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1、此处为that引导的定语从句,a facetoface conversation作主语为单数故谓语用possesses。5greatly考查副词。修饰动词affect要用副词。6is thinking考查动词时态。think 和从句主语the other person 构成逻辑上的主谓关系,且从句缺少谓语,且后有and feeling,故用进行时is thinking。7be applied考查语态。Facial expression与apply为动宾关系用被动语态。前面有can,系动词用原形。8features考查名词。前有形容词physical,故用名词feature复数形式。9to co

2、mfort考查非谓语动词。此句中can be 为谓语,空处为非谓语,to do表目的。10between考查介词。在交流双方之间用between。一、单句语法填空1His speech stressed the importance of _ (reform)to educate.2I was in halfway when it suddenly _ (occur)to me that I had left my ticket home.3What _ (percent)of the population in China are farmers?4Undergraduates _ (hir

3、e)since 2001 to assist in creating an environmentally friendly campus.5Over the past three years,there has been a big rise in _ (immigrate)to the USA.6A new law has been brought in to discourage _ (race)prejudice.7There is a great deal of evidence _ (indicate)that listening to soft music can reduce

4、stress.8She will probably be late but she will come _ (eventual)9The _ (nation)of the minority groups in that country is still at issue.10The _ (discover)that her husband was unfaithful to her was a shocking awakening.答案1.reforming2.occurred3.percentage4.have been hired5.immigration6.racial7.indicat

5、ing 8eventually9.nationality10.discovery二、完形填空I was walking in my school campus from my office to my car at about 9pm. On the way, I ran into a fellow who was _1_ lost. He asked me for directions, saying he needed to get to East Palo Alto. But the _2_ was that he was walking in the complete opposite

6、 direction!I _3_ him in the correct direction, but warned him it was a long way off. He didnt speak English very well, and generally seemed without sense of _4_. I quickly felt like helping him. _5_ he was a big guy, I got the _6_ that he was harmless.I sent him on his way, and I walked away towards

7、 my car. Just as he was going out of a short way, something _7_ me clicked, and I offered him a _8_. He gratefully accepted, and he offered to show me his ID. I declined, but _9_ my hand and introduced myself. He said his name was Mario. Mario followed me to my car. When I unlocked the passenger doo

8、r for him, he didnt get in _10_ I assured him it was fine. As we sat in the car together, I suddenly got _11_. “If this guy wanted, he could hurt me and take my car”, I _12_ calling my brother as a safety precaution (预防措施), but then I felt determined not to feel scared. Mario and I got into some _13

9、_. He told me about his family in Mexico, how he works _14_ doesnt ever earn enough, how he used to live near Fresno and work on the farms but now _15_ more in the Bay Area. It was good talking to him, though I couldnt shake the nervousness completely. I kept asking him questions that would give me

10、clues as to _16_he was being truthful. When we got into East Palo Alto, I pulled into a gas station and told him it was as far as I could take him. He quickly got out and _17_ me several times, saying he _18_ find his way home from there.Thinking back on it, I am glad to give a ride to Mario. Althou

11、gh it was risky, I think such things should be done without _19_, or not at all. I wouldnt say Id _20_ a hitchhiker(搭车人)again, but I know that if I did, I would make sure I could offer more love and less fear. 1. A. eventually B. obviously C. naturally D. casually2. A. problem B. chance C. cause D.

12、effect 3. A. approved B. expressed C. pointed D. announced 4. A. humour B. direction C. responsibility D. safety 5. A. Though B. Since C. As D. When6. A. impression B. colleague C. fact D. choice 7. A. in B. over C. about D. through 8. A. greeting B. present C. suggestion D. ride 9. A. put up B. tur

13、ned out C. looked up D. held out 10. A. when B. after C. until D. since 11. A. nervous B. generous C. distant D. familiar12. A. suggested B. imagined C. considered D. appreciated13. A. friendship B. conversations C. instructions D. cooperation 14. A. and B. or C. but D. so15. A. earns B. devotes C.

