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1、水利专业名词中英文对照水利专业名词中英文对照 水利专业名词(中英)A 安全储备 safety reserve 安全系数 safety factor 安全性 safety 岸边溢洪道 river-bank spillway 岸边绕渗 by-pass seepage around bank slope 岸墙 abutment wall 岸塔式进水口 bank-tower intake B 坝的上游面坡度 upstream slpoe of dam 坝的下游面 downstream face of dam 坝顶 dam crest 坝顶长度 crest length 坝顶超高 freeboard o

2、f dam crest 坝高 dam height 坝顶高程 crest elevation 坝顶宽度 crest width 坝段 monolith 坝基处理 foundation treatment 坝基排水 drain in dam foundation 坝基渗漏 leakage of dam foundation 坝肩 dam abutment 坝壳 dam shell 坝坡 dam slope 坝坡排水 drain on slope 坝体混凝土分区 grade zone of concrete in dam 坝体排水系统 drainage system in dam 坝型选择 sel

3、ection of dam type 坝址选择 selection of dam site 坝趾 dam toe 坝踵 dam heel 坝轴线 dam axis 本构模型 constitutive model 鼻坎 bucket 比尺 scale 比降 gradient 闭门力 closing force 边墩 side pier 边界层 boundary layer 边墙 side wall 边缘应力 boundary stress 变形观测 deformation observation 变中心角变半径拱坝 variable angle and radius arch dam 标准贯入试

4、验击数 number of standard penetration test 冰压力 ice pressure 薄壁堰 sharp-crested weir 薄拱坝 thin-arch dam 不均匀沉降裂缝 differential settlement crack 不平整度 irregularity C 材料力学法 method of strength of materials 材料性能分项系数 partial factor for property of material 侧槽溢洪道 side channel spillway 侧轮 side roller 侧收缩系数 coeffici

5、ent of side contraction 测缝计 joint meter 插入式连接 insert type connection 差动式鼻坎 differential bucket 掺气 aeration 掺气槽 aeration slot 掺气减蚀 cavitation control by aeration 厂房顶溢流 spill over power house 沉降 settlement 沉井基础 sunk shaft foundation 沉沙池 sediment basin 沉沙建筑物 sedimentary structure 沉沙条渠 sedimentary chann

6、el 沉陷缝 settlement joint 沉陷观测 settlement observation 衬砌的边值问题 boundary value problem of lining 衬砌计算 lining calculation 衬砌自重 dead-weight of lining 承载能力 bearing capacity 承载能力极限状态 limit state of bearing capacity 持住力 holding force 齿墙 cut-off wall 冲击波 shock wave 冲沙闸 flush sluice 冲刷坑 scour hole 重现期 return p

7、eriod 抽排措施 pump drainage measure 抽水蓄能电站厂房 pump-storage power house 出口段 outlet section 初步设计阶段 preliminary design stage 初参数解法 preliminary parameter solution 初生空化数 incipient cavitation number 初应力法 initial stress method 船闸 navigation lock 垂直升船机 vertical ship lift 纯拱法 independent arch method 次要建筑物 second

8、ary structure 刺墙 key-wall 粗粒土 coarse-grained soil 错缝 staggered joint D 大坝安全评价 assessment of dam safety 大坝安全监控 monitor of dam safety 大坝老化 dam aging 大头坝 massive-head dam 单层衬砌 monolayer lining 单级船闸 lift lock 单线船闸 single line lock 挡潮闸 tide sluice 挡水建筑物 retaining structure 导流洞 diversion tunnel 导墙 guide w

9、all 倒虹吸管 inverted siphon 倒悬度 overhang 等半径拱坝 constant radius arch dam 等中心角变半径拱坝 constant angle and variable radius arch dam 底流消能 energy dissipation by hydraulic jump 底缘 bottom edge 地基变形 foundation deformation 地基变形模量 deformation modulus of foundation 地基处理 foundation treatment 地下厂房 underground power ho

10、use 地下厂房变压器洞 transformer tunnel of underground power house 地下厂房出线洞 bus-bar tunnel of underground power house 地下厂房交通洞 access tunnel of underground power house 地下厂房通风洞 ventilation tunnel of underground power house 地下厂房尾水洞 tailwater tunnel of underground power house 地下轮廓线 under outline of structure 地下水

11、 groundwater 地形条件 topographical condition 地形图比例尺 scale of topographical map 地应力 ground stress 地震 earthquake 地震烈度 earthquake intensity 地质条件 geological condition 垫层 cushion 垫座 plinth 吊耳 lift eye 调度 dispatch 跌坎 drop-step 跌流消能 drop energy dissipation 跌水 drop 迭代法 iteration method 叠梁 stoplog 丁坝 spur dike

