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1、解析武汉中考英语试题答案完整版2011年武汉中考英语试题答案1、听力测试 1-5.CCABC6-10.ABCBA11-15.BACAC16-20.CBACB 21-25.ABACB二选择填空26.John likes playing soccer very much and he about one hour playing it every day.A.spent B.will spend C.has spent D.spends答案:D解析:考查动词时态辨析。选项A,过去时,与“everyday”不相符;选项B,将来时,同A错误;选项C,现在完成时,同A错误;只有D,一般现在时,与“eve

2、ryday”相照应,故选D。27.Tom was so careless that he his right arm when he was riding to school.A.hurts B.hurt C.has hurt D.had hurt答案:B解析:考查动词时态辨析。选项A,一般现在时,与状语从句中提示的过去进行时相悖;选项C与选项D,现在完成时和过去完成时,它们表示的是一个动作持续至今,而“hurt”为瞬间动词,不是持续性动词;只有选项B,过去时,表示这一动作在过去的某个时刻进行。28.-Jim isnt in the classroom.Where is he?-He to t

3、he teachers office.A.will go B.has gone C.had gone going答案:B解析:考查动词时态情境搭配。提问者说“吉姆现在不在教室,他现在在哪里?”,回答者就应该告知对方:他现在这个时间在某处。选项A,一般将来时,表示他现在还没去老师办公室,答非所问;选项C,过去完成时,表示过去某一时刻之前他就已经去了老师办公室,这个状态持续到过去的某个时刻,而非现在;选项D,同A。而选项B,他已经去了老师办公室,这个状态持续到现在,故选择B。29.-Would you mind my sitting next to you?- .A.No,of cour

4、se not. B.No,you cant. C.Yes,please. D.Yes,go ahead.答案:A辨析:考查社交常用语搭配。选项B,直译为“不,我不介意,你不能坐在我旁边”,相矛盾;选项C,“是的我介意,你请坐吧”,相矛盾;选项D,“是的我介意,你尽管坐吧”,相矛盾。而选项A,表示“不,我当然不介意”。故选此项。而若把BC更正为:“No, please”或者“Yes,you cant”也可为正确选项。30.-Hello,this is Wendy.Can I speak to Jessica?-Yes, .A.Jessica is me. B.Jessica,please. C.

5、my name is Jessica. D.this is Jessica speaking答案:D解析:考查社交常用语搭配。回答“Can I speak to somebody”时,若欲回答“我就是”时,可以用“Yes,this is ”/“This is speaking”/“Speaking”,选项A、B、C均无此用法,故直接选D。31.-Good morning,sir!I am Ben.- .A.Its my pleasure. B.You are very kind. C.Pleased to meet you. D.Its so clear.答案:C解析:考查社交常用语搭配。对方

6、友好的向你打招呼并且介绍自己时,我们应当礼貌的予以回应。选项A,这是我的荣幸,一般用作别人感谢你帮助他时所说;选项B,一般是别人为你提供帮助时,你感谢别人说的话;选项D,“这是显然的”显然是不礼貌的态度。而选项C,“很高兴见到你”是对初识者应当有的态度。32.-Where is Leo?He said he would come tonight.-Yes,he did say so, we cant find him now.A.and C.but D.or答案:C解析:考查连词搭配。对方问:“Leo在哪里啊,他说他今晚要来。”回答为:“是的,他说了他要来”后文又接“我们现在找不到他

7、”,前后两句明显表示一个转折的意思。所以直接选择C,表示转折;而选项A、B、D分别表示并列、因果顺承和选择,均不符合情境。故选C。33.-Look,Sue is over there.-That be her.She is in Canada now.A.mustnt B.cant C.neednt D.wont答案:B解析:考查情态动词的否定。题干中对方讲:“看,Sue在那边”,你想要回答:“那不可能是他,因为他现在在加拿大。”表示肯定对方不会做什么事情时,用cant。选项A,一般表示祈使句中,禁止某人做某事;选项C,表示没必要;选项D,表示将不会。所以直接选择B项,表肯定的否定某事。34.

