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9B Unit 1 知识点归纳Word文档格式.docx

1、例句:They hardly went to the movies, did they? 他们几乎不去看电影,是不是?He has few friends in the city, does he? 他在这个城市几乎没有朋友,是吗?(2)以Lets 开头的祈使句,附加问句用shall we; Let us/ me.will you(3)回答反意疑问句通常应该根据实际情况来确定。 例句:-His sister didnt attend the meeting, did she? 他妹妹没有参加会议,是吗-Yes, she did. / No, she didnt. 不,她参加了/ 是的,她没参加

2、。Amazed:adj. “感到惊讶的,吃惊的”, 主语往往是人。We were amazed to find that no one was hurt in the accident. 我们很惊讶的发现竟没有人在事故中受伤。Amaze: v. “使惊奇,使诧异”He amazed everyone by passing his driving test. 他驾驶考试合格使大家很惊奇。Amazement: 不可数名词To my amazement, he passed the test easily. 令我吃惊的是,我轻易地通过了考试。2.Wed better keep moving. 我们最

3、好继续前进。(1)had better: 固定词组,“最好。”,劝告,建议或愿望。Had better do sth: 最好做某事Had better not do sth: 最好不做某事you had better not miss the last bus. 你们最好不要错过末班公交车。 (2)keep (on) doing sth: “一直做某事” keep sb. doing sth. “让某人一直做某事” keep sb. from doing sth. “阻止某人做某事”Dont keep your mother waiting. 不要让你妈妈久等。its hot in the c

4、lassroom. Youd better _D_ the window or the door. A. close B. not to close C. dont close D. not close3.Wake me up on your way back. 你回去的路上叫醒我。(1)wake up: “把。叫醒”,up 是副词,后面接宾语。宾语是代词时,放在wake 和up 之间。Dont talk so loud. Youll wake them up. 别那么大声说话,你会把他们吵醒的。 (2)on ones way: “在途中,在路上” 搭配: On ones way to + 地

5、点名词They were on their way to the supermarket. 他们正在去超市的路上。 On ones way to + 地点副词He found a purse on his way home. 他回家的路上发现一个钱包。 On ones way + 动词不定式I met an old friend on my way to go skating. 在去溜冰的途中,我遇到了一个老朋友。4.Since youre in Beijing now, why dont you start from here?既然你现在在北京,为什么不从这里开始呢?Since在这句中表示“

6、既然,因为”,引导原因状语从句。没有时态的限制。语气比because 弱,不能回答why的问句。since we are young, we shouldnt be afraid of making mistakes. 因为我们还年轻,所以不应该害怕犯错误。自从: since + 时间点 一段时间+ ago 主句为现在完成时,延续性动词 时间状语从句 Its / It has been + 一段时间 + since + 时间状语从句She has studied very hard since she came to our school. 自从来到我们学校以后,她就十分用工。 It has

7、been quite some time since I left Shanghai. 我离开上海已经有一段时间了。例题:-What shall we do now?-_ its raining hard, lets stay at home.A. So B. Since C. Though D. If 短语:1. 登台阶 climb the steps 2. 休息一下 take a rest = have a rest = take a break = have a break3. 最好做某事 had better do sth 4. 不停地做某事 keep doing sth. 5. 继续

8、 go on6. 叫醒某人 wake sb. up7. 在某人回来的路上 on ones way back8. 中国结 Chinese knot9. 舞龙 dragon dance 10. 中国剪纸 Chinese paper-cutting11. 一种传统的中国艺术 a kind of traditional Chinese art 12. 中国戏曲 Chinese opera Reading 1.middle n. “中央,中间” in the middle “在中间” in the middle of “在。的中间” adj. “形容词” “中间的”She planted some fl

9、owers in the middle of the garden. 她在花园中央种了些花。 There are about 400 students in this high school. 这高中大约有400个高中生。 There is a cutting machine _(在房间的中央)2.wonder :(1) 可数名词。“奇迹,奇事” adj. wonderful adv. Wonderfullycomputer is one of the wonders of modern science. 电脑是现代科学的奇迹之一。(2) 动词。“想知道”I wondered if he co

