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1、 look at the pictures of the dormitory items and match them with the names. C. Check the answers with students.D. If necessary, the teacher can offer more examples of the English names for the dormitory items.Step Two: Im homesickA.Ask students about the meaning of the word “homesick”.B.Have student

2、s listen to the tape or CD and fill in the blanks. C.Explain the language points, especially the sentence patterns to ask about others, such asa)How are you getting on with your work?b)How are you doing?D.Have students listen to the dialogue again and check the answers with students.Notes 1. How are

3、 you getting on with college life, Lucy? 露西,大学生活过得怎样?get on (with) 进展,进行;与和睦相处e.g. How are you getting on with your work? 你的工作进展如何?2. I frequently feel very lonely. 我经常感到孤独。*frequently ad. 经常地,频繁地e.g. I went to visit my grandparents frequently. 以前我经常去看望祖父母。该词由形容词frequent加副词后缀-ly构成,frequent的意思是“经常的”。

4、e.g. I am a frequent guest at this business hotel, so I enjoy a discounted room rate. 我是这家商务酒店的常客,所以能够享受优惠房价。3. Before I came I was really excited. I dreamed of living on my own. 来这里之前,我确实感到很兴奋,梦想着能过独立的生活。on ones own 独自 e.g. He finished the laborious task on his own. 他独自一人完成了这项费时费力的工作。4. But now tha

5、t Im totally on my own, I feel homesick. 但是我现在独自一人,又想家了。homesick a. 思乡的,想家的 e.g. It makes me homesick to look at it. 瞧着它,我就想家了。homesickness是homesick的名词形式,意为“思乡症”。e.g. Laughter was another medicine to cure my depression and homesickness. 欢笑是另一剂良药,可治愈我的沮丧与思乡之病。5. But thats the way college life is. 但大学

6、生活就是这样。the way后面的college life is是一个定语从句,修饰先行词the way,相当于the way in which college life is,或者the way that college life is。e.g. I like the way (that) he talks. 我喜欢他说话的样子。6. Well get used to it. 我们会习惯的。get used to 习惯于,适应e.g. Have you got used to the cold weather here? 你习惯这里的寒冷天气了吗?Step Three: The school

7、 club is funA.Acquaint students with the new words.B.Have students listen to the tape or CD. Tick () if the information is right; if the information is wrong, underline the part that is wrong and correct it in the blank. C.Have students listen to the dialogue again and check the answers with student

8、s.D.If time permits, the teacher can give more explanation on the key words.1. Fancy meeting you here!真想不到在这里遇到你!fancy vt. 居然(表惊奇) e.g. Fancy meeting so many old friends here! 真想不到在这里遇到了这么多的老朋友!该词可表示一种惊讶、意外或震惊,常用祈使句句型,表示“想象吧!”e.g. Fancy meeting so many actors! 居然能见到这么多演员!2. You must be kidding! Its

9、not for me. 你在开玩笑吧!它不适合我。注意:kid在此作动词,表示“开玩笑”。“You must be kidding”常用来表示不可置信。3. Ive made up my mind to join the Literary Club because I like reading and writing. 我已决定加入文学社了,因为我喜欢阅读和写作。make up ones mind下决心 e.g. You are 21 years old now, old enough to make up your own mind. 你已经21岁了,可以自己做决定了。4. Ill try

10、my best and certainly enter my name. 我会尽全力的,也一定会参加这个社团。try ones best 尽全力,尽最大的努力 e.g. We must try our best to do the job. 我们必须尽全力去做这项工作。enter ones name 报名e.g. Ive entered my name for the high jump. 我已报名参加跳高比赛。Step Four: Giving AdviceA.Acquaint students with the patterns for giving advice in the Learn

11、ing Box.B.Have students read the given situation and the dialogue. Then put the given sentences in the correct order.C.Check answers with students.D.Have students role-play the dialogue with a partner.E.Invite two or three pairs of students for demonstration.1. Her weight has dropped by 30 pounds. 她

