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情景对话范例优秀word范文 24页Word格式.docx

1、 That is all right .Bye!二、问路1、问路的几种表示方法:(听到地点关键词就可以了)a. Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the museum?请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走?b. Could you tell me how I can get to the museum?c. Would you please tell me where the post office is?请告诉我邮局在哪儿?d. Excuse me, but please tell me how to get to the railway station

2、? 请问,去火车站怎么走?e. Excuse me, but Im trying to find a chemists shop.对不起,我要找一家药店。f. Would you please tell me if there is a hospital nearby?请问附近有医院吗?g. Is the zoo far from here?动物园离这儿远吗?h. Will it take long to get to the airport?去机场要很长时间吗?2、回答别人问路的表示方法:左转、右转、直走在前方、在后方、在中间、在东边、在南边、在西边、北边。3、距离的表示、时间的回答:Its

3、 only about ten minutes walk.那儿离这儿只有走大约10分钟的路。it常被用来表示距离,后面可以跟表示距离的名词短语,也可以跟“名词(表示时间) + 名词(表示行走方式)”,要注意撇号的位置。例如:It is three miles to the lake.这儿离湖有3英里的路程。It is one hour ride from Shanghai to Suzhou.从上海坐车到苏州有1小时的路程。、其它的的询问How long will I get/arrive there?我多久会到达那里?How long will it take me to get/arriv

4、e there?到达那里将要花费我多长时间?How far is it?(那里)有多远?Which bus should I take?我应该乘哪一路公共汽车?、最后对指路人一定要致谢。三、餐厅B:Hello .May I have the Menu,please?你好,我能看一下菜单吗?A: Good morning .What can I do for you, sir?早上好先生,您要来点什么? What have you got this morning?今天早上你们这儿有什么? Fruit juice, cakes and everything.水果汁、糕点等等,应有尽有。 Id l

5、ike to have a glass of juice, please.请给我来一杯果汁。 Anything more, sir?还要什么别的东西吗,先生? No, thats enough. Thank you.不要了,足够了。谢谢。A:You are welcome.Please wait for a minute.不客气,请稍等。四、天气Whats the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?B:It is cloudy.I think it is going to raning. 很冷,我想快要下雨了。Oh,no.I forget to get to the umb

6、rella!不,我忘记带伞了。I can give you.我可以借给你一把。thanks.You are welcome.不客气。五、旅游Where are you from?你来自哪里?I am from Shanghai.What about you?我来自上海,你呢?I am from Beijing. Have you been to Beijing?我来自北京,你去过北京吗?No I have never been to Beijing.我没去过北京。OK,we can take pictures and row boat in Beijing. 好的,我们可以在北京拍照片和划船。

7、Yes,好的六、购物Can I help you?您想要买什么? uId just like to have a look .我只想随便看看。do you like some apples?你想要一些苹果吗?I could also buy some apples if theyre nice. 如果苹果不错的话,我也可以买一些。 How many do you need?你想买多少?Two Kilograms.两公斤。 Are these apples on sale?这些苹果降价卖吗?Thats our rock bottom price.这是我们的最低价了。Thank you.七、打电话

8、你好 ,请问是迈克吗?Hello,Is that Mike?不是的,请问你是?No ,I am not.Who is that ?我是本,我能和迈克说话吗?This is Ben speaking.Can I talk to Mike. 有什么事吗?他现在不在。Is there anything I can do for you?He is not here. A:他什么时候回来?When does he go home?我不知道。I do not know.能帮我带口信给他吗?Can you take him a message可以。Yes I can.Thanks.篇二:情景对话分类在“新

9、课程标准”中,列出了较多的功能意念和话题项目,其中大多数都与我们的Et常生活 和交际有着较为密切的联系。在这一章节中,我们就其中一部分涉及的情景对话进行分类与 解析,并附以概说、常用表达法、范例、作答指点和练习,力求使我们的听力应试练习更具有针 对性和实用性。 一、问路(Asking the way)(一)概说如果人们身处一个陌生的地方,不熟悉情况,免不了要问目的地在什么地方或如何到达目的地。该话题是日常会话中常有的内容,它包括问路、指路、方向和距离等。(三)常用表达法1Excuse meIs there a bank near here?Where is the supermarket?Is

10、 there a pay phone in the neighborhood?How can I get t0?Where is the(nearest)please?2Yes,there isIt?s on Center StreetIt?s next t0nearbehindin front of the librarys on Bridge Street on the rightYou can go through Sixth Avenue and Seventh AvenueGo down this streetTurn rightleftTurn at the firstsecond

11、 crossin9s aboutminutes? walkdriverides far(away)from hereYou can?twon?t miss it(三)范例1Where are the man and the woman?AIn a hospital BIn a llbrary CIn a street2Where should the woman turn left?AAt the supermarket BAt the store CAt the corner3How far is the post office?AFive minutes? walk BFifteen mi

12、nutes? walk CFifty minutes? walk w:Excuse meWhere?S the post office?M:Walk down this road and turn left at the supermarket OH your leftW:Is it far?N0It?S about five minutes?walkThank youYou?re welcome以“excuse me,这种语气来问路,说明两人较为陌生,且这种对话较多发生在大街上,故第1小题答案为C。根据第2小题的问题,听录音时要注意捕捉有关地点的信息,第2小题答案较为明确,为A。根据第3小题

13、的选项可知选项不同之处是3个数字的不同,在听录音时注意区分这3个数字的发音。第3小题答案选A。(四)练习1Where is the nearest post office?ANear the road BNear the station CNear a bus stop2Which bus can the man take?AThe N03 bus BThe N02 bus CThe N022 bus3Where is the bookstore?ABehind the library BAcross from the supermarketCNear the tall building4Wh

