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1、那件大衣的面子很漂亮。 The outer part of the coat is very beautiful.如果怕丢面子,就说不好英语。 If one is afraid of losing his dignity (face), he cannot expect to speak English well.我是个爱面子的人,这种事我可做不出来。 I would not do such a thingI am sensitive about my reputation.不是我不买你的面子,实在是这事儿不好办。I have shown due respect for your feelin

2、gs, but there is really nothing I can do about it.心有余而力不足。 Ones ability falls short of ones wishes.您的建议我会永远铭记在心。 I will always bear your advice in mind.如果你忘了她的生日她会很伤心的。 You will hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday.居心叵测。 To nurse evil intentions.得人心者得天下。 Those who gain popularity among the p

3、eople will gain the power.劳心者治人,劳力者至于人。 Those who work with brains rule and those who work with their brawn are ruled.哀莫大于心死。 The greatest despair comes from a devastated heart.这是民国六年的冬天,大风刮得正猛,我因为生计关系,不得不一早在路上走。It happened during the winter of 1917. A bitter north wind was blowing but, to make a li

4、ving, I had to be up and out early.世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。 True learning implies a clear insight into human activities. Genuine culture involves the skilful manipulation of human relationships.这尊像站了几百年了,他觉得这是一种苦役。Having stood there for several hundred years, the statue had now come to detest it as a kind o

5、f forced drudgery.他便变了脸,铁一般的青。 His complexion changed, and he grew ghastly pale.我们不得不零零星星的偿付。 We have to pay in dribs and drabs.那条小径曲曲折折通向山顶。 The path zigzags up the hill.湖色越远越深,由近到远,是银白、淡蓝、深青、墨绿、非常分明。Farther still, the lake water seems darker, changing from silver white near at hand, through light

6、blue, deep blue, finally to dark green, all being very distinct.三十几个人,三三五五,各自在爱去的地方溜达。Thirty-odd of us, in group of threes and fives, strolled wherever we liked.江水由船边的黄到中心的铁青到岸边的银灰色。有几只小轮在喷吐着煤烟:在烟囱的端际,它是黑色;在船影里,淡青、米色、苍白;在斜映着的阳光里,棕黄。 The river water near the ship changes its color from yellow to iron

7、 blue in the middle of the river and to silver grey near the bank. Some small ships are puffing out coal smoke. At the end of the chimney it is black. In the slanting sun rays, it is brown yellow.我们如能于百忙之中,挤出一点时间,约二三知友小酌,琅琅笑话,畅话平生,其乐并不亚于徜徉于青山绿水之间。If we can squeeze a little time in our busy life to i

8、nvite two or three of our friends to dine with laughter and relive our life experience, this kind of pleasure is no less interesting than lingering among the blue mountains and green waters. 我眼睁睁地看过,在无情的冰雹下,我那刚刚灌浆、远远没有长成的谷穗,在细弱的稻杆上摇摇摆摆地挣扎,却无力挣脱生养它、却又牢牢地锁住它的大地。With wide-open eyes I had watched how th

9、e rice ears, in the milk and yet still far from being ripe, were swaying back and forth on their thin stalks under the ruthless hailstones. They were incapable of freeing themselves from the ground, which had supplied them with food but firmly locked them too.月光如流水一般,静静地泄在这一片叶子和花上。薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里,叶子和花仿佛

10、在牛乳中洗过一样;又像笼着轻纱的梦。Moonlight cascaded like water over the locus leaves and flowers, and a light blue mist floating up from the pool made them seem washed in milk or caught in a gauzy dream.脍炙人口的传统京剧白蛇传讲的是源自明朝的故事。 The White Snake, one of the most popular traditional Beijing operas, is based on a story

11、 handed down from the Ming Dynasty.意大利著名旅行家马可。波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:“这是世界上最美妙迷人的城市,它使人觉得自己是在天堂。” The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as “the most fascinating city in the world, where one feels as if he was in paradise.这架飞机该有多大的重量啊!它载着解放区人民的

12、心,载着全中国人民的希望,载着我们国家的命运。What a heavy load this aeroplane bore! It carried the hearts of the people of the liberated areas, the hopes of the entire Chinese people, and the destiny of our country.英雄造时势,时势造英雄。 Heroes create the times, the times produce their heroes.一踏进门槛,屋子里的混乱景象使我吃了一惊。 Crossing the thr

13、eshold, I was taken aback by the mess in the house.土地和谷物是人们赖以生存的根本。祭社稷便是表示人们对土地和谷物的敬重。The earth and the cereals sustain the life of human beings and hence ceremonies were held to pay respect for them.嵩山有号称“天下第一名刹”的少林寺。Mount Songshan boasts of Shaolin Temple reputed as “Number One Temple under Heaven

14、”.他的报告里所提到的东西经不起推敲。 What he said in his report could not stand close scrutiny.宜昌是巴楚文化的发源地,诞生了屈原、王昭君等千古风流人物。Yichang City is the birthplace of Chinese Bachu Culture as well as many great personalities through the ages, such as the great poet Qu Yuan and the famous beauty Wang Zhaojun.中国庙宇的墙上经常绘有八卦、阴阳和

15、太极的图案。The Eight Trigrams, the Yin-Yang symbol and the Taiji emblem are often depicted on the walls of Chinese temples.王献之的书法笔走龙蛇。一气呵成。Wang Xianzhi, a famous 4th century Chinese calligrapher, wrote a whole piece of characters with the twist and turn of a single continuous movement of the brush like t