8、-The teachers in that school speak either English or French.or even .-Thats so cool!A.all B.both C.neither D.none答案:B解析:考查数词词义辨析与情景搭配。选项A,all表“全部”,一般用作三个以上的情境;选项C,“两者都不”;选项D,表“一个都没有”,“一点也不”一般也是三个以上。选项B,表示“两者都”。题干中意欲表示“那个学校的老师要么说英语要么说法语,或者甚至两者都说”,故选B,表示“两者都”。35.-Can I join you?-Sure,we are talking ab

9、out .A.when shall we go to the movie can we go thereC.who should we go with D.why we like the movie答案:D解析:考查宾语从句与情境搭配。对方说:“我可以加入你们吗?”,答者说:“当然,我们正在讨论”宾语从句的结构是:“连接词+主语+谓语”,是陈述句的形式。选项A,是疑问句形式,故不选;选项B,同A错误;选项C,同A错误,并且连接词改用whom;只有D项,结构和意思均符合情境。36.-Im going to the supermarket.Let me get you some fru

10、it.-OK.Thanks for your .A.offer B.information C.message D.order答案:A解析:名词词义辨析与情境搭配。选项B,指比较正式的信息;选项C,非正式讯息;选项D,指命令,预定;BCD三项均不符语境,而选项A,表示回答者感谢对方“提供(的帮助)”,符合语境,故选A。37.-I like reading.-Great!It can your B.lose C.feed D.feel答案:C解析:考查动词词义搭配。选项A,指“阅读”“读取”或“有学问的”;选项B,指丢失,lose your mind表示迷失你的思想;选项

11、D,feel主语一般是人;而选项C,feed your mind“滋养你的思想”符合语境,表示读书能够滋养你的思想。38.-Chinese tennis player Li Na won a championship again!-Yeah,I watched the game and my spirits at the news.A.rose B.calmed C.turned D.shook答案:A解析:考查动词词义搭配。选项B,表“冷静”;选项C,表“转动、变化”;选项D,表“震惊”,三项均不符合说话人得知“李娜赢得冠军”这一消息时的态度,只有A,表示情绪高涨,符合情境。故选A。39.-

12、What are you going to do for the School Day?-Well a new play.A.put out B.put off C.put into D.put on答案:D解析:考查动词短语辨析与情境搭配。选项A,指“熄灭”;选项B,指“推迟”“延期”;选项C,指将放入;选项D,上演。题目中问者说“你们在校庆日准备做什么”,答者说:“我们将要一个话剧”,排除法直接将不符逻辑的ABC排除,故选D,表示我们将要上演一个新话剧。40.-I wore sports shoes to the ball yesterday evening by mistake!-Oh,

13、dear,you must be very at the ball.A.embarrassed B.satisfied C.tired D.surprised答案:A解析:考查形容词义辨析与情境搭配。选项B,表“满意的”,选项C,表“厌倦的”、“疲劳的”;选项D,表吃惊的;均不符合逻辑;而选项A,尴尬的,恰恰能形容此人错穿运动鞋参加舞会的尴尬情形。故选A。三、完形填空I didnt cry when I learned I was the parent of a disabled child. I just sat still and didnt say anything.When Jenny

14、 was old enough, I sent her to a kindergarten(幼儿园).On the first morning, Jenny spent hours playing by herself. It seemed that she felt very 41 .However, to my joy, Jennys classmates always 42 her,” You got all your spelling words right today!” In fact, her spelling list was the 43 .Later, she faced

15、a very painful 44 at the end of the term, there was a game which had 45 to do with physical education. But Jenny was 46 in it.My husband and I were anxious about the day. I wanted to let my child stay home! But my heart wouldnt let me off that easily. So I 47 a pale, unwilling Jenny onto the school

16、bus.At the kindergarten, I was quite worried because of her 48 action, Jenny would probably hold up her team. The game went well until it was time for the sack (麻袋) race. Surely Jenny would find it 49 .Now each child had to climb into a sack, jump to the finishing line, return and climb out of the s

17、ack. I noticed Jenny standing near the end of her line of players.But as it was her turn to join, a change took place in her 50 .The tallest boy behind Jenny placed his hands on her waist (腰).Two other boys 51 in front her. The moment the player before Jenny stepped out from the sack, the two boys 5

18、2 the sack suddenly and kept it open while the tall boy lifted Jenny and 53 her into it. A girl nearby took her hand and supported her 54 Jenny got her balance. Then she jumped forward, smiling and proud. In the cheers of the teachers, schoolmates and parents, I silently thanked the warm, understand

19、ing people in life who made it 55 for my disabled daughter to be like her fellow human beings.Then I finally cried.【主旨大意】这篇文章讲了一个身患残疾的Jenny上幼儿园时,她的同学经常鼓励她。在学期结束时,她在队友的帮助下成功的参加了一次与体育有关的游戏。她的母亲,对这些善解人意的人们心怀感激。( )41.A. excited B. lonely C. happy D. weak答案B.考察形容词解析:由前面Jenny是个残疾女孩和这句话“Jenny spent hours p

