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1、m currently in the middle of reading. 我想说我喜欢阅读各种各样的书,既有小说也有非小说类的。举个例子,我是侦探小说的忠实粉丝,因为我喜欢在读书的时候解决犯罪问题,尽管我不得不承认我大部分时间都毫无用处!至于非小说类书籍,我想说我最喜欢读自助书和各种我喜欢的人的传记,比如关于史蒂夫乔布斯的新书,我现在正在读这本书。 Are you reading any books at the moment? Yeah, Im actually halfway through a couple of books right now. One of thems a nove

2、l which a friend of mine lent me, and the other is a book on business, which I bought about a year ago, but didnt get round to reading until now. 是的,我实际上已经读过几本书了。其中一本是我的一个朋友借给我的小说,另一本是我一年前买的一本关于商业的书,但直到现在才抽出时间去看。写作 How many languages can you speak? Only two, unfortunately, those being Chinese and En

3、glish, but if dialects count, then I suppose you could say three languages, as I can also speak the local dialect of my hometown, which is actually quite a bit different to Chinese. 不幸的是,只有两种是汉语和英语,但如果方言算数的话,我想你可以说三种语言,因为我也可以说我家乡的当地方言,这实际上跟汉语大不相同。 How did you learn English? Well, I mostly learned it

4、 in class at middle school and high school, where we basically just went through the text book with the teacher and took notes. But in my spare time I would always try to memorize all the various words and phrases we had been through in class, which I think helped a lot. And as well as this, I would

5、 also say Ive learnt a fair amount through watching English films and TV series, so its basically been a mixture of things. 嗯,我主要是在中学和高中的课堂上学到的,我们基本上只是和老师一起复习课本并做笔记。但在课余时间里,我总是试着记住我们在课堂上经历过的各种单词和短语,我认为这很有帮助。除此之外,我还会说,通过看英语电影和电视连续剧,我学到了不少东西,所以基本上是东西的混合体。 How long have you been learning English?ve bee

6、n learning for quite a while, probably something like 9 or 10 years now, because most students here start learning English from a pretty early age. 我已经学了很长一段时间了,大概是9到10年了,因为这里的大多数学生从很小的时候就开始学习英语。 Would you say its a difficult language to learn? Yeah, for sure! I mean, learning all the grammars a nig

7、htmare, because theres just so much of it to remember. So sometimes it can really drive me crazy, especially trying to remember all the different tenses, which I find really confusing! 是的,当然!我的意思是,学习所有的语法都是一场噩梦,因为有太多的事情要记住。所以有时候它真的会让我发疯,尤其是要记住所有不同的时态,我觉得很困惑! What do you think is the fastest way to l

8、earn a language? Thats a good question, and I guess Id say probably the fastest way is to immerse yourself in the language youre trying to learn. And one of the best ways of doing this would be to go and stay for a while in the country where the language is spoken, which is what quite a lot of my fr

9、iends have done, and, as a result, they can now speak really good English. 这是个好问题,我想,也许最快的方法就是让自己沉浸在你要学习的语言中。做这件事的最好方法之一就是在说英语的国家呆一段时间,这是我的很多朋友都做过的,因此,他们现在能说一口流利的英语。关于家乡的话题家乡 What do you like most about your home? Well, probably what I like most about my home is that we have a really great river vie

10、w, because we live quite high up, on the 20th floor, and our flat is right next to the river. So I feel really lucky to have such a nice view, and I never get tired of it. 嗯,也许我最喜欢我家的地方是我们的河景非常好,因为我们住的地方很高,在20层,我们的公寓就在河边。所以我真的很幸运有这么好的风景,而且我从来没有厌倦过。 Is there anything you would like to change about yo

11、ur home? Thinking about it, Id say there probably is, yeah, for example one thing I would quite like to do is knock down the wall between my kitchen and the living room, because at the moment, theres not much space in the kitchen, so if we got rid of the wall, it would make everything much more spac

12、ious, I think. 想一想,我想说也许有,是的,例如,我很想做的一件事就是敲倒我厨房和客厅之间的墙,因为此刻,厨房里没有多少空间,所以如果我们去掉墙,一切都会更加宽敞。我是这样想的。 (Similar to above) What do you think could be improved about your home? Well, I kind of like my home the way it is, but I guess if I had to change anything, then one thing I might do would be to get rid

13、of the wall between my living room and kitchen, as it would then make things a lot more spacious. 嗯,我有点喜欢我家的样子,但是我想如果我必须改变什么,那么我可以做的一件事就是去掉客厅和厨房之间的墙,因为那样会使得房间更加宽敞。 Whats your favorites room? I would say my favourite room is probably my living room, firstly because thats where the TV is, and secondly

14、 because its got big floor-to-ceiling windows which overlook the river, so we have a really cool view. Oh and one more thing to mention would be that its by far the most spacious room in the flat, because all the other rooms are about half the size, if not less. 我想说,我最喜欢的房间可能是我的起居室,首先是因为那里有电视,其次是因为那

15、里有从地板到天花板的大窗户,可以俯瞰河流,所以我们的视野很凉爽。哦,还有一件事要提的是,这是公寓里迄今为止最宽敞的房间,因为所有其他房间的大小大约是一半,如果不是更小的话。 How is that room decorated? Well, regarding the walls, weve got a few family pictures hanging up, which gives the room a nice personal feel. And as for the flooring, we basically just decided to use ceramic tiles,

