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人教版英语八年级下册八下Unit 6 Section A1a2d课时练有答案Word下载.docx

1、 up6. Lots of people exercise every morning _bad weather stops them. A. if B. unless C. until D. since7. I was _busy this week.A. a bit of B. a little bit C. a bit little D. a kind of8. Mr.Wang is ill. Let me go to the meeting_ him. A. instead B. because of C. according to D. instead of9. When shall

2、 we begin our trip? Well set out _ our head teacher arrives.A. as soon as B. so thatC. even though D. because10. I tried several ways to work out the math problem, but _ of them worked.Never give up. I believe youll make it.A. all B. each C. none D. neither11. What was the weather like yesterday?It

3、was _ cold and windy.A. a few B. a bit of C. a kind of D. a little bit12. Our business wont improve _. we offer better service to our customers.A. because B. unless C. after D. since13.Im afraid I might forget to buy the bread after work.Dont worry. I will _you then.A. notice B. allow C. remind D. p

4、romise14. Why are you so happy, Mr. Wu? Because the movie yesterday evening was so _ and it made me_. A. moving; moving B. moving; movedC. moved; moving D. moved;15. Dale, please remind me _ the windows after school. A. to closing B. closing C. close D. to close16. What do you think of the movie You

5、th?It is moving and it _ my grandma _ the life in the countryside. A. reminds; of B. lets; down C. wakes;17. I think youll miss the train _ you hurry up. A. if B. and C. unless18. Im afraid e-books might be bad for our eyes. Hmm, but they will be helpful for us _ we put them to good use. A. as soon

6、as B. as long as C. even though D. so that19. Mary invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but _ of them came. A. neither B. both C. all D. none20. The Chinese Skyeye and High-speed Train interest people a lot because _ of them are leading the world in science and technology. A. both B. each C. either D. nei

7、ther21. Do you like rock music or light music?_. I like Beijing Opera. A. Either B. None C. Both D. Neither22. In the school, I asked one boy and two girls about the name of their headmaster, but _of them could help me. A. neither B. none C. both D. all23. I will call you as soon as he _ here. A. ar

8、rive B. will arrive C. arrives D. arrived24. We should try to think up a good way _ the problem. A. solves B. to solve C. solved D. solve25. How is Mary getting on with her lessons?She will fail the exam _ she studies harder. A. after B. unless C. as soon as D. when26. Im afraid I might forget to bu

9、y the bread after work. Dont worry. I will _ you then. A. notice B. allow C. remind D. promise二、用括号中单词的适当形式填空。1. We should try _ (finish) our homework this afternoon, or the teacher will be angry. 2. They went to the park instead of _ (stay) at home yesterday afternoon. 3. Dont worry. I have found a

10、 good way _ (solve) your problem. 4. What are they doing?They seem _ (take) the piano to the music room. 5. My father reminded me _ (bring) the photos. 6. We should keep _(try) and never give up in the face of difficulty.7. The girl was so _(move) that she couldnt stop crying.8. They went mountain c

11、limbing instead of _(visit) the museum.9. Do you have _(difference) opinions about the story三、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。1. A man wanted to _ (射杀) a bird, but a boy stopped him.2. Mike picked up a small _(石头) and threw it into the pool.3. The old man was too _(虚弱的) to walk any further.4. These old photos always

12、_(提醒) me of my old days.5. I think its _(愚蠢的) of him to move a mountain.四、按要求完成句子, 每空一词1. There are some sides to a story to understand it. (改为一般疑问句) _ there _ sides to a story to understand it?2. Both of us like Journey to the West.(改为否定句)_ of us _ Journey to the West. 3. I think the mountain is ve

13、ry high and big. (改为否定句)I _ think the mountain _ very high or big. 4. They couldnt stop to have a rest if they didnt finish the work.(改为同义句)They couldnt stop to have a rest _ they _ the work. 5. I stayed at home. I didnt go out last weekend. (改为同义句)I stayed at home _ _ _ out last weekend. 五、根据句意及首字母

14、提示补全单词。1. The man s at the tiger with the gun and killed it. 2. The man over there s to be a new teacher.3. How s you are! The question is very easy. 4. I feel a bit w after my illness. 5. The boy was angry and threw a s at the dog.六、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1. 我不同意你的想法,除非它是正确的。I dont _ _ you unless your i

