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1、注:白卷,作文与题目毫不相关,或只要几个孤立的词而思想无法表达,则给0分。 此外,为引起教师和学生对作文部分的重视,全国四级考试中心还实行作文最低分制度,最低为6分。如作文为0分,总分高于60分,成绩报导时一律报59分不及格处理;若作文分大于0分小于6分时,最后报导分=原计总分-6分+实得作文分。2作文命题形式及常考题型分析纵览历年的作文试题,我们可以发现论说文占绝大多数,但近年应用文有上升的势头(01.6、02.1是书信体,91.6、02.6是图表作文)。就话题而言,主要有三大类:社会热闹话题、校园话题和日常生活话题。以下是历年作文题的汇总与统计,建议大家研究一下它的出题规律并写写看。一、

2、历年四级考试作文题统计社会热门话题(87.9) Women in Modern World (90.6) Make Our Cities Greener (91.1) Bicycle An Important Means of Transport in China (91.6) Changes in Peoples Diet (94.1) The world Is Getting Smaller and Smaller.(96.1) The Two-day Weekend (96.6) Global Shortage of Fresh Water (98.1) Harmfulness of F

3、ake Commodities. 校园话题(88.6) An Early Morning Walk (记叙文)(92.6) How I overcome My Difficulties in Learning English(94.6) My Ideal Job(95.6) Advantage of Job Interview. (97.6) Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus. (99.6) Reading Selectively Or Extensively?(00.1) How I Finance My College Educati

4、on. (00.6) Is A Test of Spoken English Necessary?(01.1) How to Succeed in a Job Interview?(01.6) A letter to a Schoolmate(02.1) A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus.(02.6) Student Use of Computers.日常生活话题(89. 1) The Tape Recorder(90. 1) What Would Happen If There W

5、ere No Power(92.1) Is Failure a Bad Thing?(93.1)Positive and Negative Aspects of Sport.(95.1)Can Money Buy Happiness?(97.1) Practice Makes Perfect .(98.6) Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck?(99.1)Don t Hesitate to Say NO. (03.1) It Pays to Be Honest我们知道, 四六级考试是一项大规模的考试,为提高其客观性,以利评分,考试对作文的命题形式是这

6、样限制的:给出题目作文、规定情景作文、给出段首句续写、书信作文、给出关键词作文、看图作文或根据所给文章写出摘要或大意等。下面分析主要的几种类型: 1)提纲作文 这类题型是四六级作文考试到目前为止最常见的。它给出作文的英文题目以及较为详细的提纲,提纲有时是英文的,但多数是用中文给出的。每段的提纲规定了文章每段的主旨,它要求考生围绕这个中心制定主题句,再顺着主题句展开段落,最后用一句总结句回应主题句。例 1999年6月全国四六级考试作文题同为一个提纲类作文,题目要求完全一样,只是字数要求不一样(四级为120字,六级为150字)。 Directions: For this part, you are

7、 allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Reading Selectively or Extensively? You should write at least 120 (150) words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1 有人认为读书要有选择2 有人认为应该博览群书3 我的看法2) 主题句作文IntroductionThis is the most common composition practice

8、d in CET-4Usually the title and the topic sentences of each paragraph are givenYou are required to write exactly according to the titleYou must use the given topic sentences作文题例:Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about“Television ”in three paragraphsYou are gi

9、ven the first sentence of each paragraph to develop the idea in completing the paragraphYour composition should be about 120words,not including the words givenRemember to write clearly Television 1)Television presents a vivid world in front of us _2)Television can also play an educational role in ou

10、r daily life_3)However,television can also be harmful3)图表作文图表作文是四六级作文考试常考题型之一,也是考生觉得较难对付的作文形式。图表形式:图表题型主要分类:(1)曲线图题型(Line chart); (2)饼状图题型(Pie chart); (3)柱状图题型(Bar chart); (4)表格图题型(Table)。要求考生:通常还给出作文的标题和一些提示(1)用文字来描述图表,客观解释图表中所传递的信息并找出某种规律或趋势;(2)就图表中所反映出某种趋势或问题分析其原因或后果。(3)根据前面的分析得出你的结论或发表你的看法。一般要求写

