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1、 I wish you all merry christmas,and a happy new year!翻译:大家好!谢谢你们给我这个机会主持今天晚上的晚会。首先,我祝愿你们在即将来临的2010年里有好运和不断的快乐。今晚,我们有许多事要干。请掌声欢迎(表演人姓名)表演(节目名称)!(节目结束)哇!真棒的表演!下位是(表演人姓名)她/他要为大家表演(节目名称)!(表演结束)谢谢(表演人姓名)为我们带来的精彩节目!(结束语)时间很快过去了,我们的节目马上要结束了。谢谢大家在今天的夜晚里来到这里!我再次祝你们Merry christmas,and a happy new year!Christm

2、as speech When Jesus Christ was born from Virgin Mary, from that time on He lived an exemplary life, a life which men everywhere must emulate. This Life and the Faith that He taught us assures us of salvation, assures us also of harmony and a good life upon Earth. Because of the exemplary character

3、of the life of Jesus Christ it is necessary that all men do their maximum in their human efforts to see to it that they approximate as much as they can the good example that has been set by Him. It is quite true that there is no perfection in humanity. From time to time we make mistakes, we do commi

4、t sins but even as we do that, deep in our hearts as Christians we know we have forgivenefrom the Almighty. He taught us that all who seek Him shall find Him. To live in this healthy life, a Christian life, is what makes me follow Jesus Christ. For Christian people no day is as glorious and as joyou

5、s as the day on which they commemorate the Nativity of Our Saviour Jesus C On this day each one of us tries to forget his worries and his anxieties and endeavours to alleviate those of his loved ones and friends, and to forgive those who have wronged him, so as only to meditate on the life of Him wh

6、o is Supreme Lord of All. From Our early childhood We are struck by the sentiments of unfathomable mystery, si-mp-le and yet sublime, which stirs up in us the evocation of the Birth of the Divine Child. The Mystery of Bethlehem reveals itself in our spirits, more fascinating the more we advance on t

7、he path of life, and the more we realise the magnitude of the mission each one of us has to accomplish in this world, be it humble or noble, arduous or thankless. An unheard of event, expected for more than forty centuries has at last been accomplished: the Son of God is born, He has only a stable f

8、or His palace and a manger for a cradle. The hearts of the wise are thrilled by this majestic humility, and the kings of the Earth bend their knees before Him and worship Him. Peace on Earth, goodwill to men, - this was His first message. In the same manner when He went to the summit of Calvary, the

9、re to expiate our sins with the supreme sacrifice, He gave up His last breath invoking forgivenefor His very tormentors: Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. In pondering over the life, the goodness, humanity and sacrifice of the Saviour of the World, in looking at the laws which He

10、gave us, how much should we be ashamed to call ourselves Christian people, and yet not to follow His footsteps. Had we been Christian people, had we been worthy of the name, peace would have reigned on all the face of the Earth, and we would have risen to the level of the immortal angels who always

11、glorify the Eternal God, and the peoples of the world would no longer have remained divided into hostile camps. In very truth there are no interest or reasons, however legitimate they圣诞节中英文主持稿【主持人出场】 (林)没有雪花,但我们已经准备好欢腾的心情和满心的祝福,与这个圣洁的夜晚无缝衔接、快乐畅想。(冯)每年的圣诞,我们将祝愿四处播撒,将愉悦到处传颂,连青春广场悠扬的钟声也深情地传送着温馨、温暖和温情。(

12、女)今晚,我们将欢乐分解:为圣诞,为新年,为我们。(男)今晚,我们把快乐集合:为成长、为骄傲,为我们。(冯)今晚,我们必定是一个不眠之夜。此刻,我们隆重聚集在这里,情感交融,快乐共度。一起分享一年来的收获和喜悦,一同为成长着的你我、成长着的我们尽情欢唱。There is no snow, but weve already prepared our exciting emotions and true blessings, to join together with this pure night and dream. Every Christmas, we send our wishes ev

13、erywhere, passing on happiness everywhere we go, even the bell rings echoing from the youth square is sending out warmth and love. Tonight, we will spread happiness, for Christmas, for the New Year, for us. Tonight, we will join happiness together, for growth, for proud, for us. Tonight, Huamei will

14、 be a night that never ends. At this moment, we are gathered together here to share the happiness and excitement with another. Lets share this years harvest and happiness, and sing for the growing me and you, and the growing Huamei as well. 【第一篇章】成长的旋律 节目2:歌舞新苗(小学芭蕾班) 节目3:校园歌曲串烧成长的故事(中学部) (冯)谢谢小学芭蕾班

15、同学们,她们在短短2个月的时间里为我们带来这样的表演,真是不简单。我们也借刚才这个充满童趣的节目祝福所有的小朋友们,祝你们在新的一年里身体健康,学习进步,快快乐乐每一天。(男)是啊,同学们都开心的学习,快乐的成长,我们的我们学园才会生机勃勃,充满活力。(女)充满生机的校园到处飘荡着悠扬的音乐,伴着我们的欢乐和感动,留下一天一天长大的脚印。(冯)那接下来由中学部带来的校园歌曲,就将70年代、80年代和90年代的那些经典的旋律重新再现,精彩演绎,让我们一起回味过往的美好。掌声有请。节目4:魔术与舞蹈我们的小把戏 (林)儿时的天空总是灿烂的,儿时的童话总是美好的。每段童年的时光里,都有许多的迷人童话