12、的体重减了30磅。此处by的意思是“以幅度”。e.g. Last months sales increased by 20% compared to the same period last year. 上月的销售与去年同期相比增加了20%。2. With pleasure! 十分愿意!e.g. Could you do me a favor? 能帮我一个忙吗?With pleasure!3. Ive no idea whether I should join the Aerobics Club. 我不知道是否要加入体操俱乐部。aerobics n. 健身操,有氧健身运动 e.g. Aerob

13、ics is a popular form of exercise in the United States. 美国很流行有氧操这种锻炼方式。I go to aerobics once a week. 我每周一次去练健身操。have (no) idea(不)知道 e.g. I have no idea what she said. 我不知道她说了什么。4. I know, but Im afraid it would take up a lot of my time. 我知道,但是我担心这要占用我许多时间。take up 占用 e.g. Doing the translation took u

14、p most of her week. 做翻译工作占用了她这个星期的大部分时间。5. Thats more than I thought. 这不是我想要的。more than 远不止,多于e.g. The boy was more than happy at the news. 男孩听到这个消息欣喜若狂。Step Five: A Jewish Boy and His Math A.Text Lead-in: ask students to match the given signs with two religionsJudaism and Catholicism. B.Pre-text Qu

15、estions:a.Why are children afraid of math?b.How can children improve their math?c.What does the “+”sign mean?C.Text Comprehension: ask students to read the text and then proceed to the detailed study of the text.D.Culture Input: help students have a general idea of cross or crucifix and their meanin

16、g.E.After-text exercise: have students complete the exercises after the text and check the answers with students.1. A ten-year-old Jewish boy was failing math. His parents tried everything, but in vain. 一个十岁的犹太小男孩数学总不及格。他的父母尝试了很多办法,但都没用。fail在此处作及物动词,有“不通过考试;评定某人不能通过考试”的意思。e.g. Mary failed chemistry

17、but passed all other subjects. 除了化学,玛丽其他各科均及格了。His work was so bad that the teacher had no choice but to fail him. 他的功课这么差,老师不得不让他挂科。*vain a. 徒然的,无效的,不成功的 e.g. He made a vain attempt to lighten the atmosphere. 他想活跃一下气氛,但没成功。该词还有一个意思,即“自负的;爱虚荣的”。e.g. She is vain about her voice. 她对自己的嗓音非常自负。Men at ti

18、mes can be just as vain as women. 男人有时和女人一样爱慕虚荣。in vain徒然地,白费力气地,无效地e.g. We tried in vain to make him change his mind. 我们试图使他改变主意,结果只是白费力气。2. Finally they decided to enroll their son in a private Catholic school. 最后,他们决定送儿子到一家私人天主教会学校上学。enroll v. 登记,(使)加入e.g. I enrolled at the University of Vienna.

19、我去维也纳大学注册了。He enrolled us. 他把我们登记下来了。enroll (sb.) in/at 登记,(使)入伍(入会、入学等),成为成员e.g. Excuse me, but could you help me? I would like to enroll in this cooking class. 对不起,请你帮个忙好吗?我想报名参加这个烹饪班。The parents have enrolled their kid in kindergarten. 这对父母已经给孩子在幼儿园注册了。3. After the first day, the boys parents wer

20、e surprised when he walked in after school with a serious look on his face. 第一天放学之后,男孩的父母惊奇地发现,儿子走进家门时一脸严肃。school在此处是不可数名词,作“功课,上课,学校教育”解。例如:at school在上学那段时间;start school开始上学;leave school辍学。4. For nearly two hours he worked hard in his room with math books lying about his desk and the floor. 将近两个小时,

21、他都在自己的房里埋头学习,书桌和地板上到处都是散落的数学课本。此处with同样引导伴随状语,lying about为分词作补语。about同around,表示“在各处,朝四面八方”的意思。e.g. They spent the whole morning walking about town. 他们整个上午在镇子上兜来兜去。5. At mothers call for dinner, he appeared long enough to eat, and after quickly cleaning his plate, went back to his room to work on his

