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1、高一英语教案上学期第2单元教案Unit 2 English around the world 知能聚焦 (Language Points ) 单 词和短 语 bathroom towel closet pronounce broad repeat majority native total tongue equal government situation international organization trade tourism global communicate communication exchange service signal movement commander tid

2、y stand independent fall expression typhoon publish southern president European howl cookbook compare replace make oneself at home in total except for stay up come about end up with bring in a great/good many at the same time for the first time be tired communicate with have some difficulty in doing

3、 sth have a knowledge of mother tongue 主 要句 型 Thats why;if youll excuse me now; while的用法;v+疑问词+不定式;there you are; must表示推测的用法;过去分词作后置定语的用法等。语 法Directions and Indirections (2) 课前热身 (Warming up) 1. 背景知识 (background) 英语小知识。 英语词汇之所以庞大而居世界之首,是因为它广开门户,善于吸收各种语言的词汇为己有,其中以吸收法语、拉丁语、希腊语为主。英语本族语是指盎格鲁撒克逊民族流传下来的词

4、汇,它的特点是词形短、词义多、构词能力强。例如go在新英汉词典中不及物用法有21种;及物用法有4种;名词用法有10种;形容词用法有2种。再如man可以构成下列 airman, fireman ,ploughman , workman , postman, chairman, Englishman, manhood, manly, manlike, manful, manhole, man-cating , manslaughter, man power合成词、派生词等词。英国学者C.K.Ogden和I.A.Richards 于1920年曾提出Basic English,其词汇量只有850多个。

5、他们的目的就是想减轻外国人学英语的负担,只用一些有限的词汇来表达思想和进行交际。 今天的美国英语就是17世纪英国殖民者当时带到美洲大陆上来的。18世纪美国独立战争后,美国人民的民族情绪在语言问题上也表现出来了, 出现了Noah Webster等人,积极倡导美国语言(Americanism)。Webster身体力行,于1828年编辑出版了许多教科书和词典。200多年来,美国英语产生了许多有别于英国英语的地方,其中最重要的变化当然是词汇了。 英国英语和美国英语在词汇方面的差异是: 第一、拼写不同。Webster式美国英语拼写法要比英国拼法较为合理。 a.美式拼写更符合读音规则。例如: 英 美 th

6、eatre theater labour labor b.美式拼写省去重写的字母。例如: 英 美 programme program cigarette cigaret c.美式拼写省去不发音的字母。例如: 英 美 axe ax good-bye good-by d.美式拼写改变了一些不规则动词。例如: 英 美 burnt burned smelt smelled e.其它不同形式。例如: 英 美 cheque check tyre tire 第二、同词异义。例如: 英 美 vest 内衫,汗衣 西服背心pants 短裤 裤子第三、同义异词。例如: 英 美 英 美 铁路 railway rai

7、lroad 卡车 lorry truck行李 luggage baggage 公寓 flat apartment电梯 lift elevator 糖果 sweets candy电影 film movie 秋天 autumn fall 有意思地是,词汇的不同有时侯连英美人自己也 搞不清楚,甚至会产生笑话。例如,爱尔兰的剧作家St.John Green Ervine第一次世界大战后到美国,当时他还没有注意到英美英语词汇的差异。所以,有一次当他去一个美国家庭作客时,看到主妇非常朴实,使人不受拘束。于是,他就赞美她说:“You are very homely.”结果,这话一出口,局面就很尴尬。为什么?

8、因为homely在英国表示“诚朴”;在美国表示“丑陋,不漂亮”。他本想恭维主人,结果成了侮辱她。2.话题 (topics) Why cant he find the bathroom? What is it that Joe cant find in the bathroom? Why doesnt an American understand an English person? . 读写指导 (Instructions for Reading and Writing) 1.Reading English Around The World Paragraph 1. English is sp

9、oken as mother tongue and as a second language. Paragraph 2. Many people learn English as a foreign language. Paragraph 3. Many people communicate in English every day 2.Writing c. How to write Key sentences b.Write a short passage about the differences between American and British English c. conclu

