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1、Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, a 15-year research project charting thefortunes of a group of thousands of teenagers who attended high schools in theUS in the mid-1990s.【句意】来自萨塞克斯大学的经济学家们分析了国家青少年健康纵向研究的研究结果,这项研究是一个历时 15 年的课题,它记录了数千名在美国 20 世纪 90 年代中期上中学的一组青少年的财产情况。【分析】句子主干为 Economists analys

2、ed findings 。 from theUniversity of Sussex作economists 的定语; from the National Longitudinal Study ofAdolescent Health作findings 的定语; a 15-year research project 作 the National Longitudinal Study ofAdolescent Health 的同位语;charting.作 project 的定语;who引导定语从句修饰 teenagers。方法 3:寻关联,辨逻辑一些长句其实是由若干分句组成的并列句或复合句。而这些并

3、列句或复合句之间需要一些关联词来连接。如果我们找准这些关联词,就能够弄清楚句与句之间的逻辑关系,分别弄清主句的意义和从句的意义,则长句就容易对付得多了。要掌握此方法必须对英语中的常见的关联词谙熟于心。Whetheryou get along well with your professors or not has a huge effecton your selfgrowth as it is a measure of how well you can respect authorityand obeyrequirements.【句意】你与教授相处是否融洽对你的自身发展起着重要的作用,因为这是

4、衡量你是否尊重权威和服从要求的标准。【分析】此句为复合句,句中 whether 引导主语从句, as 引导原因状语从句, how well 引导从句作介词 of 的宾语。方法 4:看搭配,防分隔有 一个 句或 句是由一个或多个搭配构成,而且 些搭配中常常出 分隔 象。 者若受分隔 象的干 而看不清句子的本来面目, 句意的理解就会 生偏差。Somecompanies have made the manufacturing of clean and safeproducts, to somedegree, their main selling points and emphasize it in

5、theiradvertising.【句意】一些公司把生 的 生的、安全的 品,从某种程度上 ,当作他 的 点,并在广告中 一点。【分析】其 本句是一个 主 + + + 足 句型make+ + ,即 使成 ,只不 和 被 to somedegree隔开而已。方法 5:关 ,抓 索有 某些句子句意模糊, 人理不清 , 只能依靠关 来抓,从而在大体上搞清楚句意。MissDermain s mother looked anxious throughout the wedding andMr. Cordell s parentsare reported to be less than delighted

6、.【句意】Dermain 的妈妈在整个婚礼显得很焦虑, 据说 Cordell 的父母的情绪也不是很高涨。总之,在碰到长句和难句时,要根据实际情况灵活运用上述方法,在平时阅读过程中要加强对长句和难句的句法分析训练。有时要几种方法综合使用才能正确理解句意。Thefact that members of one culture do not express their emotionsas openly as domembers of another does not mean that they do not experienceemotions.【句意】一种文化背景下的人不像另一种文化背景下的人

7、一样直率地表达他们的情感,这一事实并不意味着他们没有这些情感。【分析】本句的主干为 The fact does not mean that.,其中,that they do not experienceemotions 是从句作 mean 的宾语。 that members of one culture do not express their emotions asopenly as do members of another 为 fact 的同位语从句,其中as do members ofanother 是状语从句,助动词do 位于主语members of another前形成倒装,主语后

8、省略了express theiremotions。20162013年高考英语真题阅读理解长难句精析21 句1.2016全国卷I B篇Havingyour grandchildren far away is hard, especially knowing your adult child isstruggling, but giving up the life you know may be harder.【分析】 but 前面是第一分句, but 后面是第二分句。动名词短语 Having your grandchildren faraway 是第一分句的主语,现在分词短语 especiall

9、y knowingyour adult child isstruggling 是第一分句中的状语; 动名词短语 giving up the life you know 是第二分句的主语, youknow 是定语从句,修饰先行词 the life 。【译文】与孩子们距离远是痛苦的,尤其是知道你的成年子女日子艰难,但是放弃你熟悉的生活可能会更艰难。2.全国卷 I C 篇Forthis courier job, youyou ve got something re consciously aware that in that boxthat is potentially going to save

10、so mebody s life.【分析】 Forthis courier job 是介词短语,在句中作状语; that in that box youve got something that ispotentially going to save somebody s life 是宾语从句, in that box 是宾语从句中的地点状语, you ve gotsomething 是宾语从句中的主谓宾; that is potentially going tosave somebody slife 是定语从句,修饰前面的 something。【译文】对于这份传递员的工作而言,你会自觉地意识

11、到你手中的那个箱子装着可能挽救某人生命的东西。3. D 篇Therefore, when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenlystops, what may be implied( 暗示 ) is that the person wants the listener to considerwhat has been said before continuing.【分析】 when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenlystops

12、是时间状语从句, what may be implied 是主语从句, what 在主语从句中作主语, that the person wants thelistener to consider what has been said before continuing 是表语从句,表语从句中含有宾语从句 whathas been said before continuing, what 在宾语从句中作主语。【译文】所以当一个来自这些文化之一的人在讲话时突然停住了,可能那个人是在继续 (讲话 ) 之前暗示听众去思考他之前说了什么。4.全国卷 II B 篇Hispresence meant tha

13、t I had an unexpected teaching assistant inclass whosecreativity would infect( 感染 ) other students.【分析】句中 that 引导宾语从句,且 whose 引导定语从句,修饰 an unexpected teaching assistant。【译文】他的存在意味着我在班级有一位意想不到的教学助手,并且他的创造力会感染其他的学生。5.C 篇Thenthe person leaves it in a public place, hoping that the book will have anadven