11、成论说文。例11991年6月四级考试作文为统计表格题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about Changes in Peoples Diet according to the following outline in three paragraphs. Your part of the composition should be no less than 120 words, not including the words given. Remember to wri

12、te clearly. You should quote as few figures as possible.Changes in Peoples Diet1 state the changes in peoples diet in the past five years2 give possible reasons for the changes3 draw your own conclusion Year Food 19861987198819891990Grain49%47%46.5%45%Milk10%11%12%13%Meat17%20%22.5%23%21%Fruit and V

13、egetable24%22%Total100% 看图表作文一般可分三段写。第一段说明该图表反映的总情况,选择能充分说明主题的典型数据进行概述。第二段对数字进行仔细分析比较,归纳出增减速率,找出产生变化的原因。第三段写读图表后的想法或评论,得出自己的结论。General introductionAnalysisConclusion概要介绍分析图表和变化的原因评论或总结例2以下再举一个曲线坐标图(Graph)作文题例: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the following gr

14、aph showing the growth of the worlds population. The opening sentence is given and you are required to develop it into a full composition. Your part of writing should be no less than 120 words. Some useful words and phrases are provided, but you do not have to include all of them. Graph showing the

15、growth of the worlds population. (Suggested words and phrases: birth control, death rate, population explosion, food shortage).The Problem of Human Population It has been estimated that a thousand years ago there were less than 400 million people on earth._ 从曲线坐标图可以看到,过去人口增长速度的缓慢同现在人口的急剧增长形成了鲜明的对照。图

16、中文字表明,Industrial and Agricultural Revolution和Emergence of Modern Medicine与人口的急剧增长不无关系。根据题目所提供的信息可制定以下提纲:1) 人口增长的情况;a. 过去人口增长的情况;b现在人口增长的情况;c 未来人口增长情况的预测。2) 人口爆炸的原因;3) 人口爆炸带来的问题。最后表达自己的看法。 4)情景作文题中给定一个情景,要求考生在这个范围内充分发挥想象力,精心构思出一篇符合情景要求、意思连贯的短文。这类作文限定条件比较少,考生自由发挥程度较大,我们预测以后会考这类题型的作文。例如题中说某国大学生代表团要来你班交

17、流联欢,请你写一篇欢迎辞在联欢会上宣读,这就要求写篇情景作文。例 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of about 120 words. Your composition should be based on the following situation. Remember to write clearly.Situation:Imagine that you are required to write a Want Ad for the Dean (系主任). You

18、are supposed to base this ad on the outline shown below:Wanted: Student Consultant to the DeanDuties: meeting with students; presenting oral and written reports; attending sessionsRequirements: full-time student with one year of student experience; a strong sense of dutySalary: $3,000 an academic ye

19、arTime Commitment: 15 h. WeeklyDeadline: December 15, 2000; to Elmer Borden 800-28175) 标题作文标题作文是一种常见的传统式命题作文。它只给出一个标题,不附带任何要求和说明,考生可取不同的角度确立主题并作阐述,文体类型也可根据自己审题和构思写成不同类型的作文。其优点是考生可以充分发挥想象,考出水平;其缺点是由于它没有限制,考生容易写成“千人千面”的作文,不利评分。写这类作文时首先要对标题进行审视,限制写作范围,选取某一个面来写,再确定文章的体裁、主题和论述或描写的角度。Write a composition o

20、n the topic “Should Firecrackers Be Banned?”Your composition should be at least 120wordsRemember to support the main idea with details and make your conclusionCoherence is also important6)关键词作文 Key Words Composition In this kind of composition,a series of key words are given together with the titleI

21、t requires students imagination and association in connecting the words logically without going astray from the main topic范例:指示:在30分钟内以“City and Countryside”为题,写一篇120词左右的短文,必需包括下列关键词及表达方式,要求使用正确、恰当。KeyWordsandExpressions:similarities differencesenvironmenttransportation educationentertainmentcolorfu

