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1、5.How many morphemes does the word “telecommunication” contain?A.1 B.2 C.3 D.46.In the foreign languages bookstore _ to be found books in various languages.A. is B. is been C.are D. are been7.A person needs to know who he/she is before being able to know what _ makes him or her it that B.

2、it is that it which is which答案B8.There _ nothing more for discussion, the conference to an end 20 minutes be C. being have been9.Which of the following is an entailment of the utterance “Annie broke the window”?A.Annie was careless B.Annie was disruptiveC.Annie did s

3、omething to the window D.It is Annie who broke the window.10.The following conversation clearly violates the_ .A.How do you finally go to school?B.The bus is so fast so I got to school very early.A.Maxim of Quantity B.Maxim of Relation C.Maxim of Quality D.Maxim of Manner11.Which of the following st

4、atements about a lesson plan is inappropriate?A.It is a teaching guide. B. B.It is a blueprint to be strictly followed.C.It takes into account syllabus and students. D.It describes in advance what and how to teach.12.Skill-integrated activities allow teachers to build in more _ into a lesson,for the

5、 range of activities will be wider.A.certainly B.simplicity C.variety D.Accuracy13.A language proficiency test that only consists of multiple-choice questions lacks_.A.construct validity B.content validity C.test reliability D.scorer reliability14.When a teacher asks students to rearrange a set of s

6、entences into a logical paragraph he/she is trying to draw their attention to _ .A.grammer B.vocabulary C.sentence patterns D.texttual coherence15.Which of the following activities would help students develop the skill of extracting specific information?A.Infering meaning from the context B.Reconizi

7、ng the authors belief and attitudesC.Using information in the reading passage to make hypothesesD.Listening to the flight information too see if the plane is on time.16.Which of the following activities can be used to check students understanding of difficult sentences in the text?A.Paraphrasing B.B

8、lank-filling C.Story-telling D.Summarizing17.When a teacher organizes group work.Which of the following might be of the last Concern?A.Increasing peer interaction B.Increasing individual practiveC.Developing language accuracy D.Providing variety and dynamics18.If a teacher asks students to couect,co

9、mpare and analyze certain sentence patterns,he/she aims at developing students_ .A.discourse a wareness B.cultural a wareness C.strategic competence D.linguistic competence19.When a teacher says to the whole class,”stand up and act out the dialogue”,he/she is playing the role of a(n)_.A.monitor B.or

10、ganizer C.assessor D.prompter 20.Which of the following may better check students ability of using a grammatical structure?A.Having them work out the rule.B.Having them give some explamples.C.Having them explain the meaning.D.Having them explain the structure.Passage 1 From James Moriarty to Ernst S

11、tavro Blofeld,the idea of the evil genius has been a staple of storytelling.But is it true? Or,to put the matter less starkly,is there a connection between creativity and dishonesty ion real people who are not bent on world domination,as well as in fictional supervillains? Writing in Psychological S

12、cience ,Francesca Gino of Harvard University and Scott Wiltermuth of the University of Southern California suggest that there is-and that cheating actually increases creativity.Dr Gino and Dr Wiltermuth tested the honesty of 153 volunteers with a task involved adding up numbers for a cash reward,whi

13、ch was presented in away that seemed to them to allow them to cheat undetected(though the researchers knew when they did .)This was sandwiched between two tests for creativity,one of which was to work out how to fix a candle to a cardboard wall with a box of drawing pin*,and the other a word-associa

14、tion test.This combination showed not only that creative people cheat more,but alos that cheating seems to encourage creativity- for those who cheated in the adding-up test were even better at word association than their candle-test results predicted.That result was confirmed by a second set of expe

15、riments,in which some people were given many opportunities to cheat and others few.The crucial predictor of creativity,the researchers confirmed,was the actual amount of cheating,not any propensity to cheat.A third experiment tested the idea that this is because both creativity and dishonesty requir

16、e,as it were, a flexible attitude to rules.In this experiment volunteers were asked about their attitude to bossy signs,such as “no cycling”and “no diving” notices,after being allowed to cheat (again,in a way transparent to the experimenters)on a coin-tossing test . Cheats,it turned out,were less co

17、nstrained to obey such signs.It is,it goes without saying,a long way from such acts of petty defiance to building a lair inside an extinct volcano and threatening. Washington from it- or even to non-fictional acts of srious crime. But some sort of link exists,so this research does indeed suggest tha

