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本文(《黑暗的心》所体现的康拉德对殖民主义的矛盾态度英语论文1本科学位论文Word文件下载.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、XXX 学号:XXXX0 指导教师:XX 职称:XXX 1、论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务 中国曾经作为半殖民地,对中国独立后的文化取向和吸收发展方向有重要意义。在世界范围内,殖民主义是一个重要的文学风格,康拉德黑暗的心又是殖民主义的代表作。本文研究的目标是黑暗的心所体现的康拉德对后殖民主义的矛盾态度。任务是探究其在小说中对殖民主义的矛盾态度。2、论文(设计)的主要内容 通过对语言运用、人物性格、语言分析分析表明康拉德在黑暗的心中对后殖民主义的矛盾态度,说明在帝国主义扩张时期,资本主义及帝国主义的人们不能够完全摆脱时代的烙印和限制,对殖民主义存有一种既反对又拥护的矛盾态度。3、论文(设计)的基

2、础条件及研究路线 在学习过程中对有关问题产生了浓厚的兴趣并总结了相关的知识,对论文写作有一定的帮助。结合已有的对此问题的研究,从语言、人物、表达方式上入手,深入探讨了康拉德在小说中对殖民主义的矛盾心理和态度。4、主要参考文献 1 Albert J Guerad.1950.Introduction in Heart of Darkness M.New York:New American Library Edition,2 Joseph Conrad,2010.7.8,Heart of Darkness,Collins Classics,Harperpress,3 齐努瓦 阿切比,2001,“非洲

3、的一种形象:论康拉德黑暗的心中的种族主义”,杨乃乔等译,后殖民批评,北京:北京大学出版社 4 约瑟夫康拉德(作者),薛诗绮(译者),智量(译者),2006,世界文学名著典藏 全译本:黑暗的心,湖北人民出版社;第 1版 5、计划进度 阶段 起止日期 1 提出初步论文题目 2013.3.10-2013.3.16 2 填写开题报告和任务书 2013.3.16-2013.3.30 3 完成初稿和文献综述 2013.3.31-2013.4.20 4 交终稿和评议书 2013.4.21-2013.5.8 5 论文答辩 2013.5.16 指 导 教师:年 月 日 教研室主任:年 月 日 注:一式三份,学院

4、(系)、指导教师、学生各一份 XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 XXX 学院 XX 专业 XXX 届 学生 姓名 XXX 论文(设计)题目 黑暗的心所体现的康拉德对殖民主义的矛盾态度 指导 教师 XX 专业 职称 XXX 所属教研室 商务英语系 研究方向 20世纪英国文学 课题论证:宗主国和殖民地的关系一直是长达几个世纪以来人们关心的问题,殖民主义也是一种流行的思想,这关系到殖民地的解放和人类平等。本文通过对约瑟夫 康拉德的黑暗的心中人物、语言及其运用的分析,得出康拉德对殖民主义的矛盾态度,也从一个方面显示出资本主义和帝国主义对殖民行为和殖民主义的既反对又支持的矛盾态度。方案设计:

5、简介 第一章 小说叙述视角 第二章 康拉德心中殖民主义的现在与未来 第三章 康拉德的反殖民主义思想 第四章 康拉德的亲殖民主义思想 第五章 康拉德对殖民主义的矛盾态度 进度计划:提出初步论文题目 2013.3.10-2013.3.16 填写开题报告和任务书 2013.3.16-2013.3.30 完成初稿和文献综述 2013.3.31-2013.4.20 交终稿和评议书 2013.4.21-2013.5.8 论文答辩 2013.5.16 指导教师意见:指导教师签名:年 月 日 教研室意见:教研室主任签名:年 月 日 XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述 Literature Review

6、 This literature review aims to provide a general introduction of the novel Heart of Darkness and some scholars view about Conrads paradoxical attitudes towards colonialism.Colonialism is the establishment,exploitation,maintenance,acquisition and expansion of colonies in one territory by people from

7、 another territory.Colonialism is a set of unequal relationships between the metropolis and the colony and between the colonists and the indigenous population.Collins English Dictionary defines colonialism as“the policy and practice of a power in extending control over weaker people or areas.”The Me

8、rriam-Webster Dictionary offers four definitions,including“something characteristic of a colony”and“control by one power over a dependent area or people.”Heart of Darkness is a novel,written by Joseph Conrad,that is presented in the form of a frame narrative(a story within a story).Conrad retells th

