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1、 He reads the new word again and again and. 他一遍又一遍地念生词。Sentences in the unit 本课句式:The use of the verb-Be Be动词的用法: 1.Be动词用法歌诀 Be动词,真捣蛋,人称后面常变换。I后am总相随,we you they后are常现,单数第三人称后,is永远来值班。2.用法说明:be 在不同的人称后形式不同:I后用am, we you 和they后用are,he she it和单数名词后则用is. 3.缩写形式与完全形式:完全形式 缩写形式 I am - Im You are-Youre He

2、- Hes Sh-Shes It -Its 考考你:你会用Be动词吗?1.I_a girl and you_a boy. We_good friends. 2.Jack_a tall boy. 3He_playing football. 4.What_in the bag?_it a dog? No,it_ not.Unit 2 Whats this?New words:1. letter: 1字母eg.There are 26 English letters.英语有26个字母。 2书信 eg. I am writing an English leter now. 我在写一封英语信。2. ju

3、mp: 跳 跳跃 eg: Cats often jumps off the high trees. 猫常从树上往下跳。3. who: 谁(用来对人提问)eg. Who is the girl in red? Its Lily. 那个女孩是谁?是莉莉。4brush: 刷子 eg. Look.I have a tooth brush. 瞧,我有新牙刷。 刷(东西)eg. I brush my teeth every day. 我每天刷牙。 Sentences in this unit: 本课句型:1. Whats this/that/it? Its a . eg. Whats this in yo

4、ur hand? Its a book.你手里的是什么?是一本书。2. Whos/Who is ? He/She is ./Its . eg.Whos singing an English song? Lucy is.谁在唱英语歌?是Lucy 在唱。考考你:你会用英语说这里句话么? 1.我们每天学英语。-。 2那边那个是什么?是一本书. -3. -你手里的是什么?是书吗?-?-Unit 3 What colour do you like?1. colour: 颜色 色彩 eg. Look at the fiowers in the garden.Ilike the colour. 看花园里的花

5、,我很喜欢它们的颜色。2. like: 喜欢 喜爱 eg. What colour do you like?Ilike red and green. 你喜欢什么颜色?我喜欢红和绿。3. have got = have: 有 拥有 eg. I have got many nice toys.Have you gotany?我有许多漂亮玩具。你有吗?4. lots of:=a lot of 许多(跟可数或不可数名词)eg. Theyve got lots/a lot of apples in their bag.他们包里有许多苹果。5. guess: 猜 eg. -Whats in that bo

6、x?-Guess,please.那盒子里有什么?猜猜看。 Sentences in this unit 本课句型:1. What colour do you like?/What colour is/are ? I like /Its (跟颜色) Eg. What colour do you like,Sam?Ilike yellow.Sam,你喜欢什么颜色?我喜欢黄色。 What colour is that car? Its black.那辆车是什么颜色?是黑色。2. Ive got/Youv got/Theyve got Hes gotShes gotEg. Weve got lots

7、of colours.Have you got any?我们有许多色彩,你有吗?1.你能用英语说出各种颜色吗?3. 用英语说出下列句子:1.你妈妈喜欢什么颜色?-? 2.你的书包是绿色的。-。 3.他有许多色彩。Unit 4 How many ducks are there?1. children: 孩子(复数,单数为child)eg.A child is doing high jump.一个小孩在跳高。 There are lots of children here.这里有许多孩子。2mousse: 老鼠 耗子(复数:mice)3bear : 熊 4.beatiful:漂亮的 美的 eg.

8、My sister is a beautiful girl.She likes beautiful flowers.我妹妹是个漂亮姑娘,她喜欢漂亮的花4. bookcase:书柜5. happy: 高兴的 幸福的 eg. Happy new year,my friends.朋友 们,新年好。 Ive got good parents and Imveryhappy.我有好父母,我很幸福。 Sentences in this unit 本课句型; 1. There+be句:表示某地有某物(be用is还是用are,由be后的第一个名词决定) Eg.There is a pen and some p

9、encils in my pencil-box. 我的笔盒里有一支钢笔和几支铅笔。 There are many birds in the tree.树上有许多鸟。 There is/are与have/have got的区别:There+is/are句只表示在某地有某物存在,而不表示这东西归属谁;have则表示某人拥有某物:1.I have many good friends. 2. How many:有多少 几个(对数量提问,跟可数名词复数)Eg. How many ducks are there in the pool?池塘里有几只鸭子? How many feet do you have

10、? 你有几只脚? 规则名词单 ,复数变化规则:1. 一般情况下在词尾直接加-s:book-books pen-pens2. 以辅音字母y结尾的名词,先y为i再加-es;bodybodies3. 以s ,x,sh,ch结尾的,在词尾加-es;busbuses;boxboxes4. 以f fe结尾的,去掉f fe再加-ves;lifelives;变化歌诀:叶子半数自己黄,妻子拿刀去割粮; 架后窜出一只狼,就像小偷逃命忙。把下列词改为复数形式: 2.body- 5.half- 8.foot-Unit 5 Have yo

11、u got any fish? New words:1. go fishing:去钓鱼 eg. Father often go fishing on Sundays.父亲常在周日去钓鱼。(类似的说法还有:go boating 去划船 gofishing 去钓鱼 go bicycling 去骑自行车 等等) 2. bike-riding:骑自行车 go bike-riding:去骑自行车 eg.Lets go bike-ridng on Sunday,OK?我们周末去骑自行车好吗?3. pizza:比萨饼4. which:哪一个(疑问词)eg。Which is your bike?哪辆是你的自行

