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1、甲方根据工作需要,聘用乙方在甲方稽核部门(支行)从事管理工作。因工作变化和需要,甲方有权适当调整乙方工作的部门(支行)和岗位,乙方应服从安排。第二条合同期限(试用期限)甲乙双方选择以下第二种形式确定本合同的期限。(一) 固定期限_年, 合同期从_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止。其中试用期为_月,自_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止。见习期为_月, 自_年_ 月_日起至_年_月_日。(二) 无固定期限, 合同期从2006年5月1日起。第三条工资、社会保险和福利待遇 (一)在本合同有效期内,甲方按照甲方有关规定支付乙方工资,按照深圳市社会保险的有关规定为乙方办理社会保险,乙方按国家规定享受休假等福利待遇

2、。黪 (二)在试用期内,甲方原则上不为乙方办理正式调人和户口迁 移手续。 (三)乙方试用期、见习期满,经考核合格者,甲方予以正式聘用。市外户口者,甲方根据乙方条件和当年指标情况,分期分批给予办理市外调入和户口迁移手续。第四条 劳动纪律 在本合同期限内,乙方应做到: (一)严格遵守国家的政策法规和甲方制定的各种规章制度。 (二)爱行敬业,忠于职守,秉公办事,不谋私利,仪表端庄,行为规范,文明服务, 礼貌待客。 (三)服从分配,认真履行岗位职责,保质、保量按时完成各项工作任务。 (四)爱护甲方财产,维护甲方信誉,保守甲方的商业秘密。 (五)实行计划生育。第五条 合同的变更、解除、重新订立和终止(一

3、)经甲、乙双方协商同意可以依法变更劳动合同。(二)有下列情形之一的,甲方可以随时解除劳动合同: 1、乙方在试用期间被证明不符合录用条件。具体情形包括: (1)被发现并经有关机构确认患有精神病等严重疾病的; (2)求职时所提供的居民身份证、学历证明、工作经历、职业技能证明等与事实不符的; (3)未能达到甲方录用条件的其他情形。 , 2.乙方严重违反劳动纪律或者甲方的规章制度。 (1)无正当理由连续旷工时间超过15个工作日,或者经常旷工, 一年以内累计旷工的时间超过30个工作日的;(2)索取、提供虚假病假证明,查证属实的;(3)经常消极怠工,导致应完成而未完成岗位工作任务的;(4)无正当理由不服从

4、工作分配或调动的; (5)无理取闹,聚众闹事,打架斗殴,恐吓威胁上级领导,严重影响工作秩序、社会秩序的; (6L监用职权,违反国家政策法令或行内法人授权制度行事或办理业务,造成严重后果的; (7)有贩毒、吸毒、卖淫、嫖娼、赌博行为; (8)有挪用公款、贪污、盗窃、行贿受贿、走私贩私等行为,但未被追究刑事责任的; (9)有国家规定的应予开除、辞退和除名的违规行为的; (10)甲方规章制度规定严格禁止的情形。 3、乙方严重失职,营私舞弊,对甲方利益造成重大损害。(1)行为性质严重,造成经济损失和资金风险的;(2)影响恶劣,严重损害甲方信誉和声誉的;(3)甲方规章制度规定严格禁止的情形。4、乙方被劳

5、动教养,无法履行劳动合同。5、乙方被依法追究刑事责任。6、法律、法规规定的其他情形。 (三)有下列情形之一的,甲方可以解除劳动合同,但是应当提前三十日以书面形式通知乙方本人: 1、甲方濒临破产进行法定整顿期间或者生产经营状况发生严重困难,经劳动局确认确需裁减人员的;2、乙方不能胜任本职工作,经过一次培训或者调整一次工作岗 位后仍不能胜任工作的;3、员工患病或者非因工负伤,医疗期满后,不能从事原工作也不能从事由甲方另行安排的工作的; _ 4、劳动合同订立时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,致使劳动合同无法履行,经甲、乙双方协商未能就变更劳动合同达成协议的。 (四)由下列情形之一的, 甲方不得依据本条

