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1、“wh-疑问词+to+动词原 形”。*它的被动形式:“to be+过去分词”。*它的完成形式:“to have+过去分 词”。2动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,即可以在句子中作主语、宾语、定语、状语、表语和宾语补足语。但不定式也保留动词的某些特征,即不定式后 面可以跟宾语、表语和状语。动词不定式加上相关成分就构成不定式短语。3动词不定式可以放在谓语前句子作主语。但是通常将作主语的动词不定式或 不定式短语放在谓语后面,而在主语位置用“it”作形式主语(有时在不定式的前 面还会用 for sb.表示不定式的逻辑主语)。如:To help animals is helping people.

2、(帮助动物就是帮助人)It is very difficult(for us)to learn Chinese well.(对于我们而言)学 好汉语是非常的困难)It took me half an hour to work out this problem.(解出这道题花了我一个 小时的时间)4动词不定式可以作谓语动词(及物动词)的宾语。A及物动词+不定式一般形式:谓语动词(vt.)+不定 式(作宾 语)说 明 want(想)/try(试图)/decide(决定)+to(无)/would like(想要)/hope(希望)/love(喜爱)/learn(学会)/afford(提 供)/agr

3、ee(同意)/fail(失败、未能)/mean(意 味着)/prefer(宁愿)/wish(希望)(do)help(帮助)to 可以省略 begin(开始”start(开始)/hate(憎 恨)也可跟动名词,意义变化 不大 forget(忘 t 己)/remember己 得)/like(总爱)也可跟动名词,意义变化 较大 女口:I would like to have a rest at the moment.(我现在想休息一下)They began to search the room for the thief.(他们开始在屋子里搜寻小偷)He liked to have a swim i

4、n the pool near his house.(他喜爱在靠家的水塘 里面游泳)When did you lear n to speak En glish?(你什么时候开始学英语的?)Don t forget to close the door when you leave.(你离开时别忘了关门 比较He forgot to turn off the light.(他忘了关灯.)(没关)He forgot turning off the light.(他忘记关过灯.)(关了)Please remember to ring me up.(记得给我打电话.)(还没打电话)I remember

5、calli ng you yesterday but you forgot.(我记得昨天给你打电话 了,但是你忘记了.)(打过电话)B 及物动词+疑问词+不定式:谓语动词(vt.)+wh-疑冋词+不定式(作 宾语)说明 tell(告诉)/show(显示)/know(知道)/ask(问)/find out(发 what where 卜 不定式疑 问形式还 现)/understand(明白)/+how+to(do)可以作句 wonder(疑惑)/learn(学会)/who 子的主语、forget(忘 t 记)/remember(t 记得)which 表语等。/teach sb.(教某人)/disc

6、uss(商讨)女口:He does not know which one to take.(他不知道该选哪个)Tell me how to get to the station.(告诉我怎么样去火车站)She asked me what to do for today s homework.(她问我今天家庭作业做什 么)Can you teach me how to search the in ternet?(你能教我怎样上网吗?)C 不定式作宾语而后面又有宾语补足语时,通常用 it 代替作形式宾语,而 不定式则后置。I found it not very easy to lear n to

7、ride a bike.(我发现学骑车不很容 易)5动词不定式可以在句子中用作定语,放在名词或代词后面。A记住下面的一些结构:被修饰部分+不定式(作后置定语)汉语意思 a key to lock the door 锁门的钥匙 a box to hold these thi ngs 装这些东西的箱子 give her a book to read 给她一本书读 Is there any(+名词/代词)to(do)?有要(做的)吗?It s time to go.是走的时间了。/该走了。Do you have any work to do?你有工作要做吗?I d like something to

8、 eat.我要点儿吃的。I have nothing to say.我没有话要说。Would you like someth ing to drin k?你要点儿喝的吗?B在这种情况下,如果不定式动词是不及物动词,则后面必须加介词。They could not find a place to live in.(他们找不到住的地方)Please give me a chair to sit on.(请给我一张椅子坐坐)He has got a writing brush to write with.(他找到了写字的毛笔)6动词不定式可以在句子中用作状语,有下列几种情况:A 放在不及物动词(com

9、e,go,stop,finish,wait 等词)的后面。女口:He came to see her yesterday.(他昨天来看望她)(表示来的目的)I stopped to have a rest.(我停下来休息一会儿)(表示停下来的目的)B 放在完整的谓语之后(即“谓语+宾语”、“谓语+宾语+补语”、“动词+表语”之后)。We clea ned the room to let him play in it.(我们打扫了房间以便让他在里 面玩)I opened the window to see more clearly.(我打开窗子以便看得更清楚点儿)C 有时表示目的的不定式短语可以

