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1、10. Dont tell him any secrets. He has got a big mouth. 不要告诉他任何秘密,他是个多嘴的家伙。11. Why should I quarrel with my bread and butter? 我为什么要和自己的生计作对呢?12. They didnt half support my proposal. 他们十分支持我的建议。13. His song always brings the house down. 他的演唱常常博得全场观众的喝彩。14. You dont have a care in the world. 你不知人世间烦恼终为

2、何物。15. I see red whenever I hear that mans name. 我一听到那个人的名字心里便火冒三丈。16. Most people have a daily fight to keep the wolf from the door. 许多人每天都在为免除饥饿而奋斗。17. He looks a bit blue. 他看起来有点忧郁。18. He only comes here once in a blue moon. 他只是偶尔到这儿来一次。19. If you dont want to lose me, youd better lay it on the l

3、ine. 你不想失去我,就最好一五一十地告诉我。20. She eats like a bird. 她吃得很少。21. He eats like a horse. 他吃得很多。22. I am now a little under the weather. 我现在有点不舒服。23. Were all early birds in my family because we live on a farm. 由于我们生活在农场,所以全家人起得很早。24. Thats for the birds! 那毫无意义。25. A woman cannot have too many hats. 女人帽子不嫌多

4、。26. I wish peace could be saved at the eleventh hour. 我希望在最后一刻可以挽救和平。27. A little bird told me. 有人私下告诉我。28. Tell me your story, Im all ears. 告诉我你的故事,我洗耳恭听。29. Thats just a lot of horse and donkey dust! 那不过都是些废话。30. I got it straight from the horses mouth. 我是听当事人亲口说的。31. She made light of her illnes

5、s. 她轻视自己的病。32. She works like a horse all day long. 她整天辛辛苦苦。33. Thats a horse of a different color! 那完全是另外一回事。34. Someday, when your ship come in, youll build your dream house. 总有一天你有钱时,就会建造你梦想的家。35. Dont get your monkey up for nothing. 别无缘无故生气。36. Ill eat my hat if I do. 我决不做。37. Come on! Dont be c

6、hicken! 来,别害怕!38. She couldnt feel better. 她感觉好极了。39. Well, shes certainly no spring chicken. 她当然不再是个小丫头了。40. He is as blind as an owl. 他真是个瞎子。41. He never calls a spade a spade. 他从来不直截了当地说话。42. I hope your idea takes wing.希望你的想法能变成现实。43. Hes a wise old owl. 他是个智叟。44. Every time I see my grandfather

7、, he gives me a big bear hug. 每次见到爷爷,他都要紧紧地拥抱我。45. Her husband is a real bear. 她丈夫脾气确实坏。46. I have a long letter in hand. 我正在写一封长信。47. Shes always as busy as a bee. 她总是忙忙碌碌。48. I wish that you would put your cards on the table. 我希望你能把话挑明。49. He walks at a snails pace. 他走路慢慢腾腾。50. I dont hope but my

8、son will be a scientist in the future. 我真的希望儿子将来能成为科学家。51. They made an example of the boy. 他们惩罚这个男孩以警诫他人。52. I am a worm today. 我今天一点精神也没有。53. He drinks like a fish. 他喝起酒来不要命。54. She had a rather sheepish smile. 她笑起来很害羞的样子。55. I have a bottomed-down mind. 我没有什么独特的见解。56. Dont you see the writing on

9、the wall? 难道你看不见灾难即将来临吗?57. He doesnt have a dogs chance. 他根本没有机会。58. Whos the top dog in the company? 公司里谁是头儿?59. The weather was terrible yesterday. It rained cats and dogs a whole day. 昨天的天气真可怕,下了一天的倾盆大雨。60. That cat wont jump. 这一手行不通。61. Dont tell him home truths. 不要对他讲逆耳的事实。62. During foggy wea

10、ther the trains are late as often as not. 雾天里火车常常晚点。63. We could make beautiful music together. 咱俩可能会成为合适的一对儿。64. I got a goose egg on my match test. 在数学测验中,我得了个大鸭蛋。65. I love the Big Apple. 我爱纽约。66. I know he meant business. 我知道他不是开玩笑的。67. Her son will never come to much. 她儿子不会有什么出息。68. The discuss

11、ion comes to after all. 这次讨论毕竟是有意义的。69. You are always trying to get my goat. 你老是要惹我发火。70. When it comes to logic, hes completely at sea. 谈到逻辑学,他完全是门外汉。71. The ship came to five li off the harbour. 船在离港五华里的地方抛锚了。72. Twenty failed, myself among the rest. 落榜者有20人,我也是其中之一。73. Both of them began to argu

12、e and presently came to blows. 他们俩开始争论起来,不久就动手打起来。74. Let her come to reason. 让她头脑清醒过来再说。75. Im a man of my word. 我是个讲信用的人。76. Three months went by before Aqiao knew it. 阿巧不知不觉三个月就过去了。77. We came up with her before she had covered a half of the bridge. 她还没跑到桥中间我们就追上她了。78. He is equal to any task wha

