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1、whos loving,caring and happy all the time(他是这样的人)编辑部的故事(It is almost 9:30 P.M. now。All the friends are ready to leave。)(这会差不多是晚上9点30分了。所有的伙伴正准备离开。Tina:You know,Ive been thinking about what kind of person my baby will be?你知道吗,我一直在想我的宝宝会成为怎样的人。Linda:The questions should not bother you at moment。Tina,y

2、ou dont even have a boy friend。(laughing)这会儿,你不该有这样的问题吧。Tina,你现在甚至连男朋友都没有。(笑)Thats the cruelest think youve ever said to me这是你对我说过最残酷的话了。Steven:OK,heres what Im thinking。If I had a baby now,I would expect him to be the kind of person,whos loving,caring and happy all the time。好吧,我是这么想的。如果我有个孩子的话,我期望他

3、成为那种有爱心,懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。How nice you are,steve。youare just a really loving guy。Ill buy you breakfast tomorrow morning。steven,你太好了。你真是个有爱心的人。明天早上我给你买早饭!Tina,I have to add something。Im not planning to have a baby。Tina,知道吗?我需要补充一下。我没打算要孩子。精品五句(二)-No more thanNO morethan和一样不每个英语学习者都会经过“比较级”的考验,但是懂得了“moretha

4、n”是“比更”的含义并不代表你就已经将这种句型攻克。下面就想考考你:no morethan来表达“我不过和他一样寒酸。”,英文句子应该怎么说呢?如果没有反应过来的话,就和我们一起进入下面密集型操练吧!精品五句普通句Im no more an expert than Linda我和Linda一样都不是什么专家次级高手句Im no more an expert on dating than Linda。我和Linda一样都不是什么约会高手。高手句Im no more an expert on dating than Linda is超级高手句 on dating than Linda is in

5、the kitchen就像Linda做菜不怎么样一样,我也不是什么约会高手。专家句As you all know,Im no more an expert on dating than Linda is in the kitchen。你们大家都知道,就像Linda做菜不怎么样一样,我也不是什么约会高手。解句As you all know(正如你们大家所知)+Im no more an expert(核心句)编辑部的故事(Tangle is going to have a date. Hes asking all the friends for advice)(Tangle 正要去赴一个约会。他

6、正在征询朋友们意见。Susan:Im curious,Tangle.How long have you not dated girls 我很好奇,Tangle。你有多久没约会了?Steven:This seems to be a tough one,hehe 这个问题不好回答,呵呵。Tina:What do you mean?Tangle is an excellent guy all the women are dreaming about. 你什么意思?我们Tangle可是所有女人梦想的优秀男士。Tangle:Tina,stop saying that.That doesnt make m

7、e feel good.As you all know,Im no more an expert on dating than Linda is in the kitchen Tina,别说了。这不能使我感觉好受。不能大家都知道,就像Linda做菜不怎么样一样,我也不是什么约会高手。Linda:Hey,you guys.Does my cooking bother you?Now I need to prove something to you.OK,how about,lets say,you data the girl.I cook the dinner.嘿!你们这帮家伙。我做饭惹着你们什

8、么了?现在我要向你们证明下。好吧,我们这样,你去约会,我来做饭。精品五句(三)-Manage to do sthManage to do sth.成功做某事现在如果和老外谈话的时候,想表达“成功做某事”的你还在用succeed in doing sth。的话,可就有些老土了。口语中 manage to do sth。出现频率非常之高,即便是想表达小小的成功,比如:我成功地劝说他参加我们的晚会;我成功地和他取得了联系等等。下面就Steven一起操练一下,将它占为己有吧。I managed to get in contact.我成功地取得了联系。I managed to get in contac

9、t with the lady我成功地同那我女士取得了联系。I managed to get in contact with the lady,whos in charge of this project我成功地同负责这个项目的女士取得了联系。s in charge of this project in the company我成功地同那家公司负责这个项目的女士取得了联系。The day before yesterday,I managed to get in contact with the lady,who前天,我成功地同那家公司负责这个项目的女士取得了联系。The day before

10、yesterday(说个时间)+I managed to get in contact with the lady(核心句),+whos in charge of this project in the company.(那位女士是谁?(Arnold just answered a phone call.Hes talking to others.)(Arnold 刚回了个电话。他正和大家聊着。Arnold:Guess what? I just managed to get in contact once again with the lady,whos in charge of projec

11、t 100 in AB Mobile. 你们猜怎么着?我又一次同AB移动通讯的那位负责“项目100的女士取得了联系。You mean the German lady? 你是说那个德国女人?What? 什么?Guss everybody has a very deep impression on her. 我猜大家对她有很深的印象吧。Thats for sure.she askded me to revise a proposal for 15times.I mean 15 times!My dad has never been hard on me like that。 当然。她叫我改个计划,

12、改了15次。我是说15次啊!我老爸也从来没有对我那么苛刻过。Unfortunately,I have to work on another project with her. 不幸的是,我不得不和她合作另外一个项目Shes always harsh on girls,who are more lovely and smart.Let her try some guys for a change this time. 她对比自己可爱、聪明的女孩总是很刻薄。这次让她试试男生吧。Whos gonna be the lucky guy!Hehe. 谁会是那位幸运的男士?呵呵。All:You! 你!精品