10、放在句首。To arrive there on time,I got up one hour earlier tha n usual.(为了按时到达,我们比平时早起了一个小时)(表示早起的目的)注意stop to do 与 stop doing 的不同。They stopped to have a look.(他们停下来看看)(不定式作“停下来”的目的 状语)They stopped looking out of the window and began to listen to the teahcher.(他们停止向窗外望,开始听老师讲课)(动名词作宾语,表示“停止”的 内容)7动词不定式可

11、以在句子中用作表语,限用于连系动词之后。My job is to keep the goal.(我的工作就是守住球门)8动词不定式可以在句子中用作复合宾语中的宾语补足语 谓语动词(vt.)+宾语(人/物)+不 定 式(作宾语补足语)ask(请)/tell(关照)/teach(教)/want(想要)/would like(想要)/get(让)/help(帮)/invite(邀请)/like(喜欢)/warn(警告)/+sb./sth.+to(do)make(使 得)/let(让)/hear(听)/see(看)/feel(感觉)/watch(观 看”have(使得)/help(帮助)+sb./st

12、h.+(do)女口:Mum asked me to help her with the cook in g.(妈妈叫我帮助她做饭)I would like you to see my parents.(我想要你见见我的父母)The boss ofte n made the workers work 14 hours a day.(老板常让工人们一 天工作 14小时)Now let me hear you play the violin.(现在让我来听你拉小提琴)注意help 之后做宾补的不定式符号 to可以省略;hear/see/feel/watch 之后的宾补用不定式与现在分词时,含义不同,

13、需特别注意,(参见现在分词部 分)。试比较:I heard her crying when I walked past.(我路过时听到她正在哭)(指 当时瞬间的情况)I sat n ear her and heard her sing the new son g.(我坐在她附近听她 唱新歌)(指整个过程)(3)动名词 1动名词由动词原形加词尾“ing”构成。动名词有动词的特征,可以跟宾语,可以被状语修饰;它也有名词的特征,在句子中可以作主语、宾语(包括介词宾语)等。动名词加相关词语(宾语或状语等)构成动名词短语。2动名词可以作主语。一般可用 it 作形式主语而将动名词短语后移。如:自学好英语不

14、那么容 Learning English all by yourself is not so easy.(易)(=It is not so easy learning English all by yourself.)3动名词可以作宾语 A want/need 之后用动名词时,含有被动意思。Your car needs reparing badly.(你的车急需修理。)(被修)My hair needs cutting.(我要理发。)(头发被理)如:Do you mind my closing the door?(把门关上你介意吗?)She hates travelling by air.(她

15、讨厌坐飞机旅行)They went swimming every afternoon.(他们每天下午去游泳)I enjoy walking around the town.(我喜欢在镇上转悠)Dlike/love/start/begin/learn 后面用动名词时,与用不定式意思 相近或相同。We began to study English when we were at primary school.(我们在小学时 就开始学英语了)We began studying English when we were at primary school.(我们在小学 时就开始学英语了)4动名词可以作

16、表语,此时特别注意不要与现在进行时混淆。My job is putting these parts together.(我的事情是把这些部件拼起来)I am putting these parts together.(我正在把这些部件拼起来)5动名词与现在分词构成相同,但是含义不同,动名词主要表示事情,而现在分 词贝 U主要表示进行着的动作。女口:Eating too muchis not good for your health.(动名词短语,作主语)Seeing is believing.(动名词短语,分别作主语和表语)He ran after a moving bus and got o

17、nto it.(现在分词,作定语)His father saw him sitting on some eggs.(现在分词,作宾补)(4)分词:包含现在分词和过去分词。(高中学习重点)1主要区别:现在分词一般有主动的意思或表示动作正在进行的意思;过去分 词有被动或动 作已经完成的意思。分词可以有自己的宾语或状语。2分词或分词短语在句子中作定语、状语和复合宾语等。A作定语:分词作定语时,一般要放在修饰的名词之前,分词短语作定语时,则 要放在所修饰的名词之后。如如:I have got a running nose.(我流鼻涕)The womanrunning after the thief s

18、houted very loudly,“Stop the thief!”(跟着小偷追的妇女大喊:捉小偷!)Yesterday I met a man called Mr.Black.(昨天我遇见了一个名叫布莱克先生 的人)He only gave me a broken glass,so I was very angry with him.(他只给了我一个坏玻璃杯,所以我很生他的气)B现在分词可以作下列动词的宾语补足语。(参考不定式作宾语补足语)谓语动词(vt.)宾语 宾语补足语 keep(保持)/see(看到)/hear(听到)/watch(注意 到)/feel(感觉到)sb./sth.(d

