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1、Sir Paul said the developed countries had a responsibility to help those less well off.allowance n. 津贴,零用钱;允许;限额vt. 定量供应 He was allowanced a glass of wine at dinner 过去式 allowanced 过去分词 allowanced 现在分词 allowancing housing allowance 住房补贴 ; 住房津贴 ; 房贴 ; 房屋津贴 make allowance(或allowances) for1、体谅,原谅,顾及;(把情

2、况、条件等)考虑进去,考虑到,估计到2、(对时间、金钱等)留有余地,为留出余地temporary adj. 暂时的,临时的 n. 临时工,临时雇员 复数 temporaries Lesson 2put up put up a wall, building, tent, or other structure建造Protesters have been putting up barricades across a number of major intersections.抗议者们已在许多主要十字路口搭建了路障。put up a poster or notice 张贴Theyre putting

3、new street signs up. 他们正在张贴新的路标。put up resistance to something进行 (抵抗)In the end the Kurds surrendered without putting up any resistance.最终,库尔德人未做任何抵抗就投降了。Hed put up a real fight to keep you there.他为了让你留在那儿,进行了一场实实在在的斗争。put up money for something提供The state agreed to put up $69,000 to start his compa

4、ny.国家同意出资$69000创办他的公司。put up the price of something 提高 (价格)Their friends suggested they should put up their prices. 他们的朋友们建议他们提高价格。a person or hotel puts you up or you put up somewhere. 留宿I wanted to know if she could put me up for a few days.我想知道她能否让我留宿几天。Hundreds of commuters had to be put up in h

5、otel rooms.数百名往返者只得留宿在旅馆的房间里。put up a candidate in an election the candidate puts up提名 (为选举侯选人); 参加选举Barnes put up a candidate of his own for this post.巴恩斯为这个职位提出了自己的一名候选人。crash n. 撞碎;坠毁;破产;轰隆声;睡觉vi. 摔碎;坠落;发出隆隆声;(金融企业等)破产vt. 打碎;使坠毁、撞坏;擅自闯入 Section2landlord n. 房东,老板;地主sense n. 感觉,官能;观念;道理;理智 vt. 感觉到;

6、检测bring someone to his senses使某人苏醒、使某人恢复理智,开导某人come to ones senses苏醒过来、恢复理智,醒悟过来have too much sense to do (something) 不至于糊涂到去做(某事)have no sense of shame 一点也不知道羞耻,无耻辱心in all senses 在各方面in a sense 就某种意义来说in every (或 full) sense (of the world) 在任何一点上;完全地in no sense 绝不是,决非in ones senses 有理智,头脑清醒;讲道理s so

7、ber senses 沉着,冷静in some senses 在某种意义上;在某种程度上in the literal sense 按照字面意思;完完全全lose ones senses 失去理智;发疯make sense有道理;合乎情理、明智、说得通;有意义make sense of 了解的意思,弄懂的话not in any sense = in no senseout of ones senses = lose ones sensesspeak (或 talk) sense 说得有理take the sense of 了解的意见(或情绪)there is no sense in 在上没有什么

8、意义(或道理)humor n. 幽默;诙谐 sense of humor 幽默感 good humor 愉快的心情;好脾气vt. 迁就;使满足 As he proved with the elder Mr. Gore, he knew how to humor n. 条,棒;酒吧;障碍vt. 禁止;阻拦 someone is barred from a place or from doing something 在设置栅门(或栅栏);闩上,闩(门、窗等)You should bar the door before retiring for the night.你

9、晚上睡前应闩上门。prep. 除外 Bar a plateau in 1989, there has been a rise in inflation ever since the mid-1980s.自20世纪80年代中期以来,除了1989年稳定之外,通货膨胀一直在增长someone is behind bar 在狱中的chain n. 链;束缚;枷锁 vt. 束缚;囚禁;用铁练锁住 a chain of一连串 a large supermarket chain 一家大型连锁超市chain store 连锁商店 in chains 在囚禁中;上着镣铐waistcoat n. 背心;服装 马甲

10、pigeon n. 鸽子 carrier pigeon 信鸽 homing pigeon n. 信鸽,传信鸽 young pigeon 乳鸽upset 动词和形容词读作 pst。名词读作 pst。vt. 使心烦;颠覆;扰乱 vi. 翻倒 过去式 upset 过去分词 upset 现在分词 upsetting adj. 心烦的;混乱的;弄翻的n. 混乱;翻倒Lesson 3Section1spill vt. 使溢出,使流出;使摔下vi. 溢出,流出;摔下;涌流n. 溢出,溅出;溢出量;小塞子 过去式 spilled或spilt 过去分词 spilled或spilt 现在分词 spilling T