13、五句(四)-Come up with 想起Com up with想起“我刚想起一个好主意。”很多人会不假思索地说成“I just thought of a good idea!”没有错!不过,我们要让大家说的是大部分人都在使用的表达。这样就有了我们今天的“come up with”。所以,刚才这句话我们就应当说成是“I just came up with a good idea.”那“我想起了一个小时候妈妈常给我讲的故事”应该怎么说?有点复杂吧。还是和Steven一起从简单做起吧!I come up with a story.我想起了一个故事I just come up with an old

14、 story我刚想起一个古老的故事I just come up with an old story my moom had told me.我刚想起一个妈妈给我讲过的古老故事。I just come up with an old story my moom had told me a lot of times.我刚想起一个妈妈给我讲过多次的古老故事。just come up with an old story my moom had told me a lot of times before.我刚想起一个以前妈妈给我讲过多次的古老故事。i just come up with an old st

15、ory (核心句)+my mom had told me a lot of times before.(解释“故事”)编辑的故事(The six friends are usually very busy at the office.The happiest moment will be when they spare some time to relax in a bar near to their office building.They talk,laugh and tell stories in turn.Its Stevens turn at the moment.)(六个好朋友在办

16、公室的时候总是很忙。他们最快乐的时刻莫过于抽出时间在就近的酒吧里放松。他们说着、笑着、轮流讲故事。这会儿该Steven了。Steve,now its your turn Steve,现在该你了。I have to figure out what I have on my mind at the moment. 我这会儿必须想想看。Come on.Youre always like that 快点儿,你总是这样。Youre challenging my memory.Hmmmmwell,ijust come up with an old story my mom had told me a lo

17、t of times before. It,s called 你在考验我的记忆力。嗯有了,我刚想起一个以前妈妈给我讲过多次的古老故事。叫做Tangel:A little boy and a bear 小男孩儿和熊Long long a go there lived a little boy, A bears living nearby 很久以前住着一个小男孩儿。附近住着一只熊would you please tell us anything new? 请你讲点新鲜的好不好?Lets say,you tell us a new story.Otherwise you pay the bill o

18、n your own. 这样吧,你讲个新故事。否则你今天你买单。I come up with another story. 我想起另外一个故事 (All laughing.)(大家都笑了起来)精品五句(五)-The fact is事实上the fact is事实上如果你还没习惯使用The fact is/The truth is后面加句子的句型的话,这会儿就和Steven一起来大胆操练一下吧。有了不同句型的积累铺垫,我们就会达到一个说话有品味、有层次的口语交流境界!The fact is young people think Christmas as the mostimportant day

19、.事实上,年轻人认为圣诞节是最重要的一天The fact is young people nowadays think Christmas as the mostimportant day.事实上,现在的年轻人认为圣诞节是最重要的一天。The fact is young people nowadays think Christmas as the mostimportant day for love and friendship。事实上,现在的年轻人认为圣诞节对于爱情和友谊来说是最重要的一天。The fact is young people nowadays think Christmas a

20、s the mostimportant day for love and friendship and some of them care more about Christmas than Spring Festival。事实上,现在的年轻人认为圣诞节对于爱情和友谊来说是最重要的一天,并且和春节相比有些人对圣诞节更加关注。The fact is young people nowadays think Christmas as the mostimportant day for love and friendship and some of them evencare more about C

21、hristmas than Spring Festival。事实上,现在的年轻人认为圣诞节对于爱情和友谊来说是最重要的一天,并且和春节相比有些人甚至对圣诞节更加关注。The fact is (核心句)+young people nowadays think Christmas as the mostimportant day for love and friendship and some of them even(都是我们要说的事实)(When Christmas comes,everyone becomes talkative about the topic.The friends are

22、 comparing Christmas day with the Spring Festival.)(圣诞节到来的时候,每个人都对这个话题乐此不疲。几个好朋友正在比较圣诞节和春节。Tina:To be frank,I think the Spring Festival is a bit old-fashioned now. 说实话,我觉得春节现在有点过时了Tange:But it still remains the most important day in China. 但它依旧是中国最重要的节日。Well,they are of different styles.The fact is

23、young people nowadys think Christmas as the most important day for love and friendship and the Spring Festival for family reunion. 嗯。它们的风格是不一样的。事实上,现在的年轻人认为圣诞节对于爱情和友谊来说是最重要的一天,而春节是家人团聚的日子。s right.Its like I never go back home for Christmas.But I will surely have the reunion dinner with my famliy on

24、New Years eve. 对。就好比我不会因为是圣诞节而回家。但是我一定会和家人一起吃年夜饭。The Chirstmas Day is a family reunion day only in western countries.Its somewhat like the Spring Festival in China. 圣诞节只有在西方国家才是家人团聚的日子。有些像中国的春节。We just celebrate it for other use我们只是另有它用而已。精品五句(六)-It takes sb.(some time) to do sth.某人花了时间做某事It takes s

25、b.(some time) to do sth.某人花了时间做某事记得一次让我的一个学生造句。我问她:请你翻译一下这句话“我花了很长时间才明白”。她回答说:I understand it with a long time.可不是吗?with 就有用的意思。但是人家美国人就是不这么说啊,怎么办?改吧,要培养英语的思维,可不是一天两天的事。所以,今天就和Steven开始搞定It 开头的系列句型吧!It takes me a long time我花了好长时间。It takes mequitea long time。我花了相当长的时间a long time to understand.我花了相当长的时间来理解a long time to understand the meaning of the painting。我花了相当长的时间才理解那幅画的意义。a long time to under

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