20、laying by herself.”可知,她感到非常孤独。故B正确。( )42.A.greeted B.expected C.encouraged D.followed答案C考察动词解析:由to my joy和“You got all your spelling words right today! ”可知Jenny的同学总是在鼓励她。故答案选C.( )43.A.easiest B.longest C.smallest D.tidiest答案A考察形容词解析:由前一句和In fact可判断,Jenny的拼写列表是最简单的。其他几项都不符合语境。( )44.A.choice B.problem

21、 C.result D.exam答案B考察名词解析:Jenny 是一位残疾小孩,所以对于体育测试,这是她要面临的痛苦的问题。故选D。( )45.A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something答案D考察不定代词解析:have something to do with与有关,又由上下文的比赛过程可知,这项比赛与体育成绩有关,故选D。( )46.A.forward C.behind D.up答案C考察介词和副词的辨析解析:由上下文语境可知,此处Jenny会在于体育有关的事情上落在后面,故选C。( )47.A threw B.pushed C.

22、knocked D.fixed答案B考察动词解析:由But my heart wouldnt let me off that easily可知,此处Jenny被推上了校车。( )48.A.slow B.quiet C.quick D.secret答案A考察形容词解析:Jenny would probably hold up her team可知,Jenny的动作迟缓,故答案选A。( )49.A.stupid B.simple C.relaxing D.difficult答案D考察形容词解析:由文中“I noticed Jenny standing near the end of her lin

23、e of players”这项比赛对Jenny来说很难,故选D。( ) D.heart答案C考察名词解析:由上文Jenny would probably hold up her team和下文可知,她在这个团队里,因此这个改变发生在她所在的队里。故选C( )51.A.ran B.lay C.walked D.stood答案D考察动词解析:由上下文可知,这两个男生应该是站在她的前面。( )52.A.picked up B.gave up C.cut up D.made up答案A考察动词词组解析:根据文中的比赛规则,和“kept it ope

24、n while the tall boy lifted Jenny ”可知此处是两位男生突然把袋子拿起来,故A最切合题意( )53.A.drove B.hid C.put D.hit答案C考察动词解析:由前后可知,两个男孩把麻袋的口向上打开,高个子的男孩把她举起并放进麻袋,另一位女孩扶着她的手,让她保持平衡。故选C( )54.A.when B.until C.after D.unless答案B考察副词辨析解析:由上下文语境可知,此处表示旁边的女孩扶着她的手,直到她平衡,故B项符合。( )55.A.popular B.special C.necessary D.possible答案D考察形容词解

25、析:这句话表达了这位母亲心里感激那些善解人意的人们,使她的女儿能像她同伴一样生活成为可能。故答案选D。四阅读理解APerhaps the only test score that I remember is the 55 when I was in high school.The test was the final for a course. I remember waiting anxiously as my teacher Mr. Right passed out our papers one by one. It was a rather difficult test. I heard

26、 my classmates groaning, and I could tell by the groans that the scores werent looking good.Mr. Right put my paper on my desk. There in big red numbers, circled to draw attention, was my score, 55!I lowered my head, and covered the score up quickly. A 55 is not something that you wanted your classma

27、tes to see. “The scores were not very good, none of you passed,” Mr. Right said. “The highest score in the class was a 55.”A 55. Thats me!Suddenly my sad look didnt look so bad. I had the highest score. I felt a lot better.I walked home alone that day with the low but high score. My father knew that

28、 I had a big test that day and asked me as soon as I got home, “How did you do in your test?”“I made a 55,” I said.A frown(皱眉)now stood on my fathers face. I knew I had to explain immediately. “But Dad, I had the highest score in the class,” I proudly stated. I thought that explanation would make a

29、difference. “You failed!” my father replied. “But its the highest!”I insisted. “I dont care what scores others had, but you failed. What matters is what you do!” my father firmly said.For years, my father was always that way. It didnt matter what others did, it only mattered what I did and that I di

30、d it excellently.We often dont understand the wisdom(智慧)of good parents until we ourselves stand in the parents shoes. My fathers words have carried me throughout life.解析:作者讲述他一次考试虽然得到班上最高分,但没及格,父亲认为他失败了,不管别人怎样,重要的是他自己做得怎样。教育我们要严格要求自己。56. The word groaning is the closest in meaning to _.A. singing B

31、. laughing C. complaining D. quarreling答案C【词义猜测】解析:从文中“It was a rather difficult test.”和“I could tell by the groans that the scores werent looking good.”可知题目相当难,而同学们的分数不高,所以同学们发出的是抱怨声。57. In class, to hide my score from my classmates, I _.A. lowered my head B. covered my score upC. walked home alone D. explained immediately答案B【细节理解】解析:由第四段第一句“I lowered my head, and covered the score up quickly.”可知,为了不让同学看到分数,我把我的分数盖住。故选B58. A frown stood on

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