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1、你难道没看见那辆小车差点儿撞上了我吗?我差点就没命了。2要注意neednt have done与didnt need to do的差别。He neednt have come他本没有必要来。(实际却来了) He didnt need to come他没有必要来。(实际也没来) 同学们在做有关“情态动词have done”练习时,在掌握这一结构的两种基本用法的同时,还要仔细体会题干所提供的语言信息,准确理解语言环境和说话人的含意,尤其要注意题干中时态给予的暗示。巩固练习:(练习题均为高考题) 1I stayed at a hotel while in New YorkOh,did you?You

2、 _ with Barbara Acould have stayed Bcould stayCwould stay Dmust have stayed 2I didnt see her in the meeting room this morningShe _at the meeting Amustnt have spoken Bshouldnt have spoken Cneednt have spoken Dcouldn3He _you more help,even though he was busy Amight have given Bmight giveCmay have give

3、nDmay give 4I saw our teacher in the office just nowYou _her,she is still abroad Acant have seen Bmustnt have seenCneednt have seen Dshouldnt have seen 5Kate is already two hours lateWhat _ to her?Acan have happened Bmay have happenedCshould have happened Dmust have happened 6We _last night,but we w

4、ent to the concert instead Amust have studied Bmight studyCshould have studied Dwould study 7There was plenty of timeShe _ t have hurriedBcouldnt have hurriedCmustnt hurryDneednt have hurried8Yesterday,Jane walked away from the discussionOtherwise,she _something she would regret later Ahad saidBsaid

5、 Cmight sayDmight have said 9Did you scold him for his mistake?Yes,but _it AId rather not do BId better not do CId better not have done DId rather have not done 10Sorry,Im lateI _have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again AmightBshould CcanDwill II. 情态动词难点透视 英语中的情态动词虽然为数不多,但是要掌握好它们

6、的用法并不容易。本文结合同学们在使用情态动词时不易掌握的难点谈几点看法。1.can表示可能性时,指的是理论上的可能,它通常不用来表示某事实际发生的可能性或真实性。Accidents can happenAnybody can make mistakes 如果我们要表达某事发生的实际可能性,要用may,could或might等。We may spend our summer holidays in Hangzhou this year Will you answer the telephone It couldmaymight be your mother 2.could用来征求意见时,语气要比

7、can委婉,但在回答问题时我们不能用could,因为语气委婉,可能性就变小了。Could I use your telephoneYes, please go ahead 3.在过去时态的肯定句中需要某种条件或努力做成某事,我们要用waswere able to而不能用could。It was a holiday and the children were able to go to the seaside The girl worked hardso she was able to pass the final test 4must与have to都可以表示“必须”的意思,但要注意以下两点区

8、别。1) must只有现在时,而have to有现在时、过去时和将来时。We must work hard, or well fail in the examination Two years ago, the poor girl had to leave school for lack of money 2) must表示主观看法,have to则侧重于客观需要。We must be strict with ourselves in everything In cities with many cars, some people have to wear masks 5must表示推测时,其

9、反意问句有好几种形式。1) “must动词原形”对目前的情况进行推测时以及用mustbe-ing形式对目前正在发生的情况进行推测时,疑问短语部分要与must之后的动词相一致。The mathematics teacher must be in the office now, isnt he 2) “musthave过去分词”用来表示对已经发生的事情进行推论。如果句子中有过去的时间状语,疑问部分用助动词didnt否则,疑问部分用havent或hasnt。The children must have watered the tomatoes yesterday, didnt they The mi

10、nister must have arrived in Shanghai, hasnt he 6shall可以用来征求对方意见。用于第一、三人称。此外它也可以用来表示说话人的命令、警告、允诺、威胁或决心等,这时它用于第二、三人称。Shall she go to the concert with us this evening (征求意见) You shall go to the front at once(命令) Dont worryYou shall get the answer this very afternoon (允诺)He shall be sorry one dayI tell

