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1、C. She is receiving a telephone call.3. How old is Dick?A. He is nine years old.B. He is ten years old.C. He is eleven years old.4. What are the two speakers probably going to do?A. They are going to have a meal.B. They are going to have sports.C. They are going home.5. What happened to the Williams

2、?A. They lost their daughter.B. They lost some money.C. They lost their dog.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8小题。6. How long has the woman been away from her brothers and sister?A. For not more than 10 yea

3、rs.B. For almost 10 years.C. For more than 10 years.7. What did Sam go to Russia for?A. For a holiday.B. For business.C. For a conference.8. How is the woman now?A. She is young and strong.B. She is middle-aged and sick.C. She is old and sick.听第7段材料,回答第9至11小题。9. Why did the woman go to the doctor la

4、st year?A. Because she had a bad cold.B. Because she had headache.C. Because she had toothache.10. What trouble did the man have?A. He was often ill.B. He couldn“t understand the doctor.C. He didn“t like the doctor.11. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The doctor used a lot of idioms when s

5、peaking to his patients.B. The man and the woman are from different places.C. It“s hard to understand the local accent in Detroit.听第8段材料,回答第12至14小题。12. Where did this conversation take place?A. In an office of a company.B. In a department store.C. In a waiting-room of a hospital.13. What is the man?

6、A. He is an office.B. He is a businessman.C. He is an army man.14. Which company did the man come from?A. The GE company, the USA.B. The PE company, the USA.C. The PC company, China.听第9段材料,回答第15至17小题。15. Where did the conversation most probably take place?A. In a train.B. In a bus.C. In a plane.16.

7、Where are the two speakers going?A. They both are going to London.B. The man is going to London while the woman to Glasgow.C. The man is going to Glasgow while the woman to London.17. What is the man?A. He is a businessman.B. He is a student.C. He is a government officer.听第10段材料,回答第18至20小题。18. What

8、special food did Mrs. Wilson cook that day?A. Some beef.B. Some meat.C. Some fish.19. What was Mrs. Wilson worried about?A. The food.B. The visitors“ lives.C. Her neighbor“s cat.20. How did Mrs. Wilson feel that day?A. She was happy but lonely.B. She was tired and unhappy.C. She was tired but happy.

9、第二部分:英语知识运用第一节 单项填空从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. We must manage to do our work better with _ people.A. less money and fewB. less money and fewerC. little money and lessD. few money and less22. It is not easy for me to find out our formal teaching building because the school _ so

10、much since I left.A. is changingB. has changedC. had changedD. should have changed23. Vegetables are cheap _ when they are in season.A. to buyB. to buy themC. to be boughtD. buying them24. The doctors have tried _ to save his life.A. humanly possible everythingB. humanly everything possibleC. everyt

11、hing humanly possibleD. everything possible humanly25. Have you decided already?Yes. I _ at once.A. have decidedB. decidedC. will decideD. had decided26. I can“t find Mr. Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?It was in the hotel _ he stayed.A. that B. whichC. the one D. where27. They _ to work

12、in Tibet for two years.A. are going to be sentB. are going to sendC. will sendD. sent28. It was owing to luck _ judgment _ the driver succeeded in avoiding an accident.A. better than; whenB. rather than; thatC. other than;D. more than; which29. _ an old man now, he prefers a quiet life.A. BeB. To be

13、C. Having beenD. Being30. There are lots of chemistry books, which increases _ experiments he can do to more than just _ in his standard textbook.A. the numbers of; whatB. a number of;C. the number of; thoseD. a number of;31. _ made me more unhappy was _ the boy asked my friend to be his girlfriend

14、and she agreed.A. What;B. That;C. What; whetherD. It;32. _ he got home, he wrote a letter to me.A. WhileB. The momentC. As long asD. Since33. _, she ran out of the room.A. Having tears in her eyes and turned suddenlyB. With a sudden turn, tearful eyesC. Turning suddenly, with tears in her eyesD. Wit