12、车?5. bookcase:书厨 书柜have got的用法;1. have got=have,(英式英语)常用于口音中代替have。Eg.I have got a new bike.Lets go bike-riding,OK?我有一辆新自行车,骑自行车去好吗?2. have got中的have可以直接加not;eg.They havent got any books in his bag.他书包里没有书。3. have got中的have可以提前,对句子进行提问;eg. Have your mother got any new clothes?你妈妈有新衣服吗? 4.美国英语中一般不用ha

13、ve got,只用have,而且不能用have进行 提问。含有have的句子提问和否定的时候用助动词 They have some apples.-They dont have any apples. Do you have any apples? 5.关于some和any的用法:一般情况下,some用在肯定句中,any用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。Eg.We have got some new books in our bags,but we havent got any pencils.Have you got any? Some在下列情况下也常用于疑问句中:.让对方吃点会喝点

14、什么时(表达说话人的诚意)eg.Would you have somg rice?.当说话人希望得到对方的肯定回答时,再一问剧中也用some. Eg.Can you give me some paper?用some和any 填空: 1.We have not got_pencils in our pencil-box.Can you lend us_? 2.Has she got_some water in her bottle? 3.Would you like_more noodles? No,thank you. 4.There are not_puples in the classro

15、om. 5.These are _beautiful ducks in the pool.Unit 6 Has he got a teddy bear? 1.teddy bear 玩具熊 2.but 但是 可是(表示转折) 食物 食品 4.coconut 椰子 5.umbrella 雨伞 6.has got有(have got用于第三人称单数)Sentences in this unit: have/has got 有 拥有(指某物归某人所有,一般用人的词作主语)关于单数第三人称:英语中的人称有单数和复数之分,而无论单数还是复数人称,又分为第一、第二和第三人称。单数第三人称分别为h

16、e、 she 、it,以及he 、she、 it所能够代替的一切单数名词,如he可以指代a man、a boy;she可以指代a girl 、mother、 grandmother;it可以指代a book、 a table等等。这些都是第三人称单数形式。当have got用于这些词之后时,就变成has got了。关于be动词用法的口诀:be动词,真捣蛋,人称后面常变换。 I后am总相随,we you they后are常现; 单数第三人称后,am永远来值班。注:英语中的单数第三人称比较特殊,be动词在第三人称之后也以不同的形式出现:I的后面be动词就变成am;在we、 you、 they的后面

17、be动词就以are的形式出现;而在he 、she 、it之后,be动词就以are的形式出现。Eg. 1. I am a puple and I am a boy.Im not a girl. 2.We are good friends.You are my friend.They are friends,too. 3.He is a boy and she is a girl.It is our desk.Have got 和第三人称单数连用时,就变成has got了。 1.Jingjing is a girl.She has got many toys and dolls.晶晶是个女孩儿,她

18、有许多玩具和洋娃娃。 2.You have got a pen,but he has not got one. 你有钢笔,可他没有。用have got、has got、havent got或hasnt got填空:1. I_a dog,but my sister_a cat.2. Tom_a pen,but he_a pencil.3. My father_a bike,but he_a car.4. We_English books,but we_math books.5. They_computers,but Bill_one.Unit 7 Our family1. family:.家庭

19、.like+动词的-ing形式(表示经常性动作) eg. He likes playing football.Football is his favourite sports.But he likes to play basketball today. 2.-Whats your favourite fruit?I like :(用来询问特别喜欢的物品) favourite前面如果用人称代词,一定有用物主代词形式,绝不能用人称代词的主格。.I favourite food is rice.(错) My favourite food is rice.(正确)3. Lets+动词原形(给对方提建议

20、使用,Let,s之后要跟动词原形)Eg.Let,s have some fruit. 我们喝点果汁吧。.Let,s go out to play football.我们出去打篮球吧。 4.复习There+be句型用英语说出下列词组:1. 我最喜爱的书包_2. 他特别喜欢的自行车_3. 我们特别喜爱的水果_4. 你们最喜欢的运动_5. 他们特喜欢的食物_ 用括号内所给人称代词的正确形式填空: 1._(he)favourite book is English. 2._(I)favourite colour is blue and red. 3.Mr. Li is _(my) favourite t

21、eacher. 4.What,s_(you) favourite bike? 5._(they) favourite sports are swimming.Unit 10 Do you want an orange or a pear? New words1. want 想,要(后跟名词、代词或to do sth.)eg.I want an apple.They want to play with us.2. or 或者,还是(用来表示选择)eg.Is this a pen or a pencil?3. love 爱,热爱;喜欢,爱好(比like喜欢的程度更强) eg.We love ani

22、mals.我们爱动物。.I love my mother,and I love my father,too.1. 选择疑问句:对两个或两个以上人、或事物进行提问,并用or将最后两个选项连接起来,这种疑问句就叫做选择疑问句。回答选择疑问句时不能用Yes或No,而是直接用选择一个自己要选择的选项即可。Eg.1.-Do you like eating aplles or bananas? -Ilike eating bananas.And you? 2.-Is that boy your friend or your brother? -He,s my brother. 3.-Does she speak English or Chinese? -She speaks Chinese.2. want的用法:want的意思是:想,要,想要 want之后可以跟名词、代词或to do sth。.-What do you want to eat,Li Ping?-I want to some burger.Do you want an ice cream or a hot gog?.They want to play basketball with us after school. 你能用英语说出下列句子吗?1. 我们非常喜欢动物,今天下午我想去动物园看动物。2. 你喜

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