橱里_在沙发上_在床下面_在椅子后面_二、选择1. Where is my book?s under _ table . A. my the B. the my C. my 2. Where _ his keys? A. is B. are C.

17、am D. be 3. _ your bag ? At school. A. Whats B. What C. Wheres D. Where1.翻译短语在背包里_ 在沙发上_在椅子下面_在梳妆台上_ 我的电子游戏_2.根据上下文,用合适的介词填空。1)Wheres the backpack? Is it _ the table? No, it isnt. It is on the table. 2)Where is the soccer ball? Oh, its _(在下面)the table.3)Where is the pencil case? Is it _ (在里面)the bac

18、kpack? Section A 3a4一、选择 1. Where _my book? A. is B. are C. can D. do 2. Where _his keys? A. is B. are C. can D. do 3. Where s my baseball? _ under the bed. A. It B. Its C. they D. Theyre Section B 1a2b(一)选择1.Where is Jinan?s _Shandong. A. on B. in C. to D. under2.Is your photo in the drawer?A. Yes,

19、 I am. B. No, it is. C.Y es, it is. D. No, Im not.Section B 3a41、选择 (1) Can you_these things to your brother, Tom? A. take B. bring C. fetch D. carry(2) Wheres Shanghai?s_China. A. in B. in the C. at D. on(3)These are my_. A. key B. keys C. keies D. keyes Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?一、汉译英:排球_篮球_网球_乒乓球_球拍_ 二、根据句意及首字母补全单词 (2)This is a pencil c_ (3)What (4)E_me. Is this your pencil?Section A 3a-4 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. That _ (sound ) good. 2. _ you _ (have) a tennis rac

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