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1、s.3.When would the boy lie to play the CD?A.Right now. B.After his father is bac. C.When his father is awae.4.Why does the man loo tired?A.He wored all night. B.He didnt go to sleep. C.He didnt sleep well.5.With whom did the man spend the winter in Sanya?A.His family. B.His friends. C.His wormates.第

2、二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或对白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第六段材料,回答6、7题。6.Who is Jennifer?A.A character in the boo. B.An famous English musician. C.A great writer.7.How often is School Life published?A.Weely. B.Month

3、ly. C.Half a month.听第七段材料,回答8、9题。8.Where was the woman at lunchtime?A.In the dining hall. B.In the boostore. C.In the school library.9.What does the man plan to do this weeend?A.Go sailing. B.Taing a science eam. C.Taing a history eam.听第七段材料,回答10至12题。10.Why does Annie call Paul?A.To borrow some boos

4、. B.To as him to help carry the boos. C.To find her a new apartment.11.When will Annie and Paul meet?A.At 150. B.At 200. C.At 210.12.Who needs more boes to pac?A.Annies sister. B.Annie. C.Annies friend.听第九段材料,回答13至16题。13.Why does Lily want to move out of her parents house?A.To be independent. B.To g

5、et further education. C.To live close to her school.14.How old is Lily?A.About 18. B.About 20. C.About 22.15.With whom may Lily share an apartment?A.The man. B.The man and Rose. C.Rose and her friend.16.What will probably Lily do?A.Call the man. B.Call the mans sister. C.Tal to her parents.听第十段材料,回答

6、17至20题。17.Where can Henry get the message?A.In the email. B.In the letter. C.On the phone.18.Why does the speaer leave the message?A.To as for information. B.To eplain her problems. C.To give some advice.19.Which of the following can help you to sleep well? A.A little caffeine. B.A bit fruit. C.Some

7、 bread.20.What should a bedroom be lie according to the speaer?A.Dar. B.Large. C.Bright.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AEducation Peing University to open branch in OfordPeing University will be the first Chinese university to open an overse

8、a branch in Oford net year.According to Peing University,its HSBC Business School has got a campus(校园)in Oford from the Open University in Britain.This purchase comes as the government steps up efforts to build globally famous universities that will lead the world in teaching and research.People Chi

9、nese Cambridge student shares his eperienceFrom a struggling student to attending one of the most famous universities,Han henyus hard wor seems to have paid off.Recently,Han shared his eperience with students and their parents in his home city of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province.The 21-year-old student

10、 is now in his third year majoring in mathematics at Cambridge University,one of the top colleges in the world.Using his eperience,he is helping seven other Chinese students to follow in his footsteps.Society Quae-hit areas given a new lifeVisitors to Qinglongchang village in Longmen township in Lus

11、han,a county in Sichuan Province,will be able to appreciate the new house built for the residents(居民)following reconstruction wor after an earthquae,which broe out on April 20,2013.With the bacing of governments at different levels,232 centralied resettlement areas with brand-new houses were built f

12、or farmers within three years of the quae.21.What will Pering University do net year?A.It will open a foreign branch in Oford. B.It will get a campus in Oford.C.It will lead the world in teaching and research. D.It will become globally famous.22.Why does the student share his eperience?A.Because he

13、wants to show off. B.Because he wants to be famous.C.Because he wants to help more Chinese students. D.Because he majors in mathematics in Cambridge.23.Who mainly helped the residents in the quae-hit areas build new houses?A.Visitors. B.Governments. C.ind people. D.Local farmers.24.What type of writ

14、ing is this tet?A.An announcement. B.Boo review. C.An advertisement. D.News.BJac Ma,chairman of Alibaba Holding Ltd,is acting to fulfill a promise he made to US President Donald Trump Get 1 million small and medium-sied US business enrolled on his online platforms to sell their products to Chinas gr

15、owing middle class and create 1 million jobs in the United States.Ma announced on Tuesday that Alibaba will host a two-day conference in Detroit in June to teach US businesses how to sell to the companys 443 million customers in China on the worlds biggest e-commerce site.We are already a gateway fo