16、,也有许多的小把戏。请欣赏幼儿园为我们带来的舞蹈我们的小把戏。【第二篇章】同在蓝天下 节目5:英语歌舞+英文朗诵+德语歌曲 (冯)中国走向世界,世界拥抱中国;我们走向世界,世界拥抱我们。兼融东西方教育文明的办学理念,让我们办学模式更加多元,更具特色。(林)从一个到一大批,从寥寥几个国家到覆盖五大洲数百个国家和地区飘扬在我们学园青春广场上的几十面国旗似乎在诉说一种教育情怀。(男)精英班、国际班、德语班、美国课程班为同学们打开更多的窗,让我们得到了更多、看到了更美的世界和风景。(?)花园、学园、乐园、家园,四园合一的我们,为学子搭建梦想起飞的舞台,注入远行的活力和信心。同在我们的蓝天下,我们各自精

17、彩! China is walking into the worlds arms, and so is Huamei. The Elite Class, the International Class,the German Class, the GIA Class, etc. They opened many windows that lead us to much more beautiful views of the world. Huamei has gave us a stage where we can fly our dreams along with our passion an

18、d confidence. Were sure youll feel excited and confident after enjoying the performances from the primary school. 节目6:德语幽默剧(中学部) (冯)大家觉得他们的表演精彩不精彩?是不是觉得意犹未尽?那让我们把快乐继续,一起欣赏中学部带来的德语幽默剧。 Wasnt the show amazing? Do you all want more? Give it up to the German comedy performed by the middle school student

19、s. 节目7:拉丁舞(小学才艺班) (林)谢谢他们的精彩表演。下面请欣赏小学部才艺班带来的充满动感和活力的拉丁舞。节目8:英语剧:快乐圣诞节 (女)叮叮当,叮叮当, 铃儿响叮当(唱) (男)咦,这不是铃儿响叮当么?!让我不禁想起以前和爸爸妈妈去滑雪的情景,可好玩了。(女)别想了别想了,我们这里有更好玩的呢。中加高中十几位外籍老师和学生要一起为我们表演英语剧快乐圣诞节。(男)真的?那赶快掌声有请他们。 Listening to the song Jingle Bellsbrings back a lot of our precious winter memories. Next up, our

20、foreign teachers and students will perform their English drama, Merry Christmas.Lets warmly welcome them. 节目9:大型歌舞:亚运歌曲蓝天 (女)冯老师,你知道亚运歌曲蓝天是谁唱的么?(冯)当然知道啦。蓝天是2010年广州第16届亚运会入围歌曲,由国际明星成龙和实力派歌手孙楠演唱。我校可是为这首歌贡献了很多力量的,不少同学还参与蓝天行动的很多活动呢。(女)你可知道得真多!要不,咱们今晚一起听听我们版的蓝天怎么样?(冯)好主意。那我们用热烈的掌声有请他们。播放系列活动的视频 【第三篇章】感恩成

21、长 节目10:配乐诗朗诵蚌之赞(中学部) (林)成长是一种幸福,更是一种能力。(男)对呀,我觉得,爸爸妈妈的爱护,老师的教育,同学的关心,朋友的帮助,都是我们应该说声谢谢的。(林)你真懂事。是的,让我们感谢成长,感谢成长路上的每一个人、每一处风景、每一段时光。(男)让我们一起欣赏中学部表演的配乐诗朗诵蚌之赞 节目11: 舞蹈NO bady(外教) Our foreign teachers who came from different countries have contributed so much for the development of Huamei School. Tonight

22、 they will also show their excellent acting skills,so lets enjoy their dance, nobody节目12: 舞蹈俏花旦(幼儿园教师) (女)谢谢外国老师的精彩表演,接下来请欣赏舞蹈俏花旦 节目13:校友祝福+节目 (男)哇,段丽莹,你有没有看到,我们幼儿园的老师好厉害哦,每次她们表演我都看得嘴巴都合不拢。(女)是呀是呀,我太佩服她们了。你知道么,今晚还有更多惊喜呢。(男)是吗?(女)很多校友今天也都回到我们来了,我们又看见了好多哥哥姐姐熟悉的笑脸。他们都是我们的优秀学生,现在在各行各业也表现十分出色。见他们一个个那么厉害,

23、我也好想快些长大呢!(男)那还等什么,快带我去认识他们吧!(女)别急别急,你看,他们来了。播放校友祝福视频 【第四篇章】喜悦的聚会 节目14:COSPLAY(中学部与中加)舞蹈:青春街舞(中学部与中加) (冯) 歌声不要停、音乐不要停、舞步不要停、喜悦的节拍不要停 (林)那就让我们舞蹈欢唱吧!把我们的青春活力释放出来,把快乐精神展示出来。(冯)请欣赏由中学部与中加高中同学联袂为我们带来的动漫表演和动感街舞。掌声欢迎!节目15:大型歌舞拥抱明天 释放冷焰火。(林)因为相聚,让我们分享了这快乐的时光,因为圣诞,让我们收藏无尽的祝福。(冯)敬爱的老师和家长们,亲爱的同学和校友们,愿圣诞老人把我们今晚

24、许下的所有心愿一一实现。让我们真心地祝愿:(合)圣诞快乐! 【结束语】 (男、女)难忘今宵 (冯、林)难忘今宵 (合)难忘今宵 (冯)今晚,将成为我们永久的回忆。(林)欢乐的时光还在继续,我们依然热血沸腾,满面春光。(男)在这优美的歌声中,圣诞迎新晚会到此结束。(女)祝愿大家新年快乐。(合)我们明年再见! Tonight is unforgetable! Tonight will become our everlasting memories. In the beautiful music, our Christmas concert has come to the end. Wish everyone a happy New Year!See you next year!

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