9、e story of Marlows job as an ivory transporter down the Congo River.Through his journey,Marlow develops an intense interest in investigating Kurtz,an ivory-procurement agent.Heart of Darkness explores the darkness potentially inherent in all human hearts,and deals with the themes of colonialism,raci

10、sm,and savagery versus civilization.About eight and a half years before writing the book,Conrad had been appointed by a Belgian trading company to serve as the captain of a steamer on the Congo River.Upon arrival at his station in the Congo,he found that the steamer he was to command had been damage

11、d and was in need of repair.Yet the next day he headed up river on a different steamer that was captained by another.When that captain became ill during the journey Conrad assumed command.At the companys inner-most station they picked up its agent,Georges-Antoine Klein,who died on the return trip.Co

12、nrad himself became very sick and returned to Europe before serving out the full three-year term of his contract to the trading company.The tale was first published as a three-part serial,February,March,and April 1899,in Blackwoods Magazine(February 1899 was the magazines 1000th issue:special editio

13、n).Then later,in 1902,Heart of Darkness was included in the book Youth:a Narrative,and Two Other Stories(published November 13,1902,by William Blackwood).In a post-colonial reading,the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe,author of Things Fall Apart,famously criticized Heart of Darkness in his 1975 lecture

14、 An Image of Africa:Racism in Conrads Heart of Darkness,saying the novella de-humanized Africans,denied them language and culture and reduced them to a metaphorical extension of the dark and dangerous jungle into which the Europeans venture.Since the middle 20th century,many colonies have won their

15、independence from their colonizers through fighting and struggle.These countries have made great contributions to the emancipation of human beings.The culture and current situation of those ex-colonies are of great importance to the development of the world civilization.Heart of Darkness as one of t

16、he greatest works reflecting the life in colonies provides people abundant resources to investigate into the being of colonialism and anti-colonialism.Huang Yulan,a scholar from Yichun College,holds the opinion that Heart of Darkness reveals the greedy,hypocrisy,cruelty of the colonizers.Besides,Hua

17、ng Yulan also points out the cultural superiority the colonizers bear.Although she agrees that the novel to some extent defend for the colonizers and for their deeds,generally speaking,she believes that Heart of Darkness has a strong inclination of anti-colonialism.Wang Songhuai,vice professor of Hu

18、bei Normal University,believes that Heart of Darkness reveals anti-colonialism from the angle of capitalism humanity.Conrad said in his book“I became a new man with new attitude to morality.”(Joseph Conrad,1917)Wang,by reciting Conrads description of the miserable life of the native in colonies to s

19、how Conrad is on the opposite side of colonialism,which is anti-colonialism.Professor Wang holds that Conrads thought is complicated.Conrads novel partially depicts the reality of the colonies,but his capitalist status has undermined the effect of the novel in anti-colonialism.Even though Conrad has

20、 made progress in seeing what colonizers did,but finally he didnt give a clear picture of the whole condition.Zou Quan and Zou Yan,think that Heart of Darkness bears a sense of superiority of the colonizers and their countries,particularly,the Untied Kingdom.They cite the descriptions in the novel a

21、s evidence,saying those primitive people are nothing and their(the colonizers)task is to spread their advanced technology and culture to them so as to make them more civilized.In the end of their essay,Zou Quan and Zou Yan conclude their opinion.“From the analysis above,we can draw such a conclusion

22、.Since Conrad lived in the later age of Victoria,he was inevitably influenced by his living environment,a culture of Western colonialism.Influenced by his living environment,Conrad had to observe the colonies from an angle of the colonizers.Conrad himself could not get rid of the thought of colonial

23、ism and colonizers.Thus,while Conrad was revealing and criticizing the crimes which the colonizers committed,he couldnt completely get rid of the superiority of colonizers in his writing.”Xu Ping,from Teachers College Qingdao University,and Zhang Xuan,from Nanjing University,generally hold the opini

24、on that Heart of Darkness is a great work with a strong sense of anti-colonialism.The mainstream of the academia commenting on Heart of Darkness is from the anti-colonialism.However,these opinions do not have a comprehensive grasp of the meaning which Conrad wants to express.The features in the nove

25、l have both connotative and denotative meanings.A deep and careful reading will do a lot in helping to understand the novel better.Conrad himself has a paradoxical view to colonialism.His work Heart of Darkness(1899),written by Joseph Conrad is in itself an ambivalent novel regards to its motif.On o