10、sion.【习文练习】假定你是一名来自农村的学生,在城镇学习了几年。通过对比使你觉得农村和城镇的生活各有 利弊。请按下列要点写一篇文章。 1 在城镇,样样事情都很便利,学校、商店都很近;交通比较便利。 2 同时,电影、戏剧等可供选择的范围很广。 3 在城镇,每时每刻都有令人感兴趣的事情,可供选择的活动场所很多。 4 但是,在农村,人口不多,空气新鲜,环境优美,寂静美好,农村人待人友好,乐于助人,生活费用较低,食品便宜。 注意:1.根据以上要写一篇100 词左右的说明文; 2.可参考的词语:quiet, beautiful, clean, friendly, helpful, cheap, wi

11、de , convenient(便利的,方便的) , close ,regular ,easy等。 One possible version: Life Between the Town and the Country I have lived in the town for nearly two years, but before that I lived with my family in a village about a hundred miles away from here. Life is very different in the two places, but there a

12、re things that I like about each of them. In the country it is quiet and beautiful since there are not many people. The air is clean, and there is beautiful scenery all around. The people who live in the country seem friendly and helpful to their neighbors. The cost of living is low there, because f

13、ood is usually cheap. I also like living in the town. In the town there are interesting things to do all the time. People have a big choice of activities. There is a wide selection of movies, and most of the theatres are good. Everything is convenient here, since in the town I can live close to a lo

14、t of shops and schools. At the same time, traffic is very good, so it is not hard to go from one place to another. I am very happy in the country, but there are good chances for work and study in the town, therefore, I will probably stay here for a period of time and work hard at all my subjects. 要点

15、解析 (Key Points Analysis) 1. Joe is an American who has come to Britain for the first time. 此句中的 for the first time 是介词短语,表示首次,第一次,在句中作状语;类似的短语有for the second time, 第二次;for the last time,最后一次。与for the first time 意思一样的短语还有the first time,但the first time 为名词短语,常用来引导时间状语从句。 The first time I came to Xiany

16、ang , it was very old . 我第一次来咸阳时, 它非常破旧。 When we met each other for the first time, I felt very ashamed from the countryside. 当我们第一次见面时, 我为自己来自乡下而羞愧不己。 2. be tired, be tired of, be tired with/ from 和be tired out You must be very tired. 此句中的be tired 表示疲劳的,累的; 与此短语结构相类似的短语还有: be tired of 对感到厌烦,厌倦; be

17、tired with/from 由于而感到疲劳; be tired out 累得筋疲力尽。 After studying all the week. I was very tired . 经过一周的学习, 我非常累。 My brother is tired out after the work for the whole day. 整天的工作使得我哥哥累得筋疲力尽。 He was tired with riding the bicycle for a long time. 我因长时间地骑自行车而疲惫不堪。 At the beginning , I was interested in Engli

18、sh, while now I am tired of it. 起初, 我对英语非常感兴趣,然而, 现在我对它却非常厌烦。 3. now (then), now that, now and then 和now and again Now then, did you have a good flight? now then 表示说话者的语气,有“说明,命令,请求,警告,安慰”的意思。 now that 表示“既然, 由于”。 now and then 和now and again一样都表示“时而, 不时”的意思。 Now then listen to me, Tom. 汤姆,且听我讲。(表示命令

19、) -Er,er,I 哦!哦!.我. -Now then what do you mean? 你到底是什么意思? (表示不耐烦) Now that you come to this school, you should study hard. 既然你来这所学校, 你应当刻苦学习。 Last term, I often went to the cinema now and then. 上学期, 我经常去看电影。 4. just make yourself at home. 此句中的make yourself at home 表示“请随便一点,别客气,不要拘谨”,是招待客人时的客套用语。类似的还有

20、help yourself (to)。 -Could I use your cup? 我可以用一下你杯子吗? -Make yourself at home.别客气! 5. Harry, bring these two pizzas to Mr.Thompson on Broad Street, number12. 这里的bring 和 take, fetch, get, carry等一样都含有“带,拿”等意思。 bring“拿来,带来”,强调从别处带来某人某物; take“拿走,带走”, 强调带着某物或某人离开说话人所在的地方; fetch 表示go and get,“去取”,含有“往返”之意