15、dea is right.2. 他被愚公所感动, 因此派遣两位神仙把大山移走。He was _ moved by Yu Gong _ he sent two gods to take the mountains away. 3. 你认为愚公的故事怎么样? _ do you _ _ the story of Yu Gong?4. 把大山移走好像不太可能。 _ _ _ very possible to move a mountain. 5. 我认为我们应该试着找到其他方法来解决问题。I think we should try to find _ _ _ _ a problem. 6. 你们两个谁都

16、没有错。 _ _ you _ wrong. 七、补全对话。A. Why do you think so? B. Do you know the story?C. But he set a goal that he could not reach.D. Its impossible for him to catch up with the sun.E. What do you think of Kua Fu?A: What are you doing, Han Dong?B: I am reading a story named Kua Fu Chasing the Sun. _1 Yes, I

17、 do. _2 I dont think he was clever. _3 Im sorry I disagree with you. I think he was great. _4 He had a strong will. And he tried to reach his goal (目标) _5 I think we should learn the spirit of perseverance (锲而不舍) from Kua Fu.八、选词填空。根据短文内容, 用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空, 使短文通顺, 完整, 每词限用一次move, unless, remind, what

18、, weak, final, stone, that, talk, shootHave you heard of the song Yu Gong Moves a Mountain? Every time I hear the song, it always _1 me of the story about Yu Gong. He never gave up before the piles (堆) of _2. Here is a part of the story:When Yu Gong and his children were working on _3 the mountains,

19、 a man saw them. He told Yu Gong that he could never do it because he was old and _4. As soon as the man finished _5, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died. _6, a god was so moved by Yu Gong _7 he sent two gods to take the mountains away. This story tells us

20、 that you can never know whats possible _8 you try to make it happen. There are many fairy tales in ancient China, like Journey to the West and Hou Yi _9 the Suns. No matter _10 story it is, it mainly tells us a meaningful lesson. 答 案一、1. A 2. A 3. B a little/little 修饰不可数名词,a little 表肯定,little 表否定;

21、C 项a bit 修饰不可数名词时其后必须跟of。4. C work on“致力于”,符合句意。take in“理解”;dream of“梦想”;pick up“捡起;搭载”。5. B remind sb. of sth. 意为“使某人想起某事”,为固定搭配。6.B “if”如果、 “ unless”除非、 “ until”直到、 “ since”自从,故选B。7. B8.D instead 后面不能直接接代词;because of 表示原因;according to“根据”,故选D。9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.C14.B 前者修饰物, 表示“令人感动的”用moving; 后者

22、修饰人, 表示“感动的”用moved。故选B。15. D remind sb. to do sth. 意为“提醒某人去做某事”。故选D。16.A remind sb. of使某人想起; let sb. down让某人失望; wake sb. up 唤醒某人。17. C and和; if 如果; unless除非, 如果不。故选C。18. B as soon as“一就”; as long as“只要”; even though“尽管; 即使”; so that“为了; 目的是”。19.A 根据句意排除B、C, neither指两者都不, none指三者及以上没有一个, 而这里指两个人都没去,

23、排除D。故选A。20.A both表示“两者都”; each“三者或三者以上当中每一个”; either“两者中任一个”; neither“两者都不”。21. D22. B 由but可知意思转折, 其后应该是否定, 排除C、D, neither用于表示两者都不, 前面提到三个人, 故排除A, 因此选B。23. C 24.B25.B after在后; unless除非; as soon as一就; when当时候。由语境可知, 除非她更努力学习, 否则不会通过考试。26.C notice通知; allow允许; remind提醒; promise许诺。二、 finish 2.stayin

24、g 、 solve take bring 6.trying 7.moved 8.visiting 9.different三、shoot、stone、weak、remind、silly四、1. Are; any 2. Neither; likes/like 3. dont; is4. unless; finished 5. instead of going五、shot、seems、silly、weak 、stone六、1.agree with; that 3.What; think about/of 4.It doesnt seem 5.other ways to solve 6.Neither of; are 七、BEDAC八、1.reminds、 2.stones、 3.moving、 4.weak、 5.talking、 6.Finally、7.that、 8.unless9.Shoots10.what

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