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1、交易类型 Contract(S&P)买卖合同 Product:产品 Saudi Light Crude Oil(SLCO)/ARAMOC Standard Export Specifications 沙特轻质原油/阿美公司标准的出口质量 Product Origin:原产地 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯王国 Price:价格:Discount:折扣:Based on Dubai Platt Oil Market Wire Published Posted Price 基于普氏原油市场报告公布的迪拜市场原油价格 Gross USD12.00 Per Barrel/N

2、et USD6.00 Per Barrel Contract Quantity:合同数量:60 Million Barrels(5 Million Barrels Per Month)六千万桶每月五百万桶 Delivery Terms:交易条款:CIF ASWP CIF 世界任何安全港 Sellers Name:卖方:ARAMCO 沙特阿美公司 Sellers side Representative:卖方代表:Dr.Yasin S.Indarkiri Buyers Name:买方:Buyers/Seller Coordinator:买方/卖方协调者 Mohammed T Contract Da

3、te:合同日期:NON-CIRCUMVENTION,NON-DISCLOSURE&WORKING AGREEMENT(NDA)性和工作协议 IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT(IMFPA)不可撤销的佣金保护协议 WHEREAS the undersigned wish to enter into this Agreement to define certain parameters of the future legal obligations,are bound by a duty of Confidentiality with respe

4、ct to their sources and contacts.This duty is in accordance with the International Chamber of merce.鉴于,以下署名者,凡意欲参加本协议并以此来规其将来可能承当的法律责任的,为了表示对信息披露方与其联系人的尊重,必须承当各自应尽的义务。此义务将依照国际商会的条例执行。WHEREAS the undersigned desire to enter a working business relationship to the mutual and mon benefit of the parties

5、hereto,including their affiliates,subsidiaries,stockholders,partners,co-ventures,trading partners,and other associated organizations(hereinafter referred to as“Affiliates).We the undersigned herewith referred as theBUYER,under penalty of perjury do hereby irrevocably confirm and irrevocably accept t

6、o pay all intermediaries and fee holders at the same time and in a manner as the seller is being paid for each and every transaction of this contract up to the 鉴于,以下各方意欲签订一份工作协议,其协定的签署涉与相互利益的双方,且包括双方的附属企业、子公司、股东、合作伙伴、合资和贸易伙伴与其他关联机构在下文中表示为“附属企业。NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises,as

7、sertions and covenants herein and other good and valuable considerations,the receipts of which is acknowledged hereby,the parties hereby agree as follows:因此,鉴于各方在此的互相承诺以与其他有效对价。双方互相约定和承诺如下:1.TERMS AND CONDITIONS 条款 A.The parties will not in any manner solicit,nor accept any business in any manner fr

8、om sources or their affiliates,which sources were made available through this agreement,without the express permission of the party who made available the source and,如果没有信息披露方明确的书面许可,双方或其任何附属企业都不应在任何情况下招揽或承受任何来自对方或其附属企业在本协议中所披露的资源的业务,B.The parties will maintain plete confidentiality regarding each o

9、ther business sources and/or their Affiliates and will disclose such business sources only to the named parties pursuant to the express written permission of this party who made available the source,and,立约各方对彼此的业务资源和/或其附属企业之信息,应遵守绝对之原如此,仅在对方正式书面许可下向指定方透露合作方之相关信息。C.That they will not in any of the tr

10、ansactions the parties are desirous of entering into and do,to the best of their abilities assure the other that the transaction codes established will not be affected.在任何情况下,双方保证尽力保护其交易资料之完整性,并尽最大可能确保不对其原始交易代码产生影响。D.That they will not disclose names,addresses,address,telephone and tele-fax or telex

11、 numbers to any contacts by either party to third parties and that they each recognize such contracts as the exclusive property of the respective parties and they will not enter into any direct negotiations or transactions with such contracts revealed by the other party and pletion of the contract p

12、lus rollovers and extensions and in accordance with the bank details to be specified in this contract.我,下述签字人,作为买方,诺作假愿受罚,在此不可撤销的承诺:在合同期限或延展期限,在完成合同项下每笔交易后,将按照合同中的银行信息,在付款给卖方的同事支付所有中间人的佣金。We,the BUYER,irrevocably confirm that we will order and direct our bank to endorse automatic payment orders to t

13、he beneficiaries named below;furthermore,We,theBUYER,confirm that all pay orders shall automatically transfer funds as directed into each beneficiaries designated bank account within 1(one)day after the date of closing and pletion of each and every shipment of the product during the contract term 各方

14、不得向任何第三方透露他方连络人之、地址、电子信箱、电报 或电传,且立约各方需将此连络人信息视为其专属财产,亦不得直接与对方提供之连络人进展直接协商或交易。E.That they further undertake not to enter into business transaction with banks,investors,sources of funds or other bodies,the names of which have been provided by one of the Parties to this agreement,unless written permiss

15、ion has been obtained from the other party(ies)to do so.For the sake of this agreement,it does not matter whether information obtained from a natural or a legal person.The parties also undertake not to make use of a third party to circumvent this clause.双方进一步承诺,在未经对方书面许可之下,不得与本协议中一方已披露的银行、投资者、基金会、或其


17、legalcostsandexpensesincurredtorecoverthelostrevenue.任一方以直接或间接方式违反躲避此份合约者,应付惩罚性违约金,其金额为该交易中所应得到之最高金额之赔偿,加上所有费用,其中包括但不限于因而致生之法律费用与支出。G.All considerations,benefits,bonuses,participation fees and/or missions received as a result of the contributions of the parties in the Agreement,relating to any and a

