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1、A. doing their homework B. watching TV C. playing in the gardenIt is nine oclock.5. At the moment, Mr. sawyer is reading A. newspaper B. a novel C. an interesting book二、情景口语:阅读下面的对话,选出最适当的选项。6、I am dead tired. I cant walk any further. ,Tommy. You can take it.A No problem B No hurry C Come on D Thats

2、 OK7、Long time no see! You look well. . You look fine, too.A Thanks B Great C Oh, no D Not at all8、Would you like some soup? It is delicious, but Ive had enough.A Yes, please B No, thanksC Nothing more D Id like some9、Good luck. A Yes, I will B Thank you!C All right D Dear me10、Thanks for the lovely

3、 and delicious food. A My pleasure B Im sorry to hear thatC No,thanks D Its Ok词汇与语法一、词汇:翻译单词(每小题分,共分)1、spoil 2、repeat 3、museum 4、message5、valuable 6、instrument 7、私人的,私下的 8、值得,应得到 三、找出下列划线部分发音不同的单词。(每小题分,共分)9、A food B cool C wooden D pool ( ) 10、A jazz B damage C clavichord D path ( )11、A sand Basks

4、C stones D paths ( )12、A gather B theater C thank D path ( )13、A refuse B musical C museum D public ( )四、单项选择(每小题2分,共32分)14、The police ( ) walking ( ) the road.A.are pass B .is past C. werepass D. werepast15、The football match last night was very ( ).A. exciting B. excited C .excite D. exit16、 Frida

5、y evenings, we usually go to see a film. A At B On C In D When17、“A quarter 10”means “nine forty-five” A to B for C past D passed18、He plays piano very well and has won some awards.A a B the C an D/19、Mary a dress when she cut her finger.A made B is making C was making D makes20、When he gets here to

6、morrow, I will pick him up the airport.A at B in C on D by21、Jane has two brothers; one is John, and is Henry.A another B the others C the other D other22、The clock has just three.A hit B beaten C knocked D struck23、She is than any other students.A clever B cleverest C cleverer D the clever24、He to

7、Beijing in two days.A will fly B flew C flies D was fly25、Would you like breadA some B any C no D every26、My brother enjoy basketball very much.A playing B play C to play D played27、Listen!Somebody was knocking the door.A at B in C off D out28、Up till now, I him for three times.A have called B has c

8、alled C called D calls29、Everybody Tom.A know B knows C know D known30、What an interesting book! I dont want to .A give back it B give it back C give to it D give it to 五、根据题中所给出的意思或首字母写出单词的适当形式。(每小题1分,共10分)31、Clean water is p (宝贵的) in that part of the world.32、The k (关键)to success is hard-working.3

9、3、They were at the door to w (欢迎) us.34、His supporters g (聚集) in the main square.35、She r (拒绝) to accept that there was a problem.36、I entered for a music c (竞赛)37、I am reading a d (侦探)novel.38、You cant e (期望)to learn a foreign language in a few month.39、My purse was s (偷)40、The terrorist was kept u

10、nder police g (守卫)六、完成句子:(每小题0.5分,共10分) 41、我已经报名参加考试了。I have the exam.42、我的提箱装满了书。My suitcase was books.43、葡萄酒使用葡萄做成的。Wine grapes.44、John showed me a beautiful kite.(改为同义句)John showed 45、粉丝们在机场等了一整天。The fans were waiting all day.46、The police arrested the thief.(改为被动语态的句子) by the police.47、I didnt d

11、rink anything yesterday.(改写句子,意思不变)I yesterday.七、翻译:48、 His piano has belonged to our family for a long time. 阅读与写作(20分)八、阅读是综合能力的检测,请阅读下面的短文,选出最佳选项。(每小题2分,共分)New Time table of Zhonghua Airline : : : : : : : : :( )49、The above is a A picture B notice(告示) C map D piece of news( )50、It gives a time ta

12、ble to people who are traveling? A by bus B by car C by plane D by train( )51、There are flights(航班) between Hong Kong to Beijing every week. A B C D ( )52、If as soon as you arrive in Shanghai by Zhonghua Airline on Wednesday, you are told to return to Hong Kong by Zhonghua Airline at once, now the b

13、est way is A to wait until Friday to stay in Shanghai and take the Thursdays flight from Beijing to Hong KongC to go to Beijing and take the Thursdays flight D to take the same days flight from Shanghai to Hong Kong八、请根据下面的图片和文字提示向我们介绍你的周末,写一篇60字左右的英语短文。(满分1分)play the guitar, do ones homework, go to

14、 the library, fly kites, clean the room, go to the zooI had a busy weekend. _ _参考答案:一、1-5 CAACC二、考查日常英语用语6、C解析:Come on有表示鼓励、催促等的意思,可翻译为:“加油;快;振作”。7、A 在英语中别人对你表示一种称赞,你要说“Thank you”或“Thanks”8、B 根据后面的答语,说明是要拒绝别人的东西,那这样只能选B了。9、B 别人祝福你当然要说谢谢。D项实际等于“Oh,My God”10、A 回答别人的感谢,我们可以说“My pleasure”或“You are welco

15、me”三、考查课本新单词的语音11、C wooden中oo发u12、D path中a发:13、C stones结尾s 发z;英语中名词的复数的读法,如果名词音标是以清辅音结尾,即s发s如paths的音标:p:s 如果结尾是浊辅音、元音等要发z14、A gather中th发15、D public中u发四、16、B 这道题考查第九课的语言点:在晚上是“in the evening”但是如果evening前加了修饰词,in就必须改成on,这个规则对于morning和afternoon也适用。17、A 这道题考查第九课中对于时间的表达。18、B 考查第十课的语言点,弹奏乐器要用上冠词the19、C 考

16、查第七课过去进行时;注意when ,as, while 分别用在什么情况。When遇到延续性动作用过去进行时,短暂性动作用一般过去时;as只接短暂性动词,用过去进行时;while只接延续性动词,用过去进行时。20、at 考查第七课的相关语言点:区别at the airport和in the airfield21、C 考查another和the other 的区别22、D 考查第九课“strike”的用法23、A 考查第八课形容词比较级与最高级的知识点24、A考查第九课in+一段时间表“.之后”的知识点25、A 虽然我们都知道在疑问句要用“any”,但是在“would you like .”的句

17、型26、A enjoy +doing sth 喜欢做某事27、A考查第六课knock的短语28、A up till now 是“到目前为止”的意思,常用于现在完成时29、B 考查第八课的难点30、B 这是考查第七课小品词的用法五、考查单词的拼写31、precious 32、key 33、welcome 34、gathered 35、refused36、competition 37detective 38、expect 39、stolen 40、guard六、41、entered for42、full of43、was made from44、 a beautiful kite to me45、at the airport46、The thief was arrested47、drank nothing七、48、B 49、C 50、D 51、D八、注意用一般过去时,注意句子之间的连贯。

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