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1、 劳动保护是把伞,职业危害靠它管。 Labor protection is an umbrella, oupational hazards to rely on it. 交通安全要记住,莫用生命来赌博。 Remember that traffic safety to gamble with life. 十次隐患九次怠,思想麻痹事故来。 Ten times hidden nine idle, thought to paralysis of the aident. 在预防上下工夫,在防范上求实效! Fluctuate in the prevention, effective in preventi

2、ng o! 你对规章不重视,事故对你不留情! You to the rules and do not take the aident to you no mercy! 走平地,防摔跤;顺水船,防暗礁。 Leave the ground, the wrestling; At the ship, the reef. 人身安全千万天,事故就在一瞬间。 Personal safety ten million days, aidents, in a flash. 安全与效益同行,事故与亏损共生。 Safety and the benefit counterparts, aidents and loss

3、of symbiosis. 两纪一化护身符,平平安安才是福。 Two ji an amulet, go in peace is blessed. 严格执标保安全,亲人盼你平安归。 Strict of the safe, family members look forward to your safe return. 火灾隐患,溺水丧生,安全第一,生活之本。 Fire hazard, died of drowning, safety first, life. 宁做安全“平凡人”,莫当违章“英雄汉”。 Rather do security ordinary people, when the ill

4、egal Chinese hero. 防火须不放过一点火种,防事故须勿存半点侥幸。 Fire shall not leave any fire, aident prevention must be dont save any luck. 容忍危险等于作法自毙,谨慎行事才能安然无恙。 Risk tolerance is equal to the frankenstein, careful to safe. 平安要靠每一个人的,而不是要靠一个人做到就行。 Peace depends on every one of us, and do not want to rely on one line. 平

5、安的防范是容易的,可往往有些人使它变困难了。 Safe guard is easy, but some people often make it difficult. 管好自己的门,看好自己的人,家家平安,人人开心。 Mind your own door, on their own people, all peace, everyone is happy. 安全一点,幸福十分,要挣钱保平安,要想富灭事故。 Safer, very happiness, want to earn money and, to destroy the aident. 生产再忙,安全不忘。 Production aga

6、in busy, safety does not forget. 安全生产:宽是害严是爱。 Safety production: wide is making strict is the love. 安全是基础,关键靠大家! Security is the foundation, the key depends on everybody! 生产必须安全,安全促进生产。 Safety in production promote productivity. 安全在于心细,事故出自大意。 Security is cautious, aidents from carelessness. 只有预防万一,

7、才能万无一失。 The prevention of one thousand only, just can be foolproof. 寒霜偏打无根草。事故专找懒惰人。 The frost play no grass. Look for lazy people. 安全花开把春报,生产效益节节高。 Secure the spring flowers, production efficiency are high. 自控互控加他控,劳动安全不失控。 His control, self-control and add the labor security is not out of control.

8、 年年安规年年规,岁岁平安岁岁安。 Safety rules every year, but each peace happiness. 事故隐患猛似虎,安全生产大如天。 Aidents fierce tiger, as big as a day of production safety. 红灯停,绿灯行,安全处处伴我行。 Red light stop, green line, security is with me everywhere. 劳保用品穿戴好,遇险可把生命保。 Labor insurance supplies dressed, distress to the life. Safe

9、ty work endlessly, grasping tireless maintaining stability! 安全多下及时雨,教育少放马后炮。 Safety more timely rain, less education an afterthought. 安全生产勿侥幸,违章蛮干要人命。 Safety production not by luck, illegal act recklessly kills life. 家中煤气经常关,莫用生命买教训。 Gas often shut in the home, not to buy with life lessons. 安全编织幸福的花

10、环,违章酿成悔恨的苦酒。 Security woven garland, happiness illegally into the remorse of bitterness. 安全和效益结伴而行,事故与损失同时发生。 Safety and efficiency goes hand in hand, aidents and loss at the same time. 多看一眼,安全保险。多防一步,少出事故。 For a safety insurance. More step, less aidents. 生命就像一只蜡烛,你不珍惜它,它就会消灭。 Life is like a candle,

11、 you dont cherish it, it will be destroyed. 安全是幸福家庭的保证,事故是人生悲剧的祸根。 Safety is the guarantee of a happy family, the aident was the bane of life tragedy. 出门无牵挂,先把火源查。火灾不难防,重在守规章。 Go out without a care, check the fire first. It is not difficult to prevent fire, break rules. 小心无大错,粗心铸大过。生产秩序乱,事故到处有。 Be c

12、areful no mistake, careless cast. Production order disorderly, aident is everywhere. 开开心心上学,平平安安回家。平安到家,家人放心。 A happy heart to go to school, go home safely. Got home safe and sound, the family trust. 责任心是安全之魂,标准化是安全之本。 The sense of responsibility is the soul of safety, standardization is safe. 红线管理高

13、压线,切莫靠近防“触电”。 Red line management high tension line, do not close to the electric shock 安全是宝藏,安全是生命,安全是金钱。 Security is a treasure, security is a life, security is money. 安全在心中,保护自我时时刻刻不能忘。 Safety in mind, to protect self and dont forget all the time. 看了安全的英语名言警句还会看: 1.关于安全的名言英文版 2.关于安全的英文名言 3.有关安全的英文名言 4.有关安全的英语名言 5.关于校内安全英语名言 内容仅供参考

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