22、 studies until bedtime. 他妈妈不停地催他吃饭,他出来也就吃吃饭,很快吃完盘子里的东西后,又回到自己的房间,用功学习,一直到睡觉时间。此处at有“because of what has been said or done”之意,常与request, call, suggestion, invitation, news, words等词一起使用。e.g. Mary went to Austria at the invitation of her friend Julia. 应朋友朱莉娅的邀请,玛丽去了奥地利。Dead patients names were made pub

23、lic at the request of the families. 在家属的要求下,死亡病人的名单得以公布。work on 致力于,从事e.g. She is working on a new invention. 她正在进行一项新发明。Is Tom still working on the new book that he has promised? 汤姆仍在撰写他曾允诺过的那本新书吗?6. The boy laid it on the dinner table, and went straight to his room to study. 男孩把成绩报告单放在餐桌上,然后径直回到自己

24、的房间去学习了。laid的原形为lay,意为“放置”,它的过去式和过去分词都是laid,现在分词为laying。请注意lay与lie的各种动词形式和用法的区别。动词原形意义过去式过去分词现在分词lie躺laylainlying说谎lied放置,铺设;产卵laidlaying7. The parents were so excited that they rushed into their sons room, wondering how he could have made such great progress. 父母特别激动,冲进儿子的房里,想知道他如何取得这么大的进步。wondering

25、引导的分词短语在该句中为伴随状语,相当于and wondered。分词作状语,放在句首时,有时可以和when, unless, once, while, if, though等连词连用。e.g. Despite knowing the answer, the boy chose to remain silent. 尽管知道答案,男孩还是选择沉默。完成时前面加情态动词,助动词have应为原形。时态变化体现在情态动词上。e.g. We wondered how they could have been able to develop this skill. 我们想知道他们是如何掌握这门技巧的。co

26、uld have done当然也可为虚拟语气,表示对过去事情的假设,意思是“本来能够做某事而没有做”。e.g. She could have passed the test, but she was too careless. 本来她能够通过考试的,但是她太粗心了。I was so angry that I could have killed her. 我当时很生气,简直要杀掉她。*progress n. 进步,发展,前进e.g. The student is showing rapid progress in his studies. 这个学生学习进步很快。make progress 取得进

27、步e.g. We can only make progress by degrees. 我们只能逐渐进步。*wonder vi. 惊奇,想知道,怀疑e.g. They wondered at his learning. 他们对他的学识感到惊奇。I was just wondering about that myself. 我也觉得这件事莫名其妙。该词还有名词形式,意为“惊奇,惊讶;奇迹,奇观”。作名词时还常用no wonder, small wonder等短语。e.g. They stared at the strange sight in silent wonder. 他们目不转睛地看着那幅

28、奇景,惊讶地沉默着。No wonder Ive got a headache; I drank too much last night. 昨晚喝得太多了,难怪我头疼。8. “Was it the teachers that did it?” the mother asked. “是不是老师帮你进步的?”母亲问。Was itthat是强调句的疑问形式,肯定形式即it was/isthat。使用强调句型时要注意:1)无论被强调的部分是单数还是复数,谓语动词部分都是was/is。2)如果被强调部分是表示人的名词或人称代词,可以用who来代替that,其他情况下皆用that。e.g. It was o

29、nly his mother and father that could understand him. 只有父母能理解他。It is in the lobby bar that guests can relax. 客人的休息区在大堂吧。It is during her leisure time that she has been practicing fishing. 她在空闲时间练习钓鱼。It was Robert who was responsible for the accident. 该对此事故负责的人是罗伯特。9. “Was it the one-to-one tutoring?” “是不是一对一辅导的结果?” 该句为省略句,完整句子为:Was it the one-to-one tutoring that helped make the

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