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1、交通工程专业英语交通工程专业英语Unit 1 1.As tribal groups formed and gradually established their geographical identity,transport was increasingly needed to open up regions for development,to provide access to natual resource, to promote intercommunal trade, and to mobilize territorial defense. 随着种族部落的形成和地理界线的逐步确定,开

2、发新区域、开采新资源、发展社区间的贸易以及捍卫领土,这些都日益需要交通的发展。 2.Again,transport provided the mobility required for such intertribal, international, and finally intercontinental cultural exchange and trade. 而且交通提供了诸如部落间、国际间乃至于洲际间便利的贸易和文化交流。 3.During all of this gradual development toward an organized human society, repres

3、ented today through the international family or nations, transport as physical process of moving people and goods, thus promoting such development, continuously underwent technological and organizational changes. 在向有组织的人类社会的演变过程中,这种组织在今天是通过由各国组成的国际化大家庭表现出来的,交通作为人与货物移动的物理过程,也促进了这种发展,不断地经历着技术与组织方面的改变。

4、 4.There is no other choice but to look for alternatives to present transport systems or to modify the technical and operational characteristics of related modes so that energy consumption and costs will be reduced and environmental impacts can be kept at a minimum. 没有别的办法,只有寻找新的交通替代手段或改变相关模式的技术与运行特

5、点,才可以减少能源消耗和造价,对环境的影响也可以保持到最低程度。 Unit 2 1.This assumption is particularly misleading in the case of AVCSS, where the large majority of the activity occurs within the vehicle manufacturing and supplying industries and the most advanced thinking happens within the state DoTs rathing than the U.S.DoT.

6、该假设在先进的车辆控制和安全系统中特别容易被误解,因为车辆控制与安全系统中的大多数行动都在车辆制造业和供应业中完成,大部分先进的设计思想都在产生于各州的运输部而非美国国家运输部。 2.Warnning systems can provide audible, visible or haptic (touch) cues to alert the driver to potentially unsafe conditions, after which the driver needs to take corrective action to avoid the hazard. 预警系统可以提供听

7、觉上、视觉上或触觉上的提示,从而使驾驶员警觉到潜在的不安全因素,然后驾驶员就要采取纠正措施以避免危险的发生。 3.There have not yet been introduced in public road applications, but they are carrying millions of passengers every day in airport people movers and a variety rojevof urban transit systems(Vancouver, Pairs,London,Tokyo,Lyon and Lille). 虽然他们(完全自

8、动驾驶系统)还没有普及,但它们每天在机场和多种城市运输系统中运送着数以百万计的客流量(如在温哥华、巴黎、伦敦、里昂和里尔)。 4.This project has considered concepts for both passive and active tagging of vehicles and roadside objects so that they can be more clearly identifiable by automotive radars, as well as technologies such as modulation of infrared LED ta

9、illights for vehicle-vehicle communications and fluorescent paint striping on road surfaces to facilitate discrimination of lane position information. 这项计划考虑了车辆和路边物体的主动与被动“跟驰”的概念,所以它们可以更加清楚地被车辆雷达所识别,也采用了诸如下述技术:调制红外液晶显示尾灯以便于车辆间相互提醒;在道路表面石化荧光涂料的标线以便于辨识车道位置信息。 Unit 3 1.Transpert telematics, also known

10、as intelligent transport systems(ITS), are concerned with the application of electronic information and control to improve transport. 交通运输远程信息处理系统,通常也被称为智能交通系统(ITS),是利用电子信息和控制技术来改善交通的系统。 2.On this occasion, you choose to travel by car as you have an appointment later in the day at one of those old-f

11、ashioned business parks that are inaccessible by public transport. 在这种情况下,当你在这天稍后有一个约会,而约会的地点是在公交车所不能到达的一个旧式商业停车场,那么你就可以选择乘坐小汽车前往。 3.Any traffic management and control system needs information on traffic flows, speeds, queues, incidents(accidents, vehicle breakdowns, obstructions) air quality and ve

12、hicle types, lengths and weights. 任何一种交通管理和控制系统都需要如下信息:交通流、车速、排队、交通事件(事故、车损、障碍物)、空气质量以及车辆的类型、长度与重量。 4.Interurban network management systems will have similar objectives but will make greater use of access control by ramp metering and other means, and of speed control and high-occupancy vehicle lane

13、management. 城市间的网络管理系统将会有相似的目标,但是再通过匝道车流调节和其他一些方法来进行入口控制与速度控制以及高占有率车到管理方面也会起到很大作用。 5.These systems rely on microwave or radio communication to an in-vehicle transponder in a smart card with detection of vehicle license plates using image processing for enforcement purposes. 为实施管理的目的,这些系统依靠微波或无线技术与设在

14、一张小卡片的车载发射机应答器实现通信联系,这张卡片采用图像处理技术来探测车辆的驾驶执照。 Unit 4 1.Public transport priority hao to be seen in the context of an overall urban transport strategy with objectives which include not only improved bus opretion and restraint of car-borne commuting but also an enhanced environment for residents ,work,

15、and visitors. 公交优先应被看作整个城市交通战略的一部分,他的目标不仅是改善公交的运行和限制小汽车通勤交通,而且也是为居民,工作人员和游客提供一个更好的环境。 2.Achieving these objectives often invo compromises between improving bus opration and the needs of local business and resident for reasonable access and of pedestrians and bikes for safe and convenient movement. 为

16、了实现这些目标通常需要协调改善公交运行与各种要求之间的关系,这些要求包括地区商业和居民合理进入需要,步行者和骑脚踏车的人的安全便利交通的需求。 3.One of the major causes of delay in urban areas for bues and general traaffic is inconsidenrate parking naer bus stops. 随意在公交车站附近停车是引起市区公交车和总体交通延误的主要原因之一。 4.The positioning of bus stops is often dictaded by practicaliaties such as avoiding banks and post offices,where space for special delieveries is required,snd

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