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北师版英语必修5 Unit 13 Section ⅢWord文档格式.docx

1、personality2.independent;independence3.satisfy;satisfied;satisfaction4.require;requirement5.break;broken6relief;relieve7.desire8.upset9.fault10.shelter11aboard12.patient;patience根据提示补全下列短语1_ lost 走失,迷路2find fault _ 找的茬3_ ones relief 令人宽慰的是4shelter _ the rain 避雨5give _ 放弃6be patient _ 对有耐心【答案】1.get2.

2、with3.to4.from5.up6.with根据提示补全下列教材原句1I saw she _ her cheeks at lunch today and one of the other teachers gave her a hug.今天吃午饭时,我看到她的眼泪流到了脸颊上,而且其中的另外一个老师拥抱了她一下。2Their friends are really upset and _ anxiously for more news.他们的朋友真的非常担心,渴望得到更多的消息。【答案】1.had tears running down2.have been waiting fault n错误

3、;(教材P12)I wonder how they got lost and whose fault it was.我想知道他们是怎么迷路的和是谁的过错。It is ones fault. 是某人的过错find fault with 对挑剔It was not our fault _ we were late.这次迟到不是我们的错。 It would be rude to _ her appearance.对她品头论足是不礼貌的。【答案】 thatfind fault with give up放弃(教材P10)They must never give up.他们将永不放弃。give up do

4、ing 放弃(做); 中止(做)give away 赠送;泄露give back 归还;使恢复give in 屈服,让步give off 放出(光,热,气味等)give out 分发,发布;放出(光,热等);用完He cant continue fighting.He will soon give _.他不能继续战斗下去,他很快就会投降。 He gives _ smoking.他戒烟了。The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was given _ on the radio yesterday.市长要来我校参观的消息是昨天

5、广播中宣布的。【答案】inupout desire v渴望,期望; n渴望,欲望(教材P119)Tour guides need to be independent,outgoing and have a desire to share information.导游需是独立的、外向的并有分享信息的意愿。(1)desire to do sth. 渴望做某事desire do sth. 希望某人做某事desire that.(从句中谓语动词用should动词原形,should可省略) 渴望(2)have a strong desire to do sth. 迫切想要做某事have a

6、strong desire for sth. 急于想要得到某物She desires to live in the country.她渴望生活在乡下。She desires that you _(see)her at once.她要你立即见她。Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire _ (learn) online.我们的学生来自不同的背景,但有相同的在线学习的愿望。【答案】(should) seeto learn aboard adv.& prep.在船(飞机、车)上,上船,上飞机(教材P11

7、)I feel that airlines should not allow newborn babies aboard their long distance flights.我认为航空公司不能允许新生儿登机进行远距离飞行。(1)board vt.上车(船)(2)on boardaboard 在车(船)上go on boardgo aboard 上船(飞机;车)abroad adv. 到(在)国外;(传言等的)广泛流传(3)go/travel abroad 去国外from abroad 从国外;从海外at home and abroad 国内外My brother has never bee

8、n abroad before,so he is very excited.我弟弟以前从未到过国外,因此他很激动。The plane crashed,killing all 157 passengers _ board.飞机坠毁,飞机上157位乘客全部丧生。The news of his death soon spread _他去世的消息很快传到了国外。【答案】onabroad requirement n要求,必要条件(教材P119)Can you think of any jobs where this isnt a requirement?你是否能想起没有任何要求的工作?require v

9、t. 要求,需要require do 要求某人做require that sb.(should) do 要求某人做require doing/to be done 需要做Some banks also require you to seek a password.一些银行也要求你寻求一个密码。All cars require _(mend) regularly.所有汽车都需要定期检修。明辨异同demand,claim,require,requestdemand暗示要求者专横独断、坚决要求和理所当然提出的命令式的要求,如:demanded payment of the debt 讨债

10、claim也指命令式的强硬请求,暗示讨回本应属于自己的权利或物品,根据自己的权利要求、索取,如:claim the right to manage ones own affairs 索回自己处理自己事务的权利require是指事情本身存在紧迫性,或者是由于情况紧急,或者是法律法规的限定,如:The law requires you to submit all income to the tax authorities.法律要求你向税收当局申报一切收入。request基本等同于require用claim,demand,require填空 【导学号:14212003】The robbers _ m

11、oney from the passengers.He can _ against the fire insurance.People also volunteer because they are _ to do so.【答案】mendingdemandedclaimrequired relief n减轻,宽慰(教材P12)It will be a real relief when theyre found.当他们被发现时,这将是一个真正的解脱。(1)to ones relief 使某人放心的是give sb.relief from pain 使某人减轻痛苦for the relief of

12、. 为了救济breathe a sigh of relief 舒了一口气(2)relieve sb.of. 解除某人的负担(痛苦)I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination.听说已经通过了考试,我感到轻松多了。_ our great relief,the children all arrived home safely.孩子们都安全到家,使我们大大松了一口气。【答案】To.语境填词用所给单词的正确形式填空1He was _ with the _ result.(satisfy)2The _ of the firm

13、cant be met because it _ that the task be finished in a week.(require)3The doctors are _ with the sick people with _(patient)4It is _ that flowers _ watering once a month.(desire)5To the _ of her parents,the medicine _ her pains.(relieve)【答案】1.satisfied;satisfying2.requirements;requires3.patient;pat

