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1、详解高考英语阅读理解详解高考英语阅读理解 详解高考英语阅读理解(08)阅读下列短代,从每题所给的 4 个选项中选出最佳选项。#A I feel very excited at the thought that in another week I shall be with you again on holiday.I have enjoyed my stay in England very much indeed.Mr Brown and classmates are nice to me,but,as they say in England,“Theres no place like hom

2、e.”and I think you feel this above all at Christmas time.I am leaving here early on Thursday,the 23rd,and I shall arrive in Basle on Friday morning,so I shall be home somewhere about lunchtime.Can you meet me at the station,as I shall have a lot of luggage?#In some of my earlier letters I have told

3、you all about the other students here.Well,I want to ask my Polish friend Jan to come and spend Christmas with us.Will that be all right?#His father and mother died last year,he can go home for Christmas,and he has no friend in England except the Browns.He is a nice boy.I know you all like him,and I

4、 feel sure he will enjoy Christmas with us.It is very short notice,but you are always pleased,I know,if we bring our friends home.however,I have not yet invited him,as I thought it was better to ask you first.Please let me know as soon as possible if it will be all right.1.The writer was very excite

5、d at the thought that _.A.she would be back home with her new friend B.she would be with her parents in another week C.her parents wanted to see her very much D.she would go on staying in England 2.She wanted some one to meet her because _.A.she was told to do so B.she would be tired out after the t

6、rip C.she would carry a pile of things D.she didnt know where the station was 3.The underlined sentence“Theres no place like home”means _.A.There is not a place that the writer likes B.There is no place that the writer can live in C.The writers home is not in London in fact D.East and west,home is b

7、est 4.These paragraphs are taken out of a _.A.magazine B.letter D.newspaper B What happens to mother-daughter relationships when girls become teenagers.It seems that girls go from playing“dress up”,to arguing with their mothers about how they should dress.When a girl is 3-4 years old they lov

8、e to“dress up”in their mothers clothes,put on their mothers makeup,cook,and do whatever else their mother does.This is the time when she can be classified as being a mamas girl.How come girls change so much from childhood to the teenage years?#Many parents seek the answer when their daughter becomes

9、 a teen.Often when a girl enters high school her behavior changes as well as her physical appearance.When I was young I always liked playing“dress up”.It made me feel older and more like my mother.Even when I entered middle school,I still depended a lot on my mother to choose and buy my clothes.Once

10、 I entered high school there was a big change.To me,my mothers clothes were no longer“in fashion”,and neither was her opinion.I started becoming interested in boys and tried to improve the way I looked.It was not that I wanted to look cool,I just wanted to look my age.This is the time that the mothe

11、r-daughter relationship can take a turn.Its difficult for a mother to know that her daughter is no longer totally dependent on her.When the daughter starts wearing revealing clothing,dating,and just wanting to be more independent,a mother starts to feel left out,or not needed.The number of arguments

12、 increases,and the number of times when the mother and daughter get along happily decreases.When these things start to happen,it is a sign that the daughter wants her independence and the freedom to grow up.When you notice how much your relationship had changed,try to believe positive things come ou

13、t of the change.Put all the negatives aside and concentrate on what your mother is feeling instead of just on what youre feeling.When it seems too hard to handle,take some quiet time and write out your feelings.Maybe at another time,you can share them with your mother and try to find a way to better

14、 your relationship as mother and daughter.If you dont feel comfortable sharing your feelings,at least write them down so you can get them out.Its better than keeping them bottled up inside.5.The girls would argue with their mothers because _.A.they need more independence B.mothers want daughters to

15、be mamas girls again C.they think their mothers clothes are no longer in fashion D.all of the above 6.From the passage,we know that _.A.the teenage period is a sensitive part in human life B.the parents cant get the answer why their daughters change a lot C.they can get on well only in talking,no ma

16、tter what mothers or daughters do D.mothers should concentrate on their own feelings 7.A“mamas girl”will Not_.A.dress up in her mothers clothes B.depend a lot on her mother to choose and buy her clothes wearing revealing clothing D.think her mothers clothes are in fashion 8.When the daughter