13、tever. 他对任何工作都可胜任。79. Be pupil before you become a teacher. 先当学生,后当先生。80. They were killed to a man. 他们被杀得片甲不留。81. I hadnt waited long before he came. 我没等多久他就来了。82. Just cool your heels.你就安静一会儿吧。83. Ill die of hunger before Ill steal. 我宁可饿死也不去偷。84. The actress has her head turned. 那女演员得意忘形。85. The m

14、eeting was over before he came here. 会都结束了他才来。86. Before I could get in a word, he had measured me. 不等我插话,他就给我量好了尺寸。87. I, for one, cannot agree. 至少我不能同意。88. Break a leg. 祝你成功。89. He does not like poor little me. 他并不喜欢可怜而又微不足道的我。90. She married a nobody. 她嫁给了一个废物点心。91. Our dog is a she. 我们的狗是一只雌的。92

15、. Men of millions are possessed with the idea. 百万富翁都具有这种思想。93. He was It. 他很自负。94. Tom has a touch of the Hong Kong Dog and will be here a little bit late.汤姆肚子坏了,要稍晚点儿来。95. He is a perfect it. 他太讨厌了。96. He will never be anybody. 他永远成不了重要人物。97. I met a woman with child when I came home. 我回家时遇见一个孕妇。98

16、. Hes nobody here in town but I suppose hes a somebody in his own village. 他在城里默默无闻,我想他在本村却非等闲之辈。99. Hes a one. 他真是个怪人。100. Ive got to go into the woods. 我要方便一下。: Nurses cant be too patient with their patients. 护士对病人越耐心越好。 We cannot praise him too much. 我们无论怎样称赞他都不为过分。 He is too careful not to have

17、noticed it. 他那么细心,不会注意不到这一点。 You know but too well to hold your tongue. 他深知少说为佳。 Do you want to horse around? 想一起玩一玩吗? He has seen something of life. 他略有阅历。 Im something of a cook. 我略懂烹调。 He is something of a hero. 他有些英雄气概。 Shakespeare was something like an author. 莎士比亚是位了不起的作家。 Its OK. He has a win

18、dow. 行,他有空余时间。 His English is anything but correct. 他的英语根本不正确。 His English is all but correct. 他的英语差不多是正确的。 I am what I can. 我光明磊落。 What I have said, I have said. 我言无不尽。 You dont miss a trick. 你真是明察秋毫。 Are you a good sailor? 你晕不晕船? I have other fish to fry. 我还有重要的事要干。 It is all Greek to me. 我对此一窍不通。

19、 Zero hour for the bombers to take off was midnight. 轰炸机起飞时间为午夜十二点。 There is not a little time left. 还有很多时间呢。 So keep it under your hat, will you? 所以,你也不要去对外人说,好吗? I had to put up the plastic trees with their cheap ornaments and made in Japan lights in the middle of September. 九月中旬我就得把那些塑料树摆出来,挂上不值钱

20、的装饰品和廉价小灯。 His smile spread out to his cars again, and he headed for the checkouts.他又咧开嘴笑了,赶快奔向收款台。 It was a long story. 说来话长。 Thats a steal. 真便宜。 Were going to put this place on the map! 我们将使这个地方远近闻名。 Im not myself. 我烦透了。 I cant trust my typist with any important papers-she has her head in the clou

21、ds most of the time.我不敢将重要的文件交给我的打字员她做事总是心不在焉。 What the woman said really got in his hair this time. 那女人所说的话这次真的惹恼了他。 The manager didnt turn a hair when he entered the office. 经理不动声色地进了办公室。 Today is not my day. 今天真倒霉。 Im falling to pieces. 我感到乱糟糟的。 They just killed me there. 他们使我恼火透了。 This can can c

22、an a can of fruit. 这个容器能装一瓶水果罐头。 The teacher said that if the sentence which had “had had” had had “had” it would have been correct.那个老师说如果那个有had had的句子中有had的话,那么句子就是正确的。 Saw saw a saw saw a tree. 索奥看到一把锯锯开一棵树。 Well, its well that the water in the well does well up so well.嘿,这口井里的水是那样源源不断地涌出来,真妙啊。 T

23、he schoolmaster said that that that that that boy wrote was written wrongly.校长说那个男生写的那个that写错了。 There must be more space between King and and and and and Queen.King和 and 以及and和 Queen之间要多留一点空间。 The train will stop at the next station from two to two to two two. 这列火车从一点五十八分到两点零二分将在下个车站停下。 The dog cock

24、ed its hind leg. 狗翘起了一条后腿。 Adolf would get a kick out of this, I knew. 我知道,阿道夫会对此非常高兴的。 He was, as it were, a walking dictionary. 他似乎是一部活字典。 The result fell short of our expectation. 结果令我们大失所望。 Never assume, for it makes an ASS out of U and ME. 永远不要主观臆断,因为那会使你我成为蠢驴。 You are something else! 你真是出类拔萃! You are out of sight! 你真优秀! You rule! 你太牛了! Ive been studying my tail off! 我学习太紧张了! Im a little under the weather. 我有点不舒服。最近读者:38 I had to put up the plastic trees with their cheap ornaments and made in Japan lights

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