12、定向爆破堆石坝 directed blasting rockfill dam 动强度 dynamic strength 动水压力 hydrodynamic pressure 洞内孔板消能 energy dissipation by orifice plate in tunnel 洞内漩流消能 energy dissipation with swirling flow in tunnel 洞身段 tunnel body section 洞室群 cavern group 洞轴线 tunnel axis 陡坡 steep slope 渡槽 短管型进水口 intake with pressure sh

13、ort pipe 断层 fault 堆石坝 rockfill dam 对数螺旋线拱坝 log spiral arch dam 多级船闸 multi-stage lock 多线船闸 multi-line lock 多心圆拱坝 multi-centered arch dam 多用途隧洞 multi-use tunnel E 二道坝 secondary dam F 发电洞 power tunnel 筏道 logway 反弧段 bucket 反滤层 filter 防冲槽 erosion control trench 防洪 flood preventi,flood control 防洪限制水位 rest

14、ricted stage for flood prevention 防浪墙 parapet 防渗墙 anti-seepage wall 防渗体 anti-seepage body 放空底孔 unwatering bottom outlet 非常溢洪道 emergency spillway 非线性有限元 non-linear finite element method 非溢流重力坝 nonoverflow gravity dam 分岔 fork 分洪闸 flood diversion sluice 分项系数 partial factor 分项系数极限状态设计法 limit state desig

15、n method of partial factor 封拱 arch closure 封拱温度 closure temperature 浮筒式升船机 ship lift with floats 浮箱闸门 floating camel gate 浮运水闸 floating sluice 辅助消能工 appurtenant energy dissipation G 刚体极限平衡法 rigid limit equilibrium method 刚性支护 rigid support 钢筋混凝土衬砌 reinforced concrete lining 钢筋计 reinforcement meter 钢

16、闸门 steel gate 高边坡 high side slope 高流速泄水隧洞 discharge tunnel with high velocity 工程管理 project management 工程规划 project plan 工程量 quantity of work 工程设计 engineering design 工程施工 engineering construction 工作桥 service bridge 工作闸门 main gate 拱坝坝肩岩体稳定 stability of rock mass near abutment of arch dam 拱坝布置 layout o

17、f arch dam 拱坝上滑稳定分析 up-sliding stability analysis of arch dam 拱坝体形 shape of arch dam 拱端 arch abutment 拱冠 arch crown 拱冠梁法 crown cantilever method 拱冠梁剖面 profile of crown cantilever 拱内圈 intrados 拱外圈 extrados 固结 consolidation 固结灌浆 consolidation grouting 管涌 piping 灌溉 irrigation 规范 code,specification 过坝建筑

18、物 structures for passing dam 过滤层 transition layer 过渡区 transition zone 过木机 log conveyer 过木建筑物 log pass structures 过鱼建筑物 fish-pass structures H 海漫 flexible 涵洞 culvert 河道冲刷 river bed scour 荷载 load 荷载组合 load combination 横缝 transverse joint 横拉闸门 horizontal rolling/sliding gate 洪水标准 flood standard 虹吸溢洪道 s

19、iphon spillway 厚高比 thickness to hight ratio 弧形闸门 radial gate 护岸工程 bank-protection works 护坡 slope protection 护坦 apron 戽琉消能 bucke-type energy dissipation 滑坡 land slip 滑楔法 sliding wedge method 滑雪道式溢洪道 skijump spillway 环境评价 environment assessment 换土垫层 cushion of replaced soil 回填灌浆 backfill grouting 混凝土

20、concrete 混凝土衬砌 concrete lining 混凝土防渗墙 concrete cutoff wall 混凝土面板 concrete face slab 混凝土面板堆石坝 concrete-faced rockfill dam 混凝土重力坝 concrete gravity dam J 基本荷载组合 basic load combination 基本剖面 basic profile 基面排水 base level drainage 激光准直发 method of laser alignment 极限平衡法 limit equilibrium method 极限状态 limit s

21、tate 坚固系数 soundness coefficient 剪切模量 shear modulus 剪切应力 shear stress 检查 inspection 检修闸门 bulkhead 简单条分法 simple slices method 建筑材料 construction material 简化毕肖普法 simplified Bishops method 渐变段 transition 键槽 key/key-way 浆砌石重力坝 cement-stone masonry gravity dam 交叉建筑物 crossing structure 交通桥 access bridge 校核洪

22、水位 water level of check floo 校核流量 check flood discharge 接触冲刷 contact washing 接触流土 soil flow on contact surface 节制闸 controlling sluice 结构可靠度 reliability of structure 结构力学法 structural mechanics method 结构系数 structural coefficient 截流环 cutoff collar 截水槽 cutoff trench 进口段 inlet 进口曲线 inlet curve 进水喇叭口 inle