11、ears began to spill out of the boys eyes. 泪水开始从男孩的眼里涌出。让(乘客)下车(或下船等):I was spilt at a small station. 我在一个小站下了车。把摔下,使跌:He spilt out of the tree, and broke his leg. 他从树上跌了下来,摔断了腿。spill the beans 泄密;说漏嘴Some have started to spill the beans on their superiors.launderette lndrt n. 自助洗衣店heaven n. 天堂;天空;极乐i

12、n heaven 究竟;已死heaven and earth 天地,宇宙万物;天上人间go to heaven 升天;死去temple of heaven 天坛heaven on earth 人间天堂;天上人间;人间乐土under heaven 究竟thank heaven 谢天谢地seventh heaven 极乐世界;七重天heaven knows 天知道son of heaven 天子heaven forbid 上天不容;但愿不会如此in the seventh heaven 非常高兴的;在无上的幸福中move heaven and earth 竭尽全力the way to heaven

13、 通往天堂之路the queen of heaven n. 天后care for 关心,照顾;喜欢关心,关怀;爱护,照顾;赡养;对担心:Lily spent years caring for her sick uncle.莉莉照顾了她生病的叔叔好多年。喜爱,对中意:I dont care for that colour.我不喜欢那种颜色。介意,计较;放在心上:She cares only for herself.她只关心她自己。想要;希望:Would you care for some more tea?你是不是还想要点茶?词组辨析care for 关心,照料,喜欢,愿意 I dont car

14、e for about 关心,计较,在乎,一般多用于否定句中;He doesnt care about his clothes.break the record 打破纪录competition N-UNCOUNT n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛 contest 多指在音乐、书法、演讲等方面所进行的比赛或竞争。其结果,由评判委员会裁决。match 通常指体育运动项目的比赛,隐含势均力敌意味。competition 多指体育运动中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛enter for 参加(竞赛,活动等);报名参加(比赛)Any listener not meeting t

15、his requirement will not be able to enter for that instance of the competition.polish n. 磨光,擦亮;上光剂,擦亮剂;优雅,精良vi. 擦亮,变光滑vt. 磨光,使发亮adj. 波兰的 第三人称单数 polishes 过去式 polished 过去分词 polished 现在分词 polishing polish off 草草完成;打败 polish up 改善;润色;使完美;使醉memory n. 记忆,记忆力;内存,计 存储器;回忆in memory of 纪念Lesson 4chocolate n.

16、巧克力,巧克力糖;巧克力色 a bar of chocolate. 一条巧克力adj. 巧克力色的;巧克力口味的biscuit n. 小点心,饼干 biscuit jar 饼干瓶 复数 biscuits overall 形容词和副词读作vrl。名词读作vrl。adj. 全部的;全体的;一切在内的adv. 全部地;总的说来n. 工装裤;罩衫adj. the overall rise in unemployment. 失业人数的总体上升。adv. Overall I was disappointed. 总的来说,我感到失望。washbasin n. 脸盆bake vt. 烤,烘焙vi. 烘面包;被

17、烤干;受热n. 烤;烘烤食品bake down 临阵退缩bake oven 烘箱 ; 焙炉 ; 食品 烤炉 ; 食品 烤箱bake off 放 ; 让步 ; 烘焙大赛spoil vt. 溺爱;糟蹋;破坏;掠夺vi. 掠夺;变坏;腐败n. 次品;奖品 the spoils of war 战利品savings account 储蓄帐户活期存款Lesson 5typewriter n. 打字机assistant n. 助手,助理,助教/售货员adj. 辅助的,助理的(用在头衔或职位前,表示级别略低);有帮助的the assistant secretary of defense.助理国防部长custo

18、mer n.客户 词语辨析:passenger, client, guest, customer, visitor这组词都有“客人,访问者”的意思,其区别是:passenger 主要指乘坐交通工具的游人或旅客。client 与customer同义,多指进入商店被店员接待或购物的人。guest 多指事先受到激请而来,并受到欢迎与招待的宾客。也可指付钱居住者。customer 主要指交易一方的买主、主顾。visitor 普通用词,指出差、访问、旅游、参观或到旅馆投宿的人。estimate 动词读作stmet。名词读作stmt。 vi. 估计,估价n. 估计,估价;判断,看法vt. 估计,估量;判断