19、o)i ng 如:Mum kept me working all the week.(妈妈让我一个星期都在工作)When I en tered the room,I saw Jack eati ng a big pear.(我进入房间时看 到杰克正在吃一只大梨子)In the dark I felt somethi ng very cold moving on my foot.(黑暗之中我感到有个冷的东西在我的脚上移动)C现在分词可以作状语,表示伴随情况。他走 She came into the classroom,holding a pile of papers in her hand.(进

20、教室,手上抓着一沓纸)I am very busy these days getting ready for the coming oral test.(这些日子我正忙着准备即将来到的口语考试)D过去分词可以作表语,放在连系动词后面,但要注意不要与被动语态混淆,“主系表”主要表示状态,而被动语态则表示动作。常用过去分词作表语的结构 有:be worried(焦虑)/be pleased(高兴)/be tired(疲劳)/get dressed(打扮好)/get lost(迷路)/get caught(遭遇)/beome frustrated(沮 丧)/become intereted in(对

21、感兴趣)等等。例略。E过去分词可以作宾语补足语。I had my hair cut this morning.(今天 早上我让人给我理了发)(注意:have sth.done 表示动作由别人来做,而 have done sth.则为现在完成时的结构,两个结构不可以混淆)一、用所给动词适当形式填空:A.I want one magazine .(r ead)2My teacher wanted me this question.(answer)3The woman wanted her husband at once.(examine)4My bicycle wants .(repair)B.W

22、hat made you so?(think)2The girl was made a man she d idnt love at all.(marry)3The show made me in the study of science.(interest)4He raised the picture to make everyone cl e a rl y.(see)5He raised his voice to make himself .(hear)6My father himself made so me candles light.(give)7The boss made the

23、workers day and night.(work)C.Youd better get your own room .(clean)2Yesterday he got his wallet .(steal)3You should get your friends you.(help)4The lecture got us .(think)5Dont get in the rain.(catch)D.Did you see somebody into the room?(steal)2I saw him in the room at that time.(read)3She was glad

24、 to see her ch ild good care of.(take)4I saw her at the windows,thinking.(seat)5She was seen here.(come)E.I like very much.(swim)2I dont like TV at this time.(watch)3He never likes at the meeting.(praise)4I feel like to the cinema.(go)5Would you like with me?(go)F.The man at the meeting now is from

25、the south.(speak)2I dont know the professor _at the meeting tomorrow.(speak)3He is the professor to dinner.(invite)G.It was so cold and he had the fire all night long.(burn)2I have a lot of exercises today.(do)3Do you have nay clothes _ today?asked Mother.(wash)4Youd better have that bad tooth out.(

26、pull)5I want to have him a car for me.(find)H.He doesnt do anything but all day.(play)2We have no choice but .(o bey)3Im thinking of how my English.(improve)4He made an apology for late.(be)I.He told us about his trip in an voice.(excite)He told us his story in a voice.(tremble)3At the sight of a sn

27、ake,the little girl was very .(frighten)4The boy was ,so I didnt believe him again.(disappoint)J.He is looking forward to college.(enter)He is looking forward to nothing.(see)K.When he heard the news,he couldnt help with joy.(jump)I couldnt help by the beauty of nature.(strike)Sorry,I cant help the

28、housework today.(do)L.enough time,well do it better.(give)a candle,he went on reading.(light)from the hill,the park looks more beautiful.(see)4 the people well,we must work hard at our lessons.(serve)二、单项选择:(1)1.Saying always has less difficulty than .A.done B.doing do D.having done 2.The girl

29、is seriously ill.There is .A.nothing to do but send for a doctor B.something to do but to send for a doctor C.nothing to do but to send for a doctor D.anything to do but sending for a doctor 3.The rest of the money to to send B.are to send to be sent D.are to be sent 4.Although swimm

30、ing is his favorite sport,yet he doesn t like swim B.swimming C.swim have swim 5.She said she was sorry the train,so she had to stay here for another day.A.missing B.having missed miss have missed 6.the same mistake again made his parents very angry.7.I find the man hard .A

31、.to be pleased B.pleasing C.pleased please 8.You d better not have the lights all day long.A.burning B.burned burn D.being burnt 9.It is thinking about it now.A.of no use B.not use use D.not of any uses 10.Would you like to sing a song for us?A.I prefer not B.I prefer not to C.I prefe

32、r to not D.I wouldn t prefer 11.He insisted the working be sent to C.on being sent to 12.During the next ten years,A.paying C.for paying 13.Janet was angry at not waiting for her not wait for her 14.I prefer staying at home go to going to 15.Please get someone as soon as repair/to be repaired repair/repairing being sent to D.that to be sent to she had to work hard for the pay order to paying B.I didn t wait for her

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