14、supports D. sponsors16. A. why B. how C. what D. whether17. A. praised B. encouraged C. warned D. thanked18. A. must B. needed C. could D. dared19. A. pride B. fear C. trust D. courage20. A. turn against B. leave out C. pick up D. believe in【参考答案及解析】1. B. obviously明显的。A. eventually最后 ,C. naturally自然

15、的,D. casually随便的。2. A. problem 问题是。B. chance 机会,C. cause原因,D. effect影响。 3. C. pointed指路。A. approved 赞成, B. expressed表达, D. announced 通知。4. B. direction方向感。 A. humour 幽默,C. responsibility责任,D. safety安全。5. A. Though虽然。B. Since由于。6. A. impression留下印象。B. colleague 同事, C. fact事实, D. choice 选择. 7. A. in在我

16、心里。B. over 上面,C. about关于,D. through 通过。8. B. ride给人搭车。A. greeting 问候,B. present礼物,C. suggestion 建议。 9. D. held out伸出手。A. put up举手,B. turned out证明,结果,C. looked up 抬头看10. C. until直到。 A. when当-时, B. after在-以后 D. since 自从-11. A. nervous感到紧张。B. generous 慷慨的,C. distant 有距离的,D. familiar熟悉的。12. C. considere

17、d考虑。A. suggested建议,B. imagined 想象,D. appreciated感激。13. B. conversations 谈话。A. friendship友谊,C. instructions指导D. cooperation合作。14. C. but转折。15. A. earns挣钱。B. devotes奉献, C. supports 支持, D. sponsors赞助。16. D. whether 是否。17. D. thanked 感谢。A. praised表扬,B. encouraged鼓励, C. warned提醒。18. C. could能。 A. must必须,

18、B. needed需要,D. dared敢。19. B. fear害怕。 A. pride自豪,C. trust 信任,D. courage勇气。20. C. pick up接人。 A. turn against背叛,B. leave out 遗漏,D. believe in相信。三、阅读理解A段Last July, my 12-year-old car died on Californias Santa Ana Freeway. It was an hour before sunset, and I was 25 miles from home. I couldnt reach anyone

19、 to pick me up, so I decided to take a bus. Not knowing the routes, I figured Id just head east. A bus pulled up, and I asked the driver how far she was going. “Four more lights,” she said. There was another bus I could take from there. This clearly was going to be a long night. She dropped me off a

20、t the end of her route and told me which bus to look for. After waiting 30 minutes, I began to think about a very expensive taxi ride home. Then a bus pulled up. There was no lighted number above its windshield(挡风玻璃). It was out of service. But the door opened, and I was surprised to find that it wa

21、s the same driver. “I just cant leave you here,” she said. “This isnt the nicest place. Ill give you a ride home.” “Youll drive me home in the bus?” I asked, perplexed(困惑). “No, Ill take you in my car,” she said. “Its a long way,” I protested. “Come on, ” she said. “I have nothing else to do.” As we

22、 drove from the station in her car, she began telling me a story. A few days earlier, her brother had run out of gas. A good Samaritan picked him up, took him to a service station and then back to his car. “Im just passing the favor along, ” she said. When I offered her money as a thank-you, she wou

23、ldnt hear of it. “That wouldnt make it a favor, ” she said. “Just do something nice for somebody. Pass it along.” 1. Why did the writer say that he would have a long night?A. He wondered how long he had to wait for the next bus. B. No driver would give him a ride. C. He didnt know the routes. D. He

24、perhaps would have to take a taxi. 2. Judging from its context, the place where the writer waited for the second bus was _. A. very quiet and peaceful B. dark without street lightsC. neither clean nor beautiful D. a little unsafe3. Why did the writer change his mind after waiting for 30 minutes at t

25、he end of the route?A. No bus would come at the time. B. A taxi ride would be more comfortable. C. He became impatient and a bit worried. D. He knew the driver would never return. 4. The bus driver drove the writer home later because _. A. she happened to go in the same direction B. she wanted to do

26、 something good for other peopleC. her brother told her to do so D. she wanted to earn more money5. The bus driver hoped that the writer _. A. would do as she did B. would keep her in memoryC. would give the money to others D. would do her a favor1. A。推理判断题。根据Four more lights, she said. There was an

27、other bus I could take from there. This clearly was going to be a long night可知答案为A。2. D。根据I just cant leave you here, this isnt the nicest place. Ill give you a ride home(晚上这里不安全,我将送你回家)可知答案为D。3. C。根据After waiting 30 minutes, I began to think about a very expensive taxi ride home作者在这里等了很久都不见有车来,因此他应该是着急了,所以有搭的士车回家的想法,即答案选C。4. B。从司机的回答Just do somet

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