16、 because theyre very practical in terms of keeping clean, but weve also put a small carpet down by the sofa to make that area a little bit cozier. So all in all Id say its a really nice room for chilling out in. 嗯,关于墙壁,我们有一些家庭照片挂起来,给房间一个良好的个人感觉。至于地板,我们基本上只是决定使用瓷砖,因为瓷砖在保持清洁方面非常实用,但是我们还在沙发旁边放了一块小地毯,使那

17、个地方更舒适一些。总而言之,我认为这是一个很好的房间。 What furniture is in that room? Well, on one side theres a big bookshelf, which basically stretches across the entire wall, coz weve got a lot of books! Then against another wall, weve got a nice big sofa, which probably seats about 8 or 9 people, so its great for when we

18、 have friends over. 好的,在一边有一个大书架,它基本上横跨整个墙,因为我们有很多书。然后靠着另一堵墙,我们有一个很好的大沙发,大概能坐8、9个人,所以当我们有朋友过来的时候就很好。 In the future, what sort of home (flat, house etc.) would you like to live in? Well, thinking about it, Id say I would like to live in a villa overlooking the sea, the main reason being that, with a

19、villa, I would get my own garden, which wouldnt be the case if I lived in a flat, and I think having a nice view of the sea would be great for helping me relax whenever I needed to. 嗯,想想看,我想住在一个可以俯瞰大海的别墅里,主要原因是,有了别墅,我会有自己的花园,如果我住在公寓里就不会这样,而且我认为,每当我住在公寓里时,能看到美丽的海景会帮助我放松。 Do you like the area where yo

20、u live? Yeah, on the whole Id say its a pretty nice place, you know, there are quite a few good restaurants and shops, and most of the buildings are pretty new. So its quite an up-and-coming area, and Im really happy to be living there. 是啊,总的来说,我认为那是一个相当不错的地方,你知道,有很多不错的餐厅和商店,而且大部分的建筑都是相当新的。所以这是一个很有前

21、途的领域,我真的很高兴住在那里。关于学习和教育的话题学习和教育 Is that a very popular subject to study in your country? (If yes): Yeah, I suppose it is quite a popular subject to study, and one of the reasons for this would probably be that a lot of students feel that this major will be useful in helping them find a good job afte

22、r they graduate. 是啊,我想这是个很受欢迎的学科,原因之一可能是很多学生觉得这个专业在毕业后有助于他们找到一份好工作。 (If no): I guess I probably wouldnt say so, no, mainly because its a relatively new major in China, and as far as I know, there are not that many universities in China which offer this course. 我猜我可能不会这么说,不,主要是因为这个专业在中国相对较新,据我所知,在中国没

23、有那么多大学开设这个课程。 Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study?d say it is quite challenging, mainly because of the huge workload we get. So for example, were given a considerable amount of coursework to do, which always requires a ton of background reading! 是的,我认为这很有挑战性,主要是因为我们的工作量很大。例如,我们有

24、相当多的课程要做,这总是需要大量的背景阅读! Actually, I wouldnt really say so, partly because were not given that much work to do, and also because its essentially not that complex (a subject), so everythings relatively easy to understand. 实际上,我不会这么说,部分原因是我们没有那么多工作要做,而且因为基本上没有那么复杂(一个主题),所以一切都相对容易理解。 What do you do when

25、you have a difficulty with your studies? I guess I normally either ask a coursemate for help or go on the internet to try and solve the problem myself. And if Im still stuck, then Ill go and ask my lecturer for help, but this would be as a last resort, as I dont really like to bother my lecturers un

26、less I really need to. 我想我通常要么请一个书记员帮忙,要么上网去解决这个问题。如果我还是被困住了,我会去找我的讲师帮忙,但这是最后的办法,因为我真的不想打扰我的讲师,除非真的需要。 How did you learn science at school? Well, we mainly just went through the text book and took notes, so it was pretty similar to other subjects. Though saying that, we occasionally did some experim

27、ents, which were quite fun, but unfortunately those classes were pretty few and far between. 嗯,我们主要是通过课本和笔记,所以它和其他科目很相似。尽管如此,我们偶尔会做一些实验,这很有趣,但不幸的是,这些课程很少,而且相距甚远。 Why did you choose .as your major? Basically it was due to the fact that my parents thought it was a useful major which would stand me in

28、good stead after I graduate. Personally Im not so sure, but seeing as I couldnt think of anything better, I went with my parents decision. 基本上是因为我父母认为它是一个有用的专业,在我毕业后对我有利。就我个人而言,我不太确定,但当我想不出更好的东西时,我就去了我父母的决定。 What do you like about your major?s a good question, and I guess basically the thing I find

29、most enjoyable about my major is analyzing case studies of various international companies operating in China, because for me, stories are the best way to learn things. And as well as this, I also like the fact that our lectures are quite interactive, because we are encouraged to ask questions inste

30、ad of just sitting and making notes, and this tends to make the lectures much more interesting. 这是个好问题,我想基本上,我觉得我最喜欢的专业是分析在中国运营的各种国际公司的案例研究,因为对我来说,故事是最好的学习方法。除此之外,我还很喜欢我们的讲座是互动的,因为我们被鼓励提问,而不只是坐着做笔记,这往往使讲座更有趣。s more important when studying - the student or teacher? Well its really hard to say, because obviously both play an important role, but I guess Id say the student is probably more important because generally speaking, most studying is done out of the classroom

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