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1、 However, 自己的反驳。 From what we have discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that 自己的观点。 重申理由1,2,3点。eg.The most important reason is that it can ensure the quality of universtiy education. University needs well-paid professors and various advanced facilities. In other words, it needs a large

2、 sum of money. If the colloege students dont pay for their full tuition, it will lay a heavy burden on the government. If the government is unable to invest enough money on the education because of the limited budget, the quality of higher education will not be guaranteed.It might also be noticed th

3、at 要求学生支付自己的全额学费是相当公平的。有人说农村或落后地区的学生如果不能承担学费就无法接受大学教育。我认为这个问题是可以解决的。总结(重申观点和概述理由)十大写作常用句型1. 定语从句2. 宾语从句3. 原因状语从句4. 让步状语从句5. 条件状语从句6. 时间状语从句7. 并列句8. 并列谓语9. 动名词短语10. 被动句式1. 定语从句通常由who, that,which(关系代词)来引导。关系代词who修饰人;which或that修饰物。当这个代词在从句中用作宾语时,在绝大多数情况下可以省略。Exercise:1. 每个人能都看到的主要原因是电视在我们面前展现了一个生动形象的世界

4、。2. 我们必须考虑的另一个因素是电视在我们日常生活中起到的教育的作用。3. 有很多导致这个问题的其他因素。(bring about/lead to/issue/problem) There are many other factors that/which bring about the problem/lead to the issue.4. 它提供给住在这儿的人许多的便利。(convenience/offer) It offers a lot of conveniences to the people who live here.5. 那些受过高等教育的人会有更多的机会。(those/o

5、pportunity) Those who have received higher education have more opportunities.6. 把宠物视为孩子或兄弟姐妹的人可能不大能接受这种事实。(consider/pet/sibling/have trouble) A person who considers his pet as a child or sibling might have trouble accepting this fact.在宾语从句中,要使用连词that。但是,有些情况下可以不用。例如在believe, think, suppose, presume等

6、动词后that常不用;在say, see, know, hear, propose, understand, be told等动词后,连词that时用时不用。注意,在正式的写作中最好不要省略that。1. 在这样生活步调快速而且竞争激烈的社会里,很多人都认为做事情必须越快越好,否则就会落后。In our fastpaced and competitive society, many people feel that they must finish their work as quickly as possible or they will fall behind.2. 他们认为,通过登月及登

7、陆其他行星,我们可以在科学上有重大的进步,或许在地球过度拥挤或变得再也不能居住之前可以找到可替代的住所。(planet/travel to/advance/make a great advance/become overcrowded/uninhabitable)They believe that by traveling to the moon or other plantets, we can make great scientific advances and perhaps find alternative places to live before our own planet be

8、comes too crowded or uninhabitable.表示原因状语从句的连词有because, since,as等。1. 有些老人愿意去敬老院,因为在那里他们可以享受更好的居住环境,得到更专业的照料和治疗。Some old people are willing to live in a nursing home because they can enjoy better living environment and have professional care and treatment.since-Since the old people can enjoy., thus t

9、hey are willing to .表示让步的状语从句可以由although,though,while,even if,even though,no matter等词来引导。1 尽管人们普遍认为应该鼓励妇女回家做全职太太,然而最近的一个研究表明,差不多90%的受访女性表达了追求个人事业的愿望。Even though most people suggest/the popular belief is that women shoud be encouraged to go back home to be housewives, however, nearly 90% of the femal

10、es surveyed express the desire to pursue their own careers.表示条件状语从句可以由if,unless,in case,as long as,so long as等引导。除非有什么改进,不然会有越来越多的人去寻求在市郊的生活。More and more people will seek to live in the suburbs unless there is some improvement. 动名词短语是动词的一种非限定形式。它在句子中起名词的作用,可单独或引导短语(即:动名词短语)用作主语,宾语或表语。动名词也具有动词的某些特点,

11、它可以用作状语或自己的宾语。辨认出潜在的犯罪行为对于预防和干预是至关重要的。 Being able to identify potential criminal behavior is vital for prevention and intervention. 晨练是一种很好的习惯。 Doing morning exercise is a pretty good habit. 这些问题需要尽快解决,因为任何拖延都可能使问题变得更严重。 These problems need resolving(need to be resolved) because any dalay can cause

12、the more serious outcome. 人们过去常常忽略环境污染等问题。 Such problems as environmental pollution used to be ignored by people/were lost sight of. 要求学生们穿校服一直被认为是一个有益的做法。 It has long been regarded as a beneficial practice to require the students to wear school uniforms. 无论以个人工作的理由为何,只要他能够投入并且表现良好,就应该受到尊重。 No matte