10、uld come here on time. 我想知道他能不能准时到这儿。3.shape : n. “形状,外形”in shape: “在外形上”in the shape of : 以。的形状例:A cat is different from a bird in shape. 猫的形状和鸟的不同。4. hang : 垂下;悬挂 hung,hung 例:the moon hung in the sky. 月亮挂在天上。 绞死 hanged, hanged he was caught and hanged. 他已被抓,处绞刑 其他搭配: Hang on: 稍等,别挂电话 hang out: 闲逛

11、Hang up: 悬挂,挂起5. point : v. point at: “指着”,离说话人较近的事物 Point to : “指向”, 离说话人较远的事物 Point out: “指出” she pointed out the mistakes in my composition n. “点;分数”翻译小数4.27 : four point two seven 5.eastern : adj. “东方的,东部的” 多做定语He is very interested in the eastern music. 他对东方音乐很感兴趣。俚语拓展:East or west, home is bes

12、t. 金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。west western south- southern north northern 1.The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live there. 明清两朝的皇帝过去曾住在那里。改成疑问句: (1) used 看成情态动词,则used 提到主语之前 (2) use 看成过去式, 则did 在句首陈述句: you used to see each other 疑问句:did you use to see each other ? =used you to see each other? Use

13、d to do sth: 过去常常做某事 Be used to doing sth. : 习惯于做某事 Be used to do sth: 被用来做某事 Be used as sth. : 被当作。2.It turned into a museum in 1925. 在1925年的时候,它变成了一个博物馆。Turn into: 变成。Turn A into B:把A变成B。They have turned the waste land into a big factory. 他们已把废地变成一个大工厂。 Turn over: 翻转,翻身 Turn out: 证明是,结果是 Turn to:

14、转向;求助于3.With beautiful buildings and art treasures inside, it is well worth a visit.故宫里面有着精致的建筑和精美的艺术宝藏,很值得参观。比较worth, worthy, worthwhile Worth 的搭配:Be worth sth: 值。价格Be worth doing sth. 值得做什么 (应该用主动语态表示被动意义)Worthy:的搭配Be worthy of sth.Be worthy to be done. 某事值得被做Worthwhile 的搭配:It is worthwhile to do

15、sth/ it is worthwhile doing sth. 做某事是值得的4.。watch the raising of the national flag. 观看升旗仪式句中的raising是raise的名词形式 比较raise 和 rise Raise, raised, raised : vt. 举起,抚养,饲养,提出。his job is to raise pigs. 他的工作就是养猪。 Rise, rose, risen: vi. 上升,增长look! The moon is rising. 瞧,月亮升起来了。5.It runs for over 6000 kilometers

16、across northern China, with watchtowers every few hundred meters. 它横穿中国北部,绵延6000多公里,每隔几百米就有一瞭望塔。比较across, throughAcross:动作在物体的表面进行 例句: you must not across the road. 你不要穿过马路Through: 动作是在物体的空间进行it took them three hours to walk through the forest. 他们花了三个小时才穿过那片森林。 Every表示“每隔”的用法 Every other + 单数名词 : “每

17、隔一。”every other day: 每隔一天 Every few + 复数名词: “每隔几。every few meters : 每隔几米 Every + 基数词 + 复数名词/ every + 序数词 + 单数名词 :每。每隔三天:every three days = every third day. 6.It lies on the two sides of the Lijiang River. 它坐落在漓江两侧。区别lie的两个意思: Lie, lay, lain : “坐落于,躺,卧”Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东部。 Lie

18、, lied ,lied :”撒谎” lie to sb. : 对某人撒谎 she always lies to me. 她经常对我撒谎。7.It is also popular to hire a bicycle and ride around the countryside. 租一辆自行车骑行游览桂林也是非常流行的。Hire: 动词(1)租用He hires a suit from the shop. 他从商店里租了一套礼服。(2)雇佣his mother hired a lawyer for him. 他母亲为他雇佣了一名律师。8.guilin is praised as the “Ar

