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1、m in trouble.the first time i met them, they rolled out the red carpet for me. i remembered that once im in bad shape, noddy acpanied me to the hospital and soon i back in to shape.the teachers are responsible and friendly, they often help me when im off base. the future is unpredictable. maybe i ll

2、 face more pressure. however, no matter what will happen. ill never say uncle to myself.第二篇:大学英语口语期末考试演讲稿(paration)当一小部分中国富人满足的步入小康生活时,当一些无耻贪官吃好的喝好的时,贪婪地挥霍国家财产时,当一些“富二代”挥金如土时。你是否能意识到,在我们这个共和国的同一片国土上,同一片蓝天下,还有着这么多的孩子因贫困而不能上学when a small part of the wealthy chinese meet into a well-off life standard,

3、when some shameless corrupt official eat good drink good, spend our state property , when some second generation spend money like water. can you realize that, in our republic with a same piece of the country, under the same blue sky, there are so many children who cannot attend school because of pov

4、erty?当我们坐在干净宽敞的教室里,我们是否能想象到,在遥远的山区,有一个地方,有这样一群孩子,窑洞是他们的教室,除了粉笔,他们没有任何桌椅,老师和学生只能坐在地上,他们穿破旧的衣服,吃的馒头早已经硬的像石头,如此恶劣的环境,作为一个城里长大的孩子,你能想象吗as we sit in the clean and spacious classroom , whether we can imagine, in the distant mountains, a place, have such a group of children, cave is their classroom, in add

5、ition to chalk, they dont have any tables and chairs, the teacher and students can only sit on the ground, they wear old clothes, eating steamed bread have hard as a stone, such harsh environment, as a child growing up in the city, can you imagine?当我看到这些镜头,我的心很悲凉与痛楚,我觉得命运非常不公平,为什么我们可以穿名牌衣服,吃肯德基必胜客,得

6、到很多高端电子产品,为什么他们这么可怜,他们在这么恶劣的环境里继续他们的学习,但让我吃惊的是,据可靠数据,在中国每年至少还有100万儿童因家庭贫困仍然不能去上学。 when i see these pictures, my heart is very sad and pain, i think that fate is not fair, why we can wear famous brand clothes , eat kfc、 pizza hut, get a lot of high-end electronics products why are they so poor, they

7、in such a harsh environment to continue to their study, but to my surprise, according to reliable data, in china every year at least 1 million children from poor families still cant go to schoolmy dear fellows, do you really think that they are born to suffer? or born to be poor? lets make effort to

8、 donate some basic necessities and build some school for the poor children.(why)you may ask me why, ok, let me explain by this way.first of all, lets us make effort to improve their living condition. we can through the civil society organization donate some basic necessities, an apple a day keeps th

9、e doctor away. we can use a small part of money from the donation to make sure every child in the mountains areas can eat some fruit everyday to improve their nutrition. we can require the government give them the basic allowance every monthsecond, build some school for the poor children. when it es

10、 to build schools or helping a child to go to school, you must think that it may cost us a lot of money. because such kind of thing is far away from us, but if i told you that, according to statistics, if you want to build a school in distant area, the cost is 20thousand yuan .whats that represent?

11、as we all know, our pany has seven thousand staff, each one donated20 yuan, 20 thousand yuan is enough to build 7 school in distant area, helping9 students to go to school.20yuan is not a big deal for us but your kindness can change a childs life.lastly, our pany will第三篇:口语期末suppose one saturday, yo

12、u open the web page of souhu to watch the big bang theory as usual, but suprisely, you only find a sentence statingwe are sorry to tell you because of some reasons concerning policies, we cannot provide services for you to watch this tv program. dont feel disappointed too early, that is just the sta

13、rt of censorship of internet videos. according to the state administration of radio and television, in the future, all the american and british tv programs need to be censored and get the certification before being broadcast. chinese censorship of films has been a controversial issue for a long time

14、, and now, instead of improving this merchandise, the state administration of radio and television decides to expand it into the field of internet videos. from my perspective, we, as the audience of internet videos, do not need censorship of internet videos. there are three major begin wi

15、th, we dont need such a costly merchandise. the amount of film produced is 500 to 700, while the amount of internet videos including both films and tv programs produced should be larger than 1500 every year! it is an enormous process to go through all these videos, which is actually a waste of time

16、and money. from the perspective of internet video web sites, besides importing american and british videos, they also need to prepare related files and waiting for officials going through the content and making decisions. the time of procedures varies, which can be as long as years or as short as fi

17、ve days. but we all know enthusiasm of audience can decline a lot after a period of the first issue of the foreign films and tv programs. so web sites may face a risk of not producing as much profit as they expect at the point of buying the copy rights, resulting in a loss. that is not good for impo

18、rtation of foreign films and tv programs.whats more, we do not need a hand to close the window of culture facing the outside world. on the one hand, we know more about foreign cultures by watching foreign films and tv programs on the internet. 34 films imported every year, which are mostly hollywood

19、 films having little connection of foreign daily life are not enough to satisfy our curiosity. from house of cards, we know how american political system works; from the big bang theory we understand american humor; fromdowntown abbey, we learn something about british aristocracy on the other hand,

20、we know more about ourselves in the eye of others. as china is playing a vital role in the trend of globalization, many films and tv programs would like to add some chinese factors to attract chinese audience. although sometimes there may be some subjective ments about our ruling party and ideology,

21、 the officials cannot just hope to ban these films and tv programs by censorship. chinese proverbs always remind people of accepting others ments modestly, and if that is right we need to correct our weakness; if that is wrong we should be cautious to avoid. therefore, censorship and prohibition is

22、not an efficient measure to eliminate criticism.just as the picture shows, the director of the big bang theory responded to chinese prohibition with stereotype of chinese government and crazy last, we do not need officials to regulate different cultural opinions. the amount of audience of f

23、ilms for XX is more than 600 million, which is larger than the sum of 6 internet video web sites. and most of the audience of internet videos is college students. as a member of this small and well-educated group of people, i think we have enough knowledge to make judgment about what is beauty what

24、is ugly and what is right what is wrong. in addition, college students are at the stage of forming their prehensive philosophy of the world and human life, thus they should be facing diverse resources of information and should not be limited to a narrow range of values. advice from artistic masters

25、or professions is weled, but government officials who pay much attention on political stability rather than art are not needed to choose the suitable films and tv programs for consequence, china should cancel the censorship of internet videos, because1. we do not need such a costly merchandise

26、2. we do not need a hand to close the window of culture facing the outside world3. we do not need officials to regulate different cultural opinionsi believe chinese film and tv program industry will be more prospective without censorship of internet videos.第四篇:一年演讲稿尊敬的各位评委:你们辛苦了!今天我要竞聘的是一年级班主任工作。 俗话




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