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1、问讯处. Information Desk 机场费 airport fee 国际机场 international airport 国内机场 domestic airport 机场候机楼 airport terminal 国际候机楼 international terminal 国际航班出港 international departure 国内航班出站 domestic departure 不需报关 nothing to declare 登机口 gate; departure gate 候机室 departure lounge 航班号 FLT No (flight number) 预计时间 sc

2、heduled time (SCHED) 前往. . . . . . departure to 起飞时间 departure time 延误 delayed 登机 boarding 由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures 免税店 duty-free shop 货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange 行李暂存箱 luggage locker 登机手续办理 check-in 登机牌 boarding pass (card) 护照检查处 passport control immigration 行李领取处 luggag

3、e claim; baggage claim 国际航班旅客 international passengers 中转 transfers 中转旅客 transfer passengers 中转处 transfer correspondence 过境 transit 报关物品 goods to declare 购票处 ticket office 出租车乘车点 Taxi pick-up point 大轿车乘车点 coach pick-up point 航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service 租车处(旅客自己驾车) car hire 公用电话 public phone; tel

4、ephone 行李牌 luggage tag接机英语来源:?褚潇的日志接机英语11. Excuse me, Sir. Are you Mr. White from New York?对不起,先生。您是从纽约来的怀特先生吗?2. Im Liu Mei, from Guangzhou Textile Import & Export Corporation. Ive come to meet you.?我是广州纺织品进出口公司的刘梅,我是来接您的。3. Welcome to Guangzhou, Mr. White. Our manager will come to greet you later

5、at the hotel.?怀特先生,欢迎来到广州。我们的经理稍后会来酒店问候您。4. Did you have a pleasant trip?旅途愉快吗?5. Yes, I enjoyed it very much.?是的,旅途非常愉快。6. Anyhow, its a long way to China, isnt it? I think you must be very tired.不管怎样,远道来到中国,不是吗?我想您一定很累了。7. But Ill be all right by tomorrow and ready for business.?不过,我明天就会好的,也会准备好谈生

6、意。8. Do you know where the baggage claim area is?您知道行李认领处在哪儿吗?9. How many pieces of Luggage do you have?您有几件行李?10. I wish you a pleasant stay here.?祝您在这儿过得愉快。11. Thank you for meeting me at the airport.?12. If all is ready, wed better start for the hotel.?如果一切都准备好了,我们最好动身去宾馆吧。机场送行1. Its very kind of

7、 you to come and see me off.?您来给我送行真是太客气了。2. Its a pity that youre leaving so soon.?真遗憾,你这么快就要离开了。3. Im very grateful to you for your warm hospitality.?4. Whats your flight number?您乘几号班机?5. Its Flight No. 302, Northwest Orient Airlines.?是西北航空公司的 302 号班机。6. Thank you very much for everything you have

8、 done for me during my stay in Britain . 十分感谢我在英国逗留期间您为我所做的一切。7. I must, on behalf of my company, thank you again for your generous help.?我必须代表我的公司再次感谢你们对我慷慨的帮助。8. My wife and I will be looking forward to seeing you when you come to the US .?我和我的妻子盼望着您到美国来。9. I promise Ill take the first chance to c

9、all on you when I get there.?我到了那里时,一有机会一定马上去拜访您。10. I shall miss you very much and thank you for your company.?我会非常想念你,感谢你的陪伴。11. I hear theyre announcing my flight over the public address system.?我听到扩音器在播我的班机信息了。12. Bon voyage, Mr. Andrew. And a safe landing in the States.?安德鲁先生,一路顺风。祝您平安到达美国。A: I

10、 really appreciate your coming to meet me.B: Youre welcome. Its been a year but you havent changed a bit.- How was your flight? Great. I enjoyed it very much. Did you enjoy your flight? Yes, I did. Thank you for picking me up. How long did the flight take from New York? About twelve hours. Excuse me

11、, but would you perhaps be Mr. Thorn? Thats right. Im glad to meet you. Thank you. Im glad to meet you, too. Excuse me, are you Mr. Johnsons secretary? Yes, I am.m Jim Power, sales manager for United Airlines. Shall I take you to the hotel now? Yes, that would be great. Did you make reservations for

12、 a hotel? Yes, Im booked at the Hilton Hotel.Greetings at the airport 接机Jimmy: Hello, you must be Miss Kiki?Kiki: Yes. I am Kiki. Welcome to China! Welcome to Beijing! Welcome to the 29th Olympics. My name is Jimmy. How do you do, Kiki? How do you do, Jimmy? This way, please. Thank you.接机英语2?去接客户前,先

13、打电话到饭店提醒他?A:希尔顿饭店,我可以帮到您什么吗? This is Hilton hotel,may I help you?B:请接1020房。 Room .1020 plese. A:请稍候。 Hold on, please.?C:喂,我是George.? ?Hello,this is George.?George吗? Is that George speaking?是的,正是,请问哪位?Yes,it is right,who is speaking?我是ABC公司的Lee。 This is Lee of ABC COMPANY.?您好吗?李先生?How are you ?Mr.Lee

14、?很好,谢谢,您呢? Fine thank you,and you?我也很好。I am fine too.?我只是要提醒您,我们晚上7:00有约。I just remind you of our appointment at 7:00 tonight.?是的,我记得。Ok,I see.?我现在要去接您。 I am going to pick you up now.?谢谢,我会等您。 Thank you,I am waiting for you.?待会儿见?See you later.? C:待会儿谈?状况1:在机场?对不起,您是Johnson先生吗? Excuse me! Are you Mr

15、 Johnson?是的,我是。 Yes, thats right.?您好,Johnson先生,我的名字是Tom Lee, ABC 公司的业务助理。How do you do, Mr Johnson, my name is Tom Lee, the sales manager of the ABC company.?您好,李先生,很高兴认识您。 How do you do, Mr Li, glad to meet you.?我也是,我来接您去您的饭店。Me too, I came to pick you up to your hotel.?谢谢,您真好。 Thank you, you are v

16、ery kind.?您旅途还好吗? How was your trip?(1)是的,很好,谢谢?Yes, very good, thank you.?(2)不,不太好,我晕机? No, not very good, I was got air.?您现在感觉好一点了吗?Do you feel better now?是的,但是我感觉很累,因为飞行时间很长。Yes, but I feel very tired, because its a very long trip.?我们走吧,让您到饭店登记吧。Lets go, lets get you checked in the hotel. Lets go

17、 and check in in the hotel.?好的,谢谢。Ok, thank you.?让我帮您拿行李。Let me help you with your laggage.?(1)谢谢,它们很重。Thank you. Its very weight.?(2)没关系,谢谢,我自己可以处理。It doesnt matter, thank you, I can handle by myself.?这边请,我的车在外面等。This way please, my car is outside.?好的,走吧。Ok. Lets go.?请在这儿等我,我去停车场开车。Please wait for me here, I am going to the parting lot to drive my car.?好的,没问题。

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