15、h tears in her eyes and suddenly turning34. Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, _ obtaining water is not the least.A. of whichB. for whatC. asD. whose35. Most people can“t _ the day without at least one cup of tea or coffee.A. get atB. get onC. get byD. get through第二节 完形填空阅读下面短

16、文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was a Sunday afternoon and, unlike the past few weekends, the four of us didn“t sit at the kitchen table playing cards, our family”s usual Sunday afternoon entertainment. Dad had “things to do”and Mum was busy with the housework.There was something rea

17、lly 36 going on 37 I didn“t know 38 it was. Later that evening, my parents 39 my sister Emily and I down in the living room because they said that they had to talk to us. I sat down suspiciously on the 40 side of the sofa.My father began slowly, 41 he was 42 . Lines grew deep in his forehead 43 he t

18、old us that he and my mother were getting a divorce.My mother started to 44 in her eyes and she went to the bathroom and locked the door. She 45 have tiptoed 46 I didn“t even realize she had gone until I heard her crying behind the door. My father went over to the window and looked out far beyond th

19、e view of our backyard.What caused me the most 47 was the fact that I always thought of my parents as being 48 , 49 they fought all the time. I saw them as perfect in every 50 . I looked up to them more than anyone else, and now they had disappointed me. I think the pain came from not having anyone

20、to admire anymore.Now I see my father about once a month, and it“s 51 . I can talk to him more openly and I have learned to 52 the time I get to spend with him. With my mother it”s changed in a different way. I“ve come to 53 her more. She works so hard to make sure that Emily and I are always happy.

21、54 took a lot of time for me to realize that what they did was for the best and to forgive them for it. I now understand that parents aren“t 55 . They also make mistakes. I have learned that parents are people too.36. A. different B. special C. strange D. important37. A. and B. but C. then D. so38.

22、A. why B. how C. what D. which39. A. set B. sat C. seated D. told40. A. far B. near C. right D. wrong41. A. the way B. at last C. later on D. as if42. A. holding something backB. hiding something backC. holding on somethingD. putting something off43. A. when B. as C. after D. since44. A. get tears B

23、. show anger C. have sadness D. look determined45. A. might B. could C. must D. should46. A. though B. only C. otherwise D. because47. A. puzzle B. pain C. disappointment D. anger48. A. in love B. happy C. contented D. satisfied49. A. even B. yet C. even though D. except that50. A. reason B. way C.

24、situation D. area51. A. different B. better C. all right D. changing52 A. use B. make C. appreciate D. choose53. A. like B. believe C. trust D. respect54. A. This B. What C. As D. It55. A. easy B. clever C. perfect D. heroes第三部分:阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AClive was climbing an old tree on Butter

25、 Hill. His father and Mr. Drew were making conversation not far away, which Clive could overhear.“North Dakota, capital Bismarck, ”said Clive“s father.“Yes, and of South Dakota it”s Pierre. Delaware next, capital Dover, with a population of only 5,000“Clive listened, checking the names. When they go

26、t stuck on Indiana, he came down the tree and went across to them.“Let me see now, ”Mr. Drew was saying, “Indiana, Indiana the capital must be Fort Wayne. ”“No, ”said the other, “I think it”s Evansville. “Indianapolis, ”said Clive. “That”s the easiest of all to remember. “Both the men laughed. “He”s

27、 right, you know, “Mr. Drew said. Clive”s father agreed, “Yes, yes. Indiana, Indianapolis. Now Kansas”Clive, who was thirteen then, was not very clever at school. But at the moment he felt rather proud of himself.Looking back now, after many years, Clive remembers some of the ways he learned geograp

28、hy. One thing he remembers clearly is the “test”that took place every other week. The teacher used to pin up a big map on the boardChina perhaps, or the United States , Australia or EuropeThe map would have everything on it, except the names. The teacher, pointing with a long, wooden stick, began.“Ready? Fifty questions. Number 1-write the name of this river. Number 2the name of this state. 3its capital, here. 4the name of this bay. 5”Cli

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