14、ture, traveling far and wide with each new reader who finds it.【分析】句中现在分词短语 hopingthat.在句中作状语, 且其中的 that 引导宾语从句, 且从句中的现在分词短语 traveling. 在从句中充当状语,而 who 引导定语从句,修饰 eachnew reader。【译文】然后,这个人把它放在一个公共场所,希望这本书会经历一次冒险,与发现它的每一位新读者到处旅行。6.全国卷 III A 篇CCMorganizes a variety of events, including performances by t

15、he well-known LaSalleQuartet, CCM s Philharmonic Orchestra, and various groups of musicianspresenting Baroque through modern music.【分析】本句为一个含有较长介词短语的简单句, including至句末为介词短语, performances 后的 by. 是介词短语作后置定语, presentingBaroque through modern music 为现在分词短语作名词的后置定语。【译文】 CCM 组织了多样的活动,包括知名的 LaSalle 四重奏乐团和 C

16、CM 爱乐管弦乐团的演出,还有各种代表巴罗克风格到现代音乐的音乐家团体所进行的演出。7. B 篇Headingback downtown toward her hotel, her big-city friends were amazed at the turn ofevents that had changed their Big Apple dinner into aMississippi statereunion( 团聚 ).【分析】本句为复合句, 逗号前为现在分词短语作时间状语,定语从句 that had changed their Big Apple dinner into aMis

17、sissippi state reunion( 团聚 ) 在句中修饰先行词 the turn ofevents.【译文】在返回市区宾馆的途中,韦尔蒂的大都市的朋友们惊讶于他们活动的转变,他们的聚会早已由纽约式的宴会变成了密西西比人的地方性团聚。8.Beauticians, bartenders, piano players and people with purplehats, Welty speople come from afternoons spent visiting with old friends,from walks throughthe streets of her nativ

18、e Jackson, Miss., from conversationsoverheard on abus.【分析】句中的 Beauticians, bartenders, piano players andpeople with purplehats与 Welty s people构成同位关系,三个 from 介词短语与 come 连用,表明小说中人物角色来源的多面性。【译文】 Welty 小说中的角色美容师、酒吧招待、钢琴演奏者及那些戴着紫色帽子的人源自于她与老朋友共度的下午,源自于她在土生土长的密西西比州杰克逊城的大街小巷散步的过程中,还源自于她在公交车上无意间听到的闲谈。9.Topeo

19、ple who are used to the limited choice of apples such as Golden Delicious andRoyal Gala in supermarkets, it can be quite an eye opener to see the range ofclassical apples still in existence, such as Decio which wasgrown by theRomans.【分析】本句主干为 it can be quite an eye opener to see therange of classica

20、l applesstill in existence ,句中不定式短语作真正的主语, it 为形式主语;该句前面为介词短语 Topeople,而 people 后又接了一个定语从句, 该句后面为 such as短语,用于举例。【译文】对于那些已习惯了选择超市里有限的苹果种类如Golden Delicious 和 RoyalGala 的人来说,目睹 Decio 这种过去由罗马人种植的传统苹果品种如今依然存在可能会令他们大开眼界。10.Researchers analyzing word-of-mouth communication e-mails, Web posts andreviews, f

21、ace-to-face conversations found that it tended to be more positivethan negative(消极的 ), but that didn t necessarily mean peoplepreferred positivenews.【分析】本句为连词 but 连接的两个并列分句,第一个分句为含有一个宾语从句的复合句,主句的主语是 Researchers,其后的现在分词短语 analyzingword-of-mouthcommunication 作定语,谓语是 found ,后面是 that 引导的宾语从句;第二个分句也是一个含有

22、宾语从句的复合句。【译文】分析口述交际如电子邮件、网帖、评论和面谈的研究者发现,它倾向于更积极而不是消极 (的内容 ),但这并不一定意味着人们更偏爱积极的消息。11.2015新课标全国卷 I Thesewere the real deal and at that moment, I realized that the best part ofSarasota in winter was going to be eating things that back home in New York Iwouldn t be experiencing again for months.【分析】破折号后面

23、的句子对前句进行解释。破折号后为主从复合句。主句 I realized后跟 that 引导的宾语从句,在宾语从句中含有 that 引导的定语从句修饰先行词 things。【译文】这些都是货真价实的瓜果蔬菜就在那一刻,我意识到,萨拉索塔的冬天最美妙之处在于可以吃到新鲜的瓜果蔬菜,而我一旦回到纽约的家中,连续几个月都无法品尝到这些瓜果蔬菜。12.新课标全国卷 II A 篇I wasable to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relativesgive me moneyfor my birthday instead of a lo

24、t of clothes that wouldn t f【分析】这是一个主从复合句。连词 because引导原因状语从句,同时该从句又包含了一个由 that 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 clothes。【译文】我能够在一年多前买下它 (电视机 )是因为我让我的亲戚们在我生日时给我钱而不是买大量不合身的衣服。13.Darkenvironments are more likely to encourage overeating, for people are often lessself-conscious( 难为情 ) when they re in poorly lit places and

25、so more likely toeat lots of food. for 为并列连词,表示原因,when 在句中引导时间状语从句。【译文】昏暗的环境更有可能刺激人们暴饮暴食,因为在这种光线暗淡的地方人们往往会不那么难为情,所以就更有可能吃大量的食物。 phenomenon originated( 起源 ) with the months left over to Oxbridgeapplicants between entrance exams in November and the start ofthe next academicyear.【分析】主语是 The gap-year phenomenon,谓语是 originated ,后面是介

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