21、 ; get常用在口语中 ; carry不同于其它四个词,它表示“携带,搬运”, 强调物体随身移动 。 6. Dont forget to buy me some ketchup on your way back. forget to do sth短语,即“忘记去做某事”; forget doing sth 表示“忘记已经做过某事”。 Dont forget to bring me the book you have borrowed from me tomorrow. 明天别忘记带上你曾经借我的那本书。 -Why do you go to the classroom again?你为什么还要

22、再去教室? -Oh! I forgot having finished my homework. 哦! 我忘了已经做完作业了。 类似的短语还有: a. remember to do something “记着要去做某事” b. remember doing something “记着已经做了某事” c. regret to do something “对将要做的事情感到遗憾” d. regret doing something “对已做过的事情感到遗憾” 7. In total, for more than 375 million people English is . in total表示“

23、总共,合计”; in all,表示“总计, 全部”。 In total, I spent 1200 yuan on the cost of schooling this term. 这学期, 我总共花了1200 元的学费。 There are 35 boys in our class in all. 我们总共有三十五名男生。 8. mother tongue, mother language, native language 和a second language mother tongue=mother language=native language,都表示“母语,本族语”; a secon

24、d language 表示“第二语言”。 Chinese is our mother tongue/native language/mother language. 汉语是我们的母语。 Each of us in our class should learn English as a second language. 在我们班上,每个人都应当把英语当作 第二语言来学习。 9. An equal number of people learn English as a second language. However, the number of people who learn English

25、as a foreign language is more than 750 million. 从以上两句不难看出,a number of 表示“许多”, 修饰复数名词,number前可加large, great , good等词,即:a good/ great/ large number of;含有a number of 的句子谓语动词用复数。 the number of 表示“的数目”,强调数字;含有the number of 的句子谓语动词用单数。 The number of students in Puji Senior Middle School is nearly 4000. 普集

26、高中有近四千学生。 At present, a large number of students dare speak English in class. 目前, 许多学生敢在课堂上讲英语。 10. except for , except, except that, except when, except+不定式 和besides In China students learn English at school as a foreign language,except for those in Hong Kong. except for “ 只是, 只有(在说明基本情况后, 对某些细节问题加

27、以纠正,强调不足); except “除之外”,并不包括except之后的内容,这是该词与but 意思相同。它常与不定代词everything, everybody, nothing, everyone, all 或副词everywhere, always, usually, every+noun 连用; except that从句表示“除知道,其他一无所知”; except when从句 表示“除了(该从句表时间)”; except+ 不定式表示“除了干某事,未做 别的事”,此结构常与nothing连用; besides则是“除之外”,包括之后的内容,含有“除之外(还有)”之意,常与代词an

28、yone else, the other, others, another或副词also, too 连用。 This piece of clothes is very good except for its light color. 这件衣服不错,只是颜色有点浅。 Except for your bad handwriting, your composition is very good. 除了你的书写糟糕外,你的作文还不错。 He is good at every subject except English. 除了英语,其它各门功课他都擅长。 He is good at other sub

29、jects besides English. 除了英语,他还擅长其它课程。 She knows nothing about me except that I teach English at school. 她只知道我在学校教英语,其它她一无所知。 I learned nothing except to know the topic in this class. 这节课我除了知道标题外,其它一无所学。 I often stay at home except when it is fine. 除了晴天,我经常呆在家中。 11.English has developed into the lang

30、uage most widely spoken and used in the world. widely ,adv,表示“广泛地”等抽象意义; wide adj/adv,表示“宽的/地,大的/地”等具体意义。注意wide 与 widely 在句中与动词的位置。 I opened my mouth wide at the sad news in surprise. 听到这悲伤的消息,我吃惊地张大嘴巴。 At present, both English and computers have been widely spoken and used . 12. come about, happen,

31、 take place 和 break out How did these differences come about? 此句中的come about 同happen ,take place ,break out 一样都表示“发生”,都属于不及物动词,但它们的用法不同。 come about “发生,产生”,着重指解释或说明事情发生的理由, 且经常与how 连用;happen “发生”,属普通词汇,指偶然的,意外的,指自发的未能预见的事情发生; take place “发生”, 指事件或事故的发生是在预料中的并非偶然发生的; break out “发生,爆发”,着重指战争,火灾,疾病的突然发生。 How does the difference come about between “come about ”and “happen”? “come about ”和 “happen ”之间的差异是怎样产生的? At the end of 2003,Bird flu

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