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1、画04.jpg (62.54 KB)05.jpg (55.07 KB)2. 把表带平摊后,用一尖头的工具(我用的是小剪刀)顺着表带后背的箭头找到插销的位置,抵着圆形的小凸起,阿06.jpg (57.58 KB)阿 07.jpg (56 KB)3. 拆下插销后,沿连接处的缺口轻轻一拧,就能拆开表带阿08.jpg (65.49 KB)两个插销拆掉09.jpg (65.49 KB)4.要取下一节表带,就要把首尾相邻的两个插销都要拆出鳖取篠I需蹩蠶蠶仙團 10.jpg (62.22 KB)5.拆掉合适长度的表带后,就可以把表带装回去了。插销口可能会有点紧,找样软硬适 中的东西(我拿的是塑料火装回去时,

2、把欄插销”插入,I 加力按紧即可W必要时可以轻敲几下之前看了坛友的拆表带教呈,对我帮助很大,今天狠下心来也不去表铺上JS的宰了决定听从毛主席的 教道,自己动手,丰衣足食.话不多说上图才是王道.准备好工具.口 DSC00811.JPG(74.99 KB)2008-10-6 20:41天气情好,气压图却下跌.不解?口 DSC00812.JPG(46.09 KB) DSC00813.J PG(50.74 KB)传说中的苍蝇眼睛. DSC00814.J PG(67.1 KB)在JAPAN H的下面有一排数字.V201D231H不知道是什么意思?谁说 一下.回 DSC00815.J PG(41.75 K

3、B)照的不是很清楚看到了吗? DSC00816.J PG(73.16 KB)话撤远了,开始上正题. DSC00817.JPG(49.24 KB)对准小洞,顶进去. DSC00818.JPG(57.85 KB)看到对面的小钉出来了呀.回 DSC00819.J PG(74.8 KB)这时候销钉还出不来,用钳子把他拔出来就可以了.回 DSC0082O.J PG(50.47 KB)注意还有个小套筒不要弄丢了.團 DSC00821 .J PG(69.5 KB)拆好表带合适了后,上弹簧销画 DSC00822.JPG(68.05 KB)压下去.回 DSC00823.JPG(70.63 KB)完工,下了3节表

4、扣.口 DSC00826.JPG(63.35 KB)为省钱自己动手为EF卸表带上次去表店里卸了一下表带3元,现在带着,觉得还是有点长,想卸掉一节,由于自己就找来工具,主要还是回形针一个,敲敲打打,就被我卸下一个,省钱 3元2008-5-13 12:47圍 2.jpg (71.91 KB)49團 3.jpg (120.16 KB)G-Shock bracelet are most ot the time hold together with mini springbars, but there are also models with a spltp in con ecti on betwee

5、n the lin ks.First of all you can open the bracelet, by removing the springbar at the clasp. Always be carefull with remov ing spri ng bars, so that they no t jump away. I always try to put a fin ger in the jump ing line so if a spri ngbar jumps away accide ntally, its direct stopped at my fin ger,

6、so it wont get lost.Split Pin Bracelet:The best way to remove links is with the special tool, but in the past I have succeeded with a very small n ail or somethi ng similar too.To remove links you n eed to repeat this operati on. Always try to remove the same amount of links from each side of the bu

7、ckle, so your buckle stays in the middle un der your wrist.Putting the links together can be done best with a plastichead hammer.Beware that you use a solid un dergro und, so the bracelet does nt slip away and get scratched. The last bit you can push the pin into the links with the sharp point of a

8、spri ngbar tool. A small n ail or screw can do the trick also if you dont have one.For fine adjust ing, see un der Sprin gbar Barcelet:Whe n you have ope ned the bracelet as show n above, youll se in hte in side small holes and arrows. If you look good, youll see the head of the springbar. Its a bit

9、 tricky to remove the springbar, but if you have done it several times, you get more handy it ope ning them. You can use a small spri ngbar remover, but a very small screwdriver might do the trick too or even better. I have several springbar remov ing tools, but only one is OK for this job.Like with

10、 the split pin bracelet, you need to repeat this operation several times to remove the lin ks. Also here try to remove the same amount of links on each side of the clasp.How tight you want your bracelet is mostly a matter of prefere nee. Dont make the bracelet smaller tha n in the n ext picture. It

11、must always be ossible to put a fin ger un der the clasp.If you have the following problem:One link too many is too loose, one link removed, its too tight, you can fine adjust the clasp.In the clasp you can rewsize the bracelet in 1/2 or 1/3 link size. If you look closely in the clasp, youll no tice

12、 two or three holes, where your bracelet can be attached to the clasp on one side:Like in the sec ond picture, it isnt always visable on the outside of the bracelet, but a closer in specti on of the in side of the clasp lear ns you more.If you have properly adjusted your bracelet, its of course time to wear your beauty 恋

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