17、starts wanting to be more independent,_.A.a mother starts to feel left out is the time when mother and daughter get on joyfully increases C.she wants to look cool D.All of the above C Between ten and midnight the United States is politically leaderlessthere is no center of information anywhere

18、in the nation except in the New York headquarters of the great broadcasting companies and two wire services.No candidate and no party can afford the investment on election night to match the news-gathering resources of the mass media;#and so as every citizen sits in his home watching his TV set or l

19、istening to his radio,he is the equal of any other in knowledge.There is nothing that can be done in these hours,for no one can longer direct the great strike for Americas power;#the polls have closed.Good or bad,whatever the decision,America will accept the decisionand cut down any man who goes aga

20、inst it,even though for millions the decision runs contrary to their own votes.The general vote is an expression of national will,the only substitute for violence and blood.Its decision is to be defended as one defends civilization itself.There is nothing like this American expression of will in Eng

21、land or France,India or Russia.Only one other major nation in modern history has tried to elect its leader directly by mass,free,popular vote.This was the Weiman Republic of Germany,which modeled its unitary vote for national leaders on the American practice.Out of its experiment with the system it

22、got Hitler.Americans have had Lincoln,Wilson and two Roosevelts.Nothing can be done when the voting returns are flooding in;#the White House and its power will move to one or another of the two candidates,and all will know about it in the morning.But for these hours history stops.9.Between ten P.M.a

23、nd midnight the United States is politically leaderless because _.A.the president has been murdered B.the general strike for power has ended C.the government has resigned D.the general vote is being held 10.“The great strike for Americas power”in Paragraph 1 refers to _.A.the strike of the governmen

24、t members B.the great vote C.the election campaign D.the strike of the government employees 11.The author believes that the decision at the polls will _.A.lead to a civil war B.result in a general strike C.cause violence and blood defended by all Americans 12.Without the general vote,the author

25、 implies _.A.there would be a civil war B.there would be a general strike C.there would be an election campaign D.there would be a fierce debate D After a fortnight of extraordinary type,the much-feared computer virus that was supposed to strike the globes hard drives last Friday simply fizzled.So m

26、any warnings were sounded that most computer owners either fed anti-virus programs into their systems or refused to turn the power on during the dreaded M-day.They dodged one disease,but more strains are on the way.The eponymous Friday-the-13th virus is due to strike this week,and the Maltese Amoeba

27、 may detonate on March 15.Who creates these things?#A disproportionate number seems to originate in Bulgaria or Russia,where writing the smallest,most elegant virus programs has become a matter of quirky pride.Viruses are transmitted either by shared disks(as was Michelangelo)or over telephone lines

28、.The virus program hides in a computer until,activated by a date,time,or some other trigger,it springs to life.The most common virus,Stoned,makes your screen announce:#“Your computer is now stoned.Legalize marijuana.”(Regardless of your politics,you dont want this one around;#it can damage your file

29、s inadvertently.)Solution:#either keep your computer isolatedno trading disks,no on-line communicationor else install one of a dozen or so commercially available anti-virus programs that detect and delete the little time bombs.If they can come up with a virus that is hidden,will they next try to ext

30、ort a business?#as in,pay me$1 million or my virus will destroy your system.In the meantime,money is being made by firms selling anti-virus programs.Egghead software stores logged a 3,000 percent jump in anti-virus sales.Was the threat overblown by the companies that make millions selling anti-virus

31、 software?#Thanks to the media blitz,no one will ever know what might have happenedan unallied number of computer owners discovered and deleted Michelangelo before it was supposed to strikeon the artists birthday.13.The much-feared M-day was _.A.Friday-the-13th when the eponymous virus was due to st

32、rike B.Friday-the-15th when the Maltese Amoeba would be activated C.the previous Friday when Michelangelo virus was due to strike D.the previous Friday which coincided with the artists birthday 14.Computer viruses are _.A.diseases spread from one computer to another by shared disks B.viruses hidden

33、in a computers instructions by the designers C.little time bombs hidden in a computer waiting to be triggered D.just those computer programs created by malevolent designers 15.Which of the following sayings fits the Michelangelo virus?#A.A burnt child dreads the fire.B.The bugs bark was worse than its bite.C.A barking dog seldom bites.D.Once bitten,twice shy.16.The author implies that in days to come the viruse

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