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1、thinkofpants?A. Veryfashionable. B. Tootight. C. Quitecomfortable. 3. Inwhichdirectioniswomanwalking?A. South. B. East. C. West. 4. Whyaretheysohurry?A. Theywantgetseatsinlibrary. B. Theygoingtakeanexam. C. Theywillbepunishediflate. 5. Whereconversationprobablyplace?A. Inawineshop. B. Insupermarket.

2、 C. Inrestaurant. 第二节(共15分,满分22. 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Whatdayittoday?A. Wednesday. B. Friday. C. Saturday. 7. Howmanypeoplegoseashore?A. Onlytwo. B. Aboutthree. C. Atleastfour. 听第7段材料,回答第8

3、、9题。8. Whatmadeunsatisfactory?A. Thebadfood. B. Thelongwait. C. Thehighprice. 9. Whatpromisedo?A. Givediscount. B. Talkwithwaiter. C. Havesteakchanged. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. whatprobablerelationshipbetweenspeakers?A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Colleagues. 11. Howrailwaylast?A. Onfoot. B. Bybus. C. Byt

4、axi. 12. Whystation?A. Toattendmeeting. B. Toseeoffheraunt. C. Topickupaunt. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Whencheckin?A. NextMonday. B. NextTuesday. C. NextFriday. 14. Whyadvisebooksoon?A. Shegettingwork. B. Moretouristscoming. C. Therereonlyfewroomsleft. 15. WherecanfreeInternetaccess?hall. B. Ineveryroom.

5、 C. Inparkinglot. 16. Whowoman?A. Amanager. B. Areceptionist. C. Ahost. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Whatspeakerdoing?A. Askingforhelp. B. Introducingsomecourses. C. Makingcomplaint. 18. Whatdoweknowaboutlibrary?A. It is far away from the speakers bedroom. B. Its reading rooms are always crowded. C. Most c

6、opies in it are forbidden to take out.19. Why cant the speaker study in his bedroom?A. It is too dark and noisy. B. There are no desks. C. It has no enough space. 20. What was the speaker most dissatisfied with?A. The heavy workload. B. The hard subjects. C. His classmates. 第二部分 阅读理解(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两

7、节,满分40 分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ABelow are several programs designed for students. ARCC GapARCC Gap has been offering programs for young adults since 1983. ARCC Gap Semester programs are an opportunity to live and learn in some of the greatest classrooms on earth. O

8、ur Semester programs take students on a journey of discovery of local peoples, places, cultures and ideas. Program Locations: InternationalAfrica, Asia, Latin America, and India Phone: 415-332-5075Email: gapadventurescrosscoutry. comThinking Beyond BordersThinking Beyond Borders gap year programs ar

9、e specifically designed for students who like learning and are eager to create meaningful social change in the world. We combine working with inspiring local leaders, and engage readings and discussions to create an exciting, supportive, and transformational learning environmentTBBs full-year and se

10、mester options include a 7-country Global Gap Year. Program Location(s): InternationalGlobal, South America, Asia 203-993-0236Camps InternationalOur inspirational AGA programs give you the chance to live with the communities you will be supporting and work with locals on service projects that make a

11、 significant and lasting difference to peoples lives. You can also contribute to protecting the environment and endangered wildlife. Kenya, Borneo, Cambodia, Ecuador, Peru and our newest locations Costa Rica, NicaraguaPhone; 44 1425 485 390 rcigcampsinternational. co. ukRaleigh InternationalFor more

12、 than 30 years Raleigh International has been running life-changing Expeditions to some of the most remote places on the planet. A Raleigh Expedition is overseas volunteering. Our 5, 7 or 10-week Expeditions provide exposure to different people, new cultures, situations, and environments. This is yo

13、ur chance to create a real change in the communities that need it most, and to develop a range of skills for yourself. Africa, Asia and India 00 44 (0)207 183 12702 1. What do ARCC Gap and Thinking Beyond Borders have in common?A. They are to bring about social changes. B. They are designed to train

14、 young leaders. C. They have a history of about three decades. D. The participants will travel to different continents. 22. What is the advantage of taking part in Camps International?A. Gaining the chance to get support. B. Knowing more about national affairs. C. Developing the awareness of serving