19、t Palace of Nature”桂林被赞为“自然的艺术宫殿”Be praised as: 被誉为。Be praised for: 因为某事赞扬某人9.guilin is famous for its beautiful landscape. 桂林因它美丽的风景而出名。Be famous for: 因为。而出名Be famous as:身份而著名luxun is famous as a writer. 鲁迅作为一名作家而出名。在这个古城的中央 in the middle of the ancient city紫禁城 the Forbidden City变成 turn into 值得参观 b

20、e worth a visit一大早 early in the morning看升国旗仪式 watch the raising of the national flag 在北京的西北 in the north-west of Beijing一个建在自然风景中的中式园林 a Chinese garden set in a natural landscape度假 spend the summer横穿中国北部 across northern China每隔几百米 every few hundred metres 世界奇迹之一 one of the wonders of the world位于。两侧

21、lie on the two sides of 以不同的形状 in different shapes 在这个地下溶洞中 in this underground cave向下悬垂 hang down向上延伸 point upwards被誉为。 be praised as大自然的艺术宫殿 Art Palace of Nature乘船旅行 take a boat trip 极大的乐趣 great fun向公众开放 be open to the public正如一句古老的谚语所说 as an old saying goesGrammar:1.quarter:n. (1)距离,数量,价格及数量的四分之一

22、:only a quarter of the land is land. 仅仅地球的四分之一是陆地。(2)一刻钟 Its a quarter past ten. 现在十点一刻。2. service:n. 服务。 动词形式“serve”:招待,服务。 The service in that restaurant is very poor. 那家餐馆的服务太差。Be in service = be in use “投入使用”重点句子讲解:1.She hopes it will be a girl. 她希望是个女孩。希望做某事:(1)hope to do sth(2)hope that 从句

23、d spent about three hours in it. 并且在里面花了三个小时。比较cost,spend, pay, take 的区别(1)cost 作“花费”讲,主语是“物” The notebook cost me 5 yuan. 这本笔记本花了我5块钱。(2)spend “花费”,主语是人sb. spend 钱/ 时间 on sth: 在某事上花钱或花时间sb. spend 时间 (in) doing sth. 做某事花了多少时间。they spend one hour looking for the dog. 他们花了一个小时找那只小狗。(3)pay: 主语为人,pay fo

24、r。: 支付。how much did you pay for all these toys? 这些玩具你花了多少钱买的?(4)take: “花费” it takes sb 钱/时间 to do sth. : 做某事花费了某人多少钱/时间。(it为形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式)3.It takes up three quarters of the area. 占据了四分之一的面积。Take up: 占据(时间、空间)Take off: 脱掉,起飞 take away:拿走;消除Take photos:照相 take out:取出Take care:当心 take care of = loo

25、k after 照顾Take is easy: 别着急,慢慢来 take a walk:散步Take part in:参加4.My mobile phone rang. 我的手机响了。Ring : rang, rung. 给某人打电话: Ring sb. (up) : Give sb a ring Ring: n. 戒指5.There are many stones on either side of it. 在它的两边有许多狮子。Either 用法: Adv. “也”,否定句结尾if she doesnt go, I wont, either. 如果她不去,我也不去。 Pron: “两者之一

26、”, 作主语谓语动词用单数形式。you can take either of the two sweaters. 你可以在两件毛衣中任选一件。 Adj. “修饰单数名词”,“两者中任一一个”she could write with either hand. 她左右手都能写字。6.leaving for Shanghai. 前往上海leave sp: 离开某地leave for sp: 前往某地leave A for B: 离开A 去B。7.They provide a high level of service. Provide: v. 供应,供给Provide sb with sth Pro

27、vide sth for sb. the hotel doesnt provide guests with meals. 这家旅馆不给客人提供膳食。 代词it的用法一It用作人称代词,代替人,事物 用来指代动物或无生命的植物This is the Summer Palace. It is really beautiful. 这是颐和园,它真美。 用来指代不清楚性别的小孩they got a baby and it was really lovely. 他们生了个小孩,很可爱。 用来指代不明身份的人。someone is knocking at the door. Please go and see who it is. 有人在敲门,

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