11、you(警告) Nothing shall stop us from fighting against pollution(决心) 7在表示将来的时间、条件状语从句中,不能用will(这时的will不是情态动词,而是助动词,帮助构成将来时)。If it will rain tomorrow, we shall not go to the mountain village(误) If it rains tomorrow, we shall not go to the mountain village(正) 当情态动词will表示意愿或决心时,是可以用于条件状语从句的。If you will li

12、sten to me, Ill give you some advice on how to learn English 如果你愿意听我的话,我将给你提点学习英语的建议。If you will come this way,the manager will meet you 请您往这边走,经理现在要见你。8should除表示必要或义务外,还可表示推测或可能。The American friends should be here now “shouldought tohave过去分词”既可表示本该做而事实上没有做的事,也可以表示惊讶、赞叹等情绪。You should have told her a

13、bout it the day before yesterday Its wonderful that you should have achieved so much in these years “情态动词have过去分词”是很重要的一种句型,除should外,may, might, must, couldnt, neednt, ought to等都可以用于这一句型,但要注意使用不同的情态动词句子的意思就有所不同。9ought to与should意思接近,大多数情况下二者可以互换,但是should谈的是自己的主观看法,ought to则更多反映客观情况,在谈到法律、义务和规定时使用。We

14、shouldought to help each other and learn from each other in our work She is your mother, so you ought to support her We ought to go and see Mary tomorrow, but I dont think we will 10need,用作情态动词,仅用于否定句和疑问句,而不用于肯定句。在肯定句中要用must, have to, should, ought to或将need当作行为动词使用。We need report the matter to the b

15、oss immediately(误) We must report the matter to the boss immediately(正) We need to report the matter to the boss immediately(正) Dare的用法也一样。dare 与need 的用法 1).dare作为情态动词,主要用于疑问句,否定句和条件从句中,一般不用于肯定句. a. How dare you say Im unfair ?b. He darent speak English before such a crowd, dare she ?c. If he dare b

16、reak the rule , he will be punished . 2).need表示”需要”或”必须”,作情态动词用时,仅用于否定句或疑问句. 条件从句中。“有必要”。在肯定句中一般用must, have to, ought to或should代替. a. You neednt come so early. b. -Need I finish the work today ?-Yes, you must./ No , you neednt . c. If you need go there , please let me know . 3).dare和need常用作实义动词,有时态,

17、人称和数的变化。所不同的是,在肯定句中,dare 后面通常接带to的不定式; 在否定和疑问句中, dare后可接带to或不带to的不定式. a .I dare to swim across the river b .He doesnt dare (to) answer. C .We need time and money. d .The dining room needs / wants / requires cleaning every day . = The dining room needs / wants / requires to be cleaned every day . e.

18、Does he need to take the medicine four times a day ?III.情态动词的测试热点 本阶段出现了不少“情态动词have过去分词”的句型。在此之前,同学们也学到了许多有关情态动词的用法。笔者在文中对历年来的高考试题进行了分析,指出了历年来高考试题对情态动词的测试热点,谈到了使用情态动词时应注意的相关知识,供同学们参考,以期提高同学们运用所学知识的能力。 热点一:情态动词表示推测的用法 情态动词must,can,could,may,might都可用来表示推测。其中,must所表示的可能性最大,最有把握,意为“一定”。注意,其否定式mustnt表示“想

19、必不”;表示“不可能”要用cant或couldnt。 may 和 might表示可能性时,主要用于肯定句中,might相对于may 来说,表示的可能性更小一些。 can和could主要用于否定句和疑问句中。需要注意的几点: 1.表示猜测,can一般不用于肯定句中,除非是“经验之谈”。我们在SEFC Book 2, Lesson 30中学过这样两个表示“经验之谈”的句子:Children can often get ill suddenly(小孩常常可能突然生博)Certain things in the home can be dangerous,especially if you have