14、ere is the station?AOn the right of the park BAcross from the parkCIn front of the library5Who can the man ask for help?AA postman BA policeman CA teacher二、就医(Seeing the doctor)一概说人们遇到生病、受伤等身体不适时,一般都要去医院就诊。此类话题也是听力考试中常见的试题。它包括病人的自述和医生的询问与诊断。(二)常用表达法1What?s the matter? What?s wrong with youyour?Are y

15、ou feeling well? Do you feel welltired?How long have you been like this?2There?s something wrong withI have a feverheadachecoldtoothacheI?m not feeling wellI feel terribleillI don?t feel welllike eating anythin9My leg/., hurt.I have been like this since yesterday.3. Nothing serious.You should drink

16、some hot water with honey.I hope you feel better soon.1. Whats the matter with the man?A. He has a cold.B. He has a stomachache. C. He has a toothache.2. When did it start?A. Two days ago.B. Three days ago. C. Yesterday.3. What should the man do?A. He should drink some coffee.B. He should take some

17、medicine.C. He should lie down and rest.W: Hello. Whats the matter.?M: Im not feeling well. I have a stomachache. When did it start? About one day ago. Oh, thats too bad. You should lie down and rest. Yes, I think so.I hope you feet better soon.此题所提的3个问题都很直接,考生在听时不会有太大的难度。第1小题中的3个选项要从读音上去区别,选B。第2小题要

18、注意对数字信息捕捉的同时,还要对信息进行简单的转换:0ne day ago-yesterday,选C。第3小题既要从录音内容去区分3个选项,也要根据现实生活中的经验来判断。A选项首先被排除,B选项符合生活经验,但录音内容中没有提到。第3小题选C。s wrong with the man?A. He has a headache. B. He has a fever. C. He is tired.2. Flow often does the man take the medicine?A. Twice a day. B. Three times a day. C. Once an hour.,

19、3. How is Carl?A. Hes better now. B. He hasnt got well yet. C. He feels very cold.4. Who will send Mary to the hospital?A. Mary, Jack and Tom.B. Jack and Tom.C. Kate, Jack and Tom.5. How is the woman now?A. Shes tired.B. She doesnt feel very well.C. She feels well.三、谈论天气(Talking about weather)天气的变化会

20、对人们的生活、工作或活动产生一定的影响。天气是人们经常谈论的话题, 更是英国人见面时少不了的话题。1. How is the weather in .? WhatIs it raining?2. Its sunny/windy/rainy/cloudy.Yes, it is. Its very terrible.s warm/cool/cold/hot/humid.1. How is the weather when they are talking?A. Its snowing. B. Its raining.C. Its hot.2. Why doesnt the boy like spr

21、ing in Beijing?A. Because its windy and cold. B. Because itC. Because its cold. Oh, it is raining outside, Mark. Whats the weather like in your hometown? h is very hot. Do you like the weather in Beijing? Well. I like Beijing in autumn and summer,but I dont like it in spring.W. Why? Its very windy a

22、nd cold in spring.听这段对话时,不要把“when they are talkin9”和“in your hometown”的天气情况相混。第1小题的答案为B。第2小题比较简单,根据录音内容可直接选出答案,答案为A。四练习1. How is the weather tomorrow?A. Cold.B. Warm. C. Wet.2. What is the woman going to do?A. Go out for a walk. B. Stay inside.C. Feel warm.3. What does the man tell the woman to doA.

23、 Clean up her room. B. Not wait for him to get the raincoat.C. Not worry about her raincoat.4. What does the woman mean?A. The winter has just begun. B. It has been snowing for some time.C. Itll snow.5. Why are they still here?A. Because the weather has stopped them to leave here.B. Because they lik

24、e staying here.C. Because the rain stopped yesterday.四、购物(Shopping)购物也是听力考试中常见的话题,它主要是指购物者与营业员之间的对话,通常涉及招呼顾客、货物贵贱、商品质量好坏、商品尺寸大小、商品颜色种类、顾客是否满意等。1What can I do for you? Can I help you?2I?d likeI wantHOW much is it?That?s too expensive,I thinks fineI?ll take it3How manymuch do you want? What colorsizek

25、ind do you want?Do you have any other kindsizecolor?What about that one?1Where are they talking?AAt a clothes shop BAt a bookshop CAt a libraryGood morningWhat can I do for you?Id like to buy a T-shirt2How much will the man pay?A$16 B$32 C$15Excuse meCould you tell me how much the tie is?SureSixteen

26、 dollars for eachWellI?ll take two第1小题中,从双方的问答中可确定该对话发生在一家服装店里,答案为A。第2小题 中,营业员只说出了“sixteen dollars for each”,而顾客要买两条,则最终顾客需付出的钱为32美元,答案为B。1HOW much does one chair cost?A$60 B$16 C$302What does the man want?AA pair of brown shoes in size 6 BA pair of black shoes in size 6CA pair of brown shoes in siz

27、e 93What does the man want to know?AWhat kind of book to buy BHOW much the textbook iSCWhether the woman bought it4How much are the cards altogether?A1 yuan B4 yuan C2 yuan5What did the woman buy?AVegetables BFruit CMeat五、打电话(Making phone calls)(一)概说 ,打电话是现代人进行交流的常见方式,打电话这一话题也就成为听力考试中的一项重要 内容。它包括打电话双方的一些常用语,还涉及双方的关系、身份、职业等,考试时需适当推 断,做出正确选择。(二常用表达法1Hello! Is that Mary(speaking)? May I speak to Alan?Who is that(speaking)?2Hell0,who is itthat? This is(

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