23、t bellmouth 进水闸 inlet sluice 浸润面 saturated area 浸润线 saturated line 经济评价 economic assessment 井式溢洪道 shaft spillway 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure 均质土坝 homogeneous earth dam K 开敞式溢洪道 open channel spillway 开裂机理 crack mechanism 勘测 exploration survey 坎上水深 water depth on sill 抗冲刷性 scour resistance 抗冻性 frost res

24、istance 抗滑稳定安全系数 safety coefficient of stability against sliding 抗剪断公式 shear-break strength formula 抗剪强度 shear strength 抗裂性 crack resistance 抗磨 abrasion-resistance 抗侵蚀性 erosion-resistance 抗震分析 analysis of earthquake resistance 颗粒级配曲线 grain size distribution curve 可靠度指标 reliability index 可行性研究设计阶段 de

25、sign stage of feasibility study 空腹重力坝 hollow gravity dam 空腹拱坝 hollow arch dam 空化 cavitation 空化数 cavitation number 空蚀 cavitation damage 空隙水压力 pore water pressure 控制堰 control weir 枯水期 low water period 库区 reservoir area 宽顶堰 broad crested weir 宽缝重力坝 slotted gravity dam 宽高比 width to height ratio 扩散段 expa

26、nding section 扩散角 divergent angle L 拦沙坎 sediment control sill 拦污栅 trash rack 廊道 gallery 浪压力 wave pressure 棱体排水 prism drainage 理论分析 theory analysis 力法方程 canonical equation of force method 连续式鼻坎 plain bucket 联合消能 combined energy dissipation 梁式渡槽 beam-type flume 量水建筑物 water-measure structure 裂缝 crack 临

27、界水力坡降 critical hydraulic gradient 临时缝 temporary joint 临时性水工建筑物 temporary hydraulic structure 流量 discharge 流速 flow velocity 流态 flow pattern 流土 soil flow 流网 flow net 流向 flow direction 露顶式闸门 emersed gate M 马蹄形断面 horseshoe section 脉动压力 fluctuating pressure 锚杆支护 anchor support 门叶 gate flap 迷宫堰 labyrinth

28、weir 面流消能 energy dissipation of surface regime 模型试验 model test 摩擦公式 friction factor formula 摩擦系数 coefficient of friction 目标函数 objective function N 内部应力 internal stress 内摩擦角 internal friction angle 内水压力 internal water pressure 挠度观测 deflection observation 泥沙压力 silt pressure 粘性土 cohesive soil 碾压混凝土重力坝

29、roller compacted concrete gravity dam 凝聚力 cohesion 扭曲式鼻坎 distorted type bucket P 排沙底孔 flush bottom outlet 排沙漏斗 flush funnel 排沙隧洞 flush tunnel 排水 drainage 排水孔 drain hole 排水设施 drainage facilities 抛物线拱坝 parabolic arch dam 喷混凝土支护 shotcrete support 喷锚支护 spray concrete and deadman strut 漂木道 log chute 平板坝

30、flat slab buttress dam 平衡重式升船机 vertical ship lift with counter weight 平面闸门 plain gate 平压管 equalizing pipe 坡率 slope ratio 破碎带 crush zone 铺盖 blanket Q 启闭机 hoist 启门力 lifting force 砌石拱坝 stone masonry arch dam 潜坝 submerged dam 潜孔式闸门 submerged gate 倾斜仪 clinometer 曲线形沉沙池 curved sedimentary basin 渠首 canal h

31、ead 渠道 canal 渠系建筑物 canal system structure 取水建筑物 water intake structure R 人工材料心墙坝 earth-rock dam with manufactured central core 人字闸门 mitre gate 任意料区 miscellaneous aggregate zone 溶洞 solution cavern 柔度系数 flexibility coefficient 褥垫式排水 horizontal blanket drainage 软弱夹层 weak intercalation S 三角网法 triangulat

32、ion method 三角形单元 triangular element 三心圆拱坝 three center arch dam 三轴试验 triaxial test 扇形闸门 sector gate 上游 upstream 设计洪水位 design flood level 设计基准期 design reference period 设计阶段 design stage 设计阶段划分 dividing of design stage 设计流量 design discharge 设计状况系数 design state coefficient 设计准则 design criteria 伸缩缝 cont

33、raction joint 渗流比降 seepage gradient 渗流变形 seepage deformation 渗流分析 seepage analysis 渗流量 seepage discharge 渗流体积力 mass force of seepage 渗流系数 permeability coefficient 生态环境 ecological environment 生态平衡 ecological balance 失效概率 probability of failure 施工导流 construction diversion 施工缝 construction joint 施工管理 construction management 施工条件 construction condition 施工图阶段 construction drawing stage 施工进度 constructio

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