26、ne aspect,the novel,by criticizing the crimes those colonizers committed in colonies as well as its hypocrisy,showed the progress in anti-postcolonialism.On the other,the language of this novel manifested its cultural hegemony.This thesis,by analyzing the ambivalence of the language in the novel,rev

27、eals the ambivalent view of Joseph Conrad toward colonialism.To conclude,throughout history,many scholars and critics have commented on Conrads work,Heart of Darkness.There are three basic views.The first is that Conrad approves colonialism.The second is Conrad opposes colonialism.The last is Conrad

28、 has his paradoxical view towards colonialism.This thesis aims to further discuss Conrads paradoxical attitude by analyzing the novel Heart of Darkness and his life experience.XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书 姓 名 XXX 学院 XXX 专业 XX 年级(班)XX级笔译 X班 论 文 题 目 黑暗的心所体现的康拉德对殖民主义的矛盾态度 完成时间 XXX.5.8 论 殖民主义是随着西方资本主义不断发展而产生的,它

29、来源于资本主义自身的发展和对财富及发展的需求。近代最大规模、影响力最大的殖民主文 内 容 摘 要 义是欧洲的殖民主义。十七世纪时,英国、法国和荷兰继续建立更多殖民地,建立起一个海外大帝国并取代了葡萄牙和西班牙 的地位。到了十九世纪,英国的殖民扩张达到顶峰,统治的领土包括北美、澳洲、南亚等等,地球上五分之一的土地也在大英帝国的占领和统治之下。殖民主义为殖 民帝国提供了市场和资源的供给,很大程度促进了这些帝国本身的发展。殖民主义国家通常会控制该地区的自然资源,人力和市场。殖民主义国家亦会强加自身的社会文化,宗教和语言于被征服的民族身上。所以殖民主义实质上是一个比较强大的国家直接干预比较弱小的国家的

30、政治、经济和文化的系统。虽然殖民主义一词常与帝国主义交换使用,但帝国主义一词较常被使用,因为该词包括到非正式的对该地区的控制,以及正式的军事控制或经济杠杆作用。本文通过西方殖民主义文学作品中的代表作黑暗的心中人物、语言、思想的分析,说明得出小说作者约瑟夫 康拉德对殖民主义的既反对又支持的矛盾态度。说明在西方帝国主义的环境中,人们难免会受其影响,影响人们的思想和取向。一方面,小说通过人物、语言表现出殖民主义给殖民地人民带来的灾难,但另一方面,又摆脱不了资本主义和帝国主义对思想意识的束缚。康拉德的黑暗的心具有代表性,代表资本主义、帝国主义对殖民主义的矛盾心理。指 导 教 师 评 语 年 月 日 指

31、 导 教 师 职称 初评成绩 答辩小组 姓名 职称 教研室 组长 成员 答辩记录:记录人签字:年 月 日 答辩小组意见:组长签字:年 月 日 学院意见:评定成绩:签章 年 月 日 本科生毕业论文设计 题目 黑暗的心所体现的康拉德对后殖民主义的矛盾态度 作者姓名 XXX 指导教师 XX 所在学院 XXX学院 专业(系)XX 班级(届)XXXX 完成日期 XXXX年 5 月 8 日 Joseph Conrads Ambivalence Towards Post-colonialism In Heart of Darkness By XXXX Professor XXXTutor A Thesis

32、Submitted to Department of English Language and Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of English At XXXX University 摘要 约瑟夫 康拉德所著的黑暗的心是一个矛盾体。一方面它抨击了殖民者在殖民地犯下的暴行,罪恶和殖民活动的虚伪性,表现了反殖民主义的进步性。另一方面,它自己的语言使用也正好体现了殖民主义的文化霸权,表明康拉德也难以摆脱自身的帝国文化。本文主要通过分析黑暗的心中的矛盾性,从而揭示康拉德对殖民主义的矛盾态度。一方面他在小说中揭露了欧洲殖民者的虚伪、残忍和贪婪,另一方面他又在一定程度上捍卫了支撑殖民侵略的西方意识形态。关键词:黑暗的心 矛盾性 殖民主义 反殖民主义 Abstract Heart of Darkness(1899),written by Joseph Conrad is in itself an ambivalent novel with regards to its m

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