15、 others. D. Having a good command of a foreign language. 23. How can we get in touch with Raleigh International?A. By fax. B. By phone. C. By email. D. In person. BSometimes we experience pain that seems just too big to feel, too frightening to faceit looks like a tsunami. So, we run. My tsunami cam

16、e when I was nine years old. I was woken up by my mothers screams“Bob? Bob?! BOB!” I ran to my parents bedroom. My father was on all fours, unconscious. My mother was crazydesperately trying to figure out how to stop what was happening. I ran to the phone9-1-1, the neighbors, anyone “help us!” Soon

17、rescue came, but my father didnt comeback to life. When my friends came to comfort me, I remember “pulling myself together” as I walked toward them, determining to show them that I was fine. The more I denied my pain, the more I was praised by the adults around me- “Oh, look how strong she is!” So,

18、I kept saying “Im fine.” Over and over and over. I said it enough performed it enoughthat I even fooled myself. I believed that I was okay. But pain doesnt just “go away”that whole “time heals” thing is a total crock. 30 years after my father died, when I looked around for an explanation for all the

19、 years of destructive behavior, I couldnt find the root of the pain in my life because I had covered it up so well. All the “Im fine”- 30 years of them- buried the pain of that nine years old girl. Her pain had been trying to come out, to be heard, to be healed. And, finally, it was. After years of

20、treatment, I found my way back to that night where the pain started, back to the tsunami. This time, I didnt run. It hurtit still hurtsbut now, when it hurts, I let the pain come. Im not scared to say, “Im not fine”because I know, eventually, I will be. 24. What did the author do when her father was

21、 in danger?A. She ran out to look for rescue. B. She kept calm and asked for help. C. She offered first aid to him at once. D. She was too afraid to do anything. 25. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “crock” in Paragraph 5?A. factB. theoryC. experimentD. lie26. Why was the

22、author praised?A. She behaved politely. B. She seemed to be confident. C. She could look after herself. D. She could handle the blow properly. 27. What lesson can we get from the authors experience?A. Hiding our pain can be harmful. B. Expressing pain is not very easy. C. Being strong means hiding o

23、nes pain. D. Children are good at covering up their pain. C“Auld Lang Syne”is a song that everyone drunkenly sings, which marks the start to a brand new year. No one ever seems to know the words (something about forgetting old acquaintances?) or what they mean (why would we want to forget people?),

24、but, in America, its as much a part of New Years tradition as wine. But why?The lyrics(歌词) to the song come from a poem written by the great Scottish poet Robert Burns in 1788. Its title is believed to be an old Scottish way of saying “a longtime ago.” Phrases like “In the days of auld lang syne” al

25、so appear in other Scottish fairytales and poems, usually as a way of saying “Once Upon a Time.”While it still causes confusion, it is believed that the opening lines of the song are meant to be rhetorical( 夸张的);“Should auld acquaintance be forgotten, and never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintan

26、ce be forgotten, and auld lang syne?” therefore means we should have a drink in honor of whatever is passing, and remember old friends. When the Scots immigrated to America in the 19th century, they brought the song with them. But its great popularity can be largely due to the Canadian bandleader Gu

27、y Lombardo. In 1965, he explained how he himself came to associate the song with the end of the year to Life Magazine:“Auld Lang Syne is our theme songand was long before anyone ever heard us on the radio. In our particular part of western Ontario, where theres a large Scottish population, it was tr

28、aditional for bands to end every dance with Auld Lang Syne. We didnt think it was known here. If you want to see the singer in action, check out his final performance on the eve of 1977, after performing for 48 years in a row. 28. How might people feel when first hearing the song Auld Lang Syne?A. C

29、onfused. B. Moved. C. Energetic. D. Comfortable. 29. Why do people sing Auld Lang Syne when New Year is coming?A. To hope for good luck. B. To celebrate the New Year. C. In honor of Robert Burns. D. In memory of the past. 30. Why is Guy Lombardo mentioned in the text?A. He created the song Auld Lang Syne. B. He made the song Auld Lang Syne more popular. C. He brought the song Auld Lang Syne to America. D. He wa

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