22、l boring public health servicereducethe gap1) The city and the countryside are similar in some ways. 2) But there still exist great differences in the fields of environment,transportation,public health service,education and entertainment3) We will try to reducethe gap between The city and the countr

23、yside. 第二篇 四级作文对策准备的三个阶段: 1)写好句子(练熟基本句型和常用句型,请看巅峰训练的58-60页的写作常用句型和英语作文和翻译经典句型100句)。 2)写好一个段落(英语段落的扩展、衔接与连贯) 3)写好一篇完整四级作文(尽量利用巅峰训练的33-47页的各种作文模板和范文)在写四级作文的四个步骤:1 审题和构思审题有两个目的:1)确定写作要求,明确要表达的观点;2)确定用什么方式表达主题,是叙述文、描写文还是论说文? 审好题后,就要开始构思,精心选材。选材要典型、具体、生动、有趣,要有利于阐发主题。2 列提纲 审题和构思完后,就要根据其结果列出提纲,它好象为你写作路上插上路

24、标,以免丢掉要点。由于四六级考试时间仅30分钟,又是写一篇120/150字的短文,所以提纲应尽可能简单些,片言只语都行,以自己看得懂为准。3. 选材确定了文章的主题和轮廓之后,我们就开始考虑要选择哪些要点来阐明主题。选材一定要围绕主题句进行,同时要考虑到全面性。4动笔 列好提纲后,就可以开始动笔写作了。一般来说,首段为立意段,只要写出三四个句子来即可(大约40个单词),任务是亮出主题,不宜太过细,否则接下来的主体段再重复一次就多余了。接下来是全文的主体段,是这篇文章的精华段,一般写七八个句子为宜(大约60-70个单词)。最后为总结段,也以三四个句子为好(大约40个单词),总结重申一下主题思想或

25、阐发自己的观点。在遣词造句方面,要尽可能用你有把握的词语和你熟悉的句型来表达思想。如果碰见单词不会拼写,意思不会用英语表达,应设法绕开,不要生拼硬凑。修改修改的主要任务是检查一下有无拼写和语法方面的错误,同时注意是否用词有过多的重复。第三篇 如何写好一个段落一英语段落的衔接与连贯 1 内容上的连贯:这里所说的连贯有两两层含义。一是指文章在内容上是连贯、统一的,文章中所有的句子都是为全文的中心服务的。就各段而言,其中的每一句话都要紧紧围绕着该段的主题句进行,不能说与主题句无关的东西。Sports benefit us in many respects. (1) When taking part

26、in sports, we get the chance to train almost all parts of our body. There is no doubt that properly balanced physical activities keep us physically fit. (2) Furthermore, sports can enrich our life and maintain our psychological health. (3) Through participation, everyone can learn that on the playin

27、g field he not only competes for himself but also for his team. Sports teach us about consideration, cooperation and optimism, and how to cope with difficulties.第一句是本段的主题句,接下来作者从体育运动对身体的好处说了两句,第四句讲述体育运动对心理方面的益处,第五句从团队的方面加以论述,最后一句既是论据,同时也是对前面三点的概括。全段没有一句话脱离主题句。2. 连贯的第二层含义指的是表达上的连贯。文章的段落之间、段落中各句子之间要有一

28、定的衔接。 段落结构和句与句之间的衔接应遵照一定的顺序; 段落之间的连接也应符合逻辑。这样使文章连贯紧凑,自然流畅,层次分明,脉络清晰。The weather has been changeable. On Sunday we had a high wind that blew down some trees. Monday was so cold that we had to turn on the heat and wear winter coats. And it remained gloomy the next day. To our pleasure, by Wednesday the weather cleared and the sun came out. But Thursday tuned out to be as hot and humid as an August day. Worse still, it began to rain this morning, and it looks as if well l have a cold, steady wind for a few days. 时

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