13、r what a persons reason for his job is, he should be respected for his commitment and good work.写作注意的五个重要问题一两个审题时容易犯的错误1. 抓不住题目的重点,写跑题了; You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic:Some people hold that it is the television that makes the relationship of family me

14、mbers not as close as before. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.You should write at least 250 words.请看下面这篇文章的开头的结尾,并说说你的看法:As one of the most important inventions of the past century, TV is pal

15、ying an increasingly important role in modern life. Some people hold the point that television has many drawbacks. They claim that it wastes our precious time and has some violent and obscene items. However, I believe that television brings us a lot of advantages.From what has been discussed above,

16、we can safely draw the conclusion that television plays an indispensable role in our daily life.请问这篇文章问题出在哪里?有什么问题?2.遗漏题目中的要求。此类题目如下:Nowadays it is difficult for university graduates to find a job. Analyse the personal and social reasons and offer some solutions.二 十大常用理由1. moneya. waste money sth. w

17、astes much money spend a large sum of money onlay a heavy/great financial burden on b. save a lot of money release the financial burden ofcontribute much to the governments revenuecreate economic profits2. physical health a. be harmful to/for ones physical health 1. lead to serious diseases such as

18、2. lead to death 3. do harm to 4. result in near-sightedness 5. ignore/neglect outdoor activities b. be beneficial/conducive to/for ones physical health3. psychological healtha. be harmful/detrimental to/for ones psychological/mental health 1. suffer from great pressure 2. suffer from psychological

19、problems such as loneliness and isolation 3. tend to be lonely and isolated 4. lead to psychological problems such as 5. there are violent and obscene itmes availableb. be beneficial/conducive to/for ones psychological/mental health help one to cultivate independence4. fair/unfaira. It is a fair/rea

20、sonable practice thatIt is ones duty/responsibility/obligation to dob. It is an unfair/unreasonable practice thatviolate ones rights and freedombe the violation of ones rights and freedom5. time6. entertainment a. bring sb. a lot of entertainments b. enrich our cultural life c. make our life colorfu

21、ld. without_, our life would be dull and monotonous.7. education a. play an educational role in our daily life b. provide us with much useful information c. broaden ones vision d. spread education to all corners of the world e. widen ones scope of knowledge f. enrich ones knowledge and experience8.

22、safe/dangerous a. ensure/guarantee ones safety b. it will be dangerous for us/we will be in danger pose threat to sb./sth. face risk9. useful/ useless10. necessary/ unnecessary a. up till now, we havent found/discovered other methods which can replace b. We have found/discovered other methods which

23、can replace三十大语法常见错误1. 大小写错误2. 标点符号使用错误3. 名词单复数4. 主谓一致eg. Exploring the unknown places are a great pleasure to many people.Internet can provides us with much useful information.5. 时态使用错误6. 语态使用错误7. 动词短语做主语8. there be 句型错误9. 代词使用错误10. 其它用词错误四十大加分点1. 尽量使用一边倒结构。2. 对于“辩论型题目”,自己的观点最好与主流观点相反。3. 对于“辩论型题目”,

24、如果使用“一边倒结构”,最好在最后一个理由段反驳对方对自己的攻击。4. 使用加分词汇5至10个。5. 句型多样化。6. 尽量少用模版句型。7. 引用谚语。8. 举客观的例子。9. 尝试使用其它的句子结构。10. 尽量多一些有趣的内容。五雅思写作常用名言和谚语Virtue and a trade are the best portion for children.德行和一门技能是孩子最好的遗产。Better early than late.宁早勿迟。A man can do no more than he can.量力而行。Honesty and diligence should be your

25、 eternal mates.诚实和勤奋应成为你永远的伴侣。Early birds catch worms.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。Every coin has its two sides. 有利有弊。Every man has his hobby-horse.人各有所好。Every man has his taste.人各有所好。Every one is born equal.人人生而平等。Every rose has its thorn.每朵玫瑰都有刺。Good things stay indoors while bad things will go far away.好事不出门,坏事传千里。G

26、ossip is a fearing thing.人言可畏。He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。It is never too late to learn.学习永远不嫌晚。Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。Health is better than wealth.健康胜于财富。A contented mind is a perpetual feast.知足长乐。a friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。Every advantage has its disadvantages.有利必有弊。Every little makes a nickel.积少成多。Self-trust is t

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