20、young children(家里的某些东西可能有危险,尤其是有小孩的时候。)上面两句可以看作医务工作者或抚养过孩子的人说的话,属“经验之谈”。2may和might都不用于疑问句中。(正)Can Could it be cloudy tomorrow ?(误)May Might it be cloudy tomorrow ?3must的否定式是cant couldnt,不是 neednt或m ustnt。4would V原形:想必现在过去;现在过去可能He would be back today yesterday想必他今天昨天回来了。(他今天昨天可能回来了。) 5should ought t

21、o V原形:想必现在将来会The dinner should ought to be ready now想必晚饭现在已备好。He should ought to ring up this afternoon想必他今天下午会打电话的。6will V原形:将来一定准会 Try your best,and your wish will come true尽力吧,你的理想准会实现的。在近年来的高考试题中,测试may和might表示可能性的频率较高,是一个热点项目。Peter come with us tonight,but he isnt very sure yet(NMET93) A mustB m

22、ay C canD will 简析:本题选B。本题的后半句暗示了选择答案的条件。Michael be a policeman for hes much too short (上海94) A needntB cantC should D may 本题的后半句给出了理由。-Are you coming to Jeffs party -Im not sure I go to the concert instead(NMET2000) A mustB would C shouldD might 本题答语部分中的“Im not sure”暗示了说话者的语气不肯定。因而,本题应选D。 Johnny, yo

23、u play with the knif,you hurt yourself(NMET96) A wont;cantB mustnt;mayC shouldnt;must D cant;shouldnt 本题应选B。第一空用mustnt表示禁止,第二空用may表示可能。情态动词表示猜测的答题方法及考例精析 解答情态动词表示猜测的试题时,一要清楚被猜测的时间,二要清楚有无客观事实根据。若有客观事实根据,则无论是肯定还是否定的猜测,猜测语气最强且符合时间要求的为最佳答案;情态动词表示猜测时语气从强到弱的顺序是:must,will,would,ought to,should,can,may,coul

24、d,might。若无客观事实根据,纯凭主观臆断,则猜测语气最弱且符合时间要求的为最佳答案。1I thought you _ like something to read,so I have brought you some books(MET 1986)Amay BmightCcould Dmust 由题意可知被猜测的时间是(过去)将来,没有客观事实根据,猜测语气要求最弱,所以正确选项是B。2Peter _ come with us tonight,but he isnt sure yet(MET 1993) AmustBmay Ccan Dwill 由题意可知被猜测的时间是将来,没有客观事实

25、根据,猜测语气要求最弱,所以正确选项是B。3It _ last night,for the ground was wet this morning Amust have rainedBmay have rainedCmust rainDmight rain 由题意可知被猜测的时间是过去,有客观事实根据the ground was wet,猜测语气要求最强,所以正确选项是A。4Mary _ be in Paris,for I saw her in the town only a few minutes ago(MET 1994)AmustntBcantCshouldntDmay not 由题意可

26、知被猜测的时间是现在,有客观事实根据I saw her in the town a few minutes ago,猜测语气要求最强,所以正确选项是B(cant是m ust的否定式)。5.There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well It _ a comfortable journey(NMET 1995) t be Bshouldnt be Cmustnt have been Dcouldnt have been 由题意可知被猜测的时间是过去,有客观事实根据there were al

27、ready five peopletake me as well,猜测语气要求最强,所以正确选项是D。6-When can I come for the photos?I need them tomorrow afternoon They _ be ready by 12:00(NMET 1998) Acan Bshould Cmight Dneed 由题意可知被猜测的时间是将来,有客观事实根据need them tomorrow afternoon,猜测语气要求最强,所以正确选项是B。7-Are you coming to Jeffs Party?Im not sureI _ go to the concert instead(NMET 2000) AmustBwould Cmight Dshould 由题意可知被猜测的时间是将来,没有客观事实根据,猜测语气要求最弱,所以正确选项是C. 热

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