19、,评价 过去式 estimated 过去分词 estimated 现在分词 estimating estimate for 对估价、估计 rough estimate 粗略的估计,粗算fortnight n. 两星期 model n. 模型;典型;模范;模特儿;样式vt. 模拟;塑造;模仿vi. 做模型;做模特儿adj. 模范的;作模型用的 过去式 modeled或-elled 过去分词 modeled或-elled 现在分词 modeling或-elling The quota system was modelled on those operated in America and cont

20、inental Europe.配额制是仿照美国和欧洲大陆所施行的那些制度制定出来的。You have been modelling yourself on others all your life.你一辈子都在以别人为榜样。parcel n. 包裹,小包vt. 打包;捆扎 过去式 parceled或-celled 过去分词 parceled或-celled 现在分词 parceling或-celling 词语辨析:parcel, package, bundle, bunch, packet, pack这组词都有“捆,包”的意思,其区别是:parcel 着重指邮包,也指将东西扎成小包或不太大的包

21、。package 指包装整齐严密的包裹或一包、一捆、一盒东西。bundle 指多件东西被捆扎在一起。bunch 指有规则地把同类东西固定在一起。packet 一般指小件行李、邮包、还可指更小一些的包。pack 指专为背负而包扎的包裹,也指驮物等。part and parcel 必要部分;重要的部分Learning about life in a new culture is part and parcel of what newcomers to America face.学习在一种新的文化中生活是每一个新来美国的人要面对的事情中的重要部分。Wenger said the ability to

22、 deal with setbacks was part and parcel of a footballers life.cycle n. 循环;周期;自行车;整套;一段时间vt. 使循环;使轮转vi. 循环;骑自行车;轮转 过去式 cycled 过去分词 cycled 现在分词 cycling commission n. 委员会;佣金;犯;委任;委任状vt. 委任;使服役;委托制作You can commission them to paint something especially for you.你可以委托他们专门为你画点什么。Lesson 6librarian n. 图书馆员;图书

23、管理员rare adj. 稀有的;稀薄的;半熟的adj. 杰出的;极度的;非常好的Ferris has a rare ability to record her observations on paper.费里斯有将自己的观察结果以书面形式记录下来的杰出能力。Thick tuna steaks are eaten rare, like beef.厚厚的金枪鱼片要半熟吃,就像牛肉一样。rare, scarcerare 形容长期缺少从而珍贵的东西。scarce 形容暂时缺乏从而不足的drawer n. 抽屉 top drawer 社会最上层;最上层抽屉;最高级的bottom drawer 嫁衣 d

24、rawer lock 抽屉锁ball-point n. 圆珠笔pound n. 英镑;重击,重击声;兽栏;拘留所;磅 (英美等国的重量单位、); vt. 捣烂;敲打;监禁,拘留vi. 连续重击,猛击,(心脏) 怦怦跳shampoo n. 洗发;洗发精vt. 洗发 复数 shampoos 过去式 shampooed 过去分词 shampooed 现在分词 shampooing pack n. 包装;一群;背包;包裹;一副vt. 包装;压紧;捆扎;挑选;塞满vi. 挤;包装货物;被包装;群集a pack of 一包;(野兽等的)一群;一盒 pack up 整理;把打包battery pack 电池

25、组 pack in 停止 pack it up 停止;住嘴pack with 塞进;挤进;塞满了东西;某地方挤满了人a pack of cigarettes 一盒烟 pack into 挤进里;塞进brute adj. 残忍的;无理性的 n. 畜生;残暴的人attend to 倾听,仔细听;注意;留意;听取:to attend to ones advice照料,照顾;料理;护理;看护;关怀:to attend to a patient护理病人专心于;致力于;办理;安排:Dont worry, everything will be attended to in good time!别着急,每件事

26、都会得到及时处理。gown n. 长袍,长外衣;礼服;睡袍;法衣 wedding gown 结婚礼服;新娘礼服 evening gown n. 女子夜礼服bridal gown 新娘服装,新娘礼服 ball gown 舞会袍fancy n. 幻想;想象力;爱好adj. 想象的;奇特的;昂贵的;精选的vt. 想象;喜爱;设想;自负vi. 幻想;想象 It is a common error for people to fancy others in their own situation.I fancied that you wouldnt come.我以为你不会来了have a fancy for 喜欢, 想要;热衷于;fancy oneself as 认为自己(可以成为.);自以为是(某种人材)fancy for sth 喜欢某物 take a fancy to 喜欢;爱上 after ones fancy 中意的,合意的sell out 销售一空Hardware shops have sold out of water pumps and tarpaulins.五金商店的水泵和防水油布已经销售一空。出卖; 背叛 表不满You dont have to sell out and work for some corporation.你没有必要出卖自己为某公司工作

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