6、第(三)款的规定解除劳动合同: 1、乙方患职业病或者因工负伤,被确认丧失或部分丧失劳动能力的; 2、乙方患病或者非因工负伤,在规定的医疗期内的; 3、乙方在孕期、产期、哺乳期内的; 4、法律、法规规定的其他情形。 (五)有下列情形之一的,乙方可以随时通知甲方解除劳动合同: 1、在试用期内的; 2、甲方以暴力、威胁或者非法限制人身自由的手段强迫乙方劳动的: 3、甲方未按照劳动合同的约定支付劳动报酬或提供劳动条件的; (六)除本条第(五)款规定的情形外,乙方解除劳动合同,应当提前三十日以书面形式通知甲方。; (七)有下列情形之一的,劳动合同自行解除: 1、甲方被依法宣告破产; 2、甲方依法解散或者

7、依法被撤消; 3、乙方死亡、被人民法院宣告死亡或者宣告失踪。 (八)重新订立劳动合同 合同期满,甲、乙双方同意延续劳动关系的,在合同期满前三十 日内双方重新订立劳动合同。 (九) 有下列情形之一的,劳动合同即行终止: 1、劳动合同期限届满; 2、员工退休或者退职: 3、当事人约定的其他终止劳动合同的条件出现。 (十)乙方解除或终止劳动合同时,应向甲方交回由其个人保管、 使用的所有公用物品,否则,甲方有权依法追究乙方的法律责任。第六条违约责任 (一)符合下列情形之一的,甲方应一次性发给乙方经济补偿金。经济补偿金的计算办法按照深圳市经济特区劳动合同条例的有关规定执行。 1、由甲方提出,经双方协商同

8、意解除劳动合同的; 2、甲方依据本合同第五条第(三)款第l、2、3、4项和第(五)款第2、3、4项解除劳动合同的; 3、甲方依据本合同第五条第(三)获第3项解除劳动合同的, 甲方按国家规定发给乙方一次性的医疗补助费。 (二)乙方违反合同约定解除劳动合同,对甲方造成损失的,乙方应赔偿甲方下列损失: l、甲方招收录用乙方所支付的费用; 2、甲方为其支付的培训费用: 3、对经营和工作造成的直接经济损失。第七条双方认为需要约定的其他事项或对原订条款需要变更重新约定的事项:第八条本合同未尽事宜或合同条款与现行劳动法律法规规定有出入的,按现行劳动法律法规执行。第九条 本合同自甲乙双方签字或盖章之日起生效,

9、涂改或未经书面授权代签无效。第十条 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。第十一条 乙方入行时与甲方签订的协议书为本合同的附件, 与本合同具有同等效力。甲方(公章): 深圳市商业银行 乙方:孟鸣 法人代表(签名): (签名) 双方签订合同时间:2006年4月30日 S.S.Y.L.T.S.(2006) No. 01 Audit Labor ContractParty A: XXXAddress:Tel :Party B: YYYGender:Date of Birth:ID No:Hukou:Current Domicile Place:Made by Shenzhen Commercial Ba

10、nkIn accordance with Shenzhen Commercial Bank Labor Contract Management Regulations, XXX (Party A) and YYY(Party B)voluntarily sign this contract on the basis of equality and negotiations. Both parties agree:Article 1 Working Position Party A employs Party B to be engaged in Management Work in Audit

11、ing Department. Party A has the rights to adjust Party Bs working positions and working department according to working changes and necessities and Party B shall honor such adjustment.Article 2 Contract Term( Probation Term)Both parties shall choose the second form in the followings to ascertain the

12、 Contract Term.1 Fixed Term Contract_(Years): Contract term is from_(MM/DD/YYYY) to _(MM/DD/YYYY). Probation Term is _(Ms), which is from _(MM/DD/YYYY) to _(MM/DD/YYYY).2 Non-Fixed Term Contract: the term begins from May 1, 2006. Article 3 Salary, Social Insurance and Welfares 1 Within the valid ter

13、m of such contract, Party A shall pay Party B salary according to Party As related regulations, buy social insurance for Party B in accordance with related Shenzhen social insurance regulations and Party A also shall, in accordance with Laws and regulations, provide to Party B welfares, such as lega

14、l holidays, etc. 2 In Probation, normally Party A has no obligation to make Party B officially transferred or perform the Hukou transfer procedures for Party B.3 Party B will not be employed unless he is proved to be qualified at tests on the expiration of the Probation. Party A shall help handle th