16、hat of dragons and snakes.这对年轻夫妇并不相配一个是西施,一个是张飞。 This young couple is not well matched, one is Xi Shia famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhang Feia well-known ill-tempered brute.作为炎黄子孙还可以去拜谒离西安不远的黄帝陵。If you are of Chinese descent, you may pay tribute to the tomb of Huangdi( Yellow Emperor)

17、,the first Chinese emperor.“这断子绝孙的阿Q!”远远地听到小尼姑的带哭的声音。Ah Q, may you die sonless! sounded the little nuns voice tearfully in the distance.他昨天擦破了皮,现在到医院换药去了。He had a scratch yesterday and now has gone to change dressings in the hospital.佃农家庭的生活自然是很苦的。可是由于母亲的聪明能干,却舒服。 The life of a tenant farmers family

18、 was of course hard, but we somehow managed to scrape along because mother was a clever and able woman.富华家具带给您典雅的欧陆风情。 You will be chanted by the unique European style of Fuhua furniture.不搞改革,不坚持改革开放政策,我们制定的战略目标政策就不可能实现,这是一个关,这个关必须过。We cannot reach our strategic goal unless we carry out reforms and

19、adhere to the open policy. This is a key process we must go through.贵州具有丰富的矿产、生物和旅游资源,品质优良;生物资源,种类繁多;旅游资源,绚丽多彩。Guizhou has plenty of mines and is rich in biological and tourism resources. Its mineral deposit is of high quality. Its biological species are various and its scenic process is colorful.我与

20、父亲不相见已有二余年,我最不能忘记的是他的背影。It is more than two years since I last saw father and what I can never forget is the sight of his back.这时我看见他的背影,我的眼泪很快流下来了。 While I was watching him from behind, tears gushed from my eyes.等他的背影混入人来人往的人里,再找不着了,我便进来坐下 I, however, did not go back to my seat until his figure was

21、 lost among crowds of people hurrying to and fro and no longer visible.我读到此处,在晶莹的泪光,又看见了那胖胖的,青布棉袍,黑布马褂的背影。Through the glistening tears which these words had brought to my eyes, I again saw the back of fathers corpulent form in the dark blue cotton-padded cloth long gown and the black cloth mandarin

22、jacket.务必要继续发扬艰苦奋斗的优良传统,提倡勤俭, 崇尚节约。It is imperative to carry on the fine tradition of hard work, encourage frugality, and prevent and check high consumption that outgrows economic development.这里山花古松遮掩着悬崖峭壁,鸟语花香,生意盎然,一派秀丽景色。Wild flowers and old pine on the precipice, with birds singing among them, fo

23、rm a beautiful scene full of life and vitality.我国政府愿意在平等互利、相互开放、长期合作、共同发展的基础上,进一步加强同亚洲各国的经济合作和贸易交流。 The Chinese government stands ready to further strengthen economic cooperation and trade ties with other Asian nations on the basis of equality, openness, long-term cooperation and mutual benefit.敌军闹得

24、全村鸡犬不宁。 The enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder.她经常在邻里之间搬弄是非。 She often tells tales among the neighbors.这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。 These problems are too complicated to be explained clearly in a few words.否则,袖手旁观,守株待兔,就变成了长期不抗不战了。 Otherwise, standing by with folded arms and waiting for

25、gains without pains will prove to be nothing but long-term nonresistance.校园依山傍水,绿树成荫,花香四溢,堪称求学胜地。The good scenery on the campus makes it an ideal place for teaching, learning and academic pursuits.每年农历六月为黄龙寺庙会,方圆几百里的各族人民前来赶会。届时,帐篷连营,人马喧腾,歌舞相杂,十分热闹。Every year in the 6th lunar month, the local people

26、from great distance around travel to Huang Long Monastery on horseback for the temple fair. They set up tents and celebrate with songs and dances far into the night.光耀千古的崇圣寺三塔,享誉中外的大理石,古朴典雅,风格独特的白族民居,还有那风、花、雪、月四大奇景,无不使人流连忘返。 Among the most exciting attractions of Dali are the three ancient pagodas o

27、f the Chongsheng Temple, world famous Dali marble, Bai houses noted for their simplicity, elegance and distinctive design, and the four scenic features (the strong wind at Xiaguan, the famous flowers at Shangguan, the silver snow on top of the Cangshan range and the moonlit surface of Erhai Lake). 那

28、肥大的荷叶下面,有一个人的脸,下半截身子长在水里,那不是水生吗又往左右看去,不久,各人就找到了各人丈夫的脸。啊,原来是他们。 Not far away under a broad lotus leaf they saw a mans head-the rest of him was submerged. It was Shuisheng. Looking right and left, each soon discovered her husband-so this was where they were.英勇战斗于前,又放弃土地于后不是自相矛盾吗这些英勇战斗者的血,不是白流了吗Is it n

29、ot self-contradictory to fight heroically first and then abandon territory Will not our heroic fighters have shed their blood in vain层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星。微风过去,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。The leaves were dotted in between the layers with white flowers, some blooming gracefu

30、lly; others, as if bashfully, still in bud. They were like bright pearls and stars in an azure sky. Their subtle fragrance was wafted by the passing breeze, in whiffs airy as the notes of a song coming faintly from some distant tower.中国社会主义建设的航船将乘风破浪地驶向现代化的光辉彼岸。 China will stride forward in building socialism, like a ship braving the wind and the waves, towards the glorious destination of modernization. 我们之间关系的发展使我们不仅成为亲密的朋友而且成为兄弟。Our relations have so grown that they bind us not only as close friends but also brothers. 他心直口快,总是愿意和任何人交朋友,所以很快就赢得了大家的信任。H

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