16、r thousands of global brands,retailers(零售商)and companies to sell to Chinese consumers.And we want to epand that gateway (and) level the playing field to mae it easy for American entrepreneurs(企业家),small businesses and farmers alie to tae advantage of the China opportunity,said Ma,also Alibabas found

17、er,in an open letter.Called the Gateway 17,the conference will be held on June 20-21 and is epected to attract more than 1,000 US businesses,the company said in a statement.Ma will spea at the event.Ma met Trump in New Yor in January,shortly after he was elected,to discuss how Alibaba could help cre

18、ate jobs in the US.Ma promised he would help create 1 million jobs over five years by enabling small businesses to sell goods on Alibabas e-commerce platforms primarily on its Taobao and Tmall websites.Brian Gao,president of the Detroit Chinese Business Association,said his group is ecited that Detr

19、oit will be the host city.25.What does the underlined word fulfill in the first paragraph probably mean?A.Mae. B.Brea. C.Reconsider. D.Achieve.26.Whats the purpose of the conference?A.To help American businesses to sell their goods to China.B.To show that Jac Ma is rich.C.To prove Jac Ma is the most

20、 important entrepreneurs in the 21st century.D.To show the Chinas power to US President Donald Trump.27.What can be inferred from the fifth paragraph?A.Ma hasnt met Trump until now. B.Ma promised to create 1 million jobs in China.C.Ma promised to create 1 million jobs in the US. D.Alibaba wont suppo

21、rt Mas promise.28.Where will the conference be held?A.In China. B.In Detroit. C.In New Yor. D.In Alibaba.CWhen we tal about the worlds top fashion cities,what can be in your mind?Of course,Rome,Paris and New Yor,all of which have produced some of the top trends,from fashionable sirts to the hottest

22、new shoes.But have you ever wondered about the negative ideas that they have brought?In April 2016,the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in Britain banned an advertisement from Gucci that featured models dancing around and having fun,because they were all etremely sinny.Banning advertisements du

23、e to the models etreme figures isnt new.The ASA banned an advertisement in 2015 for the same reason.In France,it has been ruled that models are to provide a doctors note proving that they are at a healthy weight.So what is the healthy weight for models?Twenty years ago,the average fashion model weig

24、hed 8% less than the average woman.Today,they weigh 23% less.People may thin that being at an unhealthy weight will help them gain the benefits that the models do.This provides a standard of beauty,and therefore people who want to achieve those things may try to get them through unhealthy ways.Peopl

25、e may thin that they are overweight,due to the images of models thin figures.They see something wrong with their bodies,whether they are overweight or not.This is a ey factor in a lowered body image, low self-respect,depression and possibly even eating disorders. .Im not blaming the fashion industry

26、 by any means.Its not their fault that many people loo up to the models and epect to live a life lie theirs.I am glad that the ASA is raising its voices when discussing the growing problem of body images in the fashion industry.By banning the photos and videos,its pushing for the idea that the tradi

27、tional fashion industrys body image demands should be changed and something more needs to be questioned.29.Why was one of Guccis advertisements banned according to the tet?A.None of its models had doctors notes. B.Its models are much too thin. C.Models didnt act according to the rules. D.Its models

28、were dancing in an unhealthy way.30.What does the fourth paragraph mainly show?A.The benefits of becoming thin figures. B.Peoples attitude towards models images.C.The negative effects of models images. D.The changes in the standard of beauty.31.Whats the possible purpose of the ASAs measures in the

29、passage?A.To set up new standards of models body images. B.To criticie the traditional standards for models.C.To encourage more people to live a life lie models. D.To change the fortune models are faced with.DThe British government allows licenses for people to operate radio and TV stations,but more

30、 than forty years ago the only radio stations that eisted legally in Britain were run by the BBC,the state-owned broadcasting company.However,the governments power only etended to the country itself and the seas around it up to three miles from the shore.The Irishman who founded Radio Caroline simply put the radio equipment on a boat and anchored(用锚固定)it just outside the three-mile limit.Why would anyone go to so much trouble to start up a radio station?One major reason wa

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