18、t Arthur Conan Doyle and Ian Fleming were on to something. 21.What can be concluded from the passage about Janves moriaty and Ernst Stavro Blofield?A.They are two evil geniuses. B.They are two psychologises. C.They are two story-tellers. D.They are two researchers.22.Which of the following is closet

19、 in meaning to the underline phrase”Where on to something” in the last paragraph?A.were inspired by something B.were going to do somethingC.were worried about something D.were aware of the nature23.Which of the following describes the sequence of Dr Gino and Dr Wiltermuths reasearch?A.candle test,ad

20、ding-up test,word assoviation test.B.candle test,word assoviation test,adding-up testC.adding-up test,candle test,word assoviation testD.adding-up test,word assoviation test,candle test24.What does the underlined words”the other ”in paragraph 2 refer to?A.The trick B.The test C.The reward D.The comb

21、ination25.What conclusion can be drawn from this passage?A.The more a person cheats,the more creative he is.B.Cheating is likely to encourage creativity to some extent.C.A person who cheats is more creative than a person who doesnt.D.A person who is creative cheats more than a A person who is less c

22、reative.Passage 2二、简答题31.请说明精听与泛听的区别,并分别简述教师应该如何指导学生进行精听与泛听的训练。答案精听(Careful listening),是通过听课文,再把文章的内容感知一遍的同时可以加深对文章细节内容的一个深入了解,并且可以通过一些练习来检验听是的效果(Filling in Blanks/True or False/Questions/Forms)泛听(Extensive listening)是让学生初步听材料并回答问题,让学生初步了解文章的主旨大意(main idea)和基本信息(basic information),例如:时间、地点、原因、方式等。教师


24、练习等。做完练习后,教师要注意和学生及时总结,或和同学共同讨论泛听的策略,如:如何根据上下文判断生词的含义,如何预测下文等。32.教学请景分析题王老师是七年级的英语老师,在一次英语课上,她首先讲解了like 和dislike 的区别,然后要求学生做选项配对活动,活动结束后,他宣布做练习四,整个活动过程中,王老师始终在台上,活动过程如图:A.该教师在每个活动阶段分别存在什么问题?15分B.针对每个阶段中存在的问题提出相应的建议。答案参考1)存在问题:活动开始前,该教师下发的任务不是很明确,没有限定活动时间,学生在练习的过程中可能会没有规划,课堂会比较散漫;另外,教师在活动前应该提供一个示范,使学


26、论组中的一员,教师应该走到学生中去参与讨论。同时,还要注意防止学生失控,如使用母语或是说一些和主题无关的事甚至出现吵闹的现象。活动后:教师要注意引导学生进行反馈,让学生独立、完整地反馈成果,提升语言的准确度和流利度。对于学生在活动中出现的问题,要及时反馈,引导学生改正;对于学生表现的优秀的地方要及时给予鼓励,加强学生的自信心,增强英语学习的兴趣和合作意识。教学设计题(本大题1小题,40分)设计任务:请阅读下面学生的信息和素材,设计一个15分钟的口语教学活动。教案没有固定格式,但要包括以下几点:teaching objectivesteaching contentskey and difficu

27、lt pointsmajor steps and time allocationactives and justifications教学时间:15分钟学生概况:某城镇普通初一年级第一学期学生,40人,多数学生已经达到普通初中英语课程标准(2011版)二级水平,学生课堂参与积极性一般。素材(一封信)Dear jenny, I am very busy on Friday.At 8:00 I have math.It is not fun.The teacher says it is useful,but I think it is difficult.Then at 9:00 I have sc

28、ience.It is difficult but interesting.At 10:00 I have history.After that,I have P.E. At 11:00.Its easy and fun.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00,and after that we have Chinese.It is my favorite subject.Our Chinese teacher,Mr Wang,is great fun. My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson

29、for two hours.It is really relaxing! How about you?When are your classes?What is your favorite subject? Your friend, Yu Mei参考设计Teaching content:The passage is about a letter that Yu Mei writes to her friend Jenny,which talks about her study life on Friday.Class Type:Listening and speaking classTeaching Objectives:1.Knowledge objectives:1)Students can master the meaning and usage of this writing.2)Students can use the fixed structures “I have science/math/Chinese /PE”and”It is +adj.” in

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