14、ience 4.desired;desire5relief;relieves.选词填空 14212004】give up;be patient with;get lost/lose ones way;shelter from the rain;to the relief of;find fault with1They huddled in the shop doorway to _2We always _ in London.3He loved best to _ me.4His wife would love him to _ his job.5Teachers ought to _ stu

15、dents.【答案】1.shelter from the rain2.get lost/lose our way3.find fault with4.give patient with (教材P12)I saw she had tears running down her cheeks at lunch today and one of the other teachers gave her a hug.【要点提炼】have sth./sb.doing sth.让某人一直做某事或使某物一直处于某种状态。The boss had the workers working day an

16、d night.老板让工人们没日没夜的工作。have sth. 叫某人做某事have sth.done 让别人做某事;使遭受have do 有事要做The old man was pleased to have someone to talk to.那位老人很高兴有人跟他说说话。He had his wallet _(steal) in the park yesterday.他的钱包昨天在公园被偷了。Ill have someone _(repair)the bike for you.我会叫人给你修理自行车的。【答案】stolenrepair完成句子1你应该请他早些来

17、。You should _ earlier.2我不许你这样(小小)的年纪就抽烟。I wont _ at the young age.3临走时,我们一起照了相。As we left we _ together.【答案】1.have him come2.have you smoking3.had a photograph taken情态动词表示推测 阅读下列句子,体会黑体部分的用法1I think my French tutor might know one of them.2The old woman must be a nice person.3They could have gone exp

18、loring on their own way.4They cant exactly eat seeds like squirrels and sparrows do!情态动词中的can,could,may,might,must表推测,它们可以对过去、现在或将来的情况作出语气强弱不同的推测。其中must的可能性最大,can/could次之,may/might最小。一、把握推测语气的特点,选择恰当的情态动词。1表示肯定的推测时,各情态动词的语气从弱到强依次为:might may could can must;表示否定的推测时,may not/might not语气较弱,cant/couldnt语

19、气较强。注意:must的否定形式mustnt不表示否定推测,而是表示“不得”或“一定不要”。2情态动词表示推测时,在用法上有一些限制:must只用于肯定句中,意为“一定,准是”。如:You must be tired after your long walk.走了这么长时间的路你一定累了。can多用于否定句或疑问句中。could可用于各种句式。That cant be Mary shes in hospital.那位不可能是玛丽,她在医院。Can the news be true?这条消息可能是真的吗?He could be very smart when he was a child.他小的

20、时候肯定很聪明。may/might用于肯定句和否定句中。They may not know his address.Im not sure.他们或许不知道他的地址。我不确信。She told me that she might go to Hawaii this winter.她告诉我她今年冬天或许去夏威夷。二、确定推测的时间,正确判断动词时态。1对现在或将来的情况进行推测时,用“情态动词 do”。You must be Mr.Smith.I was told to expect you.你肯定是史密斯先生。我被告知你会来。You cant be hungry.Youve only just

21、had lunch.你不可能饿了,因为你刚吃完中午饭。2对此时此刻正在进行的情况进行推测时,用“情态动词be动词ing形式”。She may be waiting for you in the entrance hall at the moment.此刻她或许正在入口处等你。The police are stopping all cars.They must be looking for the escaped prisoner.警察正在查车,他们肯定正在寻找逃犯。3对过去的情况进行推测时,用“情态动词 have 过去分词”。I didnt see Alex.He might have gon

22、e home.我没有看到亚历克斯,他或许已经回家了。I couldnt have left my bag on the bus.我不可能把书包落在公交车上。They must have gotten lost or theyd be here by now.他们肯定迷路了否则他们现在已经到这了。名师点津在特定的语境中,“might/could have 过去分词”不是对一件事情是否发生进行推测,而是表示本来可能发生但没有发生,或者本来可能完成却没有完成的动作,有时具有一定的感情色彩。might have done本可以做(却没有),有时表示很委婉的责备。Honestly,the report

23、might have been better written.说实话,这个报道本可以写得更好。could have done本可能做(却没有做)。He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently.他没有后悔说他做了什么,而是感觉他本可能用另一种方式表达。.单句语法填空 14212005】1I thought I heard a knock on the door.It _ (may/must) be my little brother.He usually come

24、s home around now.Or it _ (may/must) be my mother.It _ (cant/mustnt) even be my father.No,he never knocks.2Where have I put my key?They _ (may not/cant) just walk away.They _ (must/could) be near the sink,since I washed my hands when I came in from the garden.Or they _ (might/must) be in the pocket

25、of my gardening pants.3Jack described his father,who _(must be/must have been) a brave boy many years ago,as a strongwilled man.4Theres a lot of noise from next door.They _ (must have/must be having) a party.5Had they known what was coming next,they _ (could have/might have had) second thoughts.【答案】1.may;may;cant2.cant;could;might3.must have been4.must be having5.might have had.单句改错1He may be at school.Classes begin at 8._2Im absolutely sure!They must arrive yesterday.I saw their tickets.3Are you joking?Mark cant go to Paris.He doesnt have enough money._

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