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1、8. *-allocate v.s distribute (收入)分配9. *-under v.s in accordance with v.s in light of (local conditions ) v.s on abasis/ Workers are paid on a piece basis while cleric/supporting staff are paid on a time basis. 10. *-assignment 1.(投资,产权)转让 2. (分配、分派)*-Expatriate Assignment 3.11. *-as opposed to .12.

2、*-vertical v.s horizontal a.13. *-delegate n. vt. 14. *-line manager/ v.s functional managers v.s regional manager . 15. *exclusive a. 16. *-deal in vt. 17. *-exert sbon sb. 18. *-be vested with the authority/right to do sth. Lecture 219. *S.P: The competition is becoming increasingly fierce at the

3、job market.!20. *-Resume (US) v.s C.V (Curriculum Vitae )简历 In the curriculum of our WTO second degree, we have 40 courses, of which, 30 are compulsory courses , 10 are optional courses. 21. S. P: We are to run a 7-day customized program on team-buiding for the acquired firms employees. 22. Labor-ma

4、nagement conflict/negotiation23. * corporate a. 24. *-to set an attainable objective in life. 25. *-implement/implementation n. 26. *-established 1.2.327. *-to keep sb informed of/about sth. The management of a listed firm is bound to keep the public informed about the business performance of the co

5、mpany. 28. *- the latest development n. /latest/novel /emerging / 29. *-define vt. 界定30. *-assign. vt. Assignment 1.2.*-(股权,产权,所有权,投资,合同的)转让,3。分配分派31. *-allocate/allocation v.s distribute/distribution 32. *-assessment v.s evaluation v.s appraisal n. 评估33. *-Asset Appraisal Report资产评估报告34. *-to look

6、into the employees grievances .35. *-bonus v.s benefits v.s allowance v.s dividends v.s subsidy*-base pay36. S. P: be entitled to sth/to do sth. 37. *-breakdown n.细分,分解;S.P: May I have the breakdown of sth?38. *-jeopardize/jeopardy vt.危及,伤害39. *-The First Affiliated High School to Huazhong Normal Un

7、iversity. 40. The Pay-off is really encouraging!41. *-Are you looking for someone who is (Job-description)? If your answer is positive, I think your search is over as I am the very person you have been hunting. 42. Lecture 3 Operations Management 43. *merchandising firms 销售类企业 v.s manufacturing firm

8、s 制造类的企业44. *- business processes 业务流程45. *-established a. 1.成功的2.老牌3。既定的46. *-S.P: to measure A against B. 47. *-generate vt. 创造(收入, 利润,效益,销售业绩等) v.s create vt/ 48. *-priority 49. * S.P; to give priority to sth/sb/doing sth.予以倾斜,优先考虑50. 武汉市人民政府对本工业园从事无污染运作的高技术企业予以倾斜。The Peoples Municipal Government

9、 of Wuhan shall give priority to businesses on this industrial estate engaged in pollution-free high-tech operations.51. *-alternative . n = choice , *-alternative proposal备选方案;*-as an alternative to sth/doing sth. 作为。的替代。52. *-The meddicine does not live up to what it is claimed in the TV commercia

10、l. 53. *-customize vt. 量身定做的54. *-The management brought in consultants to run a 7-days customized program on team-building for employees of the acquired firm. 55. *-cater for the needs of sb. 56. *-corporate culture 企业文化57. *-to make trade-off between/among sth. 58. *该项目将提前一个月投产:This project shall

11、be put into operation one month ahead of schedule.59. *-航班因能见度低将晚点40分钟:The flight is behind the schedule by 40 minutes because of poor visibility. 60. *-qualitative v.s *-quantitative approaches. 61. *-to place/put a premium on sth. 62. *-S. P: to place an order with sb for sth. 63. *-N+oriented a 导

12、向性的 64. 2012- 03-18 Lecture 465. *-作为企业的核心竞争力,电子商务在企业经营中发挥日益重要的作用:As the core competency of a business, E-commerce is playing an increasingly important role in their operations. 66. *-S. P: to make/maintain trade-off between/among sth. 67. *-I would appreciate your arranging for an interview with me

13、 at your earliest convenience!68. *- It pays to shop around. 69. *-Bid on sth. Vt. 70. *-Invitation for Bids 招标71. *-real estate = real property = realty v.s premises. 72. *-residence/resident 73. *-residential quarters .居民小区74. *-S. P: -collaborate with sb on sth. 75. *-distribution 配送76. *-catalog

14、 n.产品目录77. * to free sb from to exempt sb from sth/doing sth. 免除义务78. 武汉市人民政府将免除东湖工业园中企业45%的企业所得税。 The Peoples Municipal Government of Wuhan shall exempt businesses on the East Lake Industrial Estate from corporate income tax by 45%.79. *-facilitate vt. 80. *-material ingredient prescription n81. *-

15、specifications n.技术规范82. *generate vt. 创造83. *-Once the project is put into operation, it will generate 100 million USD revenues and create 1000 jobs for the locality. 84. *-由于我们公司是一个有相当资信度的老牌客户,因此我们能够从生产 商那挂账进货,账目按月结算。 Since ours is an firm with substantial creditworthiness, we are in a position to

16、 obtain supplies from the manufacturer on open account, the accounts shall be settled on a bimonthly basis.)85. *-to place an order with sb for sth. V.s to take an order from sb for sth. 86. *-to place a firm order with sb for sth. 87. To place regular orders with sb for sth. 88. *to launch a produc

17、t/service onto the market v.s to introduce a policy/measure;89. * -Product launch v.s the Press Launch of sth. 90. *-be oriented to sth. 定位于 91. *-N + oriented a 导向性的92. *-S. P: to conduct a follow-up survey into sth. 93. *-to provide/supplyfurnish sb with sth. 94. *product/investment Mix/portfolio组

18、合95. *-outlet n.销售点96. 2012-03- Lecture 5 Corporate Finance 97. *-If you insist on taking the digital camera home, the customs will impose/levy a duty of $100 on it. 98. *- to service a debt/ to pay a debt/ v.s to meet onesobligations;偿还债务99. *-consolidated a 1.合并的2.统一的(_工商统一税,发票)100. *-merchandisin

19、g firms 销售类企业 v.s manufacturing firms n 制造业类的企业;101. *-S.P: to deduct A from B to arrive at C. 102. *S.P: to buy/sell sth at a discount of/103. *S.P: to buy sth on a premium of $2000104. *-profit/gain/loss/interest/earnings/returns on sth. v.s *-proceeds from sth. 105. *-be subject to sth *-须经-1.后面接

20、一个权威性的东西,2,在西方,权威性通常指的是:A 批文,B 检测结论, C,投票结果;106. The feasibility studies report of the project shall be subject to the ratification/approval by the urban planning authorities of the city. 107. The medicine works very well, yet it shall be further clinic testing before it is launched. 108. The project proposal shall be subject to a 2/3 voting at the board of directors. 109. *-amortize 分摊110. *-A holding firm控股企业 111. * a listed firm 上市企业 to become listed 上市112. * to meet listing requirements 满足上市要求113.

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