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1、合同范本版ISDA主协议中英文对照ISDAInternational Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc.2002 MASTER AGREEMENTdated as of (僅供參考)*ISDA國際掉期及衍生工具協會2002年主協議_年_月_日_ and _與_have entered and/or anticipate entering into one or more transactions (each a “Transaction”) that are or will be governed by this 2002 Master Agreem

2、ent, which includes the schedule (the “Schedule”), and the documents and other confirming evidence (each a “Confirmation”) exchanged between the parties or otherwise effective for the purpose of confirming or evidencing those Transactions. This 2002 Master Agreement and the Schedule are together ref

3、erred to as this “Master Agreement”.之間已進行及/或預期進行受本2002年主協議規範(或將為其規範)之一筆或多筆交易(均稱為“交易”);本主協議包括附約(以下簡稱“附約”)以及雙方間另交換或為確認或證明該等交易使其生效之文件和其他確認證據(均稱為“確認書”)。本2002年主協議及其附約統稱為“主協議”。 Accordingly, the parties agree as follows:據此,雙方同意如下:1. Interpretation1. 釋義(a) Definitions.The terms defined in Section 14 and els

4、ewhere in this Master Agreement will have the meanings therein specified for the purpose of this Master Agreement.(a) 定義。就本主協議而言,本主協議第14條以及其他部分所定義之詞匯將具有其所特定之含義。(b) Inconsistency.In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of the Schedule and the other provisions of this Master Agreement

5、, the Schedule will prevail. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of any Confirmation and this Master Agreement, such Confirmation will prevail for the purpose of the relevant Transaction.(b) 不一致。若附約之條款與本主協議之其他條款有不一致之處,以附約為準。若任何確認書與本主協議之條款有不一致之處,就有關交易而言,以確認書為準。(c) Single Agreemen

6、t.All Transactions are entered into in reliance on the fact that this Master Agreement and all Confirmations form a single agreement between the parties (collectively referred to as this “Agreement”), and the parties would not otherwise enter into any Transactions.(c) 單一協議。所有交易之進行乃基於信賴本主協議以及所有確認書構成雙

7、方之間之單一協議(統稱“協議”),否則雙方不會進行任何交易。2. Obligations2. 義務(a) General Conditions.(a) 一般條件。(i) Each party will make each payment or delivery specified in each Confirmation to be made by it, subject to the other provisions of this Agreement.(i) 受本協議之其他條款約束,雙方應按各確認書之規定為各項付款或交付。(ii) Payments under this Agreement

8、 will be made on the due date for value on that date in the place of the account specified in the relevant Confirmation or otherwise pursuant to this Agreement, in freely transferable funds and in the manner customary for payments in the required currency. Where settlement is by delivery (that is, o

9、ther than by payment), such delivery will be made for receipt on the due date in the manner customary for the relevant obligation unless otherwise specified in the relevant Confirmation or elsewhere in this Agreement.(ii) 本協議項下之付款應於到期日在有關確認書所規定之帳戶所在地或按本協議其他規定另行支付;款項應以自由可轉讓資金以及所要求之貨幣付款之通用方式支付。若結算以交付形

10、式進行(即付款之外之方式),該交付應於到期日按有關義務之通用方式進行,然有關確認書或本協議另有規定時,則不在此限。(iii) Each obligation of each party under Section 2(a)(i) is subject to (1) the condition precedent that no Event of Default or Potential Event of Default with respect to the other party has occurred and is continuing, (2) the condition preced

11、ent that no Early Termination Date in respect of the relevant Transaction has occurred or been effectively designated and (3) each other condition specified in this Agreement to be a condition precedent for the purpose of this Section 2(a)(iii).(iii) 第2(a)(i)條下各方之每項義務取決於以下先決條件:(1)對方未發生任何違約事件或潛在違約事件且

12、該事件仍在持續中;(2)就有關交易而言,尚未出現或尚未有效地指定提前終止日;以及(3)於本協議下作為本第2(a)(iii)條先決條件之其他各項條件。(b) Change of Account.Either party may change its account for receiving a payment or delivery by giving notice to the other party at least five Local Business Days prior to the Scheduled Settlement Date for the payment or deli

13、very to which such change applies unless such other party gives timely notice of a reasonable objection to such change.(b) 更改帳戶。除非另一方及時發出反對通知且其反對係合理者,任何一方可在付款或交付之預定結算日前至少五個當地營業日通知對方變更接收款項或交付之帳戶。(c) Netting of Payments.If on any date amounts would otherwise be payable:(c) 付款淨額結算。若任何日期雙方均須:(i) in the

14、same currency; and(i) 以相同貨幣;及(ii) in respect of the same Transaction,(ii) 就相同交易,by each party to the other, then, on such date, each partys obligation to make payment of any such amount will be automatically satisfied and discharged and, if the aggregate amount that would otherwise have been payable

15、 by one party exceeds the aggregate amount that would otherwise have been payable by the other party, replaced by an obligation upon the party by which the larger aggregate amount would have been payable to pay to the other party the excess of the larger aggregate amount over the smaller aggregate amount.向另一方付款,雙方支付該款項之義務將於當日自動地完成及解除,若一方本應支付之總額高於對方本應支付之總額,支付較大總額一方之付款義務則為向另一方繳付兩者(較大總支付款及較小總支付款)間之差額。The parties may elect in respect of two or more Transactions that a net amount an

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