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1、D A、 much more B、much few C、 much lesser D、much less 5、He didnt live up to _ had been expected of him. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、what B、which C、that D、all 6、We came finally _ the conclusion that she had been telling lies all the time.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、 of B、into C、to D、at 7、I am not used to speaking _ public.

2、(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、in B、at C、on D、to 8、We finally _ an agreement after a lot of hard argument. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、reached B、did C、arrived D、drove 9、It is desirable that the airplane _ as light as possible.(1.0分) (正确的答案:C A、is B、 were C、be D、had been 10、When doing the wash, it is important to _ white and

3、 colored clothing. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、compare B、separate C、establish D、contrast练习2 1、We will spare no efforts to provide more _ products to our customers.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、 competitive B、 competing C、competed D、competition 2、The woman with golden hair was taken away by the security guards on _ of being

4、 a criminal.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、suspect B、suspicion C、doubt D、belief 3、Lots of birds were flying among the trees branches. What a(n) _ view! (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、explosive B、amused C、amazing D、terrified 4、The _ of this recipe (烹饪法) was made public one year after it was put into the market.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、

5、formula B、form C、flavor D、frown 5、When people admire his _ achievements, they seldom think of the frustration he has experienced. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、 single B、singular C、small D、easy 6、Having lost his job and his family, Jerry felt himself _ by anger and sadness. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、experienced B、overcom

6、e C、experience D、overcame 7、Though he didnt answer my questions quickly, the look on his face _ that he was satisfied with me. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、indicated B、 input C、increased D、interacted 8、Jack is a strong _, but you could beat him if you perform at your highest level.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、opponent B、pa

7、rtner C、friend D、mate 9、Everyone is amazed at the _ growth of this city; it has been so different from what it was five years ago.(1.0分) (正确的答案: B、expanding C、expensiveout D、excessive 10、In the geography class, the teacher explained wind and water might cause soil _.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、pollution B、exce

8、llence C、explosion D、 erosion练习3 1、It was difficult to guess what her _ to the news would be.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、reaction B、excitement C、impression D、opinion 2、The local government tried its best to ensure each of its citizens a _ supply of food at regular intervals (时间间隔). (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、 consistent

9、 B、continual C、continuous D、numerous 3、The United Nations Conference on Global Environment, which took place earlier this year in Vienna, was a very _ meeting. (1.0分) (正确的答案:得分 1.0) A、productive B、communicative C、aggressive D、protective 4、 We watched the plane _ behind the clouds. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、d

10、isappearing B、disappeared C、diving D、dived 5、The football match had to be _ owing to (由于) the bad weather. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、 cancelled B、advanced C、arranged D、held 6、I didnt know what to do, but then an idea suddenly _ to me. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、appeared B、happened C、occurred D、emerged 7、They were unde

11、r the _ that the company was doing well, but in fact it was in serious trouble.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、conclusion B、expression C、enjoyment D、 illusion 8、This lovely old town has a _ you couldnt find in a big city. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、condition B、standard C、situation D、charm 9、The starter (赛跑发令员) gave the _ fo

12、r the race to begin.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、 advice B、signal C、glow D、attention 10、Pipes made of plastic are now widely used in building as they are light and do not become _ in water.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、ripe B、instant C、rotten D、mature练习4 1、He _ for military service against the wishes of his parents.(1.0分) (

13、正确的答案: A、volunteered B、fancied C、entered D、imagined 2、I dont know who on _ stole the diamond last night.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、earth B、floor C、earth D、ground 3、I want you to succeed without _ and firmly believe that you will succeed if you try hard enough.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、failing B、failed C、fail D、fall 4、

14、She couldnt _ laughing at him in those clothes.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、decline B、 reject C、refuse D、resist 5、 She invited 500 people _ her beautiful ship. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、abroad B、aboard C、board D、broad 6、The aircraft vanished without _. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、trace B、trouble C、destination D、product 7、There wer

15、e several wet _ on the wall. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、parts B、decreases C、patches D、decks 8、Houston experienced a _ growth after the war. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、broad B、mechanical C、wide D、spectacular 9、The trains about to leave. All _! A、aboard B、on C、off D、abroad 10、Anne _ from outside her home last Wednesday.

16、(1.0分) (正确的答案: B、vanished C、lost D、entered练习5 一、单选题(共10道) 1、Inquiries _ the condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、revealing B、concerning C、affecting D、following 2、People appreciate _ with him because he has a good sense of humor. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、working

17、B、 to have worked C、to work D、having worked 3、The noise of the traffic _ Paul from his work. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、 prevented B、distracted C、angered D、 upset 4、The price they offered for my old car was so low that I _ it down. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、 brought B、turned C、called D、refused 5、Shall we request the c

18、hairman _ our suggestion again? A、to consider B、considering C、consider D、considered 6、He never _ to read the news but turned at once to the crossword puzzle on the last page.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、worried B、noticed C、pained D、bothered 7、We forgave her anger because we knew that her fathers illness had put

19、 her under great _.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、shelter B、crisis C、stress D、nervousness 8、An explosion is a sudden increase in amount _. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、rapid burning causes it B、to be caused by rapid burning C、causing its burning to be rapid D、caused by rapid burning 9、Some say yes and others say no; I dont k

20、now _ to follow.(1.0分) (正确的答案: A、 whether B、what C、whom D、how 10、Since we cant hear you at the back of the hall, youll have to _ your voice. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、 improve B、increase C、 raise D、open练习6 1、No fault is attached _ the bus driver for the terrible accident at the railway crossing. (1.0分) (正确的答

21、案: A、for B、to C、with D、in 2、In general, matters which lie entirely within the state boundaries are the _ concern of the state government. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、 excessive B、external C、explosive D、exclusive 3、Your work does not _ what I expect of you. (1.0分) (正确的答案: A、come up with B、come out C、 come round D、com

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