15、e Hukou transferal in batches and stages for non-Shenzhen employees according to Party Bs comprehensive conditions and Party As indexes. Article 4 Labor DisciplineWithin the valid term of this contract, Party B shall:1 Strictly abide by Policies and Regulations as well as Party As rules and regulati

16、ons.2 Devote to work, be loyal to his duty, be impartial, be unselfish, be tide and clean, act under regulations, entertain clients friendly and politely.3 Honor Party As working arrangement and accomplish the working assignment guaranteeing quantity and quality.4 Take care of Party As property, mai

17、ntain Party As reputations and keep Party As business secrets confidential.5 Obey the Family Planning Regulations. Article 5 Modifications, Dissolution, Renewal and Termination of This Contract 1 Both parties can modify this contract after they negotiate and reach the agreement. 2 In the following s

18、ituations, Party A can discharge this contract at any time: (1) Party B is proved to be unqualified during the Probation period and the specific situations are as followings:Party B is found and verified by related Authorities to suffer mental disorder and other serious diseases. ID, Degree Certific

19、ates, Work experiences and Professional Verification are in conflict with the truth. Other situations which make Party B unqualified. (2) Party B seriously violates Party As Labor Disciplines and regulations and the specific situations are as followings:Party B is absent from work continuously over

20、15 workdays without any reasonable justifications or accumulated absence exceeds 30 workdays within one year. The facts that Party B asks for or provides the false certifications of sickness has been proved to be true. Party Bs slackness results in his failure to accomplish the work which should hav

21、e been finished. Party B refuse to obey the work assignment and positions transferal without any legitimate reasons.Party B has been picking quarrels and stirring up troubles, fighting, brawling, in violence and threatening leaders which seriously break the work and social orders. Party B abuses his

22、 power and performs his job by violating Policies, Regulations as well as the power authorized by the legal person. Party B is engaged in drug trafficking and addiction, prostitution, immorality and gambling. Party B is involved in misappropriation of public funds, corruption, stealing, bribery and

23、smuggling without being held criminally liable. Other violations which should cause Party B to be fired or dismissed according to related Regulations. Other situations prohibited by Party As rules and regulations.(3)Party B seeks personal gains through violating laws and regulations and Party Bs mal

24、practice seriously damaged Party As interests and the specific situations are as followings:Such actions are so serious that it causes Party As economic losses and capital risks. Such actions are so serious that its effect damaged Party As credibility and reputations.Other situations which are prohi

25、bited by Party As rules and regulations. (4) Party B is re-educated through labor so that he cannot perform this contract. (5) Party B is held criminally liable. (6) Other situations stipulated by laws and rules. 3 In the following situations, Party A is authorized to rescind this contract but shall

26、 give Party B the written notification 30 days prior to the rescission. (1) Party A is in legitimate restructuring period due to its being on brink of bankruptcy or run into business difficulties and Labor Bureau verify to cut down the staff. (2) Party B is unqualified for the original work and afte

27、r the training and adjustment of the positions, he still cannot qualify. (3) Party B suffers sickness or physical injury not due to work and after treatment, he still cannot carry out the original work or other work arranged by Party A. (4)Significant changes to the original circumstances on which t

28、his contract depended render continuing of this contract impossible and both parties cannot reach the agreement of the modifications of the original contract. 4. Under the following circumstances, Party A cannot refer to Clause 3 of this Article to discharge this contract:(1) Party B suffers occupat

29、ional diseases or physical injury due to work and is confirmed to lose or partially lose labor ability. (2)Party B suffers sickness or physical injury not due to work but he is being in treatment period. (3) Party B is being in pregnancy, maternity and suckling periods.(4)Other situations stipulated

30、 by laws and regulations. 5. Party B can notify Party A to cancel this contract at any time in the following situations:(1) This contract is in Probation period. (2) Party A forces Party B to work through violence, threats or physical freedom restrictions.(3)Party A refuses to pay Party B the remuneration or provide appropriate working conditions in accordance with this contract. (4) Other situations provided by laws and regulations. 6. Except for the situations stipulated in Clause 5 in this Article, Party B shall notify Party A in writing 30 days prior to the rescission

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