18、ll transactions will be allocated as mutually agreed.所有双方因协议中任何交易所获得的报酬、收益、分红、参与费用和/或佣金都将依照双方最初约定的比例进展分配。H.This Agreement is valid for any and all transaction between the parties herein and shall be governed by the enforceable law in All monwealth Countrys,European Union Countrys,USA Courts,or under

19、 Swiss Law in Zurich,in the event of dispute,the arbitration laws of states will any/or extensions and rollover of the specified contract.For the purpose of clarity,we confirm that the closing and pletion of each and every shipment shall be deemed to take place when the letter of credit i

20、ssued by the buyer has been drawn down at the counters of the issuing bank.我买方不可撤销的承诺将指示我方银行加签自动付款指令给以下受益人。因此,我方确认,在合同有效期与延展期,完成每笔交易后一个工作日指示银行自动付款给有关受益人的账户。为了明确期间,我们确认,在买方开出的信用证在提交开证银行柜台议付后即视为交易完成。We,the BUYER,agree to provide all beneficiaries with written evidenceof the pay orders lodged with our

21、bank together with acknowledgements of their acceptance.Furthermore,our 本协议各方之间的任何和所有交易均受本协议约束;本协议以英联邦国家、欧盟国家、美国法院或瑞士黎世之法律为准据法,假如有争议,将依照该国仲裁法律解决。I.The signing parties hereby accept such selected jurisdiction as the exclusive venue.The duration of the Agreement shall perpetuate for five(5)years from

22、last date of signing.立约双方兹同意上述选定的法院为专属管辖法院,合约有效期为自签订之日起五年。2.AGREEMENT TO TERMS 协议条款 A.Signatures on this Agreement received by the way of Facsimile,Mail and/or shall be an executed contract.Agreement enforceable and admissible for all purposes as may be necessary under the terms of the Agreement.该合约

23、经由、邮寄和/或电子传送等方式签署后均应被视为已签订的合同。此合约在法律上具有强制性与可承受性,且所有行为皆需受到合约条款之规。B.All signatories hereto acknowledge that they have read the foregoing Agreement and by their initials and signature that they have full and plete authority to execute the document for and in the name of the party for which they have gi

24、ven their signature.本协议之签署人承认已详细阅读上述合约文本,并获得充分授权后,代表双方当事人签署该协议,特此为证。bank shall be instructed to provide duly signed and stamped acknowledgement of this instruction as set out in the annex(No.)Forming part of this agreement.It is understood that for the purposes of this Master Fee Protection Agreemen

25、t,our bank shall be the same bank and this IMFPA acts as an integral part of it.我买方同意给所有受益人提供银行的支付指令和银行确认回单。并且,我们的银行将被要求按照附件(编号)提供签字盖章的指示确认回单。此附件是协议不可缺少的一局部。我方银行应是来执行佣金保护协议的同一银行,本不可撤销的佣金保护协议作为其不可分割的一局部。We the undersigned being theBUYER named legally authorized representative as stated within the sig

26、ned and legally binding main transaction,contract unconditionally agree and undertake to approve and originate all payments in USD currency to all beneficiaries named below as their rightful and payable missions.This agreement also acts as a record confirming the mission amounts for each named benef

27、iciary as set out below:-我们作为买方指定的合法授权代表,在此无条件的同意并保证以美金的形式支付给如下受益人合法、应得的佣金。本协议书也是确认如下每一个受益人应得佣金数额的声明。TOTAL MISSION SHALL BE此处缺少文本AS FOLLOWS:-所有佣金按如下条款支付:The amount of delivered refinery should be settled as herein stated to be transferred into the account as follows:所交付精炼油产品的佣金金额应按本协议结清并支付到如下账户中:TOT

28、AL:.USD Per Barrel 总额:美元/桶 *Group1(PAYMASTER):per Barrel *Group2(PAYMASTER):USD$1.00 per Barrel *Group3(PAYMASTER):per Barrel Group4(PAYMASTER):USD$1.00per Barrel 第一组佣金支付人:/桶 第二组佣金支付人:/桶 第三组佣金支付人:/桶 第四组佣金支付人:/桶 TERM&CONDITIONS:This master fee protection agreement covers the initial contract and shal

29、l include any renewals,extensions,rollovers,additions or any new or transfer contract any how originated from this transaction because of the above intermediaries or changing codes of the initial contract entered into between the BUYER and SELLER 此不可撤销佣金协议涉涵盖最初的合同,也涵盖因上述中间人引起的或由于买卖双方最初的合同代码变更造成的任何合同

30、更新、延展、展期、补充、或合同转让。This master fee protection agreement and any subsequently issued pay orders shall be assignable,transferable and divisible and shall not be amended without the express written and notarized consent of the receiving beneficiary.All parties agree neither to circumvent nor to attempt

31、circumvent either for the transaction of this current contract or in the future for a period of five(5)years from the date of the execution of this fee protection agreement.This document binds all parties,their employees,associates,transferees and assignees or designees.此不可撤销的佣金保护协议与任何后续签发的支付凭证是可转让可

32、分割的,未经受益人书面并经公证之同意,不得修改。所有各方同意,从签署本不可撤销的佣金保护协议之日起五年,任何一方都不得躲避或试图躲避该协议进展交易。此协议对缔约各方与其雇员、附属机构、受让方与受托代理人均有约束力。All faxed and/or ed signatures shall be considered as original signatures for the purpose of binding all parties to this agreement.This document may be signed&in any number of counterparts all of which shall be taken together and shall constitute as being one&the same instrument.经